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Title V THE FAMILY When Art.

151 Not Applicable

Chapter 1 The rule under Article 151 does not apply to cases which
are not subject to compromise, as follows:
The Family as an Institution
“Art. 2035. No compromise upon the following
ARTICLE 149 150 151 questions shall be valid:
Family as Basic Social Institution 1) The civil status of persons;
2) The validity of a marriage or legal separation;
The Family Code considers the family as a basic
social institution which, by reasons of public policy, 3) Any ground for legal separation;
deserves the State’s protection 4) Future support;
5) The jurisdiction of courts;
Indeed, our family law is based on the policy 6) Future legitime.”
that marriage is not a mere contract but a social
institution in which the state is vitally interested Chapter 2

“family relations are governed by law.” The Family Home

“no custom, practice or agreement destructive of ARTICLE 152 153 154

the family shall be recognized or given effect.” Family Home—Concept
Extent of “Family Relations” Family home is a real right, which is gratuitous,
a) between husband and wife; inalienable and free from attachment, constituted over
the dwelling place and the land on which it is situated,
b) between parents and children;
c) among other ascendants and descendants; and which confers upon a particular family the right to enjoy
d) among brothers and sisters, whether of the full such properties, which must remain with the person
constituting it and his heirs
or halfblood.

“Earnest Efforts Toward Compromise” Constitution of Family Home

It is necessary that every effort should be made Under the Family Code, however, a family home
is deemed constituted on a house and lot from the time it
toward a compromise before a litigation is allowed to
breed hate and passion in the family. It is known that a is occupied as a family residence, and it continues to be
lawsuit between close relatives generates deeper such so long as any of its beneficiaries actually resides
bitterness than between strangers therein

There is no need to constitute the same judicially

Effect of Failure to Comply
or extrajudicially as required in the Civil Code
If it is shown that no such efforts were in fact
made, the case must be dismissed Note that the law explicitly provides that
occupancy of the family home either by the owner
Scope and Coverage thereof or by “any of its beneficiaries” must be actual,
which means real, actually existing.
Husband and wife, parents and children,
ascendants and descendants, and brothers and sisters, Who May Constitute
whether full or halfblood.
It is not only the spouses. Even an unmarried
A brother-in-law22 or a sister-in-law23 is a head of the family may likewise constitute a family
stranger with respect to the family of their spouses home on his or her own property
Beneficiaries of Family Home ARTICLE 158

a) the husband and wife, or an unmarried person Alienation or Encumbrance of Family Home
who is the head of a family; and
b) their parents, ascendants, descendants, brothers The law does not prohibit the alienation or
and sisters, whether the relationship be encumbrance of the family home
legitimate or illegitimate, who are living in the However, the law requires the written consent of the
family home and who depend upon the head of following persons in the sale, alienation, donation or
the family for legal support. encumbrance of the family home:
The above enumeration may include the in-laws (1) the person constituting the family home;
where the family home is constituted jointly by the (2) the latter’s spouse; and
husband and wife (3) majority of the beneficiaries of legal age
ARTICLE 155 156 157 Will the absence of such written consent affect the
Rule: Exempt From Execution, etc. validity of the alienation or encumbrance?

As a rule, the family home is exempt from The law is silent as to the effect of alienation or
execution, forced sale or attachment. encumbrance of the family home without the written
consent of the persons enumerated in Article 158 of the
This exemption is effective from the time of the Family Code.
constitution of the family home as such, and lasts so long
as any of its beneficiaries actually resides therein Considering, however, the purpose of the law,
alienation or encumbrance in excess of the value allowed
Extent of Exemption under Article 157 shall be considered valid

Art 153- “to the extent of the value allowed by law.” However, when the family home is part of the
conjugal partnership or absolute community property, its
Art 157- “the actual value of the family home shall not alienation or encumbrance during the marriage without
exceed, at the time of its constitution, the amount of the consent of the other spouse shall be void
three hundred thousand pesos in urban areas, and two
hundred thousand pesos in rural areas.” ARTICLE 159

Exception to the Rule Continuance of the Family Home

A family home is not exempt from execution, forced sale The following rules shall apply in the event of death of
or attachment in connection with the following claims: the person or persons who constituted the family home:

(1) for nonpayment of taxes; (1) The family home continues to be as such for as
(2) for debts incurred prior to the constitution of the long as there is a minor beneficiary actually
family home; residing therein;
(3) for debts secured by mortgages on the premises (2) But if there is no minor beneficiary, the family
before or after such constitution; and home continues to be as such only for a period
(4) for debts due to laborers, mechanics, architects, of ten years provided that a beneficiary of legal
builders, materialmen and others who have age actually resides therein.
rendered service or furnished material for the
construction of the building Prohibition on Partition

So long as the family home continues as such

pursuant to the provisions of the present article, the heirs
are prohibited from partitioning the family home unless
the court finds compelling reason therefore
ARTICLE 160 A judgment of adoption is a judicial act whereby the
same rights and obligations arising out of filiation by
Execution Sale of Family Home blood are established for the adoptive parent and the
If the court finds that the actual value of the adopted child. The child ceases to belong to his or her
family home exceeds the maximum amount allowed by original family, except that the child will not be able to
law, the court shall order the execution and sale of the marry with a member of that original family within the
degree prohibited by law.
family home.

“no bid below the value allowed for a family A parental project involving assisted procreation
home shall be considered.” (artificial insemination ) exists when a single individual
or spouses decide to have a child by using the genetic
the amount mentioned in Article 157 shall first material of another individual, the child born out of such
be satisfied prior to the satisfaction of the judgment debt process is considered as the legitimate child of both the
and the costs.Any excess shall be delivered to the husband and the wife
judgment debtor
Status of Children
ARTICLE 161 162
“Art. 164. Children conceived or born during the
No Retroactive Effect marriage of the parents are legitimate.”

Article 162 is to constitute, by operation of law, Also, children conceived or born in a voidable marriage
all existing family residences at the time of the are likewise considered legitimate since a voidable
effectivity of the Family Code on August 3, 1988 into marriage is valid until it is annulled. On this respect, the
family homes Code provides:

In other words, prior to August 3, 1988, the “Art. 54. Children conceived or born before the
procedure mandated by the Civil Code had to be judgment of annulment or absolute nullity of the
followed for a family home to be constituted as such marriage under Article 36 has become final and
executory shall be considered legitimate. Children
TITLE VI PATERNITY AND FILIATION conceived or born of the subsequent marriage under
Article 53 shall likewise be legitimate.”
Chapter 1
“Art. 165. Children conceived and born outside a valid
Legitimate Children
marriage are illegitimate, unless otherwise provided in
ARTICLE 163 164 165 this Code. (n)”

Paternity speaks of the father’s relation to his “Art. 177. Only children conceived and born outside of
child while filiation refers to the child’s relation to his or wedlock of parents who, at the time of the conception of
her parents. the former, were not disqualified by any impediment to
marry each other may be legitimated. (269a)”
Types of Filiation
Children Conceived of Artificial Insemination
o The filiation of children may be by nature or by
adoption. Likewise considered legitimate are children
o Natural filiation, which is established by blood conceived of artificial insemination of the wife with the
relationship, can either be legitimate or sperm, either of the husband or donor, or both, provided
illegitimate. that both the husband and the wife authorized or ratified
o Filiation may likewise be created by a judgment such insemination in a written instrument executed and
of adoption signed by them before the birth of the child, which
o filiation by assisted procreation, resulting from instrument is required to be recorded in the civil registry
the artificial insemination of the wife with the together with the birth certificate of the child.
sperm of a donor (other than the husband)
Note that the child conceived as a result of It is only in exceptional cases that his heirs are
artificial insemination is considered a legitimate child of allowed to contest such legitimacy
both the husband and the wife, even if the husband is not
related by blood to the child (if the donor of the sperm Under article 171 of the Code, the heirs may,
used in the insemination is not the husband). exceptionally, be allowed to impugn the child’s
legitimacy in the following instances:
What the law allows is the artificial insemination
of the wife with the sperm of the husband or that of a (1) if the husband should die before the expiration
donor or both. As such, the law does not recognize as of the period fixed for bringing his action;
valid the use of a surrogate mother, even if the sperm (2) if the husband should die after the filing of the
is that of the husband. Such child shall not be considered complaint without having desisted therefrom; or
legitimate even if both spouses had authorized or (3) if the child was born after the death of the
ratified. husband. Outside of these cases, none — even
the husband’s heirs — can impugn legitimacy;
ARTICLE 166 167 that would amount to an insult to his memory

Statement of the Presumption In other words, the child himself cannot choose his own
Under the Family Code, a child conceived or
born during a valid marriage is presumed to be It is settled that a child born within a valid marriage is
legitimate presumed legitimate even though the mother may have
declared against its legitimacy or may have been
How to Rebut Presumption sentenced as an adulteress (Liyao, Jr. vs. Tanhoti-
(1) That it was physically impossible for the Liyao)
husband to have sexual intercourse with his wife Jurisprudence is strongly settled that the paramount
within the first 120 days of the 300 days which declaration of legitimacy by law cannot be attacked
immediately preceded the birth of the child collaterally, one that can only be repudiated or contested
because of: in a direct suit specifically brought for that purpose. (De
(a) the physical incapacity of the husband to Jesus vs. Estate of Decedent Juan Gamboa Dizon
have sexual intercourse with his wife; /Heirs and recognized as illegitimate child of the
(b) the fact that the husband and wife were paramour)
living separately in such a way that
sexual intercourse was not possible; or Presumption Applies Even When Mother Declares
(c) serious illness of the husband, which Against Child’s Legitimacy (Reasons)
absolutely prevented sexual intercourse.
(2) That it is proved that for biological or other  First, in a fit of anger, or to arouse jealousy in
scientific reasons, the child could not have been the husband, the wife may have made this
that of the husband, except in the instance declaration.
provided in the second paragraph of Article 164;  Second, the article is established as a guaranty in
(3) That in case of children conceived through favor of the children whose condition should not
artificial insemination, the written authorization be under the mercy of the passions of their
or ratification of either parent was obtained parents.
through mistake, fraud, violence, intimidation,
Physical Impossibility to Have Sexual Intercourse
or undue influence.
The modern rule is that, in order to overthrow
Who May Impugn Child’s Legitimacy
the presumption of legitimacy, it must be shown beyond
As a rule, impugning the legitimacy of the child reasonable doubt that there was no access as could have
is a strictly personal right of the husband enabled the husband to be the father of the child.
Physical Incapacity does not have the DNA types in his profiles that match
the paternal types in the child, he is excluded. If he has,
The law is referring to impotence, which imports he is not excluded as the father.
a total want of power of copulation and, as a necessary
incident thereto, the inability to procreate. In Case of Artificial Insemination

Evidence or proof must be clear or satisfactory: In case of children conceived through artificial
clear, satisfactory and convincing, irresistible or positive. insemination, the husband is authorized to impugn the
legitimacy of the child if the written authorization or
Only impotency and not sterility is recognized. ratification of “either parent” was obtained through
There can be no absolute sterility, except in the absence mistake, fraud, violence, intimidation, or undue
of testicles or complete absence of spermatozoa. influence.
Living Separately Only the husband can impugn, not the wife even
The separation between the spouses must be if her authorization was obtained thru fraud, etc.
such as to make sexual access impossible However, if the sperm of the husband is used, he
is not allowed to impugn child’s legitimacy even if his
Serious Illness of Husband
written authorization or ratification was obtained
The illness of the husband must be of such a through mistake, fraud, etc.
nature as to exclude the possibility of his having sexual
intercourse with his wife ARTICLE 168 169

Article 168 applies to a situation where a

Biological or Other Scientific Reasons
previous marriage has been terminated for whatever
The court recognized results of scientific reason, i.e. by reason of annulment, declaration of nullity
procedure. of marriage or death of the husband, and the woman
contracts a subsequent marriage within three hundred
Obviously, if the husband authorized or ratified (300) days after such termination of the former marriage
in writing the artificial insemination of his wife with the and later gives birth to a child within such period
sperm of a donor, he may not later on be allowed to
impugn the child’s legitimacy based on biological or In order to solve this problematic situation, article 168 of
scientific grounds the Code provides for these presumptions:

Blood Testing (1) The child is presumed to have been

conceived during the former marriage if it is born before
A blood test eliminates all possibility that the 180 days after the solemnization of the subsequent
putative father is the father of a child, if none of the marriage, provided it be born within 300 days after the
putative father’s phenotype(s) are present in the child’s termination of the former marriage.
blood type.
(2) The child is presumed to have been
While the converse does not hold true (i.e., that conceived during the subsequent marriage if it is born
the presence of identical phenotypes in both individuals after 180 days after the solemnization of the subsequent
establishes paternity), the absence of the former’s marriage, even though it be born within 300 days after
phenotype in the child’s would have made his paternity the termination of the former marriage.
biologically untenable.
It only solves to which marriage the child
DNA Testing belongs and not his/her legitimacy.
In DNA paternity testing, the DNA profiles of Applicability of Article 169
the mother and the child are obtained to determine which
half of the child’s DNA was inherited from the mother. The rule stated in article 169 applies to a
The other half is inherited from the father. If the man situation where a marriage has been terminated and the
woman gave birth to a child after 300 days following the Upon the expiration of the foregoing periods, the
termination of the marriage. action to impugn the legitimacy of a child can no longer
be brought.
We believe that the child should be considered
illegitimate child of the mother, unless she or the child Applicability of Articles 170 and 171 of the Family
proves legitimacy. Code

We cannot presume legitimacy, because the The provisions refer to an action to impugn
birth was beyond the period of gestation (300 days) of a legitimacy of a child, to assert and prove that a person is
child conceived during the marriage. The presumption of not a man’s child by his wife.
illegitimacy, on the other hand, runs counter to the
policy of the law to lean in favor of legitimacy. But there Hence, if it is asserted that the child is not the
can be no person without status. child at all of the spouses, the provisions of articles 170
and 171 do not apply.
ARTICLE 170 171
Chapter 2 Proof of Filiation
Action to Impugn Legitimacy--Not Subject to
Collateral Attack ARTICLE 172 173 174

The legitimacy of the child can be impugned Chapter 3 Legitimate Children

only in a direct action brought for that purpose, by the
ARTICLE 175 176
proper parties, and within the period limited by law.
Not Subject to Agreement
Prescriptive Period for Filing Action
As such, it cannot be left to the will or
The action to impugn the legitimacy of the child must be agreement of the parties. It is a serious matter that must
brought within the following periods: be resolved according to the requirements of the law
(a) One year, counted from the knowledge of the
” “[A] compromise agreement executed in
birth or recording of such birth in the civil behalf of another by one who is not duly authorized to
register, if the husband or, in cases provided for do so by the principal, is void and has no legal effect,
in article 171, any of his heirs, resides in the city and the judgment based on such compromise agreement
or municipality where the birth took place or is null and void,”
was recorded;55
(b) Two years, counted from the knowledge of the Accepted Proof of Filiation
birth or recording of such birth in the civil
register, if the husband or, in his default, all of “Art. 172. The filiation of legitimate children is
his heirs do not reside at the place of birth or established by any of the following:
where it was recorded, and they reside in the
(1) The record of birth appearing in the civil register
Philippines;56 or
or a final judgment; or
(c) Three years, counted from the knowledge of the
(2) An admission of legitimate filiation in a public
birth or recording of such birth in the civil
document or a private handwritten instrument
register, if the husband or, in his default, all of
and signed by the parent concerned.”
his heirs reside abroad
Birth Certificate
If the birth of the child has been concealed from or
was unknown to the husband or his heirs, the period Being a public document, a birth certificate
shall be counted from the discovery or knowledge of the offers prima facie evidence of filiation and a high degree
birth of the child or of the fact of registration of said of proof is needed to overthrow the presumption of truth
birth, whichever is earlier. contained in such public document.
However, for a birth certificate to be considered Who May Institute Action
competent evidence of paternity, , it is necessary that the
putative father must have a participation in its (a) Action to Claim Legitimacy
preparation An action to claim legitimacy is a strictly personal
If the alleged father, signed the birth certificate, right of the child, which he or she may exercise at any
this is considered as acknowledgment of paternity and time during his or her lifetime
the mere presentation of a duly authenticated copy of An action to claim legitimacy is transmissible to the
such certificate will successfully establish filiation. child’s heirs in the following instances:
Lack of signature however is not a barred if the (1) when the child dies during minority;
father has direct participation like supplying the details (2) when the child dies in a state of insanity; or
or personally going to the municipal. (3) when the child dies after the commencement of the
Baptismal Certificate action.

Since baptismal certificates are per se Should the child die during minority or in a state
inadmissible in evidence as proof of filiation, they of insanity, the heirs shall have a period of five (5) years
cannot be admitted indirectly as circumstantial evidence from death of the child within which to institute the
to prove the same action

Admission of Legitimate Filiation or Paternity (b) Action to Establish Illegitimate Filiation

Admission of legitimate filiation or paternity in An action to establish illegitimate filiation may

a public document or a private handwritten instrument be brought by the child within the same period specified
and signed by the parent concerned is also competent in article 173, except when the action is based on the
evidence to prove the fact of legitimate filiation or second paragraph of article 172, in which case the action
paternity, as the case may be. must be brought during the lifetime of the alleged parent.

Under the law, the admission must be made Hence, if the action to establish illegitimate filiation is
personally by the parent himself or herself, not by any based on the following evidence:
brother, sister or relative. (1) record of birth appearing in the civil register or a
Open and Continuous Possession of Status final judgment; or
(2) admission of paternity in a public document or a
“In the absence of the foregoing evidence, the legitimate private handwritten instrument and signed by the
filiation shall be proved by: parent concerned, the same may be brought by
the child at any time during his or her lifetime
(1) The open and continuous possession of the
status of a legitimate child; or The action for recognition as an illegitimate child is
(2) Any other means allowed by the Rules of Court likewise transmissible to the child’s heirs in the
and special laws.” following instances:

It involves affection, concern, care, providing monthly (1) when the child dies during minority;
allowance, paying tuition, etc. (2) when the child dies in a state of insanity; or
(3) when the child dies after the commencement of
Other Proof the action.
A family portrait offered in evidence is not a NOTE:
sufficient proof of filiation. Pictures do not constitute
proof of filiation To emphasize, illegitimate children who were
still minors at the time the Family Code took effect and
whose putative parent died during their minority are thus
given the right to seek recognition (under Article 285 substitution, and no right of accre tion takes
of the Civil Code) for a period of up to four years from place; or
attaining majority age. This vested right was not (4) when the heir instituted is incapable of
impaired or taken away by the passage of the Family succeeding, except in cases provided in the Civil
Code. Code

Rights of Legitimate Children Legitimate children, under the Civil Code, are
compulsory and legal heirs, with respect to their
(1) To bear the surname of the father and mother, in legitimate parents and ascendants.
conformity with the provisions of the Civil Code
on Surnames.113 But legitimate children shall The legitime of legitimate children consists of one-
principally use the surname of the father.114 half of the hereditary estate of the father and of the
(2) To receive support from their parents, their mother
ascendants, and in proper cases, their brothers
and sisters, in conformity with the provisions of For example, if there is only one legitimate
the Family Code on Support.115 child, he or she is entitled to one-half of the hereditary
(3) To be entitled to the legitime and other estate as his or her legitime. If there are two or more
successional rights granted to them by the Civil legitimate children, their legitime is still one-half of the
Code hereditary estate, which they will divide in equal
Under the law on succession,117 there are three kinds
of heirs: Rights of Illegitimate Children

(1) voluntary, those who become as such only by (1) Illegitimate children shall principally use the
the express will of the testator in the latter’s will surname of their mother. They may not, as a
and testament (present only in testamentary rule, use the surname of their father.
succession); (2) Illegitimate children are likewise entitled to
(2) legal or intestate, those who are called by the support from their parents. However, only the
law to the succession in the absence of voluntary separate property of the person obliged to give
heirs designated by the testator (present only in support shall be answerable, provided that in
intestate succession); and case the obligor has no separate property, the
(3) compulsory, those who are entitled to the absolute community or the conjugal partnership,
legitime and cannot be deprived thereof by the if financially capable, shall advance the support,
testator unless properly disinherited by testator. which shall be deducted from the share of the
spouse obliged upon the liquidation of the
Legal or intestate succession takes place in the following absolute community or of the conjugal
instances: partnership.
(3) Illegitimate children are also to be considered as
(1) if a person dies without a will, or with a void compulsory and legal heirs, with respect to their
will, or one which has subsequently lost its parents. The legitime of each illegitimate child
validity; shall consist of one-half of the legitime of a
(2) when the will does not institute an heir to, or legitimate child.
dispose of all the property belonging to the
testator. In such case, legal succession shall take They may be allowed to use the surname of their father
place only with respect to the property of which only in the following instances:
the testator has not disposed;
(3) if the suspensive condition attached to the (1) if their illegitimate filiation has been expressly
institution of heir does not happen or is not recognized by the father through the record of
fulfilled, or if the heir dies before the testator, or birth appearing in the civil register; or
repudiates the inheritance, there being no
(2) or when an admission of paternity is made by Effects of Legitimation
the putative father in a public document or
private handwritten instrument When legitimation takes place, the legitimated
child is entitled to the same rights as legitimate child and
Chapter 4--Legitimated Children this effect retroacts to the time of the child’s birth

ARTICLE 177 178 179 180 181 182 Since legitimation retroacts to the time of the
child’s birth, the same shall benefit the descendants of a
Concept of Legitimation, Explained legitimated child who died before the celebration of the
Legitimation is a right granted by law to children marriage of his or her parents
conceived and born outside of wedlock of parents who, Action to Impugn Legitimation
at the time of the conception of the former, were not
disqualified by any impediment to marry each. Under article 182, the action to impugn the
legitimation must be initiated within a period of five
Hence, if, at the time of the child’s conception, years from the time of accrual of cause of action.
the parents are “disqualified by any impediment to marry
each other,” the child is not legitimated by the Since legitimation has the effect of raising the
subsequent marriage of the parents. In this situation, the child into the status of legitimacy, the validity of such
remedy available to raise the child into the status of legitimation may only be questioned in a direct
legitimacy is that of adoption. proceeding

If the child is conceived and born inside a void

marriage but the parents are not disqualified by any
impediment to marry each other, i.e., in a marriage
which is void by reason of absence of marriage license,
the child may be legitimated.

If a child is conceived and born outside of

wedlock of parents who, at the time of the child’s
conception, were below 18, the subsequent marriage of
the parents after reaching the age of 18 will not result in
the child’s legitimation.

Note that under article 177 of the Code, if the

impediment to marry of the parents exists at the “time
of the conception of the child,” the child may not be
legitimated, regardless if it cease to exist later on.

How Legitimation Takes Place

Legitimation shall take place by a subsequent

marriage between the parents, such marriage must be
valid or, at least, voidable

However, if the marriage between the child’s

parents is void ab initio, legitimation is considered not to
have taken place because a void marriage is deemed as
having never to have taken place

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