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001 TSI/TIR/PL/007-11.19


To ensure the work safety on the job at oil and gas mining area in Indonesia upon the
equipment and facilities have to be the especially risk, so as to the above mention is suggested
to make the equipment to support this work in accordance with the Standard and Specification.
In among the pipelines, the all regulation, Observation related the Inspection work above, was
arranges and decided by Director General Migas


With implementation of inspection and observation by Director General of Migas assisted

by third party ( PT. Titis Sampurna, and pursuant to inspection and observation [done/conducted]
by the third party which is on selected inspection among others test hydrostatic which have been
witnessed direct by MIGAS representative of mining Inspection (PIT), hence compiled the
inspection report with aim to get Elegibility Worthiness of Pipelines Certificate ( SKPP) and to be
released by Director General of Migas.


3.1 Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas

3.2 Mijn Politie Reglement Stb. 1930 No. 341, of the Police Regulations Mining

3.3 Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 year 1979 regarding working
safety on Refinery and Processing Oil and Gas.

3.4 Regulation of Minester of Mining and Energy No. 06P/0746/M.PE/1991 regarding Safety
audit to Installation, Equipment and Technique used in Oil and Gas Mining and
Geothermal Activities.

3.5 Decree of the Minister of Mining and Energy No. 300.K/38/M.PE/1997 regarding Working
Safety of Oil and Gas Pipeline.

3.6 Decree of the Director General of Oil and Gas No. 18 year 2018 regarding Inspection
Guidelines and Procedures for Occupational Safety of the Plant Equipment and
Engineering Employed in the Mining Operations of Oil and Gas as well as Exploitation of
Geothermal Resources.

This document contains information proprietary to PT. Titis Form No. : 10N.1
Sampurna Inspection and shall not be reproduced or transferred
to other documents or disclosed to others or used for any Rev. No. : 0
purpose other than that for which it is furnished without prior
written permission of PT. Titis Sampurna Inspection. Page(s) : 1 of 4

4.1 SNI 13-3472-2002 : Pengelasan Saluran Pipa dan Fasilitas yang terkait

4.2 SNI 13-3474-2002 : Sistem Perpipaan Transmisi dan Distribusi Gas

4.3 ANSI-ASME B31.8, : Gas Transmission and distribution Piping System

4.4 API 1104 : Welding of Pipe Line and Related Facilities

4.5 API 5 L : Specification for Line Pipe

4.6 ANSI 16.5 : Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fitting

4.7 API 570 : Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Rerating of In-Service

Piping System

4.8 Migas Letter No. :


5.1 Based on the planning and operation of the pipeline is planned to be able to withstand a
pressure of 84,36 Kg/Cm2, at a temperature of maximum 93,33 C, for it has been done
recalculation with a thickness of actual and still able to withstand a pressure of 84,36
kg/cm2, therefore the operating pressure a maximum of 52.0 Kg/Cm2 therefore still meet
the requirement.

5.2 Safety Equipment systems installation.

For security operation gas pipeline 10" of the Gas Compressor Station Beringin to LPG
Plant Limau Timur, Prabumulih Sumatera Selatan. on pipes already installed a safety valve
block of 6 units and 1 units SDV Concrete stakes to determine the pipeline has been
installed along the pipeline, as well as warning sign


The pipeline 10" is entirely situated on the ground and planted in the ROW owned by
Pertamina, passing through little villages, mostly passing rabber plantations, passes a sixs
river and the pipeline already has UKL-UPL


7.1 Owner : PT Titis Sampurna

7.2 Material : API-5L-Gr. X52

This document contains information proprietary to PT. Titis Form No. : 10N.1
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purpose other than that for which it is furnished without prior
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7.3 Pipeline Diameter : 273,05 mm (OD)

7.4 Pipeline Thickness : 9,12 mm min. / 9,76 max. (actual thickness)

7.5 Flange / Ratting : SA-105 / Class 600 #

7,6 Design Pressure : 84,36 Kg/cm2 G

7.7 Design Temperature : 93,33 C

7.8 Operating Pressure : 52 Kg/cm2

7.9 Operating Temperature : 32 ~ 35 C

7.10 R.O.W. : 9 ~ 15 meter

7.11 Pipeline Length : 27,004 Km

7.12 Location of pipeline : From Station Gas Compressor Beringin to LPG Plant Limau
Timur Prabumulih Sumatera Sealatan.

7.13 Cathodic Protection : Sacrificial Magnesium Anode

7.14 Coating Protection : Painting, Wrapping and Corrosion Inhibitor

7.15 Methodology : Review all Document as checking, Basign Design, Drawing

Pipeline, Design Calculation, Operating procedure,
maintenance procedure, emergency procedure, operating
report, patrolling report, corrosion control system, material
certificate, latest hydrostatic test, NDT Report (wall thickness
report) and document UKL/UPL

Site Inspection : Visual Inspection, checking ROW, Warning Sign, Safety aspect
and verification of wall thickness measurement.

7.16 Date Of Inspection : October 31, 2019

The Executive Summary Report is made in accordance with the result of the technical
examination that has been conducted, we conclude that the equipment is safe and feasible to be
operated and further request to be approved and issued the Decision Letter of Operation of the
equipment from the Directorate General of Oil and Gas.

This document contains information proprietary to PT. Titis Form No. : 10N.1
Sampurna Inspection and shall not be reproduced or transferred
to other documents or disclosed to others or used for any Rev. No. : 0
purpose other than that for which it is furnished without prior
written permission of PT. Titis Sampurna Inspection. Page(s) : 3 of 4
Jakarta, November 1, 2019
Prepared by,
Pipeline Inspector


This document contains information proprietary to PT. Titis Form No. : 10N.1
Sampurna Inspection and shall not be reproduced or transferred
to other documents or disclosed to others or used for any Rev. No. : 0
purpose other than that for which it is furnished without prior
written permission of PT. Titis Sampurna Inspection. Page(s) : 4 of 4

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