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Đề kiểm tra số 1
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer in
each of the following questions
Question 1: I don't remember _________ the door when I left home this morning
A. to lock B. locking C. lock D. having locked
Question 2: When he came ________, she found herself in hospital
A. round B. off C. over D. out
Question 3: Everyone can join our club, _______age and sex
A. in place of B. regardless of C. in case of D. not mention
Question 4: ______ your precious help, I wouldn‟t have certainly overcome most of
the practical difficulties
A. If not B. Provided C. Unless D. Without
Question 5: Neither of them will be treated preferentially, ________ ?
A. won‟t they B. will they C. won‟t them D. will them
Question 6: - Why not open the windows to let ______ clean air in ? -
I‟d rather you didn‟t . _____air in our town is quite polluted ?
A. 0 (nothing)- 0 B. 0- The C. a- The D. The- 0
Question 7: I must go to the dentist and ___________
A. get my teeth to take care of B. take care of my teeth
C. my teeth be taken care of D. get my teeth taken care of
Question 8: The more he tried to explain, ______ we got
A. the much confused B. the many confusing
C. the more confusing D. the more confused
Question 9: Last week, the professor promised that he _________ about the Internet
3.0 today
A. told B. tells C. would tell D.
is telling
Question 10: Many student couldn‟t _______, but the teacher _______ the problem
by going into a detailed explanation

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A. catch up/ cleared away B. catch up with/ cleared off

C. catch on/ cleared up D. catch at/ cleared out
Question 11: Not until a monkey is several years old ________to exhibit signs of
independence from its mother
A. beginning B. does it begin C. and begin D. it begins
Question 12: In the kitchen, there is a ________ table
A. beautiful large round wooden B. large beautiful round wooden
C. beautiful round large wooden D. large wooden beautiful round
Question 13: “Have you told your dad what‟s bothering you?” “I‟d ________ in you
than my parents.”
A. rather to confide B. better confide C. rather my confiding D. sooner
Question 14: . "You have a good voice!" "_________"
A. I appreciate it B. Well-done C. Yes, of course D. You've done a
good job
Question 15: ________for the fact that he was working abroad, he would willingly
have helped with the project.
A. If it had been B. If it had not been C. Had it been D. Hadn‟t
it been
Question 16: (After a party at Mary‟s house). Bill: ______ Mary: Thanks for your
compliment. Good night!
A. You are a good cooker. Good night! B. You are a good cook. Good night!
C. Long time no see. Good night! D. Many happy returns. Good night!
Question 17: Is it necessary that I _________ here tomorrow?
A. am being B. will be C. be D. would be
Question 18: : I read the contract again and again _________ avoiding making
spelling mistakes
A. in terms of B. by means of C. with a view to D. in view

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Question 19: His aunt bought him some books on astronomy and football, _________
he had any interest in.
A. neither of whom B. neither of which C. neither of what D.
neither of them
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions .
All mammals feed their young. Beluga whale mothers, for example, nurse their
calves for some twenty months, until they are about to give birth again and their young
are able to find their own food. The behavior of feeding of the young is built into the
reproductive system. It is a nonelective part of parental care and the defining feature of
a mammal, the most important thing that mammals-- whether marsupials, platypuses,
spiny anteaters, or placental mammals -- have in common.
But not all animal parents, even those that tend their offspring to the point of
hatching or birth, feed their young. Most egg-guarding fish do not, for the simple
reason that their young are so much smaller than the parents and eat food that is also
much smaller than the food eaten by adults. In reptiles, the crocodile mother protects
her young after they have hatched and takes them down to the water, where they will
find food, but she does not actually feed them. Few insects feed their young after
hatching, but some make other arrangement, provisioning their cells and nests with
caterpillars and spiders that they have paralyzed with their venom and stored in a state
of suspended animation so that their larvae might have a supply of fresh food when
they hatch.
For animals other than mammals, then, feeding is not intrinsic to parental care.
Animals add it to their reproductive strategies to give them an edge in their lifelong
quest for descendants. The most vulnerable moment in any animal's life is when it first
finds itself completely on its own, when it must forage and fend for itself. Feeding
postpones that moment until a young animal has grown to such a size that it is better
able to cope. Young that are fed by their parents become nutritionally independent at a
much greater fraction of their full adult size. And in the meantime those young are
shielded against the vagaries of fluctuating of difficult-to-find supplies. Once a species
does take the step of feeding its young, the young become totally dependent on the
extra effort. If both parents are removed, the young generally do not survive.
Question 20: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The care that various animals give to their offspring

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B. The difficulties young animals face in obtaining food

C. The methods that mammals use to nurse their young
D. The importance among young mammals of becoming independent
Question 21: The author lists various animals in line 5 to
A. contrast the feeding habits of different types of mammals
B. describe the process by which mammals came to be defined
C. emphasize the point that every type of mammal feeds its own young
D. explain why a particular feature of mammals is nonelective
Question 22: The word "tend" in line 7 is closest in meaning to
A. sit on B. move C. notice D. care for
Question 23: What can be inferred from the passage about the practice of animal
parents feeding their young?
A. It is unknown among fish. B. It is unrelated to the size of the
C. It is dangerous for the parents D. It is most common among mammals
Question 24: The word "provisioning" in line 13 is closest in meaning to
A. supplying B. preparing C. building D. expanding
Question 25: According to the passage, how do some insects make sure their young
have food?
A. By storing food near their young
B. By locating their nests or cells near spiders and caterpillars
C. By searching for food some distance from their nest
D. By gathering food from a nearby water source
Question 26: The word "edge" in line 17 is closest in meaning to
A. opportunity B. advantage C. purpose D. rest
Question 27: The word "it" in line 20 refers to
A. feeding B. moment C. young animal D. size
Question 28: According to the passage, animal young are most defenseless when

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A. their parents are away searching for food B. their parents have many
young to feed
C. they are only a few days old D. they first become independent
Question 29: The word "shielded" in line 22 is closest in meaning to
A. raised B. protected C. hatched D. valued
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs
from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 30: A. information B. decoration C. considerate
D. confidential
Question 31: A. sacrifice B. supportive C. compliment
D. maintenance
Question 32: A. ensure B. result C. museum D.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions
Question 33: Relaxation therapy teaches one not to fret over small problems
A. worry about B. get angry about C. get involved in D. look for
Question 34: Though many scientific breakthroughs have resulted from mishaps it
has taken brilliant thinkers to recognize their potential
A. accidents B. misunderstandings C. incidentals
D. misfortunes
Question 35: I hope to have the privilege of working with them again
A. honor B. advantage C. favor D. right
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet
to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Mobile phones emit microwave radio emissions. Researchers are questioning
whether exposure to these radio waves might (36) _______ to brain cancer. So far, the
data are not conclusive. The scientific evidence does not (37) _______ us to say with
certainly that mobile phones are categorically (38) _______. On the other hand,
current research has not yet (39) _______ clear adverse effect associated with the
prolonged use of mobile phones.

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Numerous studies are now going (40) _______ in various countries. Some of
the results are contradictory but others have shown an association between mobile
phone use and cancer. (41) _______, these studies are preliminary and the issue needs
further, long - term investigation.
(42) _______ the scientific data is more definite, it is prudent for people to try not to
use mobile phone for long (43) _______ of time. Don't think that hands free phones
are any safer either. At the moment, research is in fact showing the (44) _______ and
they may be just as dangerous. It is also thought that young people (45) _______
bodies are still growing may be at particular risk.
Question 36: A. cause B. bring C. produce D.
Question 37: A. make B. let C. able
D. enable
Question 38: A. risky B. secure C. unhealthy D.
Question 39: A. proved B. created C. demonstrated D.
Question 40: A. on B. about C. through D.
Question 41: A. While B. Though C. Additionally D.
Question 42: A. Until B. When C. Provide D.
Question 43: A. quantities B. periods C. amounts D.
Question 44: A. way B. truth C. opposite D.
Question 45: A. whose B. that C. with D.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase
that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following

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Question 46: Population growth rates vary among regions and even among countries
within the same region.
A. fluctuate B. stay unchanged C. restrain D. remain
Question 47: Certain courses are compulsory; others are optional
A. voluntary B. free C. pressure D.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose
underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the
following questions
Question 48: A. both B. bath C. worthy D.
Question 49: A. laugh B. plough C. enough D. cough
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part
that needs correction in each of the following questions
Question 50: Species like snakes, lizards, coyotes, squirrels, and jack rabbits seems to
exist quite happily in the desert.
A. like B. seems to C. quite happily D. the
Question 51: Yolanda ran over to me and breathless informed the failure of our team.
A. over B. breathless C. the D. of
Question 52: In human beings, as in other mammal, hair around the eyes and ears and
in the nose prevents dust, insects, and other matter from entering these organs
A. mammal B. around C. prevents D. entering
Question 53: When I came back I realized that my camera had been disappeared
A. came back B. realized C. my camera D. had been
Question 54: It was only when Mr Hoan announced the result did he know that he was
the winner of the contest
A. only when B. announced C. did he know D. was
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet
to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions
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In this era of increased global warming and diminishing fossil fuel supplies, we
must begin to put a greater priority on harnessing alternative energy sources.
Fortunately, there are a number of readily available, renewable resources that are both
cost- effective and earth – friendly. Two such resources are solar power and
geothermal power.

Solar energy, which reaches the earth through sunlight, is so abundant that it
could meet the needs of worldwide energy consumption 6,000 times over. And solar
energy is easily harnessed through the use of photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight to
electricity. In theUSalone, more than 100, 000 homes are equipped with solar electric
systems in the form of solar panels or solar roof tiles. And in other parts of the world,
including many developing countries, the use of solar system is growing steadily.

Another alternative energy source, which is abundant in specific geographical

areas, is geothermal power, which creates energy by tapping heat from below the
surface of the earth. Hot water and steam that are trapped in underground pools are
pumped to the surface and used to run a generator, which is produces electricity.
Geothermal energy is 50, 000 times more abundant than the entire known supply of
fossil fuel resources. And as with solar power, the technology needed to utilize
geothermal energy is fairly simple. A prime example of effective geothermal use
inIceland, a region of high geothermal activity where over 80 percent of private homes
are heated by geothermal power.

Solar and geothermal energy are just two of promising renewable alternatives
to conventional energy sources. The time is long overdue to invest in the development
and use of alternative energy on global scale.
Question 55: What is the main topic of this passage ?
A. The benefits of solar and wind power over conventional energy sources
B. How energy resources are tapped from nature
C. Two types of alternative energy sources that should be further utilized.
D. Examples of the use of energy sources worldwide
Question 56: According to the passage, why should we consider using alternative
energy sources ?
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A. Because fossil fuels are no longer available

B. Because global warming has increased the amount of sunlight that reaches the earth
C. Because they are free and available worldwide
D. Because conventional energy resources are being depleted, and they cause
environmental damage
Question 57: Which of the following words could best replace the word “
A. Capturing B. Harassing C. Depleting D. Exporting
Question 58: According to the passage, what can be inferred about solar roof tiles?
A. They are being used in many undeveloped countries
B. They can convert geothermal energy to electricity
C. They are more expensive than solar panels
D. They contain photovoltaic cells
Question 59: According to the passage, how is solar energy production similar to
geothermal energy production ?
A. They both require the use of a generator B. They both use heat from the
earth‟s surface
C. They both require fairly simple technology D. They are both conventional and
Question 60: Where is the best place in the passage to insert the following sentence “
Although theUSis not utilizing geothermal resources to this extent, theWestern UShas
a similar capacity to generate geothermal power”
A. after the phrase ” earth-friendly” B. after the phrase “ growing
C. after the phrase “ by geothermal power” D. after the phrase “ global
Question 61: According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE about solar
power ?
A. There is very little of it available in Iceland
B. It is being used in 100, 000 private homes worldwide

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C. It is 6,000 times more powerful than energy from fossil fuels

D. There is enough of it to far exceed the energy needs of the world
Question 62: What can be inferred about the use of geothermal energy in Iceland?
A. . It is widely used form of energy for heating homes
B. Twenty percent of the geothermal energy created is used to heat businesses.
C. It is not effective for use in private homes
D. It is 80 times more effective than traditional forms of energy
Question 63: What does the author imply about alternative energy sources ?
A. Many different types of alternative energy sources exist
B. Most alternative energy sources are too impractical for private use
C. Alternative energy is too expensive for developing countries to produce
D. Solar and geothermal energy are the effective forms of alternative power
Question 64: What best describes the author‟s purpose in writing the passage ?
A. To warn people about the hazards of fossil fuel use
B. To describe the advantages and disadvantages of alternative energy use
C. To convince people of the benefits of developing alternative energy sources
D. To outline the problems and solutions connected with global warming


Câu 1: Đáp án : A
Remember + to V = nhớ mình sẽ cần phải làm gì (nhiệm vụ ). Remember + Ving =
nhớ lại, rằng mình đã làm gì trước đó.

Câu 2: Đáp án : A
Come round = tỉnh lại (sau khi ngất)

Câu 3: Đáp án : B

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Regardless of something = bất kể là, không kể đến…

Câu 4: Đáp án : D
Giả định trái với quá khứ (câu điều kiện loại 3) với without : Without N/Ving, S +
would/could + (not) have+ past participle (= nếu không có cái gi trong quá khứ, ai đó
đã thế nào). Unless + S + had +past participle = nếu ai đã không làm gì = If + S + had
not + past participle. Provided (that) + mệnh đề = miễn là; hoặc nếu

Câu 5: Đáp án : B
Neither of …= không đối tượng nào trong số 2 đối tượng (≈ they) -> câu mang ý phủ
định. Động từ chính là “will” -> câu hỏi đuôi chứa trợ động từ thì tương lai mang ý
khẳng định: will they

Câu 6: Đáp án : B
Clean air (không khí trong lành) là một danh từ không xác định (bất kì), và không đếm
được -> không dùng mạo từ a/an/the. Không khí trong thị trấn là bầu không khí đã
được xác định, mà cả người nói, người nghe đều biết -> dùng mạo từ “the”

Câu 7: Đáp án : D
Get/have something done = thu xếp cho cái gì của mình được ai làm cho. Take care of
N = chăm sóc ai/cái gì -> tôi phải đến gặp bác sĩ nha khoa và để được chăm sóc răng

Câu 8: Đáp án : D
Cấu trúc so sánh tăng tiến: The + so sánh hơn + S + V/be, the + so sánh hơn + S +
V/be = càng… thì càng… Dịch: anh ta càng cố giải thích thì chúng tôi càng bị rối

Câu 9: Đáp án : C
Trong câu trực tiếp, giáo sư hứa: I will tell about the Internet 3.0 -> chuyển sang câu
gián tiếp động từ phải lùi thời: would tell

Câu 10: Đáp án : C

Catch on = hiểu được; trở nên được ưa chuộng. Clear up something = làm cho rõ ràng,
dễ hiểu; dọn dẹp

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Câu 11: Đáp án : B

Cấu trúc đảo ngữ nhấn mạnh: Not until + mệnh đề/mốc thời gian + do/does/will/can +
S + V không chia = ai đó đã không làm gì cho đến khi nào đó

Câu 12: Đáp án : A

Quy tắc sắp xếp các tính từ: OPSACOM: Opinion (beautiful) – Price – Size/shape
(large/round) – Age– Color– Original – Material (wooden) => a beautiful large round
wooden table

Câu 13: Đáp án : D

Would sooner + V + than V = muốn làm gì hơn. Dịch: tôi muốn tin tưởng ở bạn hơn
bố mẹ tôi

Câu 14: Đáp án : A

Người nói nói: Bạn có một chất giọng hay -> lời khen -> đáp lại là ý cảm ơn:
appreciate = đánh giá cao -> tôi đánh giá cao lời khen đó (cảm kích)

Câu 15: Đáp án : B

If it had not been for + N hoặc If it had not been for the fact that + S + had past
participle = nếu không vì cái gì đó trong quá khứ thì… -> câu điều kiện loại 3 giả định
điều trái quá khứ

Câu 16: Đáp án : B

Lời cám ơn thường dùng để đáp lại sự giúp đỡ, hoặc lời khen, lời chúc. Hoàn cảnh lại
là bữa tiệc ở nhà Mary -> Bill khen Mary nấu ăn ngon: You are a good cook. Cooker =
nồi cơm

Câu 17: Đáp án : C

Đây là dạng nghi vấn của cấu trúc giả định: It is + tính từ thể hiện sự cần thiết, cấp
bách (important, necessary, essential,…) + (that) + S + (should) + V(không chia)

Câu 18: Đáp án : C

With a view to Ving = với mục đích làm gì đó

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Câu 19: Đáp án : B

Đại từ quan hệ có thể đi với giới từ, và sau các cụm từ neither of, both of, none of, all
of chỉ vật là “which”

Câu 20: Đáp án : A

Đoạn văn nói về sự chăm sóc các loài thú giành cho thế hệ sau, cụ thể là thông qua
việc cho ăn. Ngay từ đầu: All mammals feed their young. Đoạn 2 nói về việc cho ăn
tới khi để lứa sau: not all animal parents, even those that tend their offspring to the
point of hatching or birth, feed their young. Đoạn 3: For animals other than mammals,
then, feeding is not intrinsic to parental care

Câu 21: Đáp án : C

Từ dòng 3: It is a nonelective part of parental care and the defining feature of a
mammal, the most important thing that mammals-- whether marsupials, platypuses,
spiny anteaters, or placental mammals -- have in common -> các loài thú có vú (như đã
liệt kê) đều có đặc điểm quan trọng này (cho ăn) -> đây là đặc điểm tự nhiên, không
phải qua chọn lọc

Câu 22: Đáp án : D

Tend (ngoại động từ) = trông nom, chăm sóc ≈ care for

Câu 23: Đáp án : D

Trong khi “All mammals feed their young” (đầu đoạn 1); thì “For animals other than
mammals, then, feeding is not intrinsic to parental care” (đầu đoạn 3) ≈ với các loài
động vật khác ngoài thú có vú, cho ăn không phải bản chất đặc trưng cho sự chăm sóc
của bố mẹ -> việc cho ăn phổ biến nhất ở các loài thú có vú

Câu 24: Đáp án : A

Provision somebody with something = cung cấp (thực phẩm, nơi ở, thứ thiếu yếu) cho
ai cái gì

Câu 25: Đáp án : A

Từ dòng 5 đoạn 2: Few insects feed their young after hatching, but some make other
arrangement, provisioning their cells and nests with caterpillars and spiders that they
have paralyzed with their venom and stored in a state of suspended animation so that

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their larvae might have a supply of fresh food when they hatch -> hầu hết các loài côn
trùng để trong ổ những thức ăn như sâu,nhện ở tình trạng tê liệt để dự trữ cho những
đứa con khi chào đời

Câu 26: Đáp án : B

Edge = điều kiện thuận lợi, ưu thế; cạnh

Câu 27: Đáp án : C

“it” là để chỉ danh từ chỉ vật số ít đứng trước đó: sự cho ăn trì hoãn khoảng thời
gian đó cho tới khi một động vật non lớn tới cỡ mà nó có thể tự xử lí (việc ăn) -> “nó”
chính là “động vật non” = young animal

Câu 28: Đáp án : D

Từ cuối dòng 2: The most vulnerable moment in any animal's life is when it first finds
itself completely on its own, when it must forage and fend for itself -> khoảnh khắc dễ
tổn thương nhất là lần đầu nó tự thấy mình tự lập

Câu 29: Đáp án : B

Shield N against N = bảo vệ cho cái gì khỏi cái gì

Câu 30: Đáp án : C

Trọng âm của từ này rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2, các từ còn lại rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3

Câu 31: Đáp án : B

Trọng âm của từ này rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2, các từ còn lại rơi vào âm tiết thứ 1

Câu 32: Đáp án : D

Trọng âm của từ này rơi vào âm tiết thứ 1, các từ còn lại rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2

Câu 33: Đáp án : A

Fret over something = lo lắng về vấn đề gì = worry about something

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Câu 34: Đáp án : A

Mishap = việc rủi ro. Accident = tai nạn. Misunderstanding = sự hiểu nhầm.
Misfortune = điều kém may mắn, bất hạnh

Câu 35: Đáp án : A

The privilege = đặc quyền. honor = vinh dự, thanh danh. Advantage = lợi ích. Favor =
sự thích hơn. Right (n) = quyền

Câu 36: Đáp án : D

Lead to something = dẫn đến cái gì ≈ cause something

Câu 37: Đáp án : D

Enable somebody to V = tạo điều kiện cho ai làm gì

Câu 38: Đáp án : D

Safe = an toàn. Risky = liều lĩnh. Secure = yên tâm; bảo đảm. Unhealthy = không khỏe

Câu 39: Đáp án : A

Prove = chứng minh. Create = tạo dựng. Demonstrate = giải thích, biểu thị, biểu tình.
Cause = gây ra

Câu 40: Đáp án : A

Go on = tiếp tục, diễn ra

Câu 41: Đáp án : D

However = tuy nhiên. Though + mệnh đề = mặc dù. While + mệnh đề/Ving = trong
khi. Additionally = thêm vào đó

Câu 42: Đáp án : A

Until = cho tới khi. When = khi. Provide (that) + mệnh đề = miễn là; giả sử như. As +
mệnh đề = khi; bởi vì

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Câu 43: Đáp án : B

Long period = khoảng thời gian dài. Quantity = số lượng. Amount = lượng. Interval =
khoảng, quãng nghỉ

Câu 44: Đáp án : C

The opposite = mặt đối lập; phía đối lập. Way = cách, phương pháp. Truth = sự thực.
Fact = thực tế

Câu 45: Đáp án : A

Đại từ quan hệ chỉ sự sở hữu của người là “whose” -> những người trẻ mà có cơ thể
đang phát triển có thể gặp nguy hiểm

Câu 46: Đáp án : B

Vary = đa dạng, thay đổi phong phú. Stay unchanged = giữ ở tình trạng không đổi

Câu 47: Đáp án : D

Optional = thuộc về lựa chọn. mandatory ≈ compulsory = bắt buộc

Câu 48: Đáp án : C

“th” trong từ này phát âm là /ð/, trong các từ còn lại phát âm là/ θ /

Câu 49: Đáp án : B

“gh” trong từ này phát âm là âm câm, không được phát âm, trong các từ còn lại phát
âm là /f/

Câu 50: Đáp án : B

Chủ ngữ là “species” – các loài động vật ->danh từ số nhiều -> động từ không thêm
“s” -> seem

Câu 51: Đáp án : B

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Trạng từ đứng trước động từ để bổ nghĩa cho động từ đó, không phải là tính từ.
Breathlessly inform = thông báo một cách hết hơi

Câu 52: Đáp án : A

Không có mạo từ a/an và là danh từ đếm được, thì danh từ mammal phải ở dạng số
nhiều -> mammals

Câu 53: Đáp án : D

Chiếc camera biến mất -> việc biến mất không phải là bị động -> had disappeared

Câu 54: Đáp án : C

Cấu trúc câu chẻ với chủ ngữ giả: It + be + only when + mệnh đề + that + mệnh đề =
chỉ khi… thì ai mới làm gì. Muốn đảo ngữ thì phải dùng: Only when + mệnh đề + did
+ S + V không chia -> Sửa C: that he knew

Câu 55: Đáp án : C

Bài văn nói về hai loại năng lượng thay thế (để hạn chế nóng lên toàn cầu và cạn kiệt
tài nguyên) là năng lượng mặt trời, và năng lượng địa nhiệt. Cuối đoạn 1: Two such
resources are solar power and geothermal power. Và sau đó, đoạn 2 nói về “solar
energy”, và đoạn 3 nói về “Another alternative energy source, which is abundant in
specific geographical areas, is geothermal power”
Câu 56: Đáp án : D
Ngay từ đầu: In this era of increased global warming and diminishing fossil fuel
supplies, we must begin to put a greater priority on harnessing alternative energy
sources -> do nóng lên toàn cầu và suy giảm nguồn năng lượng hóa thạch

Câu 57: Đáp án : A

Harness = khai thác sản xuất; đóng yên ngựa. Capture = giữ lại, đoạt được. Harass =
quấy rầy. Deplete = làm rỗng, suy yếu. Export = xuất khẩu

Câu 58: Đáp án : D

Từ dòng 2 đoạn 2: And solar energy is easily harnessed through the use of
photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight to electricity. In the US alone, more than 100,
000 homes are equipped with solar electric systems in the form of solar panels or solar
roof tiles -> năng lượng mặt trời được khai thác thông qua sự sử dụng “photovoltaic
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cells”; mà ở Mỹ, hệ thống năng lượng mặt trời lại dưới dạng “solar roof tiles” -> “solar
roof tiles”chứa “photovoltaic cells”

Câu 59: Đáp án : C

Dòng 5 đoạn 3: And as with solar power, the technology needed to utilize geothermal
energy is fairly simple

Câu 60: Đáp án : C

“by geothermal power” là cuối đoạn 3. Cuối đoạn này đưa ra ví dụ về việc sử dụng
năng lượng địa nhiệt hiệu quả ở Iceland của hơn 80% hộ dân cư. -> có thể thêm câu:
Dù Hoa Kỳ không sử dụng nguồn năng lượng địa nhiệt tới mức này, Tây Mỹ có khả
năng phát nguồn năng lượng địa nhiệt tương tự”

Câu 61: Đáp án : D

Đầu đoạn 2: Solar energy, which reaches the earth through sunlight, is so abundant
that it could meet the needs of worldwide energy consumption 6,000 times over ->
năng lượng mặt trời có thể đáp ứng gấp 6000 lần nhu cầu năng lượng của thế giới

Câu 62: Đáp án : A

2 dòng cuối đoạn 3: Iceland, a region of high geothermal activity where over 80
percent of private homes are heated by geothermal power -> 80% hộ gia đình tư sử
dụng năng lượng địa nhiệt ở Iceland -> được sử dụng rộng rãi

Câu 63: Đáp án : A

Từ dòng 2 đoạn 1: Fortunately, there are a number of readily available, renewable
resources that are both cost- effective and earth – friendly -> có sẵn một số nguồn
năng lượng thay thế (có thể tái tạo)

Câu 64: Đáp án : C

Bài văn nói về 2 loại năng lượng thay thế với những mặt lợi -> thuyết phục người đọc
về lợi ích của những nguồn năng lượng này

WRITING (2 points)

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I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before. (0,5 point)
Question 1: I‟m always nervous when I face a lot of people.
 Facing ____________________________________________________.
Question 2: She and I have never been there before.
 Neither ____________________________________________________.
Question 3: His parents made him study hard for the exams.
 He was ____________________________________________________.
Question 4: . We started cooking for the party four hours ago.
 We have ____________________________________________________.
Question 5: Many people think Steve stole the money.
 Steve is ____________________________________________________.

II. In about 140 words, write a letter to a pen pal about your family rules. (1,5

Câu 1: Đáp án:Facing a lot of people always makes me nervous
Ving có thể làm chủ ngữ trong câu, chỉ một hành động nào đó. Dịch: việc đối diện với
nhiều người luôn làm tôi lo lắng
Câu 2: Đáp án: Neither she nor I have been there before
Neither A nor B = Không A, cũng không phải B -> Cụm liên từ mang nghĩa phủ định
này thường chỉ xuất hiện trong câu khẳng định, động từ chia theo B
Câu 3: Đáp án: Neither she nor I have been there before
Neither A nor B = Không A, cũng không phải B -> Cụm liên từ mang nghĩa phủ định
này thường chỉ xuất hiện trong câu khẳng định, động từ chia theo B
Câu 4: Đáp án: We have been cooking/ cooked for the party for four hours
Bắt đầu nấu cách đây 4 tiếng ≈ đã và đang nấu được 4 tiếng -> thì hiện tại hoàn thành
Câu 5: Đáp án: Steven is thought to have stolen the money

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Dạng bị động: S + be + thought/believed/said + to have done = ai được cho là đã làm

việc gì từ trước đó

SAMPLE: In about 140 words, write a letter to a pen pal about your family rules
Dear Anna,
In the previous letter, you asked me about my family rules – a typical Vietnamese
family. Actually, there are some basic rules. The first rule to mention is that junior
members have to say “hi” or “goodbye” to the senior when coming or leaving home.
When someone enters, we need to greet them also. It shows the respect and behavior
manner of greeter. Second, after 11p.m, girls should not be out without relatives that
parents trust. Going out at night is always considered dangerous, especially for girls.
There are criminals and gangsters somewhere when streets become quiet and deserted.
Another rule is children need to share the house work in the late afternoon and in the
evening. I, together with my sister, alternately prepare dinners, wash up, and clean the
house everyday. Those rules standardize my life.

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Đề kiểm tra số 2
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose
underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the
following questions.
Question 1: A. company B. comfortable C. solution D. another
Question 2: A. advanced B. surprised C. orphaned D. weighed
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs
from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following
Question 3: A. interview B. determine C. interpret D. equipment
Question 4: A. emigrate B. Atlantic C. criteria D. policeman
Question 5: A. facilities B. particular C. inhabitant D. governmental
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
Question 6: Why didn‟t you ________ you when you moved house?
A. have Aaron help B. have got Aaron help
C. have Aaron helped D. get Aaron help
Question 7: Joining a gym ________, but I didn‟t fancy the idea.
A. was suggested me B. to me was suggested
C. was suggested to me D. was suggesting me
Question 8: The cat was afraid when it saw its _______ in the mirror.
A. picture B. look C. sight D. reflection
Question 9: The passport she carried was ______.
A. artificial B. immitation C. untrue D. false
Question 10: Unless some rare plants _______, they might die out completely.
A. protect them B. are protected C. protected D. are protecting
Question 11: The new speed restrictions were a _________ debated issue.
A. heavily B. hotly C. deeply D. profoundly
Question 12: Lack of sleep over the last few months is finally ______ Jane.

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A. catching up with B. getting on with C. coming over D. putting on

Question 13: ________ since you started learning English?
A. How long ago B. When was it C. How long is it D. When is it
Question 14: They‟ve got some ________ shoes in the sale at Derbyshire‟s.
A. fantastic pink silk Russian ballet B. fantastic pink Russian silk ballet
C. Russian fantastic ballet pink silk D. fantastic Russian pink silk ballet
Question 15: Jane gets good mark, _____ her family.
A. that pleases B. which pleases C. that please D. pleases
Question 16: The book would have been perfect ______ the ending.
A. had it not been for B. it hadn‟t been for
C. it had not been for D. hadn‟t it been for
Question 17: ______ eighteen century, people began to realize that certain chemical
are affected and changed by light.
A. By the B. The C. It was the D. That in the
Question 18: Pumpkin seeds, ----______ protein and iron, are a popular snack.
A. that provide B. provided C. whose D. which provide
Question 19: _____ the solar system may seem big it is a very small part of the
A. Despite B. Although C. In spite D. Because
Question 20: The foods that contain, _______ are made of animal fat whereas
vegetables have the least energy.
A. as much energy as B. the more energy
C. the most energy D. more energy than
Question 21: No sooner ________ than I smelt something burning.
A. I came into the kitchen B. did I come to the kitchen
C. had I come into the kitchen D. I have come into the kitchen
Question 22: Vincent: What are you going to do for your birthday? Neil: _________
A. Oh yes! I forgot it was my birthday
B. I thought maybe we could all go to the beach
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C. I hope it will be sunny

D. I think we should have gone earlier
Question 23: Jane hardly ever goes out at night, _______?
A. doesn‟t she B. does she C. will she D. won‟t she
Question 24: A number of wildlife _________ have been established so that a wide
range of endangered species can have a chance to survive and develop.
A. habitat‟s reservations B. habitat reserves
C. habitat‟s reserves D. habitat reservations
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST
in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 25: The most effectively way to feel more mentally alert and energetic is to
engage in aerobic activity at least three times a week for 30 minutes.
A. vigorous B. weak C. agile D. appealing
Question 26: The geologic history of the Earth reveals much information about the
evolution of the continents, oceans, atmosphere, and biosphere.
A. teaches B. discloses C. traces D. donates
Question 27: Slang can be defined as a set of lexical, grammatical, and phonological
regularities used in informal speech.
A. situational B. casual C. informative D. uneducated
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part
that needs correction in each of the following questions
Question 28: Video cameras (A) pick up (B) the light (C) that reflecting (D) from an
Question 29: Each of the musicians (A) in the orchestra were (B) rehearsing daily
before (C) the concert tour began. (D)
Question 30: The British labor movement developed (A) as a mean (B) of improving
working conditions (C) through group efforts. (D)
Question 31: Sweetly smelling (A) perfumes (B) are added (C) to soap to make it
appealing. (D)
Question 32: J. David devoted his last year (A) to write (B) at his home (C) in Biloxi,
Mississippi, near the Gulf (B) of Mexico.
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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from
33 to 42
A solid object that has the power to attract iron and some metals is called a
magnet. It does this through its magnetic field, a region of force surrounding it. The
(33) _____ the magnet, the more intense is the field.
Objects that are attracted to the magnet feel a force (34) _____ as “magnetism” when
they are inside the magnetic field. This magnetic force can pass (35) _____ some
materials. Even a weak magnet will attract a pin to the other side of a (36) ______ of
paper, for example.
Magnets come in (37) ______ shapes. A familiar one is the curved horseshoes
magnet. There are also bar magnets in the form (38) _____ disc or a stubby cylinder.
Every magnet has (39) ______ poles, called north and south, at opposite ends of it: at
the two ends of a horseshoes magnet, for example, or on the two sides of a disc.
Powerful magnets can be (40) _______ by passing an electric current through
wire coiled around a piece of iron. The (41) _____ is called and electromagnet.
Magnets are (42) ______ in many household and everyday devices. They are also
commonly used in industrial machinery, usually in the form of electromagnets.
Question 33: A. smaller B. stronger C. weaker D. thinner
Question 34: A. mentioned B. called C. known D.
Question 35: A. through B. away C. outside D. next
Question 36: A. pane B. block C. pile D. sheet
Question 37: A. separate B. different C. unknown D.
Question 38: A. of B. in C. out D. up
Question 39: A. many B. several C. two D.
Question 40: A. found B. had C. done D. made
Question 41: A. ending B. result C. conclusion D. final
Question 42: A. used B. made C. lived D. unseen
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Mark the letter A, B, C or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE
in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 43: Body painting and tattooing: lip, ear, and nose plugs or rings; and
bracelets, arm bands, necklaces, and head ornaments made of bright feathers were
traditionally used by many groups to enhance beauty or to indicate status.
A. intelligent B. dark C. brilliant D. rare
Question 44: No deep understanding of the Solar System can be achieved without an
appreciation of the basic properties of the Sun.
A. improper B. shallow C. thorough D. inappropriate
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on you answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions
When jazz began to lose its reputation as “low-down” music and to gain well-
deserved acclaim among intellectuals, musicians began to feature many instruments
previously considered inappropriate for jazz. Whereas before the 1950s, jazz
musicians played only eight basic instruments in strict tempo, in this decade they
started to improvise on the flute, electric organ, piccolo, accordion, cello, and even
bagpipes, with the rhythm section composed for strings or piano. Big bands no longer
dominated jazz, and most changes emerged from small combos, such as the Dave
Brubeck Quartet and the Gerry Mulligan Quartet. The Gerry Mulligan Quartet proved
that a small, modern band could sound complete without a piano; the rhythm section
consisted only of a set of drums and a string bass.
Jazz continued to move in new directions during the 1960s. Saxophonist and
composer Ornette Coleman led a quartet playing “free” jazz that was atonal. Pianist
Cecil Taylor also conducted similar experiments with music, and John Coltrane
included melodies from India in his compositions. In the 1970s, musicians blended
jazz and rock music into fusion jazz which combined the melodies and the
improvisations of jazz with the rhythmic qualities of rock „n‟ roll, with three or five
beats to the bar and in other meter. The form of jazz music was greatly affected by
electric instruments and electronic implements to intensify, distort, or amplify their
sounds. However, the younger musicians of the time felt compelled to include a
steady, swinging rhythm which they saw as a permanent and essential element in great
Question 45: Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?
A. Popular Beats in Classical and Modern Jazz
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B. Quintessential Moments in Jazz Music

C. The Achievements of Famous Jazz Musicians
D. The Rising Prestige and Deversity of Jazz
Question 46: The word “feature” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. profess B. prohibit C. protest D. promote
Question 47: The paragraph preceding this passage would most likely to describe
A. instruments used in jazz B. instrumental pieces in jazz
C. jazz in the 1940s D. the origins of jazz
Question 48: The author of the passage implies that in the 1950s, jazz musicians
A. strictly adhered to its traditions and compositions
B. probably continued with its tempo and instrumentation.
C. experimented with rhythm and instrument
D. increased the tempo to keep up with the changes
Question 49: The author of the passage mentions all of the following EXCEPT
A. bagpipes B. percussion C. string bass D. harpsichord
Question 50: It can be inferred from the passage that small jazz bands ______.
A. were dominated by large orchestras B. consisted of drums and a string bass
C. were innovative in their music D. included modern sound systems
Question 51: The author believes that the developments in jazz described in the
passage ______.
A. should be seen as precocious B. should be considered influential
C. appear largely suggestive D. may be perceived as discrete
Question 52: The passage implies that representative jazz musicians_____.
A. concentrated on melodious combinations of sounds
B. blended improvisations and sheet music together
C. created and modernized sophisticated devices
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D. sought novel techniques in form and concert.

Question 53: According to the passage, the changes in jazz music in the 1970s came
from _______.
A. another harmonious scale B. another musical trend
C. ambitious aspirations D. sound amplifications
Question 54: Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
A. Chronological innovations in jazz music
B. Definitions of diverse jazz styles
C. A classifications of prominent jazz musicians
D. Descriptions and examples to illustrate jazz rhythms
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions
Diet and Exercise
Many people seem to believe that there is a magic diet formula that will guarantee
weight loss. This is a fallacy. Most fad diet, if followed conscientiously, will result in
weight loss due to the reduction in calories. However, they are nearly always too
monotonous and sometimes too unhealthy to be followed in the long term. Worse, fad
dieters who don't become physically active and learn to eat sensibly will eventually
regain the weight they lost, and often even more.
Some of the most popular fad diets in recent years have been low-carbohydrate
programs, which work by making the body produce ketones. Ketones are normal and
efficient source of energy for the human body. When the intake of carbohydrates is
severely restricted, body fats are broken down into fatty acids that can be used as fuel.
The fatty acids may be incompletely metabolized, yielding ketones. When your body
is producing ketones, and using them as fuel, this is called ketosis. Most diets based on
ketosis do not limit the consumption of protein, fat, or total calories. As a result, their
fat content tends to be very high. Promoters claim that ketosis will lead to increased
metabolism of unwanted fat, even if the calories are not reduced. This is not entirely
true; calorie reduction is likely to occur because of the diet's lack of appealing foods.
This is not conductive to forming sensible eating habits.
The most widely used low-carbohydrate diet is the one advocated by the late
Robert Atkins M.D, of New York City. Under the Atkins program, the dieter is
permitted to eat unlimited amounts of non-carbohydrate foods "when hungry". The
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American Medical Association and many individual experts have warned that the
unlimited intake of saturated fat under Atkins food plan can increase the dieter's risk of
heart disease. In 2000, researchers at the University of Kentucky did a computer
analysis of a week's worth of sample menus and reported several alarming findings:
the diet contained 59% fat; it provided fewer servings of grains, vegetables, and fruits
than recommended by most nutritionists, and while it can produce short-term weight
loss, long-term use is likely to increase the risk of both cardiovascular disease and
cancer. The weight loss usually doesn't last, either. As ketosis begins, weight will be
shed quickly, giving the misleading impression that significant fat reduction is
taking place. In fact, most of the weight loss is water rather than fat; the lost water is
regained quickly when a normal diet is resumed. Appetite, which is often reduced
during ketosis, also returns.
Atkins advocated his diet for more than 30 years and claimed that more than
60,000 patients treated at his centre had used his diet as their primary protocol for
losing weight. Yet he never published any study in which people who used this
program were monitored over a period of several years. Besides the dubiousness of its
effects in the long term, the Atkins diet shares another shortcoming of all fad diets:
inflexibility. People are different, with different health problems and genetic
characteristics, and no single diet is right for everyone.
An additional downside to the recent craze for low-carbohydrate diets is that it
has encouraged food companies to market low-carbohydrate foods for people who
want to "watch their carbs". Most of these foods are much higher in fat than the foods
they are designed to replace. "Low-carb” advertising is encouraging both dieters and
non-dieters to eat high-fat foods, which is exactly the opposite of medical and nutrition
authorities have been arguing for decades. Following a low-carbohydrate diet under
medical supervision may make sense for some people, but a population-wide increase
in fat consumption would be a public health disaster.
Question 55: What is the topic of the passage?
A. How to succeed with the Atkins Diet
B. Weight loss through carbohydrates reduction
C. Problems with fad diets
D. The danger of a high-fat diet
Question 56: It can be inferred from the passage that the author thinks fad diets in
general ______.

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A. are always bad for you because they contain too much fat
B. can be unhealthy in the long term and have too little variety
C. are effective and safe if used under a doctor‟s supervision
D. usually result in long-term weight loss
Question 57: Which of the following is an effect of ketosis?
A. Long-term weight loss B. Loss of water from the body
C. Increase in appetite D. Greater energy
Question 58: The word their in paragraph 2 refers to_____.
A. diets B. ketones C. calories D. ketosis
Question 59: According to the passage , which of the following is true of the Atkins
A. It is recommended by the American Medical Association.
B. It calls for a restriction of fat intake.
C. It involves a low intake of fruits and vegetables.
D. All of the answer.
Question 60: The word conscientiously in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by
A. consciously B. scientifically C. correctly D. severely
Question 61: The phrase is not conductive to in paragraph 2 is closest meaning to
A. does not prevent B. makes easier C. is not consistent with D. does
not encourage
Question 62: It can be inferred that the author’s biggest objection to Atkins diet is
that ______
A. it has led to “low-carb” advertising B. (s)he believes it causes cancer
C. it leads to higher fat consumptions D. it has not been thoroughly studied
Question 63: Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the
highlighted sentence in the passage?
A. Ketosis causes weight loss at first, leading people to wrongly believe that they are
losing fat.
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B. Ketosis causes the rapid loss of fat at first, which leads to a false belief that the loss
will be permanent.
C. The process of ketosis quickly misleads people into thinking that they are losing
D. Ketosis causes rapid weight loss, but only in the early days of the diet.
Question 64: Why does the author mention 30 years and 60,000 people in paragraph
A. To shows that the diet has proven successful at helping people lose weight
B. To indicate how popular the diet has been
C. To emphasize how many people in the U.S are overnight
D. To show how interest in fad diets is increasing


Câu 1: Đáp án : C
A. /ʌ/ B. /ʌ/ C./əʊ/ D. /ʌ/

Câu 2: Đáp án : A
A./t/ B./d/ C./d/ D./d/

Câu 3: Đáp án : A
Trọng âm câu A rơi vào thứ nhất, còn lại là thứ 2

Câu 4: Đáp án : A
Trọng âm câu A rơi vào thứ nhất, còn lại là thứ 2

Câu 5: Đáp án : D
Trọng âm câu D rơi vào thứ 3, còn lại là thứ 2

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Câu 6: Đáp án : A
Cấu trúc “have somebody do something”: ai đó làm cho mình việc gì đó. Nên phân
biệt với cấu trúc “have something done by somebody”: có việc gì đó của mình được
làm bởi ai đó

Câu 7: Đáp án : C
Động từ “sugguest” đi với giới từ “to” khi phía sau nó có một tân ngữ (vd: suggest to
me/him/her,…). Ở câu này chủ ngữ là “joining a gym”, vì thế chia ở dạng bị động

Câu 8: Đáp án : D
“reflection” (n): sự phản chiếu (thường là qua gương)

Câu 9: Đáp án : D
Cụm “a false passport”: hộ chiếu giả

Câu 10: Đáp án : B

Đây là câu điều kiện loại 1, phía giả định sẽ được chia ở thì hiện tại. Về nghĩa, chủ ngữ
là “some rare plants” và động từ là “protect” vì thế vế này sẽ được chia bị động. Đáp
án là “are protected”

Câu 11: Đáp án : B

“hotly debated issue” có nghĩa là vấn đề gây ra tranh cãi nóng bỏng (giữa các bên)

Câu 12: Đáp án : A

Cụm “catch up with” được dịch là đuổi kịp (ai/cái gì)

Câu 13: Đáp án : C

Vế sau xuất hiện “since you started learning English” tức là vế trước sẽ hỏi về thời
gian (How long is it)

Câu 14: Đáp án : B

Thứ tự các tính từ khi đứng trước danh từ là:

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Opinion – Cảm nghĩ, cảm xúc (fantastic) + Color – Màu sắc (pink) + Origin – Xuất xứ
(Russian) + Material – Chất liệu (silk) + Noun

Câu 15: Đáp án : B

“which” ở đây là mệnh đề quan hệ, thay thế cho cả cụm “Jane gets good marks” ở phía
trước. Câu này được dịch nghĩa: Jane đạt được nhiều điểm cao, điều này làm gia đình
bạn ấy rất hài lòng

Câu 16: Đáp án : A

Cấu trúc “Had it not been for” = “If it hadn‟t been for” = “thanks to”: nhờ có (điều
gì/ai đó) mà…

Câu 17: Đáp án : A

Phía sau đề cập “eighteenth century”, vì thế ta cần một cụm từ để hoàn thành vị trí là
trạng ngữ (By the eighteenth century: Trước thế kỷ 18)

Câu 18: Đáp án : D

Tương tự như câu 15, “which” ở đây là mệnh đề quan hệ, thay thế cho “Pumpkin
seeds”, vì “seeds” là số nhiều nên động từ được chia là “provide”. Vậy đáp án là
“which provide”

Câu 19: Đáp án : D

Tương tự như câu 15, “which” ở đây là mệnh đề quan hệ, thay thế cho “Pumpkin
seeds”, vì “seeds” là số nhiều nên động từ được chia là “provide”. Vậy đáp án là
“which provide

Câu 20: Đáp án : C

Ta có thể dễ dàng nhận thấy sự đối sánh, khi ở vế sau nhắc đến “vegetables” với cụm
“the least energy”; do vậy, ở đây ta điền “the most energy”

Câu 21: Đáp án : C

Cấu trúc đảo ngữ với No sooner:
No sooner + had +S+done+O (tân ngữ) +… + than + mệnh đề ở thì quá khứ

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Câu 22: Đáp án : B

Vincent hỏi: Bạn có ý định gì trong dịp sinh nhật mình vậy?
Neil: Tớ nghĩ có thể tất cả chúng ta có thể đến biển chơi

Câu 23: Đáp án : B

Câu hỏi đuôi ở thì hiện tại. Khi vế trước xuất hiện những từ như hardly/barely/rarely
thì câu hỏi đuôi là khẳng định

Câu 24: Đáp án : B

“habitat reserves”: khu bảo tồn môi trường sống. Đây là danh từ ghép, chúng ta không
cần sử dụng sở hữu cách („s) ->loại C. Lưu ý, không chọn “reservation” dù
“reservation” cũng mang nghĩa là khu bảo tồn, nhưng từ này chỉ áp dụng tại 1 số nơi

Câu 25: Đáp án : A

“energetic” = “vigorous” (adj): năng động, mạnh mẽ

Câu 26: Đáp án : B

“reveal” = “disclose” (v): tiết lộ, lộ ra

Câu 27: Đáp án : B

“informal” = “casual” (adj): sơ sài, không sang trọng (thường nói về quấn áo, văn
phong ngôn ngữ)

Câu 28: Đáp án : D

“reflecting” -> “reflects”. “that” được thay thế cho “the light” vì thế ở đây chia động từ
theo ngôi số ít

Câu 29: Đáp án : B

“were” -> “was”. “Each of somebody/something” được tính là danh từ số ít, vì thế
động từ to be nên sửa lại là “was”

Câu 30: Đáp án : B

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“mean” -> “means” = “way”: cách, phương tiện (để…)

Câu 31: Đáp án : A

“sweetly smelling” -> “sweet-smelling”. Đây là một danh từ ghép, có nghĩa là “thơm”

Câu 32: Đáp án : B

“to write” -> “to writing”. Cấu trúc”devote to doing something” hoặc devote one‟s
time to doing something”: cống hiến trong việc làm gì

Câu 33: Đáp án : B

Cấu trúc so sánh hơn “the more…., the more…” (càng….càng…). Ở đây, ta có thể
hiểu là “Nam châm càng chắc/bền, thì từ trường càng mạnh”

Câu 34: Đáp án : C

“known as”: được biết như là…

Câu 35: Đáp án : A

“pass through”: di chuyển/truyền qua…

Câu 36: Đáp án : D

Với danh từ “paper” ta dùng số đếm cho nó là “sheet”: tờ (thường theo 1 khuôn chuẩn
nào đó)

Câu 37: Đáp án : B

“different shapes” : nhiều hình dạng khác nhau. Nam châm có nhiều hình dạng khác

Câu 38: Đáp án : A

“in the form” đi với giới từ “of”. “in the form of something”: trong hình dạng/hình
thù/cách thức… của cái gì

Câu 39: Đáp án : C

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“pole”:cực. Nam châm nào cũng có 2 cực: Bắc – Nam

Câu 40: Đáp án : D

Câu này đề cập đến cách tạo ra nam châm. “made by”: được làm từ/ được tạo ra từ…

Câu 41: Đáp án : B

Câu phía trên vừa đề cập đến cách (thí nghiệm) để tạo ra một nam châm, vì thế ở câu
này sẽ đề cập đến kết quả (result)

Câu 42: Đáp án : A

Nội dung của câu này là ứng dụng của nam châm, “to be used”: được sử dụng (để làm
gì/trong lĩnh vực nào)

Câu 43: Đáp án : B

“bright” (sáng – thường nói về màu sắc) trái nghĩa với nó là “dark” (trầm, tối)

Câu 44: Đáp án : B

“deep”: sâu, trái nghĩa là “shallow”: nông,cạn

Câu 45: Đáp án : D

Tựa đề phù hợp nhất cho bài này là “Uy thế lớn dần và sự đa dạng của Jazz”. Uy thế
của nhạc jazz đang lớn dần được thể hiện ở câu đầu tiên với cụm “to gain well-
deserved….”, nhạc jazz rất đa dạng, kể cả về nhạc cụ lẫn thể loại (“free” jazz, kết hợp
rock „n‟ roll,..)…

Câu 46: Đáp án : D

“feature” = “promote”: thúc đẩy, đóng vai trò quan trọng trong/cho…

Câu 47: Đáp án : C

Đoạn thứ nhất nhắc đến mốc thời gian “before the 1950s”, đoạn thứ 2 có các mốc
1960s, 1970s. Vì thế đoạn văn phía trước đoạn đề bài cho nội dung sẽ nói về “jazz in
the 1940s”

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Câu 48: Đáp án : C

Thông tin tại câu số 2 đoạn thứ nhất: “jazz musicians…started to improve on the flute,
electric organ,…with the rymthm…”

Câu 49: Đáp án : D

Những từ “bagpipes”, “percussion” (= drums) và “string bass” đều được đề cập đến ở
đoạn 1. Chỉ riêng từ “harpsichord” là không được nhắc đến trong bài

Câu 50: Đáp án : C

Thông tin ở câu này trong đoạn 1: “Big bands no longer dominated jazz, and most
changes emerged from small combos…”

Câu 51: Đáp án : B

Theo tác giả, Sự phát triển của jazz có sức ảnh hưởng khi vào đầu những năm 60s, 70s,
nhiều nhạc sĩ đã sáng tạo ra nhiều cách chơi nhạc, kết hợp nhiều loại âm nhạc để tạo ra
lối chơi nhạc jazz mới,…

Câu 52: Đáp án : D

Thông tin ở câu thứ 5 của đoạn 2: “the form of jazz music…to intensify, distort or
amplify their sounds”. Ở đây, “intensify, distort or amplify” chính là những “novel

Câu 53: Đáp án : B

Sự thay đổi của jazz trong những năm 1970s bắt nguồn từ một xu hướng âm nhạc
khác. Thông tin ở câu thứ 3 đoạn 2: “musicians blended jazz and rock music into
fusion jazz….in other meters”

Câu 54: Đáp án : A

Bài viết này được sắp xếp theo thời gian (chronological) và sự phát triển, đổi mới
(innovation) của nhạc jazz

Câu 55: Đáp án : C

Thông tin ở câu đoạn đầu tiên: “they are sometimes too unhealthy to be followed in
long term” và những đoạn sau đó làm rõ các vấn đề diễn ra với fad diets.
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Câu 56: Đáp án : B

Thông tin: “they are nearly always too monotonous and sometimes too unhealthy to be
followed in long term” = unhealthy, too little variety.

Câu 57: Đáp án : B

Thông tin ở đoạn 3: “In fact, most of the weight loss is water rather than fat; the lost
water is regained quickly when a normal diet is resumed.”

Câu 58: Đáp án : A

“their” được thay thế cho “most diets” ở câu trước.

Câu 59: Đáp án : C

Thông tin ở đoạn 3: “it provided fewer servings of grains, vegetables, and fruits than
recommended by most nutritionists”

Câu 60: Đáp án : C

“conscientiously” = “correctly”: chính xác, xác đáng

Câu 61: Đáp án : D

“not conducive to” = “does not encourage”: không khuyến khích, không dẫn đến (trình
trạng, hoạt động nào đó…)

Câu 62: Đáp án : C

Thông tin ở đoạn số 4: “Under the Atkins program, the dieter is permitted to eat
unlimited amounts of non-carbohydrate foods "when hungry".”

Câu 63: Đáp án : A

“As ketosis begins, weight will be shed quickly, giving the misleading impression that
significant fat reduction is taking place.”: trong quá trình ketosis diễn ra, cân nặng
được giảm nhanh, khiến nhiều người nhầm tưởng là quá trình giảm béo đang diễn ra.
Câu đồng nghĩa là A: “Ketosis causes weight loss at first, leading people to wrongly
believe that they are losing fat.”

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Câu 64: Đáp án : B

Thông tin: “Atkins advocated his diet for more than 30 years and claimed that more
than 60,000 patients treated at his centre” -> diet is very popular


I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
Question 1: I had to clean the spare room before I could start decorating.
 Only when ______________________________________.
Question 2: “I wouldn‟t stay out in the cold for too long,” Jill told Tom.
 Jill advised ______________________________________.
Question 3: Jean succeeded in finishing all her work on time.
 Jean managed ____________________________________.
Question 4: This problem cannot be solved instantly.
 There is no ______________________________________.
Question 5: This book is so interesting that I can‟t put it down.
 This is _________________________________________.

II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about your favorite electronic device.
Write your paragraph on your answer sheet.
The following prompts might be helpful to you:
- What is it? (T.V, CD player, mobile phone, or computer,…)
- What is it like?
- How do you use it?
- Why do you like it best?

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Câu 1: Đảo ngữ với Only when: vế trước viết bình thường, vế sau đảo ngữ (đảo động
từ khuyết thiếu “could” lên trước chủ ngữ). Câu hoàn chỉnh là: Only when I had
cleared the square room could I start decorating.
Câu 2: “advise somebody to do something/not to do something”: khuyên ai
làm/không làm gì. Câu hoàn chỉnh là: Jill advised Tom not to stay out in the cold for
too long.
Câu 3: “succeed in doing something” = “manage to do something”: thành công trong
việc làm gì đó.
Câu hoàn chỉnh: Jean managed to finish all her work on time.
Câu 4: Câu gốc: “Vấn đề này không thể giải quyết ngay lập tức được”
Câu viết lại: There is no instant solution to this problem. (“Không có cách giải quyết
ngay lập tức cho vấn đề này”)
Câu 5: S + to be +“so”+ adj = “such” + (a/an) + adj + noun (S)
Câu viết lại: This is such an interesting book that I can‟t put it down.

BÀI VIẾT: Among many electronic devices, my favorite one is my laptop. I never
thought it would become such an important thing in my life, but when I started using it
I realized that I could not live without it. My laptop is quite small and its color is grey;
generally, it is not very attractive but it works effectively. The main reason I use the
laptop is that I am doing a part-time job online, so I have to access to the Internet
everyday. I also use the laptop when I need to talk to my friends or when I have to
check e-mail. Moreover, when I get tired of this fast-paced life, laptop is a means of
entertainment; I can listen to music, play some games, etc. all by my laptop. All in all,
laptop is an electronic device which has made my life better.

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Đề kiểm tra số 3
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose
underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the
following questions
Question 1: A. followed B. exploited C. packaged D.
Question 2: A. literature B. important C. available D.
Question 3: A. scary B. back C. algebra D.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs
from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following
Question 4: A. methodical B. academic C. compulsory
D. commercially
Question 5: A. unfortunately B. agricultural C. university D.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
Question 6: It‟s amazing how Jenny acts as though she and Darren _______ serious
problem at the moment.
A. aren‟t having B. weren‟t having C. university D. hadn‟t
been having
Question 7: Jane only makes cakes with the _______ butter
A. best unsalted Danish B. unsalted best Danish
C. Danish best unsalted D. best Danish unsalted
Question 8: Drying flowers is the best way _______ them.
A. preserved B. by preserving C. preserve D. to
Question 9: Gardeners transplant bushes and flowers by moving them from one place
to _______.

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A. other B. others C. another D. each other

Question 10: Hair fingernails, and toe nails _______ from the skin
A. forming B. forms C. formed D. are formed
Question 11: Juries determine facts from what is said from the manner_______.
A. in which it is said B. which said it in
C. which is said in D. which said it
Question 12: Dolphins and whales are mammals that _______ lives in water
A. spend their entire B. their entire
C. spend there entirely D. spending their entire
Question 13: Professional gardeners appreciate flowers for their _______, gorgeous
colors, and pleasant fragrance.
A. attractively shaped B. shape and attract
C. shaped attractively D. attractive shapes
Question 14: To bake fish, _______ butter and place it in a generously greased
rectangular pan
A. it brushes with B. with its brushes
C. brushing it with D. brush it with
Question 15: Spain has little good farmland and lacks many _______ raw materials
A. important industry B. industrious and important
C. important industrial D. important industries
Question 16: Paul Samuelson was the first American to win the Nobel prize in
A. economy B. economic C. economical D. economics
Question 17: _______ warfare duties primarily to males‟ was imperative when
combat was hand-to-hand.
A. Assigning B. Assigned C. They who assigned D.
That they were assigning
Question 18: The risks of developing cancer can _______ by not smoking and by
drinking in moderation.

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A. be significantly reduced B. to be significantly reduced

C. significantly reduce D. to reduce significantly
Question 19: The mass of the sun is about 750 times _______ that of all the planets
A. the greatest B. as great as C. greatly D. greater
Question 20: The sense of touch is essential in locating external objects if _______
close to our bodies.
A. there are B. they are C. their D. they
Question 21: I thought, _______, that the recession would soon be over
A. as did my colleagues think B. as my colleagues think
C. as does my colleagues D. as did my colleagues
Question 22: _______ charge for _______ excess luggage is £10 _______ kilo
A. The; an; a B. The; Þ; a C. Þ; Þ; a D. Þ; an; the
Question 23: A: I don‟t like meat. B: _____________
A. Nor I do B. I don‟t too C. Neither don‟t I D. Neither
do I
Question 24: _______ , let me know.
A. Do you hear anything B. Hear anything
C. Should you hear anything D. Hearing anything
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s)
OPPOSITE in the meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following
Question 25: Designers could move away from conservative styles and promote the
swimsuits that revealed a body‟s physical attributes
A. hid B. distorted C. blocked D. disrupted
Question 26: Lunar years were inconvenient for agricultural purposes.
A. useful B. ideal C. proper D. practical
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) SIMILAR
in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

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Question 27: Sometimes, advertisers impact society by the use of advocacy ads,
whose purpose is not to persuade the public to buy a product, but to change the
public‟s view about a specific issue
A. convince B. dissuade C. solicit D. encourage
Question 28: Aside from simply being annoying, the most measurable physical effect
of noise pollution is damage to hearing
A. difficult B. ongoing C. bothersome D. refined
Question 29: Many communities now disapprove of these phones so much that they
have forbidden anyone of any age to use them while driving
A. fully endorse their popularity B. condemn or oppose their use
C. favor their use only by adults D. agree to their unrestricted use
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part
that needs correction in each of the following questions.
Question 30: Electric wires carry current for lighting and outlets designing for
household appliances
A. Electric B. carry current C. lighting D. designing
Question 31: Technology is define as the tools, skills, and methods that are necessary
to produce goods
A. is define B. the tools C. that are D. to produce
Question 32: The planet Mercury rotates slow than any other planet except Venus
A. rotates B. slow C. other planet D. except
Question 33: Van Cliburn he studied piano from 1951 to 1954 and won multiple
awards between 1958 and 1960.
A. he studied B. piano from C. won D. awards
Question 34: To raise livestock successfully, farmers must selecting cattle for
breeding and apply a dietary regimen.
A. successfully B. selecting C. breeding D. apply
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
Royal Residences
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Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle and the Palace of Holyroodhouse are the
official (35)_______ of the Sovereign and, as such, serve as both home and office for
The Queen, whose personal standard flies (36)________ Her Majesty is in residence.
These buildings are used extensively for State ceremonies and Official
entertaining and are opened to the (37)________ as much as these commitments allow.
All are furnished with fine pictures and (38)________of art from the Royal
Collection, which has been assembled over four centuries by successive sovereigns.
Many of the State Apartments and rooms at the official residences have been in
continuous use since their conception and many of the works of art are (39)________
in the rooms for which they were originally (40)________.
The official residences are in (41)________ use and the style and manner in
which they are (42)_______ to visitors reflects their working status. Rooms are kept as
close to their normal (43)________ as possible. Inevitably, opening times are subject
to change at short notice depending on circumstances.
The Royal Collection, which is owned by The Queen as Sovereign in trust for
her successors and the Nation, is administered by the Royal Collection Trust to which
a proportion of admission and other income from visitors is directed.
The remainder of this income funds the majority of the cost of restoring
Windsor Castle which was badly (44)________ by fire in November 1992.
Question 35: A. venues B. residences C. situations D.
Question 36: A. whatever B. however C. whoever D.
Question 37: A. humans B. public C. peoples D.
Question 38: A. paintings B. statues C. works D. jobs
Question 39: A. created B. explored C. produced
D. displayed
Question 40: A. instructed B. intended C. performed D.
Question 41: A. local B. national C. regular
D. minor
Question 42: A. designed B. shown C. given D. taken
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Question 43: A. feature B. location C. destination D.

Question 44: A. destroyed B. ruined C. damaged D.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions .
U.N Abandons Treaty to Ban Cloning
U. N. diplomats abandoned efforts to draft that would outlaw human cloning.
They will likely settle for a weaker statement, and won‟t seek a widespread ban,
officials said. The debate began when Italy introduced a document into the U.N. to
stop any attempt at cloning human life. The Belgians objected to the use of the term
“human life” in the document, because they fear it would put a stop to all forms of
human cloning.
[1] There is near universal support among the United Nations' 191 members
for a ban on reproductive cloning-creating cloned babies. [2] Many countries have
wrestled over whether to allow cloning for stem cell and other types of research. [3]
Indeed, many researchers believe that stem cells could be used to repair nerve tissue or
cure diseases, including Alzheimer's. [4] Stem cells are taken from an embryo and
cloned, but extracting these cells kills the embryo. Opponents say that this equal to
Question 45: What is the main topic of this passage?
A. a disagreement on cloning
B. the definition of “life”
C. reasons why cloning should be banned
D. the arguments against cloning babies
Question 46: Which of the following best describes the organization of this passage?
A. a chronological listing of steps used in cloning
B. a discussion of ways to use cloning for better health
C. a description of nation‟s opinions about cloning and reasons for those opinions
D. none of the answers
Question 47: The word “it” in the text refers to _______.

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A. a ban B. an attempt at cloning human life

C. use of the phrase “human life” D. research
Question 48: Which of the following can be inferred from this passage?
A. The production of cloned babies will probably be banned
B. No one knows what life is or when life begins
C. Cloning for medical research will probably be banned
D. Most diseases will be cured through cloning
Question 49: Why are some countries “wrestling” over whether to ban cloning or not?
A. Because it is a very harmful process
B. Because they don‟t want to upset the U.N
C. Because the issue is morally and legally difficult
D. Because they want to fight with other countries over cloning
Question 50: The phrase “universal support” means _______
A. Every country is against the issue
B. Every country is for the issue
C. There are equal numbers for and against the issue
D. None of the answers
Question 51: What can inferred about the Belgians?
A. They support some forms of human cloning
B. They believe that cloning for research is unacceptable
C. They agree with the Italians‟ position
D. They had strongly supported the abandoned treaty
Question 52: Which of the following can be inferred about the Italian proposal?
A. It was an attempt to reach a compromise
B. It would allow cloning for the treatment of Alzheimer‟s
C. It was approved of by people who strongly oppose cloning
D. None of the answer
Question 53: The word “extracting” in the passage is closest in meaning to _______.
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A. growing B. removing C. curing D. killing

Question 54: Which is the best place for the following sentence? “ Another type of
cloning is the cause of the controversy.”
A. [1] B. [2] C. [3] D. [4]
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions .
The Battle of Gettysburg
One of the most important battles of the American Civil War occurred around
the small town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, from July 1 to July 3, 1863. What began
as a search for shoes by the Confederate Army quickly escalated into a major battle.
As the Confederate soldiers sought new shoes, they unexpectedly encountered Union
cavalry stationed west of the town at Willoughby Run, and the battle began. After
much fighting and heavy casualties on both sides, the Confederates pushes the Union
forces back through the town of Gettysburg, where they regrouped south of the town
along the high ground near cemetery.
Confederate General Robert E. Lee ordered General R.S. Ewell to seize the
high ground form the battle-weary Union soldiers “if practical”. Ewell hesitated in the
attack, giving the Union troops a chance to establish a stronghold along Cemetery
Ridge and then bring in reinforcements with artillery. By the time Lee realized Ewell
had not attacked, the opportunity had vanished. Other failures by the Confederates
included the generals‟ opposition to the attack plans and a lack of information about
the Union defense. This combination of errors allowed the Union forces to win a
critical victory in the Civil War. By the end, a total of 160,000 men were involved in
this fierce and bloody battle
Question 55: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Shoes were an important factor in the Battle of Gettysburg
B. Mistakes by Confederate forces led to a critical victory for the Union at Gettysburgs
C. The Battle of Gettysburg began accidentally and involved heavy casualties on both
D. General Ewell hesitated in the attack on the high ground
Question 56: Why does the author mention that “Ewell hesitated to attack”?
A. To explain an important mistake by the Confederates

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B. To show that the Confederates were afraid

C. To show that Ewell was against the war
D. None of the answers
Question 57: Which of the following best describes how the Battle of Gettysburg
A. an accidental meeting B. an unexpected fight
C. a carefully planned surprise attack D. a misunderstanding
Question 58: It can be inferred from the passage that one reason for the Union victory
was _______.
A. the Confederate soldiers‟ lack of experience B. General Ewell‟s hesitation to attack
C. Mistakes by General Lee D. The large number of Union
Question 59: According to the passage, which of the following is assumed in the
Battle of Gettysburg?
A. 160,000 men were killed
B. It was a major victory for General Lee
C. The Union soldiers were led by General Ewell
D. Both sides had many casualties
Question 60: The word “escalated” in paragraph 1 could be best replaced by _______
A. failed B. ended C. grew D.
Question 61: Which of the following happened last?
A. Union reinforcements arrived
B. Union soldiers went to Willoughby Run
C. The Union soldiers arrived at Cemetery Ridge
D. General Lee ordered an attack
Question 62: The word “they” in paragraph 1 refers to _______.
A. soldiers B. shoes C. battles D. Army
Question 63: The word “vanished” in paragraph 2 in closest in meaning to _______.

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A. succeeded B. disappeared C. decreased D. remained

Question 64: Complete the summary by choosing one sentence (A, B, C or D) that is
among the most important information to fill in the blank. SUMMARY: This passage
discusses the Battle of Gettysburg. The battle began when Confederate and Federal
soldiers met by accident near Gettysburg. _______ . Failures by the Confederate
forces in planning and intelligence allowed the Union army to win the battle
A. When Lee realized that Ewell had not attacked, the opportunity was gone
B. Confederate General Ewell hesitated to attack, which allowed the Union forces time
to prepare
C. The Confederate soldiers regrouped south of Gettysburg on high ground
D. A total of 160,000 men were involved in the battle


Câu 1: Đáp án : B
“ed” sau đuôi /t/ phát âm là/id/, sau các đuôi /əʊ /, /dʒ/, /v/ phát âm là /d/

Câu 2: Đáp án : D
“a” trong “conservation” phát âm là /ei/, trong các từ còn lại phát âm là/ə/

Câu 3: Đáp án : A
“a” trong “scary” phát âm là /e/, trong các từ còn lại phát âm là /ӕ/

Câu 4: Đáp án : B
Trọng âm của từ này rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3, các từ còn lại rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2

Câu 5: Đáp án : A
Trọng âm của từ này rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2, các từ còn lại rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3

Câu 6: Đáp án : B

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Trong hiện tại, có thể dùng: As though + S + V-ed/were… = như thể là … (điều gì
không đúng trong thực tại)

Câu 7: Đáp án : A
The + tính từ ở dạng so sánh hơn nhất + (N). Đồng thời, Quy tắc sắp xếp các tính từ:
OPSACOM: Opinion (good) – Price – Size/shape – Age – Color– Original (Danish) –
Material => The best unsalted Danish butter = bơ Đan mạch không muối ngon nhất

Câu 8: Đáp án : D
A way to V = một cách để làm gì

Câu 9: Đáp án : C
Another = một đối tượng khác (không xác định). Other (adj) = khác. Others = những
đối tượng khác (số nhiều). Each other = lẫn nhau

Câu 10: Đáp án : D

Hình thức bị động: S + be + past participle (by somebody/something). Câu này chưa
có động từ, nên chỗ trống phải chứa động từ: are formed = được hình thành

Câu 11: Đáp án : A

In the manner = theo cách đó. Đại từ quan hệ “which” có thể đi với giới từ, khi đó,
giới từ có thể đứng liền trước “which” (in which) hoặc cuối câu

Câu 12: Đáp án : A

Khi bổ nghĩa cho danh từ làm chủ ngữ trong mệnh đề quan hệ, sau đại từ quan hệ
“that” là động từ (có chia). That spend their entire lives in water = mà dùng cả đời
sống dưới nước

Câu 13: Đáp án : D

Sau tính từ sở hữu (their) thường là danh từ, cụm danh từ. Attractive shapes (cụm danh
từ) = những hình dạng thu hút

Câu 14: Đáp án : D

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Dùng mệnh lệnh thức ( dạng: V…; không chủ ngữ, không chia động từ) để đưa ra chỉ
dẫn. To bake fish, brush it with butter .. = để nướng cá, chà cá với bơ

Câu 15: Đáp án : C

2 tính từ cùng bổ nghĩa cho danh từ material. Important industrial raw materials =
những nguyên liệu thô công nghiệp quan trọng (các tính từ trong T.a xếp ngược lại với
các tính từ trong tiếng việt khi cùng bổ nghĩa cho danh từ)

Câu 16: Đáp án : D

Ecomomics (N) = kinh tế học. economy (N) = nền kinh tế. economic (adj) = thuộc về
kinh tế. economical (adj) = tiết kiệm

Câu 17: Đáp án : A

Ving có thể làm chủ ngữ, với dạn danh động từ, chỉ một việc gì đó. Assigning warfare
duties = việc ấn định nghĩa vụ chiến tranh

Câu 18: Đáp án : A

Bị động: S + be + past participle (by somebody/something). Can be significantly
reduced = có thể bị giảm đi một cách đáng kể

Câu 19: Đáp án : B

So sánh hơn gấp bao nhiêu lần: S + be + số lần + as + adj + as + N

Câu 20: Đáp án : B

Câu điều kiện loại 1, chỉ điều có thể luôn đúng trong thực tại và tương lai: If + S+
am/is/are/V(s-es), S + are/is/V-e,es + …. Be close to something (adj) = gần với cái gì

Câu 21: Đáp án : D

As + do/does/did + S = cũng như là ai đó đã làm

Câu 22: Đáp án : B

The + danh từ xác định (duy nhất, hoặc đã xác định rõ đối tượng nào). The charge for
something = cước phí cho cái gì (cố định, rõ ràng). Luggage = hành lí (không đếm
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được và không xác định hành lí nào) -> không có mạo từ. £10 a kilo = cứ 10 pao một

Câu 23: Đáp án : D

Câu 24: Đáp án : C
Câu điều kiện loại 1 dạng đảo: Should + S+ be/V (không chia), ….= If + S +

Câu 25: Đáp án : A

Reveal = bộc lộ, tiết lộ. Hid = ẩn, giấu

Câu 26: Đáp án : D

Inconvenient (adj) = bất tiện, không phù hợp. Practical = thiết thực, phù hợp

Câu 27: Đáp án : A

Persuade = thuyết phục ≈ convince

Câu 28: Đáp án : C

Annoying (adj) = gây bực mình, gây phiền toái = bothersome. Ongoing = tiếp tục diễn
ra. Refined = đã chắt lọc, tinh chế

Câu 29: Đáp án : B

Disapprove of something = phản đối, không chấp thuận cái gì. Condemn = kết tội.
oppose = phản đối, chống đối

Câu 30: Đáp án : D

Ving là hình thức rút gọn của mệnh đề quan hệ chủ động. Ở đây phải dùng hình thức
rút gọn của mệnh đề quan hệ bị động: outlets designed for = outlets that are designed
for = những đầu ra mà được thiết kế cho…

Câu 31: Đáp án : A

Hình thức bị động: S + be + past participle + by somebody/something. Sửa A: is
defined = được định nghĩa (là…)
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Câu 32: Đáp án : B

Trạng từ đứng sau động từ để bổ nghĩa cho động từ đó. Có “than” thì tính từ , trạng từ
trước nó ở dạng so sánh hơn. B -> more slowly

Câu 33: Đáp án : A

Van Cliburn là chủ ngữ của câu, không cần “he” nữa. Bỏ “he”

Câu 34: Đáp án : B

Must + V = phải làm gì. B -> select

Câu 35: Đáp án : B

Residence = dinh cơ, nơi ở. Venue = nơi xử án. Situation = tình huống. occupation =
sự cư ngụ, việc làm

Câu 36: Đáp án : D

Whatever = bất cứ thứ gì. However = tuy nhiên. Whoever = bất cứ ai. Whenever = bất
cứ khi nào

Câu 37: Đáp án : B

The public = cộng đồng, quần chúng. Peoples = các dân tộc. strangers = những người

Câu 38: Đáp án : C

Works = những kiệt tác. Works of art = những kiệt tác nghệ thuật. Paintings = các bức
họa. Statues = các bức tượng. jobs = những công việc

Câu 39: Đáp án : D

Be displayed = được trưng bày. Create = tạo nên. Explore = khám phá. Produce = sản

Câu 40: Đáp án : B

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Intend = dự định. Was originally intended = được dự định từ đầu

Câu 41: Đáp án : C

Regular = thường xuyên. Local = địa phương. National = thuộc quốc gia. Minor = ít,
thiểu số

Câu 42: Đáp án : B

Show = thể hiện, trưng bày. Design = thiết kế. give = tặng, đưa. Take = lấy

Câu 43: Đáp án : D

Appreance = hình dáng, vẻ ngoài. Feature = đặc trưng. Location = địa điểm.
destination = điểm đến

Câu 44: Đáp án : C

Damage (V) = gây thiệt hại. be badly damaged = bị thiệt hại nặng nề

Câu 45: Đáp án : A

Bài văn nói về những bất đồng về việc nhân bản vô tính, đặc biệt là những lệnh cấm,
sự phản đối từ Hoa Kì cho tới các nước khác

Câu 46: Đáp án : C

Bài văn đề cập tới quan điểm của các nước về vấn đề nhân bản vô tính, đoạn 1 đề cập
tới Hoa Kì, Ý, Bỉ. Đoạn 2 nói tới tình trạng quan điểm của nhiều nước trên thế giới

Câu 47: Đáp án : C

Dịch cả câu: Những người Bỉ phản đối việc sử dụng thuật ngữ “đời sống con người”
trong tài liệu đó, bởi vì họ sợ nó sẽ chấm dứt mọi hình thức nhân bản vô tính người ->
Nó chính là “ việc dùng thuật ngữ “đời sống con người”

Câu 48: Đáp án : A

Câu đầu đoạn 2: There is near universal support among the United Nations' 191
members for a ban on reproductive cloning-creating cloned babies -> gần như là toàn
cầu ủng hộ luật cấm sản xuất những trẻ sơ sinh vô tính ở Hợp chủng quốc Hoa Kì
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Câu 49: Đáp án : C

Việc nhân bản vô tính không hợp lí về mặt luật pháp (nhiều nước cấm: a ban on
reproductive cloning-creating cloned babies), và đạo đức (tách mô tế bào khỏi phôi
thai chẳng khác nào giết phôi thai: Opponents say that this equal to murder.)

Câu 50: Đáp án : B

Universal support = sự ủng hộ của toàn cầu

Câu 51: Đáp án : A

Câu cuổi đoạn 1 thể hiện ý này. Những người Bỉ sợ rằng việc dùng từ “human life” sẽ
chấm dứt các hình thức nhân bản vô tính -> họ không muốn việc nhân bản vô tính bị
dừng lại -> họ ủng hộ việc nhân bản vô tính

Câu 52: Đáp án : C

Dòng 2 đoạn 1: Italy introduced a document into the U.N. to stop any attempt at
cloning human life -> Ý đưa ra đề xuất chấm dứt mọi dự định về nhân bản vô tính sự
sống con người -> đề xuất này sẽ được những người phản đối nhân bản vô tính ủng hộ

Câu 53: Đáp án : B

Extract = chiết, tách. Remove = tách, tháo rời, loại bỏ

Câu 54: Đáp án : B

Dịch: một loại nhân bản vô tính khác là nguyên nhân của sự tranh cãi. Phù hợp với [2]
vì câu sau [2] nhắc tới nhân bản vô tính mô tế bào; khác với nhân bản vô tính người đã
được đề cập ở đoạn trước

Câu 55: Đáp án : B

Bài văn kể về cuộc nội chiến ở Hoa Kì giữa Liên quân miền Bắc và Liên minh miền

Câu 56: Đáp án : A

Từ dòng 2 đoạn 2: Ewell hesitated in the attack, giving the Union troops a chance to
establish a stronghold along Cemetery Ridge and then bring in reinforcements with
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artillery -> Ewell lưỡng lự trong tiến công, tạo cơ hội cho quân miền Bắc có cơ hội
thiết lập một thành trì dọc dải nghĩa địa và liên kết với quân pháo binh tiếp viện -->
một lỗi lớn của Liên minh miền Nam

Câu 57: Đáp án : A

Từ dòng 3: As the Confederate soldiers sought new shoes, they unexpectedly
encountered Union cavalry stationed west of the town at Willoughby Run, and the
battle began. -> khi những người lính Liên quân miền Nam tìm thấy những chiếc giày
mới, họ bất ngờ chạm chán quân Liên minh miền Bắc đóng ở phía Tây thị trấn ở
Willoughby Run, và cuộc chiến bắt đầu --> bắt đầu từ một cuộc chạm chán bất ngờ

Câu 58: Đáp án : B

Từ đầu dòng 2: Confederate General Robert E. Lee ordered General R.S. Ewell to
seize the high ground form the battle-weary Union soldiers “if practical”. Ewell
hesitated in the attack -> Đại tướng Robert E.Lee lệnh cho đại tướng Ewell giữ vững
phòng thủ trận địa, đại tướng Ewell lưỡng lực trong tấn công -> một lỗi dẫn tới thất bại
là từ Đại tướng Robert E.Lee

Câu 59: Đáp án : D

Trong dòng 5 đoạn 1: After much fighting and heavy casualties on both sides

Câu 60: Đáp án : C

Escalate = leo thang, phát triển nhanh ≈ grow

Câu 61: Đáp án : A

Theo diễn biến trận chiến, quân miền Bắc đóng đô ở Willoughby Run trước (dòng 4
đoạn 1: Union cavalry stationed west of the town at Willoughby Run), thiết lập thành
trì dọc dải nghĩa địa và rồi mới liên kết với quân pháo binh tiếp viện (dòng 2 đoạn 2:
giving the Union troops a chance to establish a stronghold along Cemetery Ridge and
then bring in reinforcements with artillery) -> A là hoạt động cuối cùng, D không xảy

Câu 62: Đáp án : A

Dịch cả câu: As the Confederate soldiers sought new shoes, they unexpectedly
encountered Union cavalry stationed west of the town at Willoughby Run, and the
battle began. -> khi những người lính Liên quân miền Nam tìm thấy những chiếc giày
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mới, họ bất ngờ chạm chán quân Liên minh miền Bắc đóng ở phía Tây thị trấn ở
Willoughby Run, và cuộc chiến bắt đầu -> họ chính là quân miền Nam: Confederate

Câu 63: Đáp án : B

Vanish = biến mất = disappear

Câu 64: Đáp án : B

Dịch cả đoạn: Đoạn văn này nói về trận chiến Gettysburg. Cuộc chiến bắt đầu khi Liên
quân miền Nam và miền Bắc tình cờ gặp nhau ở gần Gettysburg. Đại tướng quân miền
Nam Ewell đã do dự khi tấn công, dẫn đến việc lực lượng liên bang miền Bắc có thời
gian chuẩn bị. Các thất bại do Liên minh miền Nam trong việc lên kế hoạch và sự
khôn khéo đã khiến quân đội miền Bắc giành thắng lợi


I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as
the sentence printed before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet
Question 1: Don‟t invest excuses in order not to do them.
 Don‟t make ___________________________________
Question 2: : Someone almost certainly broke the window on purpose.
 The window must _________________________________
Question 3: You caused the accident because you were driving too fast.
 Had you _______________________________________________
Question 4: Although he was ill, he visited other ruins.
 In spite _________________________________________________
Question 5: “If you cause problem, I‟ll arrest you” the policeman told me.
 The policeman warned ____________________________________

II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the benefits of doing voluntary
work. Write your paragraph on your answer sheet.
The following prompts might be helpful to you.

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- Contributing part of your time and energy to the society

- Developing important social skills
- Creating connections with people

Câu 1: Đáp án: Don‟t make up excuses in order not to do them
Invest excuses = đưa ra những lời biện hộ. In order to V = để làm gì. Make up
something = dựng nên cái gì.
Câu 2: Đáp án: The window must have been broken on purpose.
Must have + past participle = chắc chắn đã làm gì trong quá khứ (phỏng đoán chắc
chắn, có cơ sở rõ ràng). On purpose = cố tình. Kết hợp bị động: Be past participle ->
must have been broken = chắc hẳn đã bị đập vỡ
Câu 3: Đáp án: Had you not been driving so/too fast, the accident would not have
been happened
Câu điều kiện loại 3 dạng đảo, giả định điều trái quá khứ: Had + S + past participle, S
+ would/could + have + past participle
Câu 4: Đáp án: In spite of his illness, he visited other ruins.
Although + mệnh đề = In spite of + danh từ/cụm danh từ = mặc dù
Câu 5: Đáp án: The policeman warned me not to cause problem/trouble.
Nếu anh gây ra vấn đề gì, tôi sẽ bắt anh -> viết lại bằng động từ: warn somebody to V
= cảnh cáo ai

Voluntary work has some interesting benefits which attract many people nowadays.
Firstly, being a volunteer is a meaningful thing to mention. Doing voluntary work
means doing work without asking for money or wave. In this way, people can
contribute their enthusiasm and energy to the society, which also results in spending
free time more usefully. Besides, when doing voluntary tasks, volunteers can receive
some significant skills. They may learn how to socialize with others, or learn how to
cooperate in a diverse team, or with deal with problem in a logic way. Last but not
least, voluntary work connects different people. It provides a chance for volunteers to
meet up and establish new relationships. To sum up, volunteers can not only give but
also receive many useful experiences from voluntary activities.

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Đề kiểm tra số 4
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose
underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the
following questions.
Câu 1: A. comb B. common C. home D. dome
Câu 2: A. said B. trait C. maid D. faith

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose stress
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Câu 3: A. documentary B. understand C. disappear D.
Câu 4: A. assassinate B. agriculture C. asset D.
Câu 5: A. creation B. electronic C. alive D. musician

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
Câu 6: Young people have become increasingly committed ______ social activities.
A. of B. to C. in D. at
Câu 7: The company employs a_________ of nearly 6000.
A. workman B. workout C. workload D. workforce
Câu 8: _______ the time their babies arrive, the Johnsons hope to have finished
painting the nursery.
A. For B. In C. Till D. By
Câu 9: Vietnamese marksman Nguyen Manh Tuong, who owned five gold medals
during the Games, was awarded the most_________athlete title.
A. impressive B. remarkable C. outstanding D.
Câu 10: We are_________ to encourage more local employers to work with us.
A. interested B. satisfied C. willing D. keen
Câu 11: Water polo was the first_________ sport added to the Olympic program in
A. adventure B. team C. individual D. spectator
Câu 12: The _________ part of the week is always busy for me.
A. early B. near C. start D. front
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Câu 13: Microwaves are used for cooking, telecommunications, and ______.
A. medical diagnosing B. to diagnose medically
C. diagnosed medically D. medical diagnosis
Câu 14: The Party and State leaders, delegates, _________ and international guests,
and 11 sports delegations from Southeast Asian countries to the 22nd SEA Games
were warmly welcomed.
A. host B. family C. household D. domestic
Câu 15: The host country, Laos, is expected to announce _________ sports for 25th
SEA Games in November 2008.
A. official B. key C. core D. main
Câu 16: When the company had to close because of economic difficulties, many
people became _____ .
A. deliberate B. homeless C. unsatisfactory D. redundant
Câu 17: _________, the athlete broke the world's record with two attempts.
A. Surprise B. Surprised C. Surprising D. Surprisingly
Câu 18: He just couldn't open the jar _______ hard he tried.
A. whatever B. however C. moreover D. even
Câu 19: Your task is _____ mine but I have to be there all day.
A. like to B. alike C. similar to D. same like
Câu 20: Not once did I see him ______ a finger to help in the home.
A. move B. lift C. click D. shift
Câu 21: On behalf of the referees and athletes, referee Hoang Quoc Vinh and shooter
Nguyen Manh Tuong _________ an oath of "Solidarity, Honesty and Fair Play".
A. spoke B. said C. swore D. told
Câu 22: ______ about gene-related diseases has increased is welcome news.
A. Scientific knowledge B. It was scientific knowledge
C. Though scientific knowledge D. That scientific knowledge
Câu 23: A vacuum will neither conduct heat nor ______.
A. transmit sound waves B. transmitting sound waves
C. sound waves are transmitted D. the transmission of sound waves
Câu 24: _______, the young mother appeared visibly very happy after the birth of her
A. She was tired B. Tired as she was C. As tired D. Despite tired

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
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Studies about how students use their time might shed light on whether they face
increased academic and financial pressures compared with earlier eras.
Based on data about how students are spending time, academic or financial
pressures don‟t seem to be greater now than a generation ago.
The data show that full-time students in all types of colleges study much less
now than they did a generation ago - a full 10 hours a week less. Students are also
receiving significantly higher grades. So it appears that academic pressures are, in fact,
considerably lower than they used to be.
The time-use data don‟t suggest that students feel greater financial pressures,
either. When the time savings and lower opportunity costs are factored in, college
appears less expensive for most students than it was in the 1960s. And though there are
now full-time students working to pay while in college, they study less even when paid
work choices are held constantly.
In other words, full-time students do not appear to be studying less in order to
work more. They appear to be studying less and spending the extra time on leisure
activities or fun. It seems hard to imagine that students feeling increased financial
pressures would respond by taking more leisure.
Based on how students are spending their time then, it doesn‟t look as though
academic or financial pressures are greater now than a generation ago. The time-use
data don‟t speak directly to social pressures, and it may well be that these have become
more intense lately.
In one recent set of data, students reported spending more than 23 hours per
week either socializing with friends or playing on the computer for fun. Social
activities, in person or on computer, would seem to have become the major focus of
campus life. It is hard to tell what kinds of pressures would be associated with this
Câu 25: The study‟s conclusion that students‟ workload now is not greater than before
is based on_________.
A. what students achieve with greater load B. how students work through college
C. how students spend their time D. what college demands from students
Câu 26: Research studies have shown that pressures put on students nowadays are
A. more diversified
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B. getting ever greater

C. not greater than the past
D. much greater than the past
Câu 27: Students get higher grades as__________.
A. academic workload appears less demanding
B. academic workload appears more attractive
C. students study much harder
D. college‟s facilities are much better
Câu 28: According to the author, the fact that students have more time for leisure is a
proof that_____.
A. they are active with extra-curricular activities
B. they cannot find extra jobs
C. financial pressure on students is not a problem
D. academic work disinterests them
Câu 29: All factors considered, college now seems___________ .
A. ever more expensive
B. much more expensive
C. more costly
D. less expensive
Câu 30: According to the author, the fact that more full-time students are working for
A. shows that students are financially pressured
B. indicates that students are academically pressured
C. is not an indication of pressures
D. does not change students‟ campus life
Câu 31: Students nowadays seem to be studying less and__________.
A. taking more extracurricular activities
B. giving more time to sports
C. spending more time doing odd jobs
D. spending more time on leisure
Câu 32: The word “focus” in the last paragraph can be replaced with__________.
A. biggest importance B. headline
C. central activity D. primary theme
Câu 33: The author finds it hard to point out___________.
A. what is associated with the change in students‟ campus life
B. how students‟ campus life becomes subject to academic pressure
C. how the background of students‟ campus life is built
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D. the cause to students‟ financial pressure

Câu 34: The word “Academics” in the title mostly means___________
A. professors and research students B. students‟ workload in college
C. graduate students‟ workload D. college students and tutors

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in

meaning to the italic part in each of the following questions.
Câu 35: The notice should be put in the most conspicuous place so that all the
students can be wellinformed.
A. easily seen B. beautiful C. popular D. suspicious
Câu 36: Property prices have gone up, then gome down, then gone up again this
A. fluctuated B. fallen C. changed D. increased
Câu 37: He didn’t bat an eye ( eyelid / eyelash) when he realized he failed the exam
A. didn‟t show surprise B. wasn‟t happy C. didn‟t want to see D. didn‟t

Read the passage and mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the blanks.
My younger sister is a potential star of state and screen, or at least that's what she tells
me. Last week she had an interview. It was for the (38)……………..of Juliet in
Shakespear‟s Romeo and Juliet. It went well and she starts (39)……………..next
week. This is the first play that she has been in, but she has done quite a lot of TV
advertising work and she has been in a couple of films. The last film she was in was
called The magician. It was set in ancient Egypt and she was in a crowd
(40)……………..with thousands of other people. When I went to see it, I sat in the
front (41)……………..so that I could see the (42)…………….. really clearly, but I
couldn‟t pick out my sister in the crowd. She says the (43)……………..was one of the
best professionals she has worked with but I must say the (44)……………..seemed a
bit stupid to me. It was all about a very clever magician who had managed to travel
back through time to the Court of Tutankhamen. The (45)……………..were
magnificent and so were some of the sets but having an actor saying
(46)……………..in present day American English just didn‟t work. The ending was

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really ridiculous. The magician got accidentally buried with Tutankhamen. Funnily
enough, the rest of the (47)……………..seemed to have rather enjoyed the film.
Câu 38: A. position B. job C. post D. part
Câu 39: A. exercises B. training sessions C. rehearsals D.
Câu 40: A. spot B. scene C. scenery D. view
Câu 41: A. file B. row C. line D.
Câu 42: A. curtain B. blind C. screen D. board
Câu 43: A. director B. conductor C. master D. chief
Câu 44: A. plot B. dialogue C. argument D. letters
Câu 45: A. dressings B. customs C. costumes D. cloths
Câu 46: A. plays B. lines C. reading D. scripts
Câu 47: A. spectators B. viewers C. audience D. public

Mark the letter on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs
Câu 48: It is said that Eiinstein felt very bad about the application of his theories for
the creation of weapons of war.
A. bad B. It is said C. felt D.
for the creation
Câu 49: The author has rarely written anything that was not a best-selling.
A. written B. best-selling C. has D. anything
Câu 50: Chocolate is prepared by a complexity process of cleaning, blending, and
roasting cocoa beans, which must be ground and mixed with sugar.
A. blending B. complexity C. mixed with D.
Câu 51: Some fishes live at enormous depths that they are almost complete blind.
A. some fishes B. enormous depths C. blind D. complete
Câu 52: Political science, like the other social sciences, is not a right science.
A. like B. sciences C. a right D. other

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase
that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following

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Câu 53: “How do you do, Lan? Do take your weight off your leg.”
A. take a seat B. walk C. sit down D. stand up
Câu 54: She is always tactful when she deals with angry students.
A. strict B. firm C. discourteous D. outspoken

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Early peoples had no need of engineering works to supply their water. Hunters
and nomads camped near natural sources of fresh water, and populations were so
sparse that pollution of the water supply was not a serious problem. After community
life developed and agricultural villages became urban centres, the problem of
supplying water became important for inhabitants of a city, as well as for irrigation of
the farms surrounding the city. Irrigation works were known in prehistoric times, and
before 2000 BC the rulers of Babylonia and Egypt constructed systems of dams and
canals to impound the flood waters of the Euphrates and Nile rivers, controlling
floods and providing irrigation water throughout the dry season. Such irrigation canals
also supplied water for domestic purposes. The first people to consider the sanitation
of their water supply were the ancient Romans, who constructed a vast system of
aqueducts to bring the clean waters of the Apennine Mountains into the city and built
basins and filters along these mains to ensure the clarity of the water. The construction
of such extensive water-supply systems declined when the Roman Empire
disintegrated, and for several centuries local springs and wells formed the main source
of domestic and industrial water.
The invention of the force pump in England in the middle of the 16th century
greatly extended the possibilities of development of water-supply systems. In London,
the first pumping waterworks was completed in 1562; it pumped river water to a
reservoir about 37 m above the level of the River Thames and from the reservoir the
water was distributed by gravity, through lead pipes, to buildings in the vicinity.
Increased per-capita demand has coincided with water shortages in many
countries. Southeast England, for example, receives only 14 per cent of Britain's
rainfall, has 30 per cent of its population, and has experienced declining winter rainfall
since the 1980s.
In recent years a great deal of interest has been shown in the conversion of
seawater to fresh water to provide drinking water for very dry areas, such as the
Middle East. Several different processes, including distillation, electrodialysis, reverse
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osmosis, and direct-freeze evaporation, have been developed for this purpose. Some of
these processes have been used in large facilities in the United States. Although these
processes are successful, the cost of treating seawater is much higher than that for
treating fresh water.
Câu 55: Early peoples didn‟t need water supply engineering works because ______.
A. they had good ways to irrigate their farms
B. natural sources of fresh water nearby were always available
C. their community life had already developed
D. there was almost no dry season in prehistoric times
Câu 56: The word “impound” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. irrigate B. drain C. supply D. provide
Câu 57: Clean water supply was first taken into consideration by ______.
A. the Egyptians B. the English people C. the US people D. the
ancient Romans
Câu 58: For several centuries after the disintegration of the Roman Empire, the main
source of water supply was from ______.
A. springs and wells B. water pipes
C. dams and canals D. systems of aqueducts
Câu 59: The word “mains” in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by ______.
A. lands B. pipes C. rivers D. areas
Câu 60: Which of the following is NOT true about London‟s water supply in the
middle of the 16th century?
A. Water was conducted through canals. B. Water ran from the reservoir to buildings.
C. Water was stored in a reservoir. D. Water was pumped from the River
Câu 61: The word “vicinity” in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. the neighborhood around a reservoir B. the areas along the River Thames
C. the region where industry developed D. the cities in South-east England
Câu 62: One of the causes of water shortages in South-east England is ______.
A. increased demand B. water evaporation
C. water-supply system decline D. water pollution
Câu 63: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a process of convertinging
seawater to freshwater?
A. Water evaporation. B. Purification method.
C. Steaming and cooling. D. Dissolving chemicals.
Câu 64: In the passage, the author mainly discusses ______.

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A. the results of water shortages B. the water pumping systems

C. the fresh water storage D. the development of water supply

1B 16 D 31 C 46 B 61 A
2A 17 D 32 C 47 C 62 A
3D 18 B 33 A 48 D 63 D
4A 19 C 34 B 49 B 64 D
5B 20 B 35 A 50 B
6B 21 C 36 A 51 D
7D 22 D 37 A 52 C
8D 23 A 38 D 53 D
9C 24 B 39 C 54 C
10 C 25 C 40 B 55 B
11 B 26 C 41 B 56 B
12 A 27 A 42 C 57 D
13 D 28 C 43 A 58 A
14 D 29 D 44 A 59 B
15 A 30 C 45 C 60 A

1. Only if she's really hungry does she eat snacks between meals.
2. I find it impossible to believe that she was the winner.
3. It is obligatory for him to pass his English examination.
4. I was particularly impressed by her excellent command of English
5. At no time was the result of the match in doubt.


A./əʊ/ B./ɔ/ C. /əʊ/ D. /əʊ/
2 A A./e/ B./ei/ C. /ei/ D. /ei/
3 DPhần D trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2, còn lại là thứ 3
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Phần A trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2, còn lại là thứ nhất
Phần B trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3, còn lại là thứ 2
Cấu trúc “commit + to st”: danh tình cảm, nỗ lực vào một cái gì đó một cách nghiêm
“workforce”: lực lượng công nhân
“workload”: khối lượng công việc (cần hoàn thành)
“workout”: buổi luyện tập (thể dục thể thao)
“workman”: công nhân, người lao động
“by” + time: trước thời gian nào đó By the time their babies arrive, the Johnsons hope
to have finished painting the nursery: Trước thời điểm con của họ đến nơi, Johnsons
hy vọng sẽ kết thúc việc sơn vườn ươm
“outstanding”: nổi bật, nổi trội Vietnamese marksman Nguyen Manh Tuong, who
owned five gold medals during the Games, was awarded the most outstanding athlete
title: thiện xạ Việt Nam Nguyễn Mạnh Tường, người sở hữu năm huy chương vàng
trong the Games, đã được trao tặng danh hiệu vận động viên nổi bật nhất
10 C
“willing” + to do st: sẵn lòng, tự nguyện làm gì đó
11 B
Water polo (chơi bóng nước) là thể loại thể thao đồng đội (team sport)
12 A
“The early part of the week”: phần đầu tiên của tuần, những ngày đầu tuần
13 D
Ở đây ta cần một danh từ vì phía trước đã có cooking, telecommunications
“diagnosis”: sự chuẩn đoán, phép chuẩn đoán
“medical diagnosis”: sự chuẩn đoán bệnh trong y học
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14 D
“domestic”: trong nước, quốc nội
“domestic and international guests”: các khách mời trong nước và quốc tế
15 A
“official”: chính thức
“official sports”: những môn thể thao chính thức (sẽ được thi đấu tại một giải thể thao)
16 D
“redundant”: thừa ra (nhân công – sẽ bị sa thải) When the company had to close
because of economic difficulties, many people became redundant: Khi
công ty phải đóng cửa vì kinh tế khó khăn, nhiều người đã trở thành dư thừa
17 D
“Surprisingly” (trạng ngữ, thường đứng đầu câu): một cách đáng kinh ngạc
18 B
“however” ở đây không phải mang nghĩa là tuy nhiên, mà là “dù thế nào đi nữa..” He
just couldn't open the jar however hard he tried: Anh ta không thể mở cái lọ dù anh đã
cố gắng thế nào đi nữa
19 C
“similar” + to: giống với cái gì
“alike” không đi kèm tân ngữ ở sau. Nếu dùng alike thì phải viết là your task and mine
are alike.
“the same as” là giống, không có same like
“like to” không đúng, like (giống) không có giới từ đi kèm
20 B
Cấu trúc lift (raise) a finger (hand) to do st: mó tay vào làm việc gì
21 C
“an oath”: lời tuyên thệ. Vì thế ở đây dùng swore (quá khứ của swear): thề
22 D
Danh mệnh đề hay được That giới thiệu và do đó được gọi là mệnh đề That. (that +
mệnh đề)

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Danh mệnh đề (that) dùng như chủ từ của câu.

23 A
Vế trước “conduct heat” động từ được dùng ở dạng nguyên thể, nên ở đây động từ
cũng được chia ở dạng nguyên thể
24 B
Đảo tính từ lên trước nhằm nhấn mạnh tính chất của chủ ngữ Adj + as/though + S + be
25 C
Thông tin ở câu đầu (đoạn đầu): Studies about how students use their time might shed
light on whether they face increased academic and financial pressures compared with
earlier eras: Các nghiên cứu về cách sinh viên sử dụng thời gian của họ có thể làm
sáng tỏ liệu họ phải đối mặt với gia tăng áp lực học tập và tài chính so với thời kỳ
trước hay không
Và câu thứ 2 (đoạn 2) đã đưa ra câu trả lời: Based on data about how students are
spending time, academic or financial pressures don‟t seem to be greater now than a
generation ago: Dựa trên dữ liệu về sinh viên đang dành thời gian, áp lực học tập, tài
chính dường như không lớn hơn so với thế hệ trước.
26 C Thông tin ở câu cuối của đoạn 3: So it appears that academic pressures are, in
fact, considerably lower than they used to be: Vì vậy, có vẻ như áp lực học tập, trên
thực tế, thấp hơn đáng kể so với trước kia.
27 A
Thông tin ở 2 câu đầu của đoạn 3: The data show that full-time students in all types of
colleges study much less now than they did a generation ago - a full 10 hours a week
less. Students are also receiving significantly higher grades: Các dữ liệu cho thấy rằng
sinh viên toàn thời gian trong tất cả các loại của trường cao đẳng học tập ít hơn một
thế hệ trước đây – ít hơn 10h một tuần. Sinh viên cũng được nhận điểm cao hơn đáng
28 C
Thông tin ở câu đầu đoạn 4 và câu cuối đoạn 5: - The time-use data don‟t suggest that
students feel greater financial pressures, either: Các dữ liệu sử dụng
thời gian cũng không cho rằng sinh viên cảm thấy áp lực tài chính lớn hơn - It seems
hard to imagine that students feeling increased financial pressures would respond by
taking more leisure: Nó có vẻ khó tưởng tượng rằng sinh viên cảm thấy tăng áp lực tài
chính sẽ phản ứng bằng cách tham gia nhiều hoạt động giải trí.

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29 D
Thông tin ở câu thứ 2 của đoạn 4: When the time savings and lower opportunity costs
are factored in, college appears less expensive for most students than it was in the
1960s: Khi các khoản tiết kiệm thời gian và chi phí cơ hội thấp hơn được đưa vào, đại
học dường như ít tốn kém cho hầu hết các sinh viên hơn là trong những năm 1960.
30 C
Thông tin ở câu cuối đoạn 4: And though there are now full-time students working to
pay while in college, they study less even when paid work choices are held constantly:
Và mặc dù bây giờ có những sinh viên toàn thời gian làm việc để trả tiền trong khi học
đại học, họ học tập ít hơn ngay cả khi lựa chọn
31 C
Thông tin ở câu thứ 2 đoạn 5: They appear to be studying less and spending the extra
time on leisure activities or fun: Họ dường như học ít hơn và dành nhiều thời gian cho
các hoạt động giải trí hoặc vui chơi = spending more time doing odd jobs (dành nhiều
thời gian cho những việc vặt)
32 C
“focus” = central activity, trong bài được hiểu là các hoạt động trọng tâm, trọng yếu
33 A
Thông tin ở câu cuối cùng của bài: It is hard to tell what kinds of pressures would be
associated with this change: Thật khó để nói những loại áp lực gì sẽ gắn liền với sự
thay đổi này.
34 B
“Academics” = students‟ workload in college: khối lượng công việc của sinh viên
trong trường đại học
35 A
“conspicuous” = easily seen: dễ thấy, dễ nhận ra
36 A
“gone up, then gome down, then gone up” = fluctuated: dao động, lên xuống thất
37 A
“didn‟t bat an eye ( eyelid / eyelash)” = didn‟t show surprise: cứ thản nhiên, không có

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gì ngạc nhiên cả
38 D
“part” ở đây được hiểu là phân cảnh, vai diễn
It was for the part of Juliet in Shakespeare‟s Romeo and Juliet: Nó là vai của Juliet
trong Romeo và Juliet của Shakespeare.
39 C
“rehearsals”: sự diễn tập, buổi diễn tập (cho vở kịch…)
40 B
“scene”: cảnh (trong phim)
Cần phân biệt với scenery: phong cảnh, dụng cụ dựng cảnh (trên sân khấu)
41 B
“the front row”: hàng ghế đầu (trong nhà hát, rạp…)
42 C
“screen”: màn hình
Tác giả đang diễn tả 1 buổi xem phim, screen là màn hình đang chiếu phim đó
43 A
“director”: đạo diễn
3 từ còn lại không có liên quan đến điện ảnh
44 A
“plot”: kịch bản (cho một bộ phim, một câu chuyện)
45 C
“costumes”: trang phục được mặc bởi người (ví dụ như diễn viên) nhằm tạo sự giống
với người hoặc cái gì đó
46 B
“line” trong lĩnh vực điện ảnh được hiểu là lời thoại của nhân vật
47 C
“audience”: thính giả (vở kịch, ca nhạc, phim…)
“viewers”: khán giả truyền hình (xem thông qua TV)

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“spectators”: khán giả (đi xem một sự kiện, thể thao, hoạt động …nào đó)
48 D
“for the creation” -> “to the creation”
“application to st” (ứng dụng cho cái gì) chứ không phải là for st It is said that
Eiinstein felt very bad about the application of his theories to the creation of weapons
of war: Người ta nói rằng Einstein cảm thấy rất tồi tệ về việc áp dụng các lý thuyết của
ông cho việc tạo ra
các loại vũ khí chiến tranh.
49 B
“best-selling” -> “best-seller”
“best-selling” (tính từ): bán được nhiều, bán chạy“best-seller”: cuốn sách bán chạy
50 B“complexity” -> “complex”
Ở đây ta cần một tính từ để bổ sung ý nghĩa cho danh từ process phía sau
51 D
“complete” -> “completely”
Ở đây ta cần một trạng từ để bổ sung cho tính từ blind
52 C
“a right” -> “an exact”
“exact science”: khoa học đòi hỏi sự chính xác
53 D
Cụm “Do take your weight off your leg” (Làm mất trọng lượng của bạn khỏi chân của
bạn) = sit down: ngồi xuống. Trái nghĩa là stand up
54 C
“tactful”: khéo xử, có tài xử trí, Trái nghĩa là discourteous: bất lịch sự
55 B
Thông tin ở câu thứ 2 của đoạn đầu: Hunters and nomads camped near natural sources
of fresh water and populations were so sparse that pollution of the water supply was
not a serious problem: Thợ săn và những người du mục cắm trại gần các nguồn tự

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nhiên của nước ngọt và dân số quá thưa thớt nên sự ô nhiễm của nguồn cung cấp nước
không phải là một vấn đề nghiêm trọng
56 B
“impound” = drain: tháo, rút, tiêu (nước)
57 D
Thông tin ở đoạn 1: The first people to consider the sanitation of their water supply
were the ancient Romans: Những người đầu tiên xem xét các điều kiện vệ sinh của các
nguồn cung cấp nước của họ là những người La Mã cổ đại
58 A
Thông tin ở câu cuối đoạn 1: for several centuries local springs and wells formed the
main source of domestic and industrial water: trong nhiều thế kỷ suối và giếng nước
hình thành nguồn chính của nước sinh hoạt và công nghiệp.
59 B
“mains” trong đoạn 1 được hiểu là pipes: đường ống
60 A
Thông tin ở đoạn 2: it pumped river water to a reservoir about 37 m above the level of
the River Thames and from the reservoir the water was distributed by gravity, through
lead pipes: nó bơm nước sông vào một hồ chứa khoảng 37 m trên mực nước của sông
Thames và từ hồ chứa nước đã được phân phối bởi lực hấp dẫn, thông qua đường ống
dẫn => nước được thông qua các đường ống chứ không phải qua kênh (canal)
61 A
“vicinity” = the neighborhood around a reservoir
“vicinity”: là vùng lân cận, ở đây được hiểu là vùng lân cận của hồ nước
62 A
Thông tin ở câu đầu tiên của đoạn 3: Increased per-capita demand has coincided with
water shortages in many countries: Tăng nhu cầu bình quân đầu người đã trùng hợp
với tình trạng thiếu nước tại nhiều quốc gia.
63 D
A,B,C đều được nhắc đến ở đoạn cuối: distillation, electrodialysis, reverse osmosis,
and direct-freeze evaporation (khử muối, điện phân, lọc thẩm thấu ngược- Purification
method, và trực tiếp đóng băng bốc hơi - Steaming and cooling, Water evaporation)

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Chỉ có D là không được nhắc đến

64 D
Bài chủ yếu nói về the development of water supply (sự phát triển của nguồn cung cấp
nước) theo thời gian từ khi con người sử dụng nguồn nước ngọt từ giếng, suối, cho đến
thời kì dẫn nước ngọt sơ khai cho đến dần hoàn thiện

SECTION B (2 points)
I. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same
meaning as the original ones.
1. Unless she's really hungry, she never eats snacks between meals.
=> Only if .....................................................................................................................
2. I can't believe that she was the winner.
=> I find it impossible............................................................................................
3. He must pass his English examination, which is obligatory.
=> It is .................................................................................................................
4. What particularly impressed me was her excellent command of English.
=>I as..........................................................................................................................
5. The result of the match was never in doubt.
=> At no time

II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the belief that school is the place to
teach children how to be good members of the society.

Rewrite sentences:
1. Only if she's really hungry does she eat snacks between meals.
Ta dùng Only if diễn tả rằng chỉ có một điều kiện duy nhất dẫn đến kết quả cụ thể.
Khi đặt Only if ở đầu câu, chủ từ và động từ trong mệnh đề chính phải được đảo
ngược. Ta không dùng dấu phẩy.

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2. I find it impossible to believe that she was the winner.

“find it impossible to do st”: cảm thấy bất khả thi trong việc làm gì
3. It is obligatory for him to pass his English examination.
“obligatory”: bắt buộc
Cấu trúc thường gặp It is + adj + for sb to do st
4. I was particularly impressed by her excellent command of English
“to be impressed by”: bị ấn tượng bởi…
5. At no time was the result of the match in doubt.
Đảo ngữ với at no time (không lúc nào): At no time + be/trợ động từ + S + …

It cannot be denied the importance of schools to each and every person, especially
children as school is the place to teach children how to be good members of the
society. First of all, school provides children a very close environment to the real
world. Through activities such as playing, sharing, communicating, cooperating...,
children are taught qualified knowledge and trained how to be a part of a group, as
well as enhance their own abilities. In addition, teachers are professionally trained as
they can use a number of techniques and materials to achieve the goal of civilizing
their students. Moreover, it will be more inspirational and motivational if kids have
chances to compete against or cooperate with their friends. This greatly helps children
build up their soft skills and acquire their confidence and satisfaction over time. To
sum up, school is the good way for children to develop comprehensively.

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Đề kiểm tra số 5
Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
Identify your answer by circling
Question 1: A. element B. dedicate C. event D. devote
Question 2: A. hours B. fathers C. thinks D.
Choose one word whose stress pattern is different. Identify your answer by circling
the corresponding letter
Question 3: A. suggestion B. cigarette C. environment D.
Question 4: A. involve B. purpose C. explain D. advise
Question 5: A. certificate B. inhabitant C. compulsory D.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions
Question 6: She must have been sleepless last night. Otherwise, her eyes _______ so
bloody now.
A. looked B. would‟t look C. won‟t look D. wouldn‟t have
Question 7: Mimi is going to take a trip with her friends about six days. Choose the
most suitable response to fill in the blank with the following exchange. David:
"_________________" Mimi: "Thank you. Goodbye."
A. May I introduce myself? My name's David Wilson.
B. Nice to meet you, Mimi.
C. Have a good trip!
D. How do you do?
Question 8: The foreign visitor group wanted to pay their last respect to ________ Mr
Vo Nguyen Giap used to live, so they waited hours to take the chance.
A. that he B. him and which

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C. him and the place where D. the place where and him
Question 9: The last person _____ will have to turn off the lights.
A. leaving B. have left C. to leave D. left
Question 10: Last week, John did an essay very well, which was complimented.
Choose the most suitable response to fill in the blank with the following exchange.
Teacher: "John, you've written a much better essay this time." John:
A. Thank you. It's really encouraging. B. You're welcome.
C. Writing? Why? D. What did you say? I'm so shy.
Question 11: _______ the light rain, the baseball game will not be cancelled unless
the other team concedes.
A. Although B. However C. Despite D. In spite
Question 12: My friend bought ___________ from a shop onTran Phu street.
A. a nice brown leather belt B. a brown nice leather belt
C. a leather brown nice belt D. a nice leather brown belt
Question 13: The teacher as well as his students____________ at the school meeting
A. hasn‟t arrived B. haven‟t arrived C. arrived D. not arriving
Question 14: The use of computers aids in teaching, __________ the role of teachers
is still very important.
A. yet B. so that C. because D. although
Question 15: The boy waved his hands to his mother, who was standing at the school
gate, to ________ her attention.
A. attract B. follow C. tempt D. pull
Question 16: It is essential thatAlice __________ about his responsibilities in the
meeting tomorrow.
A. must remind B. will be reminded C. will remind D. be reminded
Question 17: When Carol _______ last night, I _______ my favorite show on
A. had called / watched B. called / have watched

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C. was calling / watched D. called / was watching

Question 18: She is not really friendly. She does not ________ well with her
A. get into B. get up C. get on D. get out
Question 19: Most doctors and nurses have to work on a ________ once or twice a
week at the hospital.
A. solution B. household chores C. night shift D. special dishes
Question 20: After we each had been assigned an installment part of the project, we
came back to our _______ section.
A. respective B. respectively C. respectful D. irrespective
Question 21: _________ of all the staff, I would like to wish you a happy retirement.
A. On behalf B. In place C. On account D. Instead
Question 22: _____ that Marie was able to retire at the age of 50
A. So was her successful business, B. So successful was her business,
C. So successful her business was, D. Her business was successful
Question 23: Had I studied harder, I______________better in the last exam.
A. wouldn‟t have done B. had done
C. would have done D. would do
Question 24: It cost me about sixty dollars to have my tooth ________.
A. filled B. filling C. to fill D. fill
Question 25: It gets______to understand what the professor has explained.
A. the more difficult B. more difficult than
C. difficult more and more D. more and more difficult
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that
needs correction in each of the following questions
Question 26: I think she will be (A) suitable for (B) the work because she has been
working(C) like (D) a teacher for a long time.
Question 27: The longest mountain range(A) , the Mid-Atlantic Range, is not
hardly(B) visible because most of(C) it lies under(D) the ocean.

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Question 28: The abilities to work(A) hard, follow directions, and thinking(B)
independently are(C) some of the criteria for success(D) in the workplace.
Question 29: Establishing(A) in 1984 for students(B) who wanted to study art and
music subjects, LaGuardia was(C) the first public school of its kind(D) .
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase
that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
Question 30: He was one of the most outstanding performers at the live show last
A. important B. impressive C. easy- looking D. well- known
Question 31: He drives me to the edge because he never stops talking.
A. frightens me B. moves me C. steers me D. irritates me
Question 32: I think we can safely say now that we have got our money back, we are
home and dry.
A. have been successful B. have not got wet
C. have got no water D. have got home dry
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that is
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlinedpart in each of the following questions
Question 33: Punctuality is imperative in your new job.
A. Being efficient B. Being courteous C. Being cheerful D. Being late
Question 34: Certain courses are compulsory; others are optional.
A. voluntary B. pressure C. mandatory D. free
Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 44
Course numbers are an indication of which courses are to various categories of
students at the University. Undergraduate courses with the numbers 100 or 200 are
generally courses with the numbers 300 or 400 often have prerequisites and are often
to juniors and seniors only. Courses with the numbers 800 or above are open only to
graduate students. Certain graduate courses, generally those devoted to introductory
material, are numbered 400 for undergraduate students who qualify to take them and
600 for graduate students. Courses designed for students seeking a professional degree
carry a 500 number for undergraduate students and a 700 number for graduate
students. Courses numbered 99 or below are special interest courses that do not carry
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academic credit. If students elect to take a special interest course, it will not count
toward the number of hours needed to complete graduation requirements.
Full-time undergraduate student is expected to take courses that total twelve to
eighteen credit hours. A full-time graduate student is expected to take courses that total
ten to sixteen credit hours. Student holding assistantships are expected to enroll for
proportionately fewer hours. A part-time graduate may register for minimum of three
credit hours. An overload, that is, more than the maximum number of hours, may be
taken with the approval of an academic advisor. To register for an overload, students
must submit the appropriate approval form when registering. Overloads above 24
hours will not be approved under any circumstances.(Source: Practice Exercises for
the TOEFL iBT, by Pamela J. Sharpe, Ph.D)
Question 35: Where would the passage most likely be found?
A. In a graduate course B. In a syllabus
C. In an undergraduate course D. In a college catalog
Question 36: The word "categories" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to______.
A. teachers B. jobs C. courses D. groups
Question 37: The word "those" in paragraph 1 refers to_______.
A. course numbers B. graduate students
C. introductory courses D. graduate courses
Question 38: Which classification of students would be eligible to enroll in
Mechanical Engineering 850?
A. A full- time student B. An undergraduate student
C. A graduate student D. A part- time student
Question 39: If an undergraduate student uses the number 520 to register a accounting
course, what number would a graduate student probably use to register for the same
A. Accounting 820 B. Accounting 620 C. Accounting 520 D. Accounting 720
Question 40: How is a student who registers for eight credit hours classified?
A. Graduate student B. Part- time student
C. Full- time student D. Non-degree student

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Question 41: Which of the following courses would NOT be included in the list of
courses for graduation?
A. English 90 B. English 300 C. English 100 D. English 400
Question 42: A graduate student may NOT_________.
A. register for only one-hour course
B. enroll in an introductory course
C. register for courses if he has an assistantship
D. enroll in a course numbered 610
Question 43: The word "appropriate" in the LAST paragraph is closest in meaning
A. interest B. wrong C. suitable D. denial
Question 44: What is the purpose of the passage?
A. To inform B. To criticize C. To persuade D. To apologize
Read the following passage and decide which answer bestfits each gap. Write your
answer in the numbered box from 45 to 54.
The UK Government ensures that all schools in theUK(45)_______ certain
standards, and this includes independent schools as well as those that are (46)_______
by the Government. All qualifications are awarded by national agencies accredited by
the Qualification and Curriculum Authority (QCA), (47)_______ the quality of the
qualifications you will gain is guaranteed.
At many independent schools inEngland, you will be encouraged to take part
(48)_______ extracurricular activities to develop your hobbies and learn new skills,
and you may be encouraged to take graded music exams (49)_______ by the
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. The exam grades gained from these
are widely accepted toward university entry (50)_______ .
Independent schools do not usually offer vocationally focused qualifications but
if you are (51)_______ in these qualifications, you can find out more in the 'career-
based and pre-university qualifications' section.
The (52)_______ you pay to attend independent school, include your course
fees, accommodation and may include some or all extracurricular activities. Fees
(53)_______ from school to school and are at the discretion of the institution; there are

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no national standards. You should expect to pay a minimum of £8,000 per year and
fees can be (54)_______ high as £25,000.
Question 45: A. notice B. meet C. see D. look
Question 46: A. indicated B. worked C. shown D. run
Question 47: A. so B. if C. because D.
Question 48: A. in B. on C. into D.
Question 49: A. offer B. offered C. to offer D.
Question 50: A. questions B. requirements C. troubles D.
Question 51: A. concerned B. interested C. excited D.
Question 52: A. bills B. funds C. fees
D. donations
Question 53: A. interfere B. transfer C. vary D.
Question 54: A. much B. more C. as D. far
Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 55 to 64
Long before they can actually speak, babies pay special attention to the speech
they hear around them. Within the first month of their lives, babies' responses to the
sound of the human voice will be different from their responses to other sorts of
auditory stimuli. They will stop crying when they hear a person talking, but not if they
hear a bell or the sound of a rattle. At first, the sounds that an infant notices might be
only those words that receive the heaviest emphasis and that often occur at the ends of
utterances. By the time they are six or seven weeks old, babies can detect the
difference between syllables pronounced with rising and falling inflections. Very soon,
these differences in adult stress and intonation can influence babies' emotional states
and behavior. Long before they develop actual language comprehension, babies can
sense when an adult is playful or angry, attempting to initiate or terminate new

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behavior, and so on, merely on the basis of cues such as the rate, volume, and melody
of adult speech.
Adults make it as easy as they can for babies to pick up a language by
exaggerating such cues. One researcher observed babies and their mothers in six
diverse cultures and found that, in all six languages, the mothers used simplified
syntax, short utterances and nonsense sounds, and transformed certain sounds into
baby talk. Other investigators have noted that when mothers talk to babies who are
only a few months old, they exaggerate the pitch, loudness, and intensity of their
words. They also exaggerate their facial expressions, hold vowels longer, and
emphasize certain words.
More significant for language development than their response to general
intonation is observation that tiny babies can make relatively fine distinctions between
speech sounds. In other words, babies enter the world with the ability to make
precisely those perceptual discriminations that are necessary if they are to acquire
aural language.
Babies obviously derive pleasure from sound input, too: even as young as nine
months they will listen to songs or stories, although the words themselves are beyond
their understanding. For babies, language is a sensory-motor delight rather than the
route to prosaic meaning that it often is for adults.
Question 55: Which of the following can be inferred about the findings described in
paragraph 2?
A. Babies ignore facial expressions in comprehending aural language.
B. Babies who are exposed to more than one language can speak earlier than babies
exposed to a single language.
C. The mothers observed by the researchers were consciously teaching their babies to
D. Mothers from different cultures speak to their babies in similar ways.
Question 56: The passage mentions all of the followings as the ways adults modify
their speech when talking to babies EXCEPT ______________.
A. using meaningless sounds B. speaking more loudly than
C. giving all words equal emphasis D. speaking with shorter

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Question 57: The word "diverse" is closest in meaning to ______________.

A. different B. surrounding C. divided D. stimulating
Question 58: The word "They" refers to ______________.
A. babies B. investigators C. words D. mothers
Question 59: Why does the author mention "a bell and a rattle"?
A. To give examples of sounds that will cause a baby to cry
B. To explain how babies distinguish between different nonhuman sounds
C. To give examples of typical toys that babies do not like
D. To contrast the reactions of babies to human and nonhuman sounds
Question 60: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. How babies differentiate between the sound of the human voice and other sounds
B. How babies perceive and respond to the human voice in their earliest stages of
language development
C. The response of babies to sounds other than the human voice
D. The differences between a baby's and an adult's ability to comprehend language
Question 61: The word "emphasize" is closest in meaning to ______________.
A. repeat B. leave out C. stress D. explain
Question 62: What point does the author make to illustrate that babies are born with
the ability to acquire language?
A. Babies notice even minor differences between speech sounds.
B. Babies are more sensitive to sounds than are adults.
C. Babies begin to understand words in songs.
D. Babies exaggerate their own sounds and expressions.
Question 63: The word "noted" is closest in meaning to______________.
A. observed B. requested C. theorized D. disagreed
Question 64: According to the author, why do babies listen to songs and stories, even
though they cannot understand them?
A. They enjoy the sound.
B. They understand the rhythm.
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C. They focus on the meaning of their parents' word.

D. They can remember them easily.


Câu 1: Đáp án : D
“e” trong “devote” phát âm là /i/ , trong các từ còn lại phát âm là /e/.

Câu 2: Đáp án : C
“s” trong “thinks” phát âm là /s/ , trong các từ còn lại phát âm là /z/.

Câu 3: Đáp án : B
Trọng âm của từ này rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3, các từ còn lại rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2.

Câu 4: Đáp án : B
Trọng âm của từ này rơi vào âm tiết thứ 1, các từ còn lại rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2.

Câu 5: Đáp án : D
Trọng âm của từ này rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3, các từ còn lại rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2

Câu 6: Đáp án : B
Câu điều kiện hỗn hợp: had participle, would+ V: làm một việc trong quá khứ và để
kết quả ở hiện tại. Dấu hiệu: “now” và “otherwise”= “if not” . Dịch: Có ấy hẳn đã mất
ngủ tối qua, nếu không thì bây giờ mắt cô ấy đã không vằn đỏ.

Câu 7: Đáp án : C
David:” Chúc bạn có một chuyến đi vui vẻ” -> Lời chúc -> Đáp lại. Mimi: Cảm ơn.
Tạm biệt”

Câu 8: Đáp án : C

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“Respect to” là: kính trọng đến ai -> “him”. Đại từ quan hệ “where” thay thế cho từ “
the place”. Dịch: ….. thể hiện sự kính trọng đến _____ nơi Mr Vo Nguyen Giap từng
sống -> chọn đáp án có từ “where” ngay trước từ “ Mr Vo Nguyen Giap” -> C.

Câu 9: Đáp án : C
Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ mang nghĩa chủ động khi có từ chỉ số thứ tự dùng To V.
Dấu hiệu: từ “the last” chỉ thứ tự: cuối cùng.

Câu 10: Đáp án : A

Teacher: “ John, em đã viết bài luận lần này rất tốt” -> ý khen -> Cảm ơn. John: “Cảm
ơn thầy. Nó khích lệ em rất nhiều.”

Câu 11: Đáp án : C

Tìm liên từ chỉ sự trái ngược đứng trước Danh từ -> “Despite”. Ba từ còn lại cũng chỉ
sự trái ngược nhưng: “In spite” thiếu “of”, “Although” và “However” đứng trước
mệnh đề. Dịch: Mặc dù cơn mưa nhẹ, trận bóng chày sẽ không bị hủy bỏ trừ khi đội
còn lại thua.

Câu 12: Đáp án : A

Trật tự tính từ: Opinion- Size- Age- Shape- Color- Origin- Material- Purpose + N

Câu 13: Đáp án : A

“as well as”: cũng như -> chia theo chủ ngữ thứ nhất , “yet” -> Hiện tại hoàn thành

Câu 14: Đáp án : A

Dịch: Việc sử dụng máy tình hỗ trợ việc giảng dạy, _____ vai trò của giáo viên vẫn rất
quan trọng. -> chọn “yet”: nhưng

Câu 15: Đáp án : A

Attract sb‟s attention= thu hút sự chú ý của ai.

Câu 16: Đáp án : D

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It is+ adj + that+ S+ bare_Infinitive, nghĩa bị động -> “Be reminded”. Dịch: Nó là cần
thiết rằng Alice được nhắc nhở về trách nhiệm của anh ấy trong buổi họp ngày mai.

Câu 17: Đáp án : D

When+ S+ V-ed, S+ was/were+ V-ing: một việc đang xảy ra thì một việc khác xen vào

Câu 18: Đáp án : C

Get on well with sb: hòa đồng với ai.

Câu 19: Đáp án : C

Solution= giải pháp, household chores= việc nhà, night shift= ca đêm, special dishes=
món đặc biệt.

Câu 20: Đáp án : A

Our ____ section: bộ phận-> tính từ. Respective= riêng biệt, respectful: kính trọng,
irrespective= không kể, bất luận.

Câu 21: Đáp án : A

On behalf of= thay mặt cho, on account of= vì, do; in place of= instead of= thay vì.

Câu 22: Đáp án : B

Đảo ngữ với cấu trúc So… That: So+ adj/adv+ tobe/V+ S, that S+ V.

Câu 23: Đáp án : C

Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện loại 3: Had+ S+PII, S+ would (not)+ have+ PII

Câu 24: Đáp án : A

Bị động đặc biết: have something done: cái gì đó được làm.

Câu 25: Đáp án : D

Cấu trúc so sánh kép: more and more+ long adj/adv

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Câu 26: Đáp án : D

Work as+ job= nghề nghiệp, sửa: like-> as, suitable for= phù hợp với.

Câu 27: Đáp án : B

Hardly= hầu như không, -> “not” và “hardly” không đứng cạnh nhau. Sửa: bỏ “not”.

Câu 28: Đáp án : B

Khi liệt kê động từ, trước “and” là dạng động từ gì thì sau nó là dạng động từ ấy.ở đây,
trước “and” là dạng V (organize) thì sau nó cũng phải là V -> think. Dịch: Khả năng
làm việc chăm chỉ, theo định hướng và suy nghĩ độc lập là những tiêu chuẩn để thành
công tại công sở.

Câu 29: Đáp án : A

Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ dạng bị động ( do chủ ngữ là vật: school). Sửa: establishing -
> established.

Câu 30: Đáp án : B

Outstanding= nổi bật, important= quan trọng, impressive= ấn tượng, easy-looking= ưa
nhìn, well- known= nổi tiếng.

Câu 31: Đáp án : D

Drive someone to the edge = irritage someone: làm ai tức phát điên, frighten= hoảng
sợ, steer= lái xe, move= chuyển động. Dịch: Anh ta làm tôi tức phát điên vì anh ta
không ngừng nói.

Câu 32: Đáp án : A

To be home and dry: êm xuôi, thuận lợi -> successful. Dịch: Tôi nghĩ chúng ta có thể
yên tâm nói rằng chúng ta đã lấy lại tiền, chúng ta đã thành công.

Câu 33: Đáp án : D

Punctuality = sự đúng giờ, efficient= hiệu quả, courteous= lịch sự, late= muộn giờ.

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Câu 34: Đáp án : C

Optional = tùy chọn, voluntary = tình nguyện, pressure= áp lực, mandatory= bắt buộc,
free= tự do

Câu 35: Đáp án : C

Đoạn văn nói về các khóa học ở đại học -> “In a college catalog”, syllabus= giáo trình.

Câu 36: Đáp án : D

Category = hạng, loại, teacher= giáo viên, job= công việc, course= khóa học, group=

Câu 37: Đáp án : B

“those devoted to introductory material, are numbered 400 for undergraduate students
who qualify to take them and 600 for graduate students” -> Those thay thế cho
Graduate students.

Câu 38: Đáp án : C

Dòng 3: “Courses with the numbers 800 or above are open only to graduate students”
dịch: các khóa học 800 hay lớn hơn chỉ dành cho sinh viên đã tốt nghiệp

Câu 39: Đáp án : D

Dòng thứ 7 và 8 đoạn một: khóa học thiết kế cho sinh viên muốn có bằng cấp chuyên
nghiệp có thể cho 500 sinh viên chưa tốt nghiệp và 700 cho sinh viên tốt nghiệp. 520->

Câu 40: Đáp án : B

Full- time undergraduate student ….total twelve to eighteen hours, full- time graduate
student…. total ten to sixteen hours => full- time student > ten hours. A part- time
graduate … minimum of three credit hours -> sinh viên bán thời gian học khóa ít nhất
3 tín chỉ ( >3).

Câu 41: Đáp án : B

Dịch dòng 2 và 3 đoạn một: Các khóa số lượng 100 và 200 chỉ dành cho sinh viên năm
nhất( juniers) và năm hai ( seniers) => khóa 100 KHÔNG dành cho khóa tốt nghiệp.
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Câu 42: Đáp án : B

Dòng 3 đoạn một: introductory courses appropriate for freshmen or sophomores : khóa
giới thiệu phù hợp sinh viên năm nhất hoặc năm hai -> Không dành cho Sinh viên tốt

Câu 43: Đáp án : A

Approciate= đánh giá, interest= quan tâm, wrong= sai, suitable= thích hợp, denial= từ

Câu 44: Đáp án : A

Inform= thông báo, criticize= chỉ trích, persuade= thuyết phục, apologize= xin lỗi. Nội
dung bài: đoạn 1 nói về “courses”- các khóa học, đoạn 2 nói về “credits hour”- đơn vị
học trình (tương đương 15 tiết). Như vậy bài viết nhằm cung cấp thông tin -> A

Câu 45: Đáp án : B

Meet the standards= be good enough: có chất lượng

Câu 46: Đáp án : D

Run by government= điều hành bởi chính quyền

Câu 47: Đáp án : A

Câu 2 đoạn một: các bằng cấp được cấp bởi cơ quan quốc gia….Chất lượng của bằng
cấp bạn đạt được được bảo đảm. => chọn liên từ chỉ kết quả.

Câu 48: Đáp án : A

Take part in= tham gia

Câu 49: Đáp án : B

Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ dạng bị động: PII, offered= exams which is offered by… bài
kiểm tra được đề nghị bởi…

Câu 50: Đáp án : B

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Entry requirement= thực hiện thủ tục, question= câu hỏi, trouble= rắc rối, problem=
vấn đề.

Câu 51: Đáp án : B

Interested in= excited at: hứng thú với, concerned about= quan tâm đến, worry about=
lo lắng về

Câu 52: Đáp án : C

Cả đoạn cuối thường nhắc đến “fee”= học phí

Câu 53: Đáp án : C

“Fees….. from school to school”: Học phí…. Từ trường này đến trường khác.
Interfere= can thiệp, transfer= chuyển nhượng, vary= khác nhau, exchange= trao đổi

Câu 54: Đáp án : C

So sánh bằng: as + adj/adv+ as

Câu 55: Đáp án : D

Dòng 3 đoạn 2: Ở cả 6 ngôn ngữ, các bà mẹ dùng ngữ pháp đơn giản, âm ngắn và biến
đổi âm nói chuyện với trẻ. => dùng cùng 1 cách nói chuyện

Câu 56: Đáp án : C

Đáp án A xuất hiện ở dòng 3 đoạn 2: sound= meaningless sound, đáp án B, dòng 5
đoạn 2: they exaggerate… loudness…: các bà mẹ phóng đại âm thanh. Đáp án D, dòng
3 đoạn 2: dòng 3 đoạn 2: short utterance= lời nói ngắn. => đáp án C không xuất hiện
trong bài

Câu 57: Đáp án : A

Diverse= different= khác biệt, surrounding= xung quanh, divided= đối lập,
stimulating= hào hứng

Câu 58: Đáp án : D

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Từ dòng 4 đoạn 2: các bà mẹ trò chuyện với con… họ nhấn mạnh cao độ, lớn giọng,…
Họ cũng nhấn mạnh vẻ mặt,… “ They”-> mothers

Câu 59: Đáp án : D

Câu 3 đoạn 1: trẻ con sẽ ngừng khóc khi nghe thất tiếng người, nhưng không với
chuông hay cái lúc lắc. -> trẻ nhỏ có thể phân biệt human sound với nonhuman sound

Câu 60: Đáp án : B

Bài văn chủ yếu nói về sự phát triển ngôn ngữ của trẻ giai đoạn đầu đời -> Đáp án B
hợp lý nhất. Dịch: Cách trẻ nhận biết và đáp lại tiếng người trong giai đoạn đầu của sự
phát triển ngôn ngữ

Câu 61: Đáp án : C

Emphasize= stress: nhấn mạnh, repeat= lặp lại, leave out= bỏ sót, explain= giải thích

Câu 62: Đáp án : B

Câu cuối cùng: Với trẻ em, ngôn ngữ là môt cảm giác vui sướng hơn là một quas trình
nhàm chán để hiểu nghĩa. => Đáp án B: trẻ em nhạy cảm với âm thanh hơn người lớn

Câu 63: Đáp án : A

Note= chú ý, observe= quan sát, request= yêu cầu, theorize= lý luận, disagree= không
đồng ý.

Câu 64: Đáp án : A

Câu đầu tiên đoạn cuối: Rõ ràng là trẻ em nhận được niềm vui thích từ giai điệu… mặc
dù những từ đó nằm ngoài khả năng hiểu của trẻ. => chúng yêu thích âm thanh

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I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it.
Question 1: My book is not as expensive as yours.
 Your book is
Question 2: It took him two hours to drive toLondon.
 He
Question 3: Although he was very tired, he managed to finish the marathon race.
 In spite
Question 4: He didn‟t become a teacher of English until 2001.
 It was not
Question 5: I had no sooner closed the door than somebody knocked.
 Hardly ______________________________________________
II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph on the formal school education system
in Vietnam.

Câu 1: Your book is more expensive than mine.Cấu trúc so sánh bằng: as+ adj/adv+
as chuyển thành so sánh hơn: more+ adj/adv+ than
Câu 2: Đáp án: He spent two hours driving to London.
Cấu trúc về sử dụng thời gian: It+ take+ O+ khoảng thời gian+ to V =
S+ spend + khoảng thời gian+ V_ing

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Câu 3: Đáp án: Inspite of being tired/ his tiredness, he managed to finish the
marathon race.
Although+ Clause= Inspite of+ N/ V_ing: mặc dù …
Câu 4: Đáp án: It was not until 2001 that he became a teacher of English.Câu nhấn
mạnh trạng ngữ: It+ is/was+ trạng ngữ+ that+ S+ V+ O
Câu 5: Đáp án: Hardly had I closed the door when somebody knocked.
Câu đảo ngữ nhấn mạnh thì quá khứ:
Hardly+ had + S+ PII+ when+ S+ Ved.

BÀI VIẾT: The formal school education system in Vietnam includes 2 levels:
primary and secondary education. Children usually start primary school at the age of
six. This level lasts 5 years. When they are eleven years old, they can move to lower
secondary school lasting 4 years. Both of these stage are compulsory. To get a place at
upper secondary school, students have to take an recruitment exam. High school which
lasts 3 years, is optional. The academy year which lasts 35 weeks, runs from
September to May. It is divided into two terms. The first term ends in January, the
second one finishes in May before a long summer vacation. However, if students want
to complete Grade 12, they must take the national examination for GCSE, the
requirement to go to university or college. It often takes place at the end of June or the
beginning of July. The exam grade is used as the first entry requirement to go to most
of universities or colleges in Vietnam.

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Đề kiểm tra số 6
Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác các từ còn lại:
Question 1: A. mastered B. gifted C. minded D. dedicated
Question 2: A. school B. each C. speech D. teacher
Chọn từ có trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết ở vị trí khác:
Question 3: A. prevention B. organism C. attraction D. engagement
Question 4: A. inhabit B. disappear C. imagine D. continue
Question 5: A. politician B. popularity C. laboratory D.
Chọn đáp án để hoàn thành câu:
Question 6: During the time I started to get chest pains, I ……… tennis a lot.
A. was playing B. had played C. would play D. have played
Question 7: My computer is not of running this software
A. suitable B. capable C. compatible D. able
Question 8: We object your leaving dinner table to take calls.
A. for B. on C. to D. with
Question 9: …………, he could not lift the trap door.
A. As he was strong B. Strong as was he
C. As strong he was D. Strong as he was
Question 10: When I was little, my father gave me some advice. He said talk to
A. don‟t B. I shouldn‟t C. that shouldn‟t D. that I don‟t
Question 11: Although ……. satisfied with the contract, the officials hesitatingly agreed
to sign it
A. completion B. completely C. completed D. complete
Question 12: I think Japan _ the World Cup one day
A. wins B. is winning C. is going to win D. will win
Question 13: He always complains about my ………………….to cook.

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A. inability B. unable C. ability D. able

Question 14: Is that a good mother who only cares about her ?
A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautify D. beautifully
Question 15: That hotel is so expensive. They you sixty pounds for bed
and breakfast.
A. take B. cost C. charge D. fine
Question 16: Is this the address to ………………you want the package sent?
A. where B. whose C. whom D. which
Question 17: I'm sure you'll have no the exam
A. difficulty passing B. difficulties to pass
C. difficulty to pass D. difficulties of passing
Question 18: - Janet: "Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?" - Susan: "
A. I don't agree, I'm afraid B. You‟re welcome
C. That would be great D. I feel very bored
Question 19: My responsibility is to wash the dishes and the garbage
A. take up B. get out C. get up D. take out
Question 20: : It is necessary to be careful ……………your career.
A. when you have chosen B. when you will choose
C. when you chose D. when choosing
Question 21: “What a lovely hat you have!” - “Thanks .”
A. That‟s Ok B. I don‟t care C. Certainly D. I‟m glad you
like it
Question 22: I am considering my job. Can you recommend a good
A. changing B. to change C. to move D. moving
Question 23: I didn‟t know exactly how old he was, but he …..about 30 the first time we
A. should be B. must have been C. should have been D. must be

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Question 24: Since I came here, I a lot of acquaintances

A. am having B. have C. have had D. had
Question 25: The train when we arrived at the station
A. had left already B. has left already C. had already left D. was already leaving
Question 26: While I TV last night, a mouse ran across the floor
A. was watching B. watched C. watch D. am watching
Question 27: The most common way of attracting someone‟s attention from a distance
is .
A. smiling B. nodding C. waving D. handshaking
Question 28: ……… children were injured. They all came back unharmed
A. None of B. Not any of the C. None of the D. Not any of
Question 29: The room needs for the wedding
A. decorating B. to decorate C. decorate D. be decorated
Đọc bài văn, chọn đáp án điền vào chỗ trống:
In this age of (1) telephone networks and electronic mail, it seems that fewer
and even fewer people are taking time to sit down and write letters (2)______friends
and relatives. For hundreds of years, letters were the only way to keep
(3)______people who were any distance away and letter-writing was seen as an
important skill for all learned people (4)______.
Gradually, (5)______, the importance of writing letters is decreasing to a point
that majority of us have to (6)______a special effort to turn out something worthwhile
when we apply for a job or make a complaint. In business circles the tendency is for
routine communications to become shorter. (7)______clients may appreciate a detailed
letter, an employee who sends out long letters is often regarded as (8)______. Many
people prefer the telephone in all circumstances and its speed is essential in many
situations but (9) have you put the telephone down, dissatisfied with what you have
managed to say? I don‟t think I‟ll throw my (10) away yet.
Question 30: A. advanced B. progressive C. highly-developed D. all are
Question 31: A. for B. with C. from D. to

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Question 32: A. on good terms with B. in step with C. in contact with D. in

favour of
Question 33: A. mastered B. to master C. mastering D. to be
Question 34: A. for example B. therefore C. however
D. in short
Question 35 :A. cause B. do C. make D. create
Question 36: A. As though B. Despite C. Even though D. However
Question 37: A. impossible B. unusual C. inefficient D.
Question 38: A. how about B. how much C. how often D. how long
Question 39: A. effort B. letter C. telephone D. pen
Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời câu hỏi:
Long ago prehistoric man began to domesticate a number of wild plants and animals for
his own use. This not only provided more abundant food but also allowed more people to
live on a smaller plot of ground. We tend to forget that all of our present-day pets,
livestock, and food plants were taken from the wild and developed into the forms we
know today.
As centuries passed and human cultures evolved and blossomed, humans began to
organise their knowledge of nature into the broad field of natural history. One aspect of
early natural history concerned the use of plants for drugs and medicine. The early
herbalists sometimes overworked their imaginations in this respect. For example, it was
widely believed that a plant or part of a plant that resembles an internal organ would cure
ailments of that organ, Thus, an extract made from a heart- shaped leaf might be
prescribed for a person suffering from heart problems.
Nevertheless, the overall contributions of these early observers provided the rudiments
of our present knowledge of drugs and their uses.
Question 40: What does this passage mainly discuss?
A. Prehistoric man B. The beginning of natural history
C. Cures from plants D. Early plants and animals
Question 41: Domestication of plants and animals probably occurred because of ….
A. lack of wild animals and plants B. early mans power as a hunter
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C. need for more readily available food D. the desire of prehistoric man to be
Question 42: The word “this” refers to ……….
A. the earliest condition of prehistoric man B. man‟s domestication of plants and animals
C. providing food for man D. man‟s ability to live on a small plot of
Question 43: The word “blossomed” is closest in meaning to …..
A. produced flowers B. flourished C. learned D. changed
Question 44: An herbalist is which of the following?
A. A dreamer B. A farmer
C. An early historian D. Someone who uses plants in medicine
Question 45: The phrase “in this respect” refers to ………
A. the development of the field of natural history
B. the use of plants for drugs and medicine
C. the origin of knowledge of nature
D. the development of human culture
Question 46: The word “extract” is closest in meaning to …..
A. ailment B. substance C. flavour D. design
Question 47: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Early herbalists were unimaginative
B. There is little relation between a cure for illness and the physical shape of a plant
C. The shape of a plant is indicative of its ability to cure ailments of a similarly shaped
D. The work of early herbalists has nothing to do with present day medicine
Question 48: The word “rudiments” is closest in meaning to …..
A. history B. beginnings C. proofs D. requirements
Question 49: The passage would most likely lead to a more specific discussion in the
field of……….
A. biology B. zoology C. astrology D. anatomy
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Chọn phần gạch chân cần phải sửa:

Question 50: My (A) daughter attempts passing (B) the entrance (C) examination this
A. My B. passing C. entrance D. this year
Question 51: I am (A) tired because (B) I‟ve been (C) working too hardly (D).
A. am B. because C. been D. hardly
Question 52: My close (A) friend, that (B) has just got (C) Sacombank's scholarship, is
an (D) excellent student.
A. close B. that C. got D. an
Question 53: Are (A) English (B) spoken (C) in your classroom (D)?
A. Are B. English C. spoken D. your classroom
Question 54: If he works (A) more slowly (B), he wouldn't make (C) so many (D)
A. works B. slowly C. make D. many
Question 55: Computers are using (A) in many fields (B) such as (C) business, medicine
and education (D).
A. are using B. fields C. as D. education
Question 56: When (A) will (B) this letter (C) translated (D) ?
A. When B. will C. this letter D. translated
Question 57: There‟s something (A) wrong with (B)this wine (C). It tastes horribly (D).
A. something B. with C. wine D. horribly
Question 58: How much (A) terms(B) are there (C) in a school year (D) in your
A. How much B. terms C. are there D. in a school year
Question 59: Don‟t forget (A) to say (B) goodbye to the interviewer (C) before leave (D)
the office.
A. Don‟t forget B. to say C. to the interviewer D. leave
Chọn câu có nghĩa gần với câu cho sẵn:
Question 60: The boy was not intelligent enough to have solved such complex
problems alone
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A. The complex problems couldn‟t be solved because the boy was so stupid.
B. The boy was not intelligent but he managed to solve such complex problems
C. The boy, though quite intelligent, couldnt solve the complex problems.
D. The boy together with someone else solved the complex problems
Question 61: Mary loves her mother more than her father
A. Mary loves her mother more than her father does
B. Her father loves her mother but Mary loves her more
C. Mary‟s love for her mother is greater than for her father
D. Her father doesn‟t love her mother as much as Mary
Question 62: The singer has given up performing live
A. The singers performance has always been live
B. The singer used to perform live
C. The singers live performance has been cancelled
D. The singer is accustomed to performing live
Question 63: Had the advertisement for our product been better, more people would
have bought it
A. Not many people bought our product because it was so bad
B. Our product was of better quality so that more people would buy it
C. Fewer people bought our product due to its bad quality
D. Since our advertisement for our product was so bad, fewer people bought it
Question 64: Tom told his girlfriend, “Let me tell him if you can‟t”.
A. Tom volunteered to tell him if his girlfriend coundn‟t
B. Tom advised his girlfriend to tell him if you couldn‟t
C. Tom suggested that I should tell him if his girlfriend couldn‟t
D. Tom asked his girlfriend to tell him if you couldn‟t
II. PHẦN TỰ LUẬN (2 điểm)
Viết lại những câu sau theo cách khác với nghĩa gần với câu cho sẵn
Question 65: He is very poor. He can‟t buy a second hand bike. –

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-> He is so …………………………………………………………………………………
Question 66: Students must hand in their assignments before the deadline.
--> It is essential that
Question 67: It rained heavily, so he didn‟t go to shool.
--> Had it not
Question 68: He can draw his portrait in 5 minutes.
--> His portrait can
Question 69: It often takes me thirty minutes to walk to school.
--> I often spend
Question 70: Viết một đoạn văn khoảng 140 từ nói về một chương trình TV mà bạn
yêu thích


Câu 1: Đáp án : A
“ed” sau đuôi /r/ phát âm là /d/, sau các đuôi /t/,/d/ phát âm /id/
Câu 2: Đáp án : A
“ch” trong “school” phát âm là /k/, trong các từ còn lại phát âm là /t∫/
Câu 3: Đáp án : B
Trọng âm của từ này rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3, các từ còn lại rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2
Câu 4: Đáp án : B
Trọng âm của từ này rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3, các từ còn lại rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2
Câu 5: Đáp án : C

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Trọng âm của từ này rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2, các từ còn lại rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3
Câu 6: Đáp án : A
Lúc cảm thấy đau ngực là lúc tôi đang chơi tennis; hành động chơi tennis lúc đó đang xảy
ra trong quá khứ
Câu 7: Đáp án : B
Be capable of Ving = có khả năng làm gì
Câu 8: Đáp án : C
Object to N/Ving = phản đối cái gì/làm gì
Câu 9: Đáp án : D
Cấu trúc: Adj + as + S + be,… = Although + S + be + very + adj,… = mặc dù rất
Câu 10: Đáp án : B
Khuyên ai không nên làm gì: shouldn‟t + V -> không thay đổi khi chuyển từ câu trực tiếp
sang gián tiếp
Câu 11: Đáp án : B
Trạng từ đứng trước tính để bổ nghĩa cho tính từ đó: completely satisfied = hoàn toàn hài
Câu 12: Đáp án : D
“will + V” còn có thể dùng để dự đoán một việc có thể xảy ra trong tương lai
Câu 13: Đáp án : A
Inability + to V = không có khả năng làm gì
Câu 14: Đáp án : A
Tính từ sở hữu (her) + danh từ/cụm danh từ. Beauty (n) = vẻ đẹp
Câu 15: Đáp án : C
Somebody + charge + somebody + khoản tiền + for something = ai đó tính ai bao nhiêu
tiền cho cái gì/dịch vụ gì
Câu 16: Đáp án : D
Đại từ quan hệ chỉ vật (address) có thể đi kèm với giới từ (to) chỉ có “which”
Câu 17: Đáp án : A
Have (no) difficulty + (in) Ving : (không) gặp phải khó khăn khi làm gì
Câu 18: Đáp án : C
Jenet mời Susan đi xem phim. Susan chấp nhận một cách thích thú: That would be great
= như thế sẽ tuyệt lắm đây

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Câu 19: Đáp án : D

Take out something = lấy cái gì ra
Câu 20: Đáp án : D
When + Ving… = khi đang làm gì
Câu 21: Đáp án : D
What + (a/an) + N + S + be/V! là câu cảm thán; ở đây mang ý khen ngợi. Người đáp cảm
ơn và nói I‟m glad you like it = tôi vui vì bạn thích nó
Câu 22: Đáp án : A
Consider + Ving = cân nhắc việc làm gì
Câu 23: Đáp án : B
Must + have + past participle = chắc chắn là -> dự đoán một cách chắc chắn việc đã xảy
ra trong quá khứ; dựa vào cơ sở rõ ràng
Câu 24: Đáp án : C
Since + mốc thời gian trong quá khứ, mệnh đề thời hiện tại hoàn thành
Câu 25: Đáp án : C
Đoàn tàu đã đi khỏi khi chúng tôi đến -> việc tàu đi đã xảy ra trước việc tôi đến trong quá
khứ -> quá khứ hoàn thành
Câu 26: Đáp án : A
While + thì tiếp diễn -> trong khi việc gì đang diễn ra
Câu 27: Đáp án : C
Wave = vẫy; smile = cười; nod = gật đầu; handshake = bắt tay
Câu 28: Đáp án : C
None of the + N = không ai trong số 2 đối tượng trở lên
Câu 29: Đáp án : A
Need + Ving = cần được làm gì (bị động)
Câu 30: Đáp án : D
Advanced = tiến bộ; phát triển = progressive = highly - developed
Câu 31: Đáp án : D
Write … to somebody = viết (thư) cho ai
Câu 32: Đáp án : C
In contact with somebody = liên lạc với ai
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Câu 33: Đáp án : B

To master = để chinh phục, kiểm soát
Câu 34: Đáp án : C
However = tuy nhiên. For example = ví dụ như. Therefore = vì thế. In short = nói ngắn
gọn là
Câu 35: Đáp án : C
Make an effort to V = nỗ lực làm gì
Câu 36: Đáp án : C
Even though+ clause = mặc dù; as though = như thể là. Despite + N/Ving = mặc dù
Câu 37: Đáp án : C
Regarded as + adj = được coi như là mang tính chất gì. Inefficient = không hiệu quả
Câu 38: Đáp án : C
How often: bao lâu một lần. How long: kéo dài bao lâu. How much: bao nhiêu. How
about: thế còn về…?
Câu 39: Đáp án : D
Pen = bút (tượng trưng cho việc viết lách). Letter = thư. Telephone = điện thoại
Câu 40: Đáp án : B
Đoạn văn nói về các loài động thực vật từ thời tiền sử, Ngay câu đầu: Long ago
prehistoric man began to domesticate a number of wild plants and animalsfor his own
use. Đầu đoạn 2: As centuries passed , humans began to organise their knowledge of
nature into the broad field of natural history
Câu 41: Đáp án : C
Từ dòng 2 đoạn 1: This not only provided more abundant food but also allowed more
people to live on a smaller plot of ground -> việc thuần hóa đem lại nhiều thực phẩm cho
nhiều người trong một diện tích nhỏ hơn -> đáp ứng nhu cầu của con ngừoi
Câu 42: Đáp án : B
This là để chỉ điều (số ít) đã được đề cập ở mệnh đề trước đó -> việc thuần hóa (đem lại
nhiều thực phẩm hơn)
Câu 43: Đáp án : B
Blossom = nở hoa, phát triển tươi tốt. Flourish = thịnh vượng
Câu 44: Đáp án : D
Dòng 2 đoạn 2 đã gợi ý nghĩa cho từ này: One aspect of early natural history concerned
the use of plants for drugs and medicine. The early herbalists….
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Câu 45: Đáp án : B

In this respect = về lĩnh vực này. Lĩnh vực đã được nhắc đến ngay trước đó là:
(concerned) the use of plants for drugs and medicine.
Câu 46: Đáp án : B
Extract = tinh chất, đoạn trích. Subtance = chất
Câu 47: Đáp án : B
Dòng 3 đoạn 2: The early herbalists sometimes overworked their imaginations in this
respect. it was widely believed that a plant or part of a plant that resembles an internal
organ would cure ailments of that organ -> tưởng tượng quá mức về việc này nên mới tin
rằng phần nào của thực vật giống người thì có thể chữa bộ phận đó của người -> thực tế
điều này là sai
Câu 48: Đáp án : B
Rudiment (n) = điều cơ bản
Câu 49: Đáp án : A
Biology = sinh học; zoology = động vật học;astrology = chiêm tinh học; anatomy = giải
Câu 50: Đáp án : B
Attempt to V = dự định làm gì
Câu 51: Đáp án : D
Hardly (adv) = hầu như không. Sửa thành : Hard (vất vả)
Câu 52: Đáp án : B
Đại từ quan hệ chỉ người có thể đứng sau dấu phẩy là “who”
Câu 53: Đáp án : A
English = tiếng Anh -> danh từ số ít -> động từ số ít
Câu 54: Đáp án : A
Đây là câu điều kiện loại 2, giả định điều không có thật trong hiện tại: If + S + V-ed, S +
would + V. Sửa: worked
Câu 55: Đáp án : A
Máy tính được sử dụng (bị động) trong nhiều lĩnh vực ; không phải máy tính sử dụng.
Sửa : are used
Câu 56: Đáp án : D

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Đây là câu hỏi dạng bị động, vì thế phải có động từ : be (+ past participle). Sửa: be
Câu 57: Đáp án : D
Taste + adj = nếm có vị gì. Sửa: horrible
Câu 58: Đáp án : A
Term = kì học -> danh từ đếm được. How much chỉ hỏi cho danh từ không đếm được.
Sửa: How many
Câu 59: Đáp án : D
Before + Ving = trước khi làm gì
Câu 60: Đáp án : D
(Not) be + adj + enough + to V = (không) đủ … để làm gì. Cậu ta không đủ thông minh
để giải quyết vấn đề một mình -> cậu ta cùng với người khác mới giải quyết được
Câu 61: Đáp án : C
More than = nhiều hơn. Mary yêu mẹ hơn bố = Tình yêu của Mary cho mẹ thì nhiều hơn
Câu 62: Đáp án : B
Give up + Ving = từ bỏ. Used to V= từng có thói quen gì. Ca sĩ đã thôi không biểu diễn
trực tiếp => ca sĩ này đã từng diễn trực tiếp
Câu 63: Đáp án : D
Had + S + past participle, S + would have +past participle: câu điều kiện loại 3 giả định
điều không có thật trong quá khứ. Since có thể mang nghĩa: bởi vì. Vì quảng cáo quá tồi,
ít người mua nó hơn
Câu 64: Đáp án : A
Tom nói với bạn gái: để tôi nói cho anh ta nếu bạn không thể => Tom tình nguyện nói
cho anh ta nếu cô bạn không thể
Câu 65:
He is so poor that he can‟t buy a second hand bike.
Dùng cấu trúc: be + so + adj + that + clause = quá … đến mức mà
Câu 66:
It is essential that students hand in their asssignments before the deadline.
Cấu trúc giả định: It is + tính từ thể hiện sự quan trọng (necessary/important/essential…)
+ S + (should) + V
Câu 67:

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Had it not rained heavily, he would have gone to school.

Had + S + past participle, S + would have +past participle: câu điều kiện loại 3 giả định
điều không có thật trong quá khứ
Câu 68: His portrait can be drawn in 5 minutes.
Chuyển từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động: S + be + past participle
Câu 69: I often spend thirty minutes (on) walking to school.
It takes/took + somebody + khoảng thời gian + to V = ai mất bao lâu để làm gì.
Viết lại bằng cấu trúc: S + spend + khoảng thời gian + Ving = ai dành ra bao lâu để làm

Câu 70:
My favourite game show is the "Junior master chief" - a game show about the cooking
skill. It's a game show for the children from 8 to 14 years old. Although the candidates
are so young, they can cook many dishes and actually food tastes are so delicious that the
examiners want to taste food again and again. This game show is an international game
show, it is showed in Star world channel in English. When I watch this game show, I can
improve English skill. Besides, I learn many good things from this show how to cook a
strange meal, I can learn how to overcome failure when I see the exertion of candidates
who is so young, and I also learn solidarity when the children work in team. Let's watch
this game show, you'll comprehend the reason why I love it.

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Đề kiểm tra số 7
Read the following passage, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet
to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Revising for exams is not as easy as it looks. You will need to work out which
routine suits you best, and then stick to it. Some people like studying at night when it‟s
quiet, whereas others find the early morning is a good time to get things done. You
might enjoy ___ (1) ____ to music while you revise, but this can be ___ (2) ___. Can
you really concentrate ___ (3) ____ two things at once? So think ___ (4) ____ you
turn your radio on.
Your ___ (5) ____ is also important while you are revising. This may be a more
than usually ___ (6) ____ period of your life, when you should take extra care to eat
properly. No missed meals, or junk food, or ___ (7) ____ cups of coffee! Get plenty of
exercise as well. If you have got fed up with ___ (8) ____ you‟re doing, or find it hard
to concentrate, go for a walk to clear your head. ___ (9) ____ exercise will help to
keep your body fit and your brain working ___ (10) ____.
Finally, you also need to take time off. Go out occasionally, see your friends,
make time to relax. Then you will return to your studies fresh and full of enthusiasm.
Question 1: A. listen B. having listened C. to listen D.
Question 2: A. helpful B. helpless C. unhelpful D. helping
Question 3: A. of B. on C. for D. in
Question 4: A. if B. unless C. after D. before
Question 5: A. diet B. menu C. slim
D. healthy
Question 6: A. stressful B. unforgettable C. interesting D.
Question 7: A. restless B. endless C. hopeless D.
Question 8: A. who B. what C. that D. which
Question 9: A. Always B. Every C. Strongly D. Regular
Question 10: A. energetic B. correct C. well
D. good

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs
from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 11: A. cultivation B. satisfaction C.
environment D. distribution
Question 12: A. volunteer B. activity C. intelligent D.
Question 13: A. instruct B. borrow C. cancel D.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase
that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following
Question 14: Mayo Hospital in New Orleans was so named in recognition of Dr.
Mayo‟s outstanding humanitarianism.
A. exhaustive B. charitable C. remarkable D.
Question 15: Let's wait here for her; I'm sure she'll turn up before long.
A. enter B. visit C. arrive D. return
Question 16: The situation seems to be changing minute by minute.
A. from time to time B. time after time
C. again and again D. very rapidly
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose
underline part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following
Question 17: A. looked B. laughed C. decided D.
Question 18: A. break B. increase C. speak D.

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase
that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following
Question 19: We‟d better speed up if we want to get there in time.
A. lie down B. slow down C. put down D. turn down
Question 20: Certain courses are compulsory; others are optional.
A. voluntary B. mandatory C. pressure D. free

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part
that needs correction in each of the following questions.
Question 21: (A) Seldom (B) did her classmates and she (C) went on a picnic (D)
Question 22: Bella had better (A) to change her study habits if she (B) wants to be
admitted (C) to (D) a good college.
Question 23: You (A) should stop (B) to smoke because it is very harmful (C) to (D)
your health
Question 24: (A) What we know about certain diseases (B) are still not sufficient to
prevent them (C) from spreading easily (D) among the population.
Question 25: The earth is (A) the only planet with a large (B) number of (C) oxygen
in (D) its atmosphere.

Mark the letter A,B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions
Question 26: Tom. "Thank you for your help." - Mary. "_______ ."
A. Never mind me B. Wish you C. With all my heart D. It‟s my pleasure
Question 27: Her mother, ______ has been working for thirty years, is retiring next
A. that B. whose C. who D. whom
Question 28: Hardly had he stepped out of the room _________ he heard a loud
laughter within.
A. then B. than C. when D. Until
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Question 29: What______ if the earth stopped moving?

A. happens B. happened C. would happen D. will happen
Question 30: I‟d rather he ______ the door blue.
A. paints B. paint C. painted D. painting
Question 31: I am late because my alarm clock never ______ this morning.
A. came out B. went off C. turned on D. rang out
Question 32: Of two new teachers, one is experienced and _________
A. the other is not B. other lacks experience.
C. the others are not. D. another is inexperienced.
Question 33: By the end of next week, you ______ your assignments.
A. will have finished B. will finish
C. have finished D. will be finishing
Question 34: No sooner ______ into the bath than someone knocked at the door.
A. did I got B. had I got C. I got D. I have got
Question 35: Alex is going to take extra lessons to_____ what he missed while he was
A. cut down on B. put up with C. catch up on D. take up
Question 36: Mai: “Do you want another serving of chicken soup?” ~ Scott:
A. No comment B. No, thanks C. No longer D. No way
Question 37: She was _____ she could not say anything.
A. so surprised at the news that B. such surprised at the news that
C. so surprised of the news that D. so that surprised for the news
Question 38: It is very difficult to_____ the exact meaning of an idiom in a foreign
A. transfer B. convey C. convert D. exchange
Question 39: You‟d better not call your friends ______ night.
A. at B. on C. in D. to
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Question 40: In the hotel lobby, the detective caught ______ of the man whom he had
been hired to follow.
A. view B. glance C. sight D. vision
Question 41: We have had the roof of our house ______.
A. replaced B. been replaced C. replace D. to replace
Question 42: Today, women are increasingly involved ________ the politics.
A. from B. of C. with D. in
Question 43: My supervisor is angry with me. I didn't do all the work I ______ last
A. need to have done B. may have done
C. must have done D. should have done
Question 44: It is important that he ______ a gallon of water with him if he wants to
hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
A. taking B. takes C. took D. take

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Water scarcity is fast becoming one of the major limiting factors in world crop
production. In many areas, poor agricultural practices have led to increasing
desertification and the loss of formerly arable lands. Consequently, those plant species
that are well adapted to survival in dry climates are being looked at for an answer in
developing more efficient crops to grow on marginally arable lands.
Plants use several mechanisms to ensure their survival in desert environments. Some
involve purely mechanical and physical adaptations, such as the shape of the plant's
surface, smaller leaf size, and extensive root systems. Some of the adaptations are
related to chemical mechanisms. Many plants, such as cacti, have internal gums and
mucilage which give them water-retaining properties. Another chemical mechanism is
that of the epicuticular wax layer. This wax layer acts as an impervious cover to
protect the plant. It prevents excessive loss of internal moisture. It also protects the
plant from external aggression, which can come from inorganic agents such as gases,
or organic agents which include bacteria and plant pests.

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Researchers have proposed that synthetic waxes with similar protective abilities could
be prepared based on knowledge of desert plants. If successfully developed, such a
compound could be used to greatly increase a plant's ability to maintain health in such
adverse situations as inadequate water supply, limited fertilizer availability, attack by
pests, and poor storage after harvesting.
Question 45: This passage deals mainly with ________
A. decreasing water supply B. desertification
C. factors limiting crop production D. developing efficient plants
Question 46: The word “arable” in the 1st paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. parched B. barren C. fertile D. marsh
Question 47: Which of the following is a mechanical or physical mechanism that
desert plants use?
A. The plant‟s shape B. The vast leaf size
C. The small root system D. The high water system
Question 48: The word “extensive” in the 2nd paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. spongy B. widespread C. comprehensive D. shallow
Question 49: Which is one of the ways in which the epicuticular wax protects the
A. It helps the plant to attack aggressors. B. It guards against bacteria.
C. It releases gases against plant pests. D. It helps the plant to avoid excessive
moisture intake
Question 50: The word “It” in the 2nd paragraph refers to________
A. the epicuticular wax layer B. the loss of internal moisture
C. an impervious plant like cover D. another chemical mechanism
Question 51: The word “aggression” in the 2nd paragraph is closest in meaning
A. surroundings B. conditions C. attack D. agitation
Question 52: What is an example of an inorganic agent that may attack plants?

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A. Pests B. Gas C. Bacteria D. Insects

Question 53: It can be inferred that synthetic stimulate waxes________
A. have been determined to be impervious to organic and inorganic agents
B. have not succeeded
C. have not been developed yet
D. have the quality of causing bacteria
Question 54: All of the following are examples of an adverse situation for crops
A. pest aggression B. inadequate water
C. insufficient fertilize D. proper storage

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
The White House, the official home of the United States president, was not built in
time for George Washington to live in it. It was begun in 1792 and was ready for its
first inhabitants. President and Mrs.John Adams, who moved in on November 1,
1800. When the Adamses moved in, the White House was not yet complete, and the
Adamses suffered many inconveniences; for example, the main staircase was
incomplete, which hindered movement from floor to floor, and the future laundry yard
was merely a pool of mud, so wet laundry was hung in the unfinished East Room to
dry. Thomas Jefferson, the third president, improved the comfort of the White House
in many respects and added new architectural features such as the terraces on the east
and west ends.
When the British forces burned the White House on August 24, 1814, President
Madison was forced to leave. All the remained after the fire was the exterior walls, the
interior was completely destroyed. It was not until December of 1817 that the
following president, James Monroe, was able to move into a rebuilt residence. Since
then, the White House has continued to be modified but has been continuously
occupied by each succeeding U.S president.
Question 55: Which of the following would be the best title for this text?
A. Presidential Policies of Early U.S. Presidents
B. Presidential Policies of Early U.S. Presidents
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C. The burning of the White House.

D. The Early History of the White House.
Question 56: Why did George Washington not live in the White House?
A. He did not like the architectural features.
B. He did not want to suffer the inconveniences that the Adamses had suffered.
C. It had been burned by the British.
D. Construction had not yet been completed.
Question 57: The word “inhabitants” in line 2 is closest meaning to______.
A. residents B. celebrations C. moves D. modifications
Question 58: It can be inferred from the passage that John Adams was______.
A. the first president of the United States.
B. the second president of the United States.
C. the third president of the United States.
D. the fourth president of the United States.
Question 59: What of the White House was not yet complete when the Adamses
moved in?
A. pool B. main staircase C. walls D. floor
Question 60: The author most likely discusses the “staircase” in order to ______
A. explain the architectural features added by Jefferson.
B. provide an example of an inconvenience in the White House.
C. show the elegance of the new White House
D. demonstrate what had to be rebuilt after the fire.
Question 61: The word “forces” in line 9 could best be replaced by ______.
A. power B. energy C. military D. effort
Question 62: According to the passage, which of the following best describes Thomas
Jefferson‟s tenure in the White House?
A. He removed the terraces that had been added by Adams.
B. He was accepting of the many inconveniences.

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C. He had to flee the White House because of the war with the British.
D. He worked to improve the appearance and convenience of the White House.
Question 63: According to the passage, when James Monroe came to the White
House, it had been ______
A. reserved B. relocated C. repressed D. reconstructed
Question 64: The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses ______.
A. modifications by presidents who followed.
B. other presidents who were unable to occupy the White House.
C. James Monroe‟s policies as presidents.
D. the details of the destruction of the White House by the British.

SECTION B (2 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Question 65: I am really sorry I didn‟t invite her to the party.
 I really wish………………………………………………………………
Question 66: Although the weather was bad, she went to school on time.
 Despite ….………………………………………………………………
Question 67: I only realised what I had missed when they told me about it later.
 Only when………………………………………………………………..
Question 68: I don‟t normally go into town by car.
 I am not …………………………………………………………………..
Question 69: It is said that he escaped to a neutral country.
 He…………………………………………………………………………

II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the benefits of English.
The following prompts might be helpful to you.
- it is very interesting

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- good for your study.

- useful for job

Section B: 2 points
Part 1: 0.5 point
1. I really wish I had invited her to the party
2. Despite the bad weather, she went to school.
3. Only when they told me about it later did I realise what I had missed.
4. I am not used to going into town by car.
5. He is said to escape to a neutral country./ to have escaped to a neutral country.


1. D
Enjoy + Ving: thích làm gì đó
2. C
ở đây 2 vế mang nghĩa trái ngược: có từ but, nên chọn 1 negative adj mang nghĩa là vô
ích (unhelpful) lưu ý : helpless: bất lực
3. B
Concentrate on st: tập trung vào cái gì
4. D
Ý câu này là hãy nghĩ kĩ trước khi bạn bật radio lên
5. A
Ý câu này là chế độ ăn uống cũng rất quan trọng khi bạn ôn luyện.
Để ý câu sau có từ eat
6. A
Ý câu này là đây là giai đoạn áp lực nhất trong cuộc đời bạn
7. B
Endless cups of coffee: uống cà phê liên tục
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8. B
What you are doing: cái mà bạn đang làm
9. D
Regular exercise: tập thể dục thường xuyên
10. C
Cần 1 adv để bổ nghĩa cho động từ work
11. C Environment trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2, còn lại là âm tiết thứ 3
12. A Volunteer trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3, còn lại là âm thứ 2
13. A Instruct trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2, còn lại là âm thứ nhất
14. C
Outstanding = remarkable : nổi bật
15. C
Turn up: xuất hiện ở đây tương đương với arrive: đến
16. D
minute by minute = very rapidly
17. C
Decided: ed được phát âm là /id/ còn lại là /t/
18. A Break: ea được phát âm là /ei/ còn lại là /i:/
19. B
Speed up: nhanh lên >< slow down: chậm lại
20. B Optional: tự chọn >< mandatory: bắt buộc
21. B Went-> go : cấu trúc đảo ngữ với seldom :
Seldom + trợ V+ S + V(nguyên thể)
22. B
Had better + V (nguyên thể) : nên làm gì
23. D
Stop + Ving: dừng làm việc gì đó
24. A
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Chủ ngữ là What we know about: động từ chia ngôi ba số ít

25. A number => amount : do oxygen là N không đếm được
26. D
It‟s my pleasure: dùng để đáp lại lời cảm ơn: tôi rất vui khi được giúp bạn
27. C
Cần 1 đại từ nhân xưng thay cho chủ ngữ her mother
28. C
Cấu trúc hardly + clause 1 (đảo) + when + clause 2: vừa mới ….thì
29. C
Câu điều kiện loại 1: S1 + would + V + if + S2 + Ved (past tense)
30. C
S1 + would rather + S2 + Ved (past tense) : muốn ai làm gì
31. B Go off: rung , reo
32. A
Người thứ 2 trong 2 người hoặc vật: the other
33. A
By + thời gian trong tương lai: thường chia tương lai hoàn thành- câu này là: trước
cuối tuần tới thì đã hoàn thành xong
34. B
No sooner + clause1 (đảo) + than + clause 2: vừa mới …thì. ở đây chỉ có ý B là đảo
35. C catch up on: đuổi kịp
36. B
Không muốn ( đáp lại lời mời ) dùng : no, thanks
37. A S + tobe + so + adj + that: quá …..đến nỗi mà
38. B
Convey: truyền tải: thông thường, dùng với các ý niệm, nội dung thì dùng convey
Convert: chuyển thường là form từ dạng này sang dạng khác

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Transfer: thường liên quan đến place

Exchange: trao đổi
39. A
At night: vào buổi đêm
40. C Caught sight of sb: thoáng nhìn thấy, bắt gặp
41. A
Had st done : có cái gì đó được làm (bởi ai đó)
42. D Tobe involved in : tham gia vào
43. D
Should have + Ved/PP: đáng lẽ ra nên làm nhưng đã không làm
44. D It + tobe + adj + that + S + V(nguyên thể)
45. D
Toàn bài nói về việc mùa màng càng bị kém hiệu quả do thiếu nước nhưng đã tìm ra
những loại cây chịu hạn thay thế để sản xuất ra những vụ mùa tốt hơn. Từ việc nêu ra
các đặc điểm chịu hạn của chúng tác giả kết luận những loại cây thay thế này đang
được nghiên cứu phát triển
46. C
Arable : có thể trồng trọt được = fertile: màu mỡ Parched = barren: khô cằn Marsh:
đầm lầy
47. A
Đ2: Some involve purely mechanical and physical adaptations, such as the shape of
the plant's surface, smaller leaf size, and extensive root systems. (bao gồm: bóng cây,
lá nhỏ, và bộ rễ lớn)
48. B
Extensive : rộng lớn = widespread
Spongy: rỗ, shallow: nông, comprehensive: nhanh hiểu, thông minh
49. B
Đ2: It also protects the plant from external aggression, which can come from inorganic
agents such as gases, or organic agents which include bacteria and plant pests. Nó (the
epicuticular wax) cũng bảo vệ cây cối khỏi những tấn công bên ngoài, cái mà đến từ
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những tác nhân vô cơ như là các loại khí, hoặc những tác nhân hữu cơ bao gồm vi
khuẩn và côn trùng cây.
50. A
Như câu 49 => it là the epicuticular wax
51. C
Aggression = attack : tấn công
52. B
Đ2: which can come from inorganic agents such as gases, or organic agents which
include bacteria and plant pests. -> gases
53. C
Đ3: Researchers have proposed that synthetic waxes with similar protective abilities
could be prepared based on knowledge of desert plants. If successfully developed.
Chú ý cụm từ: If successfully developed : câu trên đang nói đến các nhà nghiên cứu
nói về synthetic waxes, câu dưới nói: nếu phát triển thành công -> nghĩa là vẫn chưa
phát triển được
54. D
Suy ra từ câu cuối : such adverse situations as inadequate water supply, limited
fertilizer availability, attack by pests, and poor storage after harvesting.
55. D
Toàn bài nói về lịch sử những ngày đầu của Nhà Trắng (xây dựng khi nào, bị phá hủy,
sửa chữa ra sao)
56. D
Đ1: The White House, the official home of the United States president, was not built
in time for George Washington to live in it: Nhà Trắng chưa được xây xong để ngài
George Washington có thể sosongs được ở đó
57. A Inhabitants = residents: cư dân
58. B
Đ1: The White House, the official home of the United States president, was not built
in time for George Washington to live in it. It was begun in 1792 and was ready for its
first inhabitants. President and Mrs.John Adams, who moved in on November 1,
1800. When the Adamses moved in, the White House was not yet complete

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Từ câu này có thể suy ra khi Nhà Trắng chưa được hoàn thiện thì ngài tổng thống đầu
tiên George Washington, chưa chuyển đến sống được, khi Nhà Trắng gần hoàn thiện
thì ngài tổng thống thứ 2 cùng vợ là Mrs.John Adams đã chuyển đến sống
59. B
Đ1: suy ra từ: the Adamses suffered many inconveniences; for example, the main
staircase was incomplete: vợ chồng ngài Adam đã phải chịu nhiều bất tiện, ví dụ: cầu
thang chính vẫn chưa hoàn thành
60. B
Đ1: the Adamses suffered many inconveniences; for example, the main staircase was
incomplete: tác giả đang liệt kê ra những bất tiện của Nhà Trắng khi chưa hoàn thiện
61. C Forces = military: lực lượng quân đội
62. D
Đ1: Thomas Jefferson, the third president, improved the comfort of the White House
in many respects and added new architectural features such as the terraces on the east
and west ends Thomas Jefferson, tổng thống thứ 3, đã làm cho Nhà Trắng trở nên
thuận tiện hơn ở nhiều khía cạnh, và đã thêm nhiều chi tiết kiến trúc như sân thượng
phía đông và cuối phía tây
63. D
Đ2: When the British forces burned the White House on August 24, 1814, President
Madison was forced to leave. All the remained after the fire was the exterior walls, the
interior was completely destroyed. It was not until December of 1817 that the
following president, James Monroe, was able to move into a rebuilt residence
Ý câu này là: quân đội Anh đã đốt nhà Trắng vào ngày 24 tháng 8, 1814, Tổng thống
Madison đã buộc phải rời đi. Nhà Trắng đã bị phá hủy rất nhiều và đến tận tháng 12
năm 1817, tổng thống tiếp theo mới có thể chuyển vào ở => Tổng thống chuyển vào ở
sau khi Nhà Trắng đã được tái cấu trúc

64. A
Đoạn sau bài văn sẽ nói về đối tượng được đề cập đến ở câu cuối cùng của bài : Since
then, the White House has continued to be modified but has been continuously
occupied by each succeeding U.S president: kể từ đó, Nhà Trắng tiếp tục bị thay đổi
nhưng liên tục được các Tổng thống thành công của Mỹ đến ở
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Part 2: English, is an international language in the world. Most people are using this
language on the daily life. It is an important language because we use this language to
communicate with other country's people. We also use English in many places. For
example, it is used in the international business, computer language, movies, and so
on. As a result, many people think learning English can get big benefits.
Firstly, learning English is very interesting. Due to knowing how to use English, you
could talk to the foreigners, obtain many awesome features of different cultures all
over the world. While speaking, reading or listening to a language, you would sense
the beauty of it.
Secondly, English is a common language and you can use English to become an
international person. You could not only get the news faster than the others but also
understand other countries for using English.You would depend on English to read the
latest books or magazines in the world. Therefore, English helps you gain more and
more knowledge for studying English.
Thirdly, English is necessary for your job. English is an international language. It is
widely used for almost all careers. Many companies need good office employees to do
international business. Consequently, if you read, write, listen, and speak very well,
you will have good occupation for getting jobs.
In conclusion, English is very useful in our daily life. Using English well is an
advantage for making progresses.

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Đề kiểm tra số 8

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. handcraft B. handbook C. handkerchief D.
Question 2: A. exhaust B. height C. honest D.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs
from the rest in the position of main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. weather B. confirm C. highland D.
Question 4: A. dependence B. prediction C. disastrous D.
Question 5: A. applicant B. ambitious C. essential D.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 6: City developed at the point where the Hudson and Passaic rivers mingle
with the water of the Atlantic Ocean
A. associate B. socialize C. mix D. part
Question 7: Lack of water and nutrients has impeded the growth of these cherry
tomato plants
A. promoted B. assisted C. realized D. prevented
Question 8: Bone and ivory are light, strong and accessible materials for Inuit artists
A. available B. beautiful C. economic D. natural
Question 9: The consequences of the typhoon were disastrous due to the lack of
precautionary measures
A. physical B. severe C. beneficial D. damaging
Question 10: Vietnam‟s admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO) has
promoted its trade relations with other countries.
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A. balanced B. restricted C. expanded D. boosted

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet
to choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
In addition to the challenge to be excellent, American schools have been facing
novel problems. They must ….(11) … with an influx of immigrant children, many of
whom speak little or no English. They must respond to demands ….(12) ….the
curriculum reflect the various cultures of all children. Schools must make sure that
students develop …(13) … skills for the job market, and they must consider the needs
of nontraditional students, such as teenage mothers.
Schools are …(14)…. these problems in ways that reflect the diversity of
theUSeducational system. They are hiring or training large numbers of teachers of
English …(15)… a second language and, in some countries, setting up bilingual
schools. They are opening …(16)… the traditional European-centered curriculum to
embrace material from American, Asian, and other cultures.
Schools are also teaching cognitive skills to the …(17)… 40 percent of
American students who do not go on to higher education. In the …(18).. of a recent
report by the Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills, “A strong back, the
willingness to work, and a high school diploma were once all that was necessary to
…(19) ….
a start inAmerica. They are no longer. A well-developed mind, a continued willingness
to learn and the ability to put knowledge to work are the new keys …(20) .. the future
of our young people, the success of our business, and the economic well-being of the
( Extracted from
Info USA-CD Version)
Question 11: A. do B. stay C. fight
D. cope
Question 12: A. that B. who C. whether
D. what
Question 13: A. base B. basis C. basic
D. basics
Question 14: A. addressing B. delivering C. distributing
D. discharging

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Question 15: A. as B. from C. with D.

Question 16: A. on B. into C. for D.
Question 17: A. slightly B. mostly C. fairly D.
Question 18: A. minds B. directions C. words D.
Question 19: A. make B. take C. get
D. bring
Question 20: A. to B. at C. in D.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet t indicate the underlined part that
needs correction in each of the following questions
Question 21: Not until he got home he realized he had forgotten to give her the
A. got B. he realized C. her D. the present
Question 22: When you are writing or speaking English it is important to use
language that includes both men and women equally the same.
A. or speaking B. it is C. that D. equally the
Question 23: A lot of people stop smoking because they are afraid their heath will be
affected and early death
A. A lot of B. smoking C. are D. early death
Question 24: The student must have her assessment form fill in by the examiner
during the oral exam.
A. must have B. fill in C. during D. oral exam
Question 25: A novel is a story long enough to fill a complete book, in that the
characters and events are usually imaginary
A. ong enough B. complete C. that D. are

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Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions
Question 26: They live on a busy road. ……………………….. a lot of noise from
A. There must have B. It must have been C. There must be D.
It must be
Question 27: Lora: “Do you mind if I turn on the fan?” Maria:
A. Not for me B. Not at all C. Never mind D. Not
Question 28: ………………… make a good impression on her
A. Only by doing so can I B. Only so doing can I
C. Only by so doing I can D. Only by doing so I can
Question 29: He came ………………….a lot of criticism for the remarks he made in
a television interview
A. in for B. over C. out of D. off
Question 30: No matter how angry he was, he would never ……………..to violence
A. refuse B. resort C. resist D. resolve
Question 31: The team were eager to make………………. the loss of the previous
A. away with B. off with C. up for D. up with.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences
Learning means acquiring knowledge or developing the ability to perform new
behaviors. It is common to think of learning as something that takes place in school,
but much of human learning
occurs outside the classroom, and people continue to learn throughout their lives.
Even before they enter school, young children learn to walk, to talk, and to use
their hands to manipulate toys, food, and other objects. They use all of their senses to
learn about the sights, sounds, tastes, and smells in their environments. They learn how
to interact with their parents, siblings, friends, and other people important to their

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world. When they enter school, children learn basic academic subjects such as reading,
writing, and mathematics. They also continue to learn a great deal outside the
classroom. They learn which behaviors are likely to be rewarded and which are likely
to be punished. They learn social skills for interacting with other children. After they
finish school, people must learn to adapt to the many major changes that affect their
lives, such as getting married, raising children, and finding and keeping a job.
Because learning continues throughout our lives and affects almost everything
we do, the study of learning is important in many different fields. Teachers need to
understand the best ways to educate children. Psychologists, social workers,
criminologists, and other human-service workers need to understand how certain
experiences change people‟s behaviors. Employers, politicians, and advertisers make
use of the principles of learning to influence the behavior of workers, voters, and
Learning is closely related to memory, which is the storage of information in
the brain. Psychologists who study memory are interested in how the brain stores
knowledge, where this storage takes place, and how the brain later retrieves
knowledge when we need it. In contrast, psychologists who study learning are more
interested in behavior and how behavior changes as a result of a person‟s experiences.
There are many forms of learning, ranging from simple to complex. Simple
forms of learning involve a single stimulus. A stimulus is anything perceptible to the
senses, such as a sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste. In a form of learning known as
classical conditioning, people learn to associate two stimuli that occur in sequence,
such as lightning followed by thunder. In operant conditioning, people learn by
forming an association between a behavior and its consequences (reward or
punishment). People and animals can also learn by observation - that is, by watching
others perform behaviors. More complex forms of learning include learning languages,
concepts, and motor skills.
(Extracted from Microsoft® Student 2009
– DVD Version)
Question 32: According to the passage, which of the following is learning in broad
view comprised of?
A. Knowledge acquisition and ability development B. Acquisition of social
and behavioural skills
C. Acquisition of academic knowledge D. Knowledge acquisition
outside the classroom
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Question 33: According to the passage, what are children NOT usually taught outside
the classroom?
A. interpersonal communication B. life skills C. literacy and calculation D. right
from wrong
Question 34: Getting married, raising children, and finding and keeping a job are
mentioned in paragraph 2 as examples of ______.
A. the changes to which people have to orient themselves
B. . the situations in which people cannot teach themselves
C. the ways people‟s lives are influenced by education
D. the areas of learning which affect people‟s lives
Question 35: Which of the following can be inferred about the learning process from
the passage?
A. . It becomes less challenging and complicated when people grow older
B. It plays a crucial part in improving the learner‟s motivation in school
C. It takes place more frequently in real life than in academic institutions
D. It is more interesting and effective in school than that in life
Question 36: According to the passage, the study of learning is important in many
fields due to ______.
A. the need for certain experiences in various areas
B. the exploration of the best teaching methods
C. the great influence of the on-going learning process
D. the influence of various behaviours in the learning process
Question 37: It can be inferred from the passage that social workers, employers, and
politicians concern themselves with the study of learning because they need to ______.
A. change the behaviours of the objects of their interest towards learning
B. thoroughly understand the behaviours of the objects of their interest
C. make the objects of their interest more aware of the importance of learning
D. understand how a stimulus relates to the senses of the objects of their interest
Question 38: The word “retrieves” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _______.

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A. generates B. creates C. recovers D. gains

Question 39: Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the
A. Psychologists studying memory are concerned with how the stored knowledge is
B. Psychologists studying memory are concerned with the brain‟s storage of
C. Psychologists are all interested in memory as much as behaviours
D. Psychologists studying learning are interested in human behaviours
Question 40: According to the passage, the stimulus in simple forms of learning
A. bears relation to perception B. is created by the senses
C. is associated with natural phenomena D. makes associations between
Question 41: The passage mainly discusses ______.
A. application of learning principles to formal education B. simple forms of
C. practical examples of learning inside the classroom D. general principles of
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences
Culture is a word in common use with complex meanings, and is derived, like
the term broadcasting, from the treatment and care of the soil and of what grows on it.
It is directly related to cultivation and the adjectives cultural and cultured are part of
the same verbal complex. A person of culture has identifiable attributes, among them
a knowledge of and interest in the arts, literature, and music. Yet the word culture does
not refer solely to such knowledge and interest nor, indeed, to education. At least from
the 19th century onwards, under the influence of anthropologists and sociologists, the
word culture has come to be used generally both in the singular and the plural
(cultures) to refer to a whole way of life of people, including their customs, laws,
conventions, and values

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Distinctions have consequently been drawn between primitive and advanced

culture and cultures, between elite and popular culture, between popular and mass
culture, and most recently between national and global cultures. Distinctions have
been drawn too between culture and civilization; the latter is a word derived not, like
culture or agriculture, from the soil, but from the city. The two words are sometimes
treated as synonymous. Yet this is misleading. While civilization and barbarism are
pitted against each other in what seems to be a perpetual behavioural pattern, the use
of the word culture has been strongly influenced by conceptions of evolution in the
19th century and of development in the 20th century. Cultures evolve or develop. They
are not static. They have twists and turns. Styles change. So do fashions. There are
cultural processes. What, for example, the word cultured means has changed
substantially since the study of classical (that is, Greek and Roman) literature,
philosophy, and history ceased in the 20th century to be central to school and
university education. No single alternative focus emerged, although with computers
has come electronic culture, affecting kinds of study, and most recently digital culture.
As cultures express themselves in new forms not everything gets better or more
The multiplicity of meanings attached to the word made and will make it
difficult to define. There is no single, unproblematic definition, although many
attempts have been made to establish one. The only non-problematic definitions go
back to agricultural meaning (for example, cereal culture or strawberry culture) and
medical meaning (for example, bacterial culture or penicillin culture). Since in
anthropology and sociology we also acknowledge culture clashes, culture shock, and
counter-culture, the range of reference is extremely wide.
Question 42: According to the passage, the word culture____.
A. is related to the preparation and use of land for farming
B. develops from Greek and Roman literature and history
C. comes from a source that has not been identified
D. derives from the same root as civilization does
Question 43: It is stated in paragraph 1 that a cultured person_____.
A. has a job related to cultivation B. takes care of the soil and what
grows on it
C. has knowledge of arts, literature, and music D. does a job relevant to education

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Question 44: The author remarks that culture and civilization are the two words
A. share the same word formation pattern B. are both related to
agriculture and cultivation
C. have nearly the same meaning D. do not develop from the same
Question 45: It can be inferred from the passage that since the 20th century______.
A. schools and universities have not taught classical literature, philosophy, and history
B. classical literature, philosophy, and history have been considered as core subjects
C. classical literature, philosophy, and history have not been taught as compulsory
D. all schools and universities have taught classical literature, philosophy, and history
Question 46: The word “attributes” in paragraph 1 most likely means______.
A. aspects B. fields C. qualities D. skills
Question 47: The word “static” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by “_____”.
A. regular B. balanced C. unchanged D. dense
Question 48: Which of the following is NOT stated in the passage?
A. Anthropology and sociology have tried to limit the references to culture
B. . Distinctions have been drawn between culture and civilization.
C. The word culture can be used to refer to a whole way of life of people
D. The use of the word culture has been changed since the 19th century
Question 49: It is difficult to give the definitions of the word culture EXCEPT for
A. agricultural and medical meanings B. historical and figurative meanings
C. philosophical and historical meanings D. sociological and anthropological
Question 50: Which of the following is NOT true about the word culture?
A. It is a word that cannot be defined. B. Its use has been considerably
C. It differs from the word civilization D. It evolves from agriculture
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Question 51: The passage mainly discusses______.

A. the distinction between culture and civilization B. the figurative
meanings of the word culture
C. the derivatives of the word culture D. the multiplicity of meanings
of the word culture
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
Question 52: . Tom: “ When are we leaving for the concert?” Kyle: “ ………………”
A. Straight away B. That‟s right C. Certainly D. No
Question 53: The show was so ……….. that nobody knew who was coming on next.
A. disorganzised B. interesting C. confused D. A & C
Question 54: In many aspects, the problems that John faced are………….a young
man and woman might face today.
A. much like that B. much like those C. like much those D. like
much that
Question 55: Mr. Hammond prefers to resign ………..part in such dishonest business
A. than take B. than to take C. rather than take D. rather
than to take
Question 56: Bit by bit , a child makes the necessary changes to make his language
A. as other people B. as other people‟s C. like other people D.
like other people‟s
Question 57: . “Can you wait while I run into the library?” “ OK,
………..you hurry.”
A. even though B. when C. as long as D. unless
Question 58: They differ ………….their opinions.
A. from B. about C. between D. in
Question 59: Every evening since last Christmas, I ……….my dog out of for a walk
in the park
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A. take B. took C. have taken D. had

Question 60: ……………. I ask him for the money he owes me, he say he will bring
it in a few days, but I don‟t think he has got it at all.
A. Whenever B. However C.Whatever D. Wherever
Question 61: . She accepted that she had acted ……….and mistakenly, which broke
up her marriage
A. unwisely B. romantically C. wisely D. attractively
Question 62: ………………………., he remained optimistic.
A. Though badly wounded he was B. Badly wounded as he was
C. As he was badly wounded D. As badly wounded he was.
Question 63: Speaking language …………..is important for effective communication
A. unpleasantly B. actively C. physically D. accurately
Question 64: After John ……….a rough outline of the model, he will begin painting.
A. had drawn B. has drawn C. drew D. is drawing.

1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it.
Question 1: My professor will retire next month after teaching chemistry for twenty
 After my
Question 2: Having done the test well, Tom hoped to be given a good mark.
Tom hoped………………………………………………………………………………….
Question 3: We last saw Mr. Brown, our old teacher, when we were at Mary‟s party.
We have………………………………………………………………………………….
Question 4: It is said that the driver was falling asleep at that time.
 The driver………………………………………………………………………………….

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Question 5: Hoa exclaimed that my dress was beautiful

 Hoa said:

2. In about 140 words, write a paragraph to discuss this: people attend college or
university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career
preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or
university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer


Câu 1: C
“d” trong “handkerchief” là âm câm, trong các từ còn lại phát âm là /d/
Câu 2: B
“h” trong “height” phát âm là /h/, trong các từ còn lại là âm câm
Câu 3: B
Trọng âm của từ này rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2, các từ còn lại rơi vào âm tiết thứ 1
Câu 4: D
Trọng âm của từ này rơi vào âm tiết thứ 1, các từ còn lại rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2
Câu 5: A
Trọng âm của từ này rơi vào âm tiết thứ 1, các từ còn lại rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2
Câu 6: C
Mingle with something = trộn lẫn với cái gì ≈ mix with something

Câu 7: D
Imped something = làm cản trở cái gì. Prevent = ngăn chặn. Promote = thúc đẩy.
Assist = hỗ trợ. Realize = nhận ra

Câu 8: A
Accessible = có thể tiếp cận được, trong tầm tiếp cận. Available = sẵn có, có thể khai
thác được

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Câu 9: C
Disastrous = mang tính tai họa, gây ra nhiều thiệt hại. Beneficial = đem lại nhiều lợi
ích. Physical = về vật chất. Severe = nghiêm trọng, nặng nề
Câu 10: B
Promote = thúc đẩy. Restrict = hạn chế, giới hạn. Balance = cân bằng. Expand = mở
rộng. Boost = đẩy mạnh, đưa lên
Câu 11: D
Cope with something = giải quyết cái gì

Câu 12: A
Đại từ “that” đứng sau “demands” với nghĩa: những nhu cầu rằng + (mệnh đề)

Câu 13: C
Tính từ đứng trước danh từ để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ ấy. basic skill = kĩ năng cơ bản

Câu 14: A
Address (v) = gọi tên, nêu ra. Address the problem = nêu lên vấn đề

Câu 15: A
As = như là; với vai trò gì (đúng thực tế) (như ngôn ngữ thứ 2). From = từ (đâu, lúc
nào). With = với. like = như thế là (thực tế không phải vậy)

Câu 16: D
Open up = khai mạc, khai trương, dựng nên

Câu 17: D
Nearly = gần với giá trị nào. Slightly = một chút. Fairly = khá là

Câu 18: C
Word = từ ngữ. In the words of a recent report = theo ngôn ngữ của một báo cáo gần

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Câu 19: A
Make a start = tạo sự khởi đầu, bắt đầu

Câu 20: A
The key to something = chìa khóa cho cái gì, vấn đề quan trọng đối với cái gì

Câu 21: B
Cấu trúc đảo ngữ nhấn mạnh thời quá khứ: Not until + mốc thời gian/mệnh đề trong
quá khứ + did + S + V không chia = ai đã không làm gì cho tới lúc nào. B -> did he

Câu 22: D
Equally = một cách bình đẳng, bằng nhau. The same = như nhau -> 2 từ này mang
cùng sắc thái nghĩa, ko đặt cạnh nhau; thông thường chỉ dùng 1 trong 2

Câu 23: D
Trước “and” là một phân từ 2 (Affected) thì sau nó cũng phải là một phân từ 2, không
phải là danh từ (early death = sự chết sớm)

Câu 24: B
Cấu trúc bị động: have something + past participle = sắp xếp cho cái gì của mình được
ai đó làm giúp -> Have her assessment form filled in = phải làm sao cho phiếu đánh
giá được điền vào (bởi giám thị)

Câu 25: C
Đại từ quan hệ chỉ sự vật có thể đi với giới từ (in) là “which”, không phải “that”

Câu 26: C
Must + V có thể dùng để dự đoán chắc chắn một việc xảy ra trong hiện tại, hoặc tương
lai -> dự đoán thực tại chắc hẳn có nhiều tiếng ồn (dùng cấu trúc There + be = có…)

Câu 27: B
Lora: bạn có cảm thấy phiền nếu mình tắt quạt không? Maria: Không (phiền) chút nào.
Not at all = không chút nào -> trả lời câu xin phép nếu làm phiền

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Câu 28: A
Cấu trúc đảo ngữ nhấn mạnh : Only by + Ving, do/does/can/did/could + S + V không
chia = chỉ bằng cách… ai mới có thể làm gì

Câu 29: A
Come in for something = gặp phải, nhận được những điều gì (tiêu cực)

Câu 30: B
Resort to something = phải dùng đến cái gì vì là lựa chọn cuối cùng. Violence = bạo

Câu 31: C
Make up for something = đền bù cho cái gì

Câu 32: A
Câu đầu tiên của bài: Learning means acquiring knowledge or developing the ability to
perform new behaviors

Câu 33: C
Từ dòng 4 đoạn 2: When they enter school, children learn basic academic subjects
such as reading, writing, and mathematics -> trẻ em được học đọc học viết (literacy),
học toán (calculation) khi đến trường, không mấy khi được dạy ở ngoài trường học

Câu 34: A
Câu cuối đoạn 2: After they finish school, people must learn to adapt to the many
major changes that affect their lives, such as getting married, raising children, and
finding and keeping a job -> việc kết hôn, nuôi con và tìm, giữ công việc là những
thay đổi quan trọng mà mỗi người phải học để thích ứng, tự định hướng bản thân
(orient themselves)

Câu 35: C
Đoạn 2 đề cập tới các kĩ năng và kiến thức con người học trong đời trước khi đến
trường (before they enter school), khi đến trường (When they enter school), và sau khi
rời trường học (After they finish school). Trong đó kiến thức thu được khi đến trường
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chỉ được tóm lược trong 1 câu (When they enter school, children learn basic academic
subjects such as reading, writing, and mathematics), còn lại là các kiến thức học từ
ngoài đời sống -> quá trình học tập thường xuyên xảy ra trong đời thực hơn là trong
những cơ sở học tập như trường học

Câu 36: C
Câu đầu đoạn 3: Because learning continues throughout our lives and affects almost
everything we do, the study of learning is important in many different fields -> vì việc
học tiếp diễn (on-going) xuyên suốt cuộc đời chúng ta và ảnh hưởng tới hầu hết mọi
thứ ta làm (great influence)

Câu 37: B
Từ dòng 3 đoạn 3: Psychologists, social workers, … need to understand how certain
experiences change people‟s behaviors. Employers, politicians, and advertisers make
use of the principles of learning to influence the behavior of workers, voters, and
consumers -> nhân viên xã hội cần hiểu những kinh nghiệm nhất định ảnh hưởng hành
vi con người thế nào, các chủ sử dụng lao động thì học cách gây ảnh hưởng cho nhân
viên, chính trị gia thì học cách gây ảnh hưởng tới cử tri -> mỗi người học để hiểu hành
động của đối tượng mình quan tâm
Câu 38: C
Retrieve = phục hồi, khôi phục. Recover = phục hồi

Câu 39: C
Theo đoạn 4, những nhà tâm lí học nghiên cứu trí nhớ quan tâm tới vấn đề lưu trữ kiến
thức của não bộ; những nhà tâm lí học nghiên cứu việc học lại quan tâm tới hành vi và
sự thay đổi hành vi => không phải các nhà tâm lí học đều quan tâm tới trí nhớ và việc
học như nhau

Câu 40: A
Từ dòng 2 đoạn cuối: Simple forms of learning involve a single stimulus. A stimulus is
anything perceptible to the senses -> dạng thức đơn giản của việc học bao gồm một
kích thích đơn – là bất cứ thứ gì có th9ể nhận thức được đối với các giác quan => liên
quan tới nhận thức

Câu 41: D
Bài văn nói về việc học trong cả cuộc đời, đặc biệt là ngoài đời thực và vai trò của việc
học, các dạng học => những quy tắc chung của việc học (trong và ngoài trường học,
đơn giản và phức tạp)
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Câu 42: A
Ngay từ câu đầu tiên: Culture is a word in common use with complex meanings, and
is derived, …, from the treatment and care of the soil and of what grows on it ->
nguồn gốc từ này liên quan tới sự chăm sóc đất đai và thực vật trồng trên đất; hay cũng
là sự chuẩn bị đất và sử dụng đất cho nông nghiệp

Câu 43: C
Từ cuối dòng 3 đoạn 1: A person of culture has identifiable attributes, among them a
knowledge of and interest in the arts, literature, and music -> có những đặc điểm dễ
nhận ra là có kiến thức và sự quan tâm tới nghệ thuật, văn chương và âm nhạc

Câu 44: D
Từ dòng 3 đoạn 2: Distinctions have been drawn too between culture and civilization;
the latter is a word derived not, like culture or agriculture, from the soil, but from the
city -> điểm khác biệt là từ phía sau (civilization) không phải xuất phát từ đất đai như
từ “culture” mà là từ thành thị -> nguồn gốc khác nhau

Câu 45: C
Từ giữa dòng 9 đoạn 2: the study of classical (that is, Greek and Roman) literature,
philosophy, and history ceased in the 20th century to be central to school and
university education -> việc học văn chương, tâm lí, lịch sử cổ điển đã dừng lại ở thế
kỉ 20, không còn làm trọng tâm đối với giáo dục trung học và đại học -> không còn là
môn học bắt buộc

Câu 46: C
Attribute = thuộc tính, đặc trưng. Quality = đặc trưng, chất lượng. aspect = khía cạnh.
Field = lĩnh vực. Skill = kĩ năng

Câu 47: C
Static = yên bình, ổn định. Unchanged = không đổi. balance = cân bằng. regular =
thường xuyên. Dense = dày đặc

Câu 48: A
Cuối đoạn cuối: Since in anthropology and sociology we also acknowledge culture
clashes, culture shock, and counter-culture, the range of reference is extremely wide ->

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từ khi trong nhân chủng học và xã hội học, chúng ta thừa nhận những mâu thuẫn văn
hóa, sốc văn hóa, phản văn hóa, thì phạm vi đề cập tới từ văn hóa trở nên cực kì rộng
=> không có nghĩa là nhân chủng học và xã hội học giới hạn phạm vi đề cập “culture”

Câu 49: A
Từ cuối dòng 2: The only non-problematic definitions go back to agricultural meaning
(for example, cereal culture or strawberry culture) and medical meaning (for example,
bacterial culture or penicillin culture) -> chỉ có nghĩa về mặt nông nghiệp và y tế là
không có vấn đề gì

Câu 50: A
“culture” là từ khó định nghĩa (The multiplicity of meanings attached to the word
made and will make it difficult to define) chứ không phải không định nghĩa được

Câu 51: D
Bài văn nói về nghĩa gốc và các biến nghĩa của từ “culture” -> tính đa dạng trong ngữ
nghĩa của từ “culture"

Câu 52: A
Tom hỏi về thời gian (khi nào chúng ta sẽ đến buổi hòa nhạc?) Straight away = ngay
lập tức, ngay bây giờ. That‟s right = đúng thế đấy. certainly = chắc chắn rồi. no
problem = không vấn đề gì

Câu 53: A
Cấu trúc : be + so + adj + that + mệnh đề = quá… đến mức mà. Disorganized = rối
rắm, thiếu tổ chức. confused = bị bổi rối. interesting = thú vị

Câu 54: B
Like (adv) + N = giống với ai/cái gì. Much là phó từ chỉ mức độ rất nhiều, đứng trước
“like” để bổ nghĩa cho nó. Those = những thứ, những đối tượng đó (cách nói tắt); ở
đây là những vấn đề

Câu 55: C
prefer + to V + rather than + V: thích làm gì hơn làm gì... = prefer + V-ing + to +

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Câu 56: D
As = như là, với vai trò là (đúng thực tế). like = giống như thể là (không đúng thực tế).
một đứa trẻ dần dần thay đổi để làm ngôn ngữ của mình giống như ngôn ngữ của
người khác => giống như, chứ không phải ngôn ngữ của mình chính là ngôn ngữ của
người khác, dùng “like”. Đồng thời, ngôn ngữ của người khác, không phải người khác
-> other people’s language, viết tắt ở đây là other people’s

Câu 57: C
Hurry = nhanh chóng, vội vàng. As long as + mệnh đề = miễn là

Câu 58: D
Differ from something = khác với cái gì. Differ in something = khác nhau về mặt gì
(khác nhau về quan điểm >< khác với quan điểm của ai đó)

Câu 59: C
Since + một mốc thời gian/mệnh đề quá khứ = kể từ khi. -> dấu hiệu của thì hiện tại
hoàn thành: một việc đã và đang xảy ra kể từ một mốc quá khứ

Câu 60: A
Whenever = bất cứ khi nào (bất cứ khi nào tôi hỏi về khoàn tiền anh ta nợ tôi).
However = tuy nhiên. Whatever = bất cứ cái nào. Wherever = bất cứ nơi nào

Câu 61: A
acted unwisely and mistakenly = hành động một cách thiếu khéo léo và sai lầm.
Unwisely = một cách không khôn khéo. Romantically = một cách lãng mạn. wisely =
một cách khôn khéo. Attractively = một cách lôi cuốn

Câu 62: B
Adj + as/though + S + be = Although S + be + very + adj = mặc dù rất… Dịch: dù bị
thương rất nặng, anh ta vẫn lạc quan
Câu 63: D
Accurately = một cách chính xác. Unpleasantly = một cách thiếu thú vị, nhạt nhẽo.
actively = một cách năng động, chủ động. physically = về mặt thể chất, vật lý

Câu 64: B
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Sau khi John vẽ xong khung mô hình thô sơ -> dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành để nhấn
mạnh việc đã hoàn thành vào thời điểm nói

Câu 1:
Đáp án: After my professor…..has finished teaching chemistry for twenty years, she/
he will retire next month.
Việc kết thúc giảng dạy hóa học đã được hoàn thành vào thời điểm nói, đồng thời sau
liên từ chỉ thời gian “after” -> thì hiện tại hoàn thành
Câu 2:
Đáp án: Tom hoped… to be given a good mark as he had done the test well
Ving đứng đầu câu có thể chỉ hành động xảy ra trước, hoặc nguyên nhân cho hành
động sau. As có thể mang nghĩa “vì” (= because)
Câu 3:
Đáp án: We have…not seen Mr. Brown since we were at/ attended Mary’s party.
Last = lần cuối, cuối cùng. Chúng tôi thấy ông Brown lần cuối khi chúng tôi ở bữa tiệc
ở Mary ≈ chúng tôi chưa gặp ông Brown kể từ khi chúng tôi đến bữa tiệc của Mary ->
quá khứ đơn thành hiện tại hoàn thành (việc chưa gặp đã và đang xảy ra)
Câu 4:
Đáp án: The driver…is said to have been falling asleep at that time.
Chuyển thành bị động: S + be + said/thought/believed/supposed + to have past
participle = ai được cho rằng đã làm gì trước đó
Câu 5:
Đáp án: Hoa said: “……… How beautiful your dress is!/ What a beautiful dress you
Exclaim = khen, thốt lên. Mẫu câu cảm thán: How + adj/adv + N + be/V! = What +
(a/an) + adj + N + S + be/V! = thật là một….

After high school, most students choose to continue with higher education for many
reasons. The first and most important reason is that a university degree provides more
job prospects. It is obvious that most good companies prefer college graduates
nowadays. With higher education, employers have more chances of being admitted.
Another reason is studying at university can broaden learner‟s mind considerably. An
independent life in a strange place to study will create new experiences in self -
Fanpage : www.facebook.com/LittleZeros/ Lizegroup : www.facebook.com/groups/hoihocsinh2001/
Hệ thống ôn thi THPT Quốc Gia Lize.vn Website : www.lize.vn

deciding, dealing with the host, traveling alone. Moreover, university is a diverse
environment that gathers many students from all over the country. Hence, each student
can establish friendships with people from different regions with interesting habits,
and learn how to cooperate with them. After all, going to higher education brings more
than academic knowledge, which attract a large number of high school students every

Fanpage : www.facebook.com/LittleZeros/ Lizegroup : www.facebook.com/groups/hoihocsinh2001/

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