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PAREKH HOUSE 1967-68 The arte scion we eae Peete nn cadena Tre ‘a crete a yamine? Se ge a ths mi oa Se ts mnt tbe sa eg a sume arn Sted the SUMNER SECTION ewe 2 eae pram, png Dina na tn WINTER SECTION = Shae ot sen and 09 sinner eure “Teste forthe arth House 0 “Hamedstad faces North = wich means ‘hare would be conieabe eat nse frm he east and west facades which He dog the lng a. In rer to deal sts, we cevelped plan wich Cis of 3 bays ~ 20 that the Sunmer Seton inthe ctv s poet by the Winter Section on on sie at the Saemice Baylor reaation, kichen and tolls} onthe oer. Te hose construct of brick earngowals sporting fem-ished cance abs, withthe elevations as Gdaganmatic expressions ofthe climatic anepts which peneated this desig. Di sa i sal iioan en Suancemmmee eee ‘his configuration of interlocking units one ng vin We caging poste for dating . i ny cma factors Ree i sony EL In several diferent projects over the next fem years, this simple principle of having ‘souble-height gardens and verandahs to Protect the main living areas generated 2 large number of diverse plans ~ none of ‘which got bul. The Boyce Houses were ‘n attempt to bring all these various Prototypes together in a cluster of group housing, But even this did not get but. SNISNOH yayy OE LE a 1983-86 ee ez: oe ‘To consiserations ee oa tc ee, et ‘0 ct wh act Seu S08) 2 Sats wer 5 milo es 5 fee Eivonetcd tay ware they are, bag ebb me berate Eotiecy nectar ene creer Btw cc 220 occ BM reyes = oes abs a fe mica ee oe ce teem Fecioee to 4 mil Durban cetras, so tat. Heats less than @ muir. soos, Bnd (Asterdam, Roversan, the furcating at Dadar. It is they who creates say, And once the people saw where the be, they knew where they wanted 1 ve the ease of Bombay's commuter tains, ply. Now that’s an interesting principle elevance to the phenomenal growth an centres, throughout this count. sand cites of Korale. So presen Bat a question of city size, 0 other problems, Bombay works beter ities. For a'small sum, one can obiait ‘of unlimited journeys. Ths of couse / 2 /subsiding public transport, one ising ~ since the railway increases This fs another principe of ond This is another ieee ipsidy on housing: AN URBAN MANIFESTo ie NEW BOMBAY 1964-74 Maharashtra This new urban centre, across the harbour from Bombay, was one of the earliest attempts to restructure a major ‘metropolis - on a scale that had never been attempted before Bombay is the financial capital of India, contributing almost half the total revenue collected by the Government of India. It is indeed a giant metropolis of over leven million people, with an additional three million in the immediate region. As Bombay has grown over the last few decades, it has developed an astonishing paradox: real estate prices keep soaring, ‘even while physical conditions deteriorate alarmingly, in the early 1960's, as a young architect looking for affordable office space at the southern lend of the city, | realised with dismay that just as one was getting accustomed to the new prices, they climbed ~ and 116 were once again out of reach. Today real estate in Bornbay costs almost twice as much as any other Indian city. The reason for this escalation is not just rising population. The situation here is further compounded by the physical shape of the city. Like many another seaport, Bombay is located on a long and narrow breakwater, protecting the harbour from the open sea. The city centre has coalesced around the point where the boats docked ~ right at the southern end of the breakwater. From this point, the city has grown by leaps ‘and bounds, in a linear north-south pattern, because of the confines of the narrow strip of land on which it is located, Every time the city got more overcrowded, the municipality just ‘extended the city limits further northward. This simple strategy worked right up to World War Il, when the city hhad a population of under 1.5 million people. Later extensions however have extended it further and further, like @ rubber band ready to snap. The huge conglomeration of offices and commercial facilites at the southern end of the system daily trigger off massive flows of northward in the island, 5 already been pre-emp middle income g forced to live wherever payments, in squatter overcrowded slun Bombay 0 920 vine nay Muiciplty Plan ent to al i fowath over the nest 10 Hite coments a0 ihe public, By om, ion fin ners 0 an ws expected 0 ion people by 198 ates nh rat Plan te those entrordnasy In statny ms fe sten, once again thls toundov jan, wt two calles, Find Shirish Patel we Proposed, in essnce, cute sland Bomtay oes 2 Ro the east, opening that would the Nata ot rs nots. enti on acu short, we would be tying to use his ne govt ise to esuctre the cy, taking the opportunity Yo re-arange the scenery. Te suggestions we made in 1964 2.000 hectares er New Bory ‘at east hat, Le. two millon to lsat in the ety {nsuch a sation and with sucha ‘mandate, now dows one aang the scaery? Working a Chie Architect to {1000 trom 1970 0 1974) gave me the ‘renew on many ‘of which one had seen only This is how the wvith a bus line ae BOWS: we stat ‘ering sens Ths ads he ingore of Seco of oppose ‘passe invtance a act somoanatly ena oki when gen tee. (Let's call them Type A). “infrastruc ae only becomes viable Perhaps one, because als penny ce ad athe cts te Le mcr nat enienegeeae eta pte nis cost

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