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Turning point of my life

Turning point doesn’t always depict that only tragic events cause an immutable change in your
life sometimes even a single statement can hit you deeply and becomes a turning point. Almost
every human being has a turning point in his life that alter him and his directions altogether. It
would seem bizarre to you that turning point of my life is when I found myself.

When I was in high school one of my fellow asked me to read “Mushaf” a spiritual novel. In the
novel I read a verse that really hit me that changed me and my whole life. At first instance I felt
like Allah made this verse specifically for me out of the 7 billion people on this planet. Allah

“He knows the secret and what is even more hidden”.


Allah knows the secret and even more concealed things. What can be more hidden then a
secret? A secret is something you keep inside of you and you solely know it but there are
dynamics inside of you that you are not even aware of. That things are in your sub
consciousness deeply embedded in your early memory that are still impacting the way you
speak, act and behave but you are not even sure of. Sometimes people have very aggressive
behaviour sometimes they just blowout and say aloud sarcastic or condescending things and
when they go through a therapy and talk to a psychiatrist and they dig deep into their untapped
recesses of their minds. I realised that there are things in my past that I didn’t even think are
there that are even more hidden then a secret that I am keeping, that impact the way I behave.
In other words I was discovering more about myself.

In this verse Allah is saying that he knows the things you are conscious of, that you hide, but he
actually knows you even better than you know yourself. He knows what nobody else can dig
out of you. At that moment I really realized the reason of the struggle I was going through
during the last four years, when you get to know about Allah when you search for him then
Allah makes you more aware of yourself that you have never been. He starts opening up to you.
After this amazing experience I was able to combat bad behaviours and the emotional stress I
used to have. My spiritual closeness to Allah made me unravel my deeply-ingrained
complexities, gave me confidence and clarity and alleviating me from sadness and negative
emotions. At another place in Quran Allah says:
“Don’t become people who forget Allah,

Then Allah made them forget themselves”.

To intent to heal, you need to know about yourself for that purpose you will have to find Him
first. If you ever get confused and feel depressed just ask yourself, what if Allah forget you then
who you really are?

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