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Crisis for the entire conference

Date: May 9

Materials: Powerpoint Presentation

Phase 1
Title: Religious Genocide

Step 1: Initial Chaos


There has been reports of a new terrorist organization titled the ‘’New Islamic Klan’’ or
NIK, which has dedicated itself to destroy all major religious architecture that does not
adhere to the Islamic God in order to eradicate the spread of all non-islamic religions
worldwide, has just bombed several churches such as Notre Dame in Paris, Westminster
Abbey in London, Cologne Cathedral in Germany and St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York.
It was done through systematic suicide bombing of operatives disguised as civilians that
triggered the bombs both inside and outside of the Churches. The resulting bombing has
caused major infrastructure damages, mass fire, and hundreds of casualties as the churches
were jammed packed with civilians. All countries with Christianity as its main religion is
on high alert and the UN Security Council is tasked to be in coordination with the UN
General Assembly to address the matter.

Close city borders of the victimized countries
Send local authorities to put out fire
Designate Peacekeepers or local militaries to safeguard major religious
Search Teams on NIK


From intelligence agencies affiliated with the UN, new reports have identified that NIK
operatives has just launched an airborne epidemic virus, of unknown origins, in several
Buddhist Temples in New Delhi, India, Shinto Shrines in Tokyo, Japan, and Jewish
Mosques in Moscow, Russia. Over a million are infected within the victimized cities,
hospitals are jammed with patients, and thousands are dying every hour.
Designate Medial Teams of Medical Aid, Airborne supplies to be dropped off
Massive city borders closed
Massive evacuation of unaffected civilians, through Peacekeepers

Step 3:

It has been now revealed from UN intelligence that the governments of Turkey, Kuwait,
Iran, and UAE have been the financial backers of NIK and has provided the organization
with all the bombs used to commit the atrocities. NIK bases have been reported to be in
all of the three confirmed countries. The entire Middle East and allies are in an uproar.

Sanction the Countries
Bomb the bases hiding NIK
Immediate removal from the Arab league
Step 4:

It is now confirmed by WHO that the airborne virus utilized by NIK has been traced back
to medical facilities in the People’s Republic of China. No further information thus far.

NOTE: China will be given a privilege Speech regarding this, whether it is

sponsoring NIK or not.

-Depends on China’s Statement
Phase 2

Date: May 10
Materials: Powerpoint Presentation

Title: Wide Scale Epidemic

Step 1:

There has been reports from INTERPOL that NIK has resurfaced and has took advantage of the
melting ice caps. The melting glaciers have brought forth ancient diseases that have been
procured by NIK and weaponized as deadly biological weapons. The weaponized diseases have
been spread in Northern Countries around the world, mostly on Canada and Europe. Millions of
citizens have been reported dead and mass migration of healthy citizens have been going to
southern countries.

Note: All delegates must convene in one area to address the issue

Step 2:

Further reports, the epidemic has spread to Africa, South America, and the ASEAN states. Some
of the unaffected Asian countries are having trouble addressing the virus due to extremist
attacking health workers. Moreover, the Middle East Countries backing NIK, completely closed
off their borders, refusing international aid. No citizen of the said countries has been reported to
have cases of infections

Step 3:

Switzerland reported to have found a cure to address the epidemic, but is busy utilizing it with all
their affected citizens. Switzerland refuses to share unless incentivized to becoming a Permanent
Member of the Security Council.
Note: Switzerland will have a privilege speech

Step 4:

Switzerland’s supposed cure turns out to be fake, moreover the cure actually enhances the
epidemic and speeds the death of the said victims. Switzerland loses half of its population.

Note: Switzerland will make a privilege speech

Step 5:

India, Russia, Australia, New Zealand and Japan are reported to have been spared from the
epidemic. They have developed a prototype vaccine, but they are hesitant to share due to their
prioritizing of their citizens. At the same time, other governments are hesitant in buying or
negotiating the vaccines due to the initial failure of Switzerland.

Aftermath: All countries are committed to implementation of existing state environmental

policies in order to prevent another apocalyptic scenario of this proportion.


Countries who refused the initiatives to commitment of environmental policies ended with ½ of
their populations dead.

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