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School : SMP N. 224 PONTIANAK

Subject : ENGLISH

Class/ Semester : VIII/II

Aspect : Listening

Material : Descriptive text (animal)

Time : 2 X 40 minutes

A. Core Competencies:
KI 1. Respecting and appreciating the teaching of their religion.

KI 2. Respecting and appreciating honest, discipline, responsibility, caring (tolerance,

mutual assistence), polite, confident behaviors, in interacting effectively with the
social and natural environment in arrange of socially and existence.

KI 3. Understanding and applying knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based

on his curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture and events related phenomena
and seemed by eyes.

KI 4. Trying, processing, and serving in a concrete realm (using, parsing, composing,

modifying, and making) and abstract realm (writing, reading, computing, drawing and
composing) according to the learned in school and other sources in the same
viewpoint /theory.

B. Basic Competencies:
1.1 Thankful for the opportunity to learn English as the language of International
communication that is realized in the spirit of learning.

2.1 Shows polite and caring behavior in carrying out interpersonal communication with
teachers and friends.
2.2 Shows honest, disciplined, confident, and responsible behavior in carrying out
transactional communication with teachers and friends.
2.3 Shows the behavior of responsibility, care, cooperation, and love of peace, in carrying
out functional communication.
3.10 Apply text structure and linguistic elements to carry out the social function of
descriptive text by stating and asking about the description of persons, animals, and
objects, short and simple, according to the context of its use.
4.11 Capturing meaning in oral and written descriptive text, short and simple.
4.12 Prepare descriptive oral and written text, short and simple, about people, animals, and
things, taking into account the correct and contextual function of the social, textual
structure, and linguistic elements.

C. Indikator
1. Thanks to gods for the opportunity learn English language.
2. Obeying the moral value in the school and real life.
3. Identify the language structure in the descriptive text.
4. Listen to short audio about the animal description.
D. Objectives:

1. . The student are able to give thanks to god for opportunity learn English language
2. The students are able observe and identify the animal trough audios play by the
teacher carefully.
3. The students are able to responding to questions given by the teacher based on verbal
images happily.
4. The students are able to identify information about panda from short audio
5. The students are able to complete text about animal through listen to short audio
pandas description correctly.
E. Metode Pembelajaran
Scientific Approach
F. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Pembelajaran
1. Media
Gambar panda
2. Alat
Realia benda, board marker dan kertas
3. Sumber belajar
Junior high scholl text book
Junior high school syllabus
G. Learning Material:
Social function : To describe animal, to know the characteristics of wild animal
or pet.
F. Learning Material:
Pandas habbit audio

Language features :

 Grammar (simple present tense)

 Vocabulary (verb, adjectives)
a. Penyebutan kata benda singular dengan a dan the dan plural (-s)
b. Kata ganti it and they.
G. Learning Steps

1. Opening Activities
A. Orientation
1) The teacher say greets to student and ask the students feel.
2) Teacher prepare the material
3) Checking students’ attendence

B. Apperseption
1.) The teacher review last material and conneted to the material to be learn
2.) Teacher ask some question to build students knowledge

C. Motivation
1.) The teacher checking students readiness.
2.) Teacher explain the advantages of the descriptive text and topic.

D. Direction
1.) Teacher gives example of descriptive text about animal.
2.) Teacher explain the purpose of the material.
3.) Teacher explains the structure of descriptive text.
4.) Teacher give students activities.
2. Main Activities
A. Observing
 Students listen for gist to establish the context of a conversation through listen
for context.
Teacher play the conversation about panda. Students identify:
- What panda food?
- How the panda habbit?
- What color of panda?
- Where panda live?
- How the panda shape?
B. Questioning
o To improve students critical thinking through students ask the teacher.
o Students ask teacher what they don’t understand about the panda picture or
panda video.
Student A: miss/ sir why panda like climbed?
Teacher : cause it’s panda habbit.
Student D: miss/sir why panda like bomboo?
Teacher: cause panda food is bamboo like human food rice.
C. Collecting Information
o Active students’ prior knowledge and ideas about the topic through
1. Brainstormin
 Teacher tells students the topic about panda.
 Teacher elicit what they know or think about the topic.
teacher write all their ideas on the board, even if they are
factually incorrect. This could be:
-a list of panda food,
e.g. Panda eat bamboo
-a list of panda habbit,
e.g. pada like climbe
- Student opinions, e.g. arguments about panda

D. Associating
o Students listen the text and arrange the structure of text through order the
text.Order the text
 Teacher make enough copies of reading text about panda so there is one
per student, pair or group. Cut into phrases, sentences or paragraphs.
 Students put the text in order.

Pandas are bear-like animal which Pandas have white thick fur which
originally live in center and western part covers all of their body with black eyes
of China. Pandas have distinguish features patches, ears, nose, legs, shoulders, and
that make them different other species of arms. Those black marks make Pandas
bear. unique and different.

Like other species of bear, pandas 90% of pandas’ diet consists of

have a big head, a short tail, rounded bamboos. That is why pandas have
ears, and a long muzzle with a big nose. adapted their body to help them in eating
However, pandas’ diet is totally different bamboos. Pandas have a big jaw with
with other species of bear; in which they tough muscles and strong molars to crush
prefer bamboos than others bamboos so they can extract the
nutrients they need.

E. Communicating
o Students communicate messages clearly about animal through whisper.
 Teacher put students in groups of 6-10. Each group stands in a line. Show
the frist member of each group the sentence.
 The frist group member whispers the sentence into the ear of the second
group member.
 The second group member whispers the message into the ear of the third
group member. The message gets passed through the whole group.
 When the last group member hears the message, they write it on the board.
Is it the same as the original message?

A.Panda is big C.Panda is big animal

animal and like eat like eat bamboo.


I.Panda big animal

eat bambo.
G.Panda big
animal like eat

3. Clossing Activities
 Teacher and students summarize the material about descriptive text.
 Teacher give feedback for students activies.
 Teacher give students assessment (evaluation)
 Teacher says goodbye

Technique :Assessment

Form of instrument :Listening


Please listen to the audio and fill the blank!

Pandas are bear-like ……………which originally live in center and western part of
China. Pandas have distinguish ………….that make them ………other species of bear.
Pandas have white thick fur which covers all of their body with black eyes patches, ……..,
nose, legs, shoulders,…….. Those black marks make Pandas unique and different.

Like other species of bear, pandas have a big head, a short tail, rounded ears, and a
…..muzzle with a big nose. However, pandas’ ………is totally different with other species of
bear; in which ……..prefer bamboos than others 90% of pandas’ diet consists…….. That is
why pandas have adapted their body to help them in eating bamboos. Pandas have a
………jaw with tough muscles and strong molars to crush …… they can extract the
nutrients they need.
Assessment rubric

Implement Scientific Activities

Observing Honest Social functions, Finding information by
(Learners read / Discipline phrases, and answering questions such as:
hear some texts) Responsibility linguistic elements a. Who is being
of descriptive text. described in the text?
b. What does panda
c. What are panda
favourite food ?
d. How panda eat?
e. What color of panda?
Questioning Caring Social function, Skills ask various information
Responsibility expression, and about social functions, text
linguistic elements structure, and language
of descriptive text. elements as well as the
content of people's description
text (proper, effective, and
efficient use of language)

Collecting Caring Social function, Reasoning and comparing text

information/Asso expression, and description about animal
ciating Responsibility linguistic elements
of descriptive text.
Team work
Communicating Caring Social function,  Present the results of
expression, and data collection on
Responsibility linguistic elements social function, text
of descriptive text. structure, and
Team work linguistic elements of
the description text
about animal.
 Demonstrate the skill
of describing a
person's description
orally and in writing
Rubric for performance appraisal (perfomance)

Criteria D C B A
(1) (2) (3) (4)
OBSERVING Unclear Activity is Some All activities
implementation clear but not activities Clear and
detailed Clear and Detailed

Collecting Sentence is less Sentences are Clear Sentences with

information/ understandable clear but there sentences with appropriate
Associating are some simple structure and
elements of language appropriate
language that structures and language
have not been elements elements and
right lancer

Doing Monologue Reading scripts, Occasional Current and Current reach

limited look at text, vocabulary social
vocabulary, and vocabulary is and sentences functions,
not fluent limited but flourish, and complete
fluent there is a structure and
transition linguistic
Editing Writing Use of words, Social Social Social function
text sentences, and functionality function is is achieved, the
structures does not is achieved, achieved, the structure and
match exact structure structure and elements of
and language elements of language are
elements are language are correct and
less precise right there are

Presentation Read out results Read out Use Use multimedia

without media and results using multimedia without reading
incomplete multimedia without and fluent
reading but

Observation Sheet Learners Attitude

Attitude Responsible Caring Cooperating Confidence Learning

indicator spirit

No Students name

Note: Each aspect uses a scale of 1 until 5

1 = Very less 2 = Less 3 = Enough 4 = Good 5 = Very good

The rubric score of listening

Score = total score X 100

Maximum score

Head Master Teacher

Mr. Dr. Clary Sada M.pd Gustina Simorangkir

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