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During the modern days, technology dominated

as a huge advantage to do things faster than before
from the traditional into the modernized generation for
the students, workers, and gamers. As the time goes
by, professionals provided an enhanced online game for
the players in order to experience being realistic.
Because of the improvement of every gameplay,
addiction into these are being a problem for the
students that may cause cutting and skipping of
classes, failing grades, and it makes the student to be
Source: Google

According to the website, 6 to 8 hours is average hours of studying per

day. Due to the excitement to go home of the student to play his/her game, he/she might feel
bored at school and it's looked like for him/her that the 6 to 8 hours of studying is equivalent
to a long period of time.

Giving such time inside a classroom for the

gamers to play their favorite games is a huge reward. It
could prolong the studying hours per that but, the
excitement of every player to home is being lessen
because the players know that they can play even though
they are still studying.
Source: Google
The group will start promoting their concept
through talking to the administration of each school. This For more further
is not a budgeted program to provide a promotion of this questions and concerns, feel
thesis to different school. free to ask the Group 4:
“Letting a Student to have free time to do his/her Aedrianne Nucum 09203395200
hobby inside a classroom, it is a huge reward for Kathleeen Nuguid 09266963279
him/her to feel like a free bird flying rhythmically. “ Sid Aquino 09225026219
Jeremy Sarmiento 09361465080
PAGE 1, March 4, 2019 Edman Macalino 09168471975

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