Operating System Question Paper

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College of Engineering Roorkee (COER)

First Test Series

Session : 2019-20
B.Tech. Branch: IT
Subject: Operating System Subject Code: TIT-501
Year: 3 Semester:V Section: C
Time- 1Hr M.M-15

Section: A (All questions are compulsory)

Q1. (5 Marks)
a. List the difference between: (i) CPU-bound & I/O-bound processes
(ii) Process & Threads (2)
b. Discuss few ways of inter-process communication. (2)
c. What do you understand by fork() and execlp() system call? (1)

Section: B (Attempt any two)

Q2. (5 Marks)
a. Describe the evolution of Operating Systems mentioning three types of operating
systems . (2.5)
b. Discuss a shared memory bounded buffer solution to Producer-Consumer problem.
c. Describe the different states in which a process can be at any instant of time, using
appropriate diagram. (2.5)

Section: C (Attempt any two)

Q3. (5 Marks)

a. Discuss the work of different schedulars. Also discuss various process queues using a
diagram. (2.5)
b. Consider 4 processes P1, P2, P3 and P4 all arriving at same time, having CPU burst
times 5, 2, 8, 3 time units, respectively.
Demonstrate how you will use the method of first come first served (FCFS) and
shortest job first (SJF) scheduling algorithms to compute the average waiting time
and average turn around time for the algorithm. (2.5)
c. What do you understand by Context Switch? Discuss its importance with the help of a
diagram. (2.5)

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