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The result is that you will see text based upon the color of the cell in which you

place this
formula. The drawback to this approach, of course, is that it doesn't allow you to reference cells
other than the one in which the formula is placed.

The solution, then, is to use a user-defined function, which is (by definition) a macro. The macro
can check the color with which a cell is filled and then return a value. For instance, the following
example returns one of the three words, based on the color in a target cell:

Function CheckColor1(range)
If range.Interior.Color = RGB(256, 0, 0) Then
CheckColor1 = "Stop"
ElseIf range.Interior.Color = RGB(0, 256, 0) Then
CheckColor1 = "Go"
CheckColor1 = "Neither"
End If
End Function

This macro evaluates the RGB values of the colors in a cell, and returns a string based on those
values. You could use the function in a cell in this manner:


If you prefer to check index colors instead of RGB colors, then the following variation will

Function CheckColor2(range)
If range.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Then
CheckColor2 = "Stop"
ElseIf range.Interior.ColorIndex = 4 Then
CheckColor2 = "Go"
CheckColor2 = "Neither"
End If
End Function

Whether you are using the RGB approach or the color index approach, you'll want to check to
make sure that the values used in the macros reflect the actual values used for the colors in the
cells you are testing. In other words, Excel allows you to use different shades of green and red,
so you'll want to make sure that the RGB values and color index values used in the macros match
those used by the color shades in your cells.

One way you can do this is to use a very simple macro that does nothing but return a color index

Function GetFillColor(Rng As Range) As Long

GetFillColor = Rng.Interior.ColorIndex
End Function

Now, in your worksheet, you can use the following:


The result is the color index value of cell B5 is displayed. Assuming that cell B5 is formatted
using one of the colors you expect (red or green), you can plug the index value back into the
earlier macros to get the desired results. You could simply skip that step, however, and rely on
the value returned by GetFillColor to put together an IF formula, in this manner:

=IF(GetFillColor(B5)=4,"Go", IF(GetFillColor(B5)=3,"Stop", "Neither"))

You'll want to keep in mind that these functions (whether you look at the RGB color values or
the color index values) examine the explicit formatting of a cell. They don't take into account any
implicit formatting, such as that applied through conditional formatting.

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