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Answer all the Questions

Section – A
1. A signal is said to be even or symmetric if it satisfies
a) x(t) = x( t +T0) b) x(n) = x( n+ N0) c) x(t) = e-αt d) x(t) = x(-t)
2. Electrical noise is the example of __________ signal.
a) Deterministic and Non-deterministic Signals b) Periodic and Aperiodic Signals
c) Even and Odd Signals d) Energy and Power Signals
3. The energy of power signal is
a) Zero b) One c) Infinity d) Negative
4. If a function f(t) is shifted to right by 2 t0, then the function can be expressed as
a) f(t+t0) b) f(t*t0) c) f(t-t0) d) f(t0-t)
5. Given unit step function is u(t), its integration with respect to time is:
a) a unit impulse b) another step function
c) a unit ramp function d) a sine function
6. A system is said to be shift invariant only if a
a) shift in the input signal also results in the corresponding shift in the output
b) shift in the input signal does not exhibit the corresponding shift in the output c) shifting
level does not vary in an input as well as output
d) shifting at input does not afect the output
7. Which one of the following system is a memory less system?
a) Static and Dynamic Systems b) Linear and Non-linear Systems
c) Time In-variant Systems and Time variant d) Causal and Non-causal Systems
8. If the system is characterized by the equation y(t) = ex(t), then the system is
a) Linear b) Non-causal c) stable d) Non deterministic
9. The TMS320C50 is __________ bit DSP processor.
a) 8 b) 16 c) 32 d) 64
10. The maximum addressable memory space in TMS320C5x is __________.
a) 1056-word × 16-bit b) 224K-word × 16-bit
c) 9K-word × 16-bit d) 64K-word × 16-bit 8

Section – B
11. a) Write a short note on deterministic signal. (OR)
b) Find whether the following signal is periodic or not.
x(t) = 5 sin(6p t) + 2 cos(3p t)
12. a) Explain the even and odd signals with examples. (OR)
b) Find the even and odd componests of x(t) = cos(2t) + sin(3t) + 5.
13. a) Describe the basic operations of signals.
b) Explain the basic signals with neat diagrams. (OR)
14. a) Find whether the following system is linear or not.
y(t) = 3 x(t ) + 5 (OR)
b) Describe the interconnection of systems.
15. a) Explain the overview of TMS320 family processors. (OR)
b) Write the key features of TMS320C5x.

Section – C
16. a) Explain the classification of signals with examples. (OR)
b) Determine whether the following signals are power or energy signals.
- at
i) x(t) = e u(t) ii) x(n) = (1/2)n u(n)
17. a) Determine whether the following system is:
i) Static and dynamic ii) Stable and unstable iii) Causal and non-causal
iv) Linear and non-linear and v) Time variant and Time-invariant.
y(n)= n x(n)+ x(2n-1) (OR)
b) Explain in detail the block diagram of TMS320C5x processor.


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