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= - (CPA REVIEW SCHOOL OFTHE PHILIPPINES REGULATORY FRAMEWORK FOR BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS. (COVERAGE: Law en Odtigation 1. Artiste 1156 ofthe Civil Code defines an obligation as a 4 lwiical nesessty to door not to do. 1. Indica cess to give or not ove S-_Juidical necessity to pve todo ont td, 4, ridical necessity to give, not o give, w door att de. 2. Whishf te flowing amen best dserines aaeptve obligation? . 4. teers oan cignton which onsite ging or doing something ; 5. ‘sees oan blgnion which cass toe delivery or giving eel oral object & tele oan cig which ens of doing «parila preston but mt delivery of an obec. (reir tar obijnton which const of basing fom sone at 3. Which ofthe following isa posite an tel ebiton? Obligation to teach Pose! 5, Obligation notio smoke pubic pase 4" {) Obliatonto delverthe goods 4 Nene ofthe above 4, Thefollowing ae theese tements can oblistion, except Anse mit hots povertodenan prt a kane he eer dtr. 3A passive subj, who istound to perf the pretation, tho known asthe obligor or debi. © Odetoretuibe wich sth pec or patel GIG be pertowad athe pero f'n stiption, aed may const of vine, dng oF rx doing ashing. 4. fentenme (©) The fom in wich the eign smanifesee. (por 5, Amnng the ese elements of an obligation, whic ae cousdered the persoralelesien? ‘4 Obiges and obligor 1 Preston and viata © Obligoe snd vires 4 Prestation and bigot 6 The following stems conceming an obligation ar comet, xcept The obligion to give is ore in Which the pretation consis inthe delivery of a movable or en immevable thing, iawae 1, Thecblignton att give is aporiive obligation ‘€ The cligaton wo do includes all kinds of work osevies, & ‘The ciigaton not odo consis nsbtsnng from sre et, 7. The folowing ae the requisites ofa presttionor choc ofan ciation, except ‘4 Timustbe possible, physically and juridical, 1b must detrninate of, atleast, determinable acording to pre-established elements c rei. Itmusthave possible equivalent in money 4, Hse a postive obligation only. y+ The following re examples of inclu, except wher jut ‘a Relation esablisbed by law |b, Relation established by contrast ) Reluion established by natural obligation & Relation established by quisi-contact or quasi-delist 9. Which ofthe following sligaions i nt enforceable bya court ston? 2 Oblgiton arising fom inw 16 Obligation sing from contact or quasi contrat Obligation atsing fom quat-deliat rere 4, Natal obligation —_—_— (OAR Segulatry Pronewark for Busnes Tasacons (8501) Page 10f34 10 Which of he follwing staeeats consering te dsinctons between civil clgatoeané raul oblipaion ae eae 1 Cwilebigaton derive thei baling fe tr postive law, while arr otligaons derive fir binding eft from equity and rata jute 4. Cail ebigations can be enforced by cout scien oth cetsive powe of pubic autor, nile he fallen fnatwalobiatons cannot te campeled by cout ation ht Spends excusvely spon the gd conscience of {he dette However velutanly flfiment of tin bligacn by the debe wil rece hi rom sig for ‘reinbarement fom te cedivr ofthe nour eas vst pu a Tey ter & ealy wove Kyeor Shima y Neither aoe 11 Tefen recap of nt big tt cat be nil by ota ba depends pn he volustanly flfllmentof debt eeept . The ein afa der toy alcan wien by to cont han but pd of 10 et tal ary od om sty da bo demu fan ior ‘Te enon of eb eae lpn vn hsp the dtr lipo ater hs steal ipe Te clo of xa or see to uy hed eet bent he alu e opety teh eres wl oye av ofiacy feo th ong te ree B Te blton cs enphyerofe-Rasmthay toy te th py of BE WN, oe ey Lo 12 The folowing arethe sources of vilblipmiondamardable na our of aw, exept rar &. Cosmas © Qusseretncs & Quasédels or Culpa Aula or Tots 5. Delt ot Crive or Ate cr orons punished lew (f) Reigoss decries OTe ofan blgtcn dt eis to the rp and regulations esti commun by some ‘asd appt its people, tic the frm legisiten of entom ad policies recogni’ and ‘bred by joi a Ly B Contr & Quasicontect 4 Quasideten 14. Wien ofthe fatowig ving sates coneming obligations ang fom law isincerret? pal hlamsancerpeay determined inthe Cs Cade orn pci las demand, alt™ Stet ost 2 sore of egal, nest fe aes lh pier ay be applied © TRosiletions and coli rigs ving fm lay shal be governed by the ew by wich hey ae © Quaticontacss 4 Quasidehets 16 fs sues Bon tt ei nin eon to pee ne al, ‘il ope hoe ngesmactig Sota — & cone © Sect & Gumcsene : Tony b. Moaly Both land t Neither ne ih Framework for @usinss Tansatins (8801) Page? 0f34 Witisa ‘outs of an obligation that ler at thy ge ris oa jar elon wish wns rm ceain of, olay and ee that no ope may be unjustly enriched or benefited at the expense of another 1° Mbit ofthe feing sateen concerning the hind of gusisonrst is eorree?™ Neeofrum Gesio mers tothe vclintry maragene of the propery of afi of anaber wiht the 11 Satie csesete the ter Solon neh eet the rial eatin which scat when something i ecived when thei at Sede aw any aes Wg mse b. tel © Bots end @ Nether nce Fee ee onion pny chaser a ll ‘aA pean roasos solely wba thr i gt wo dona oF wan day delved gh cc Ne te ot aati gem is nica np hi a i ii lyn ieee 21, Whats the nature ofthe responsibly or Kabilty of 90 or ore officious manager in anegotionam gto? ‘8. Geterally shal be sliary unless the mansgermeat vas assumed to ste the thing or busines fom lnaminent danger which wll make thei ability to bec ely Generally shall ke joint unless the menagemeat as assumed to save the hing or business from inminent danger which wl make thi abit tobe selidary. ©. Hisalvaysseliday, 4 Iris alvays join. 2. The ofcons manager in a negotorum gosto sal be lible foe any Frtstous event in any ofthe fllowing iasiatces veep! “t_Ifho anders sky operations which the ower wat tot accustomed to embark upon fhe has prefered hs own interestto tha ofthe over. {Ife fas to retum the property or business ater donand by the owner 4. fhe assumed the management in good fh 23. In which ofthe following instances wil negciorem pesto aise? ‘2 Wheathe property or businssisnot negisted or akaadooed 1. fin fit the anager has been tcilyauterized by the owner. © Neither AnorB. Either A or B. 24, Whats the mare esponsiiity lib of two or mere pages Whea theres ben payaet of whist snot due ‘a Soldary Joint © Promaa Subs 25. When wil a poron who acces an undue payment fa sum of many be Hable friteret? ‘2 When receives the unde payment it bed ft 1b. When reeves th undue payment god eth, | ‘When he eeivs the undue payment epades of being ba or good fath, Under linstanees. 26. When will otsen who in good fith avept an unde paymet of ating certain ce determinate be responsible | fer th impairment o loss of he same ofits accessovis and accessions? fa Whenthe reason of losis fortuitous eve. \b, Inso fras hes thereby been bevetie. 2 When i ot guilty of negligence 4 Hes able in any instances. (GEAR Rpg Framework for Basins Tanai Page 3 of 34 27 Ws sure ofan cblgation tut vei any atc misionpuisablby law abl ato Fiblete py civil damages to private offended paty? A. No because criminal ily means imprisonment oni Yes as genera ru, ules thecrimecemaited does nt cause cv dames 4 No ales the People cf the Philippines ask for damages, 7 0 of te Revise Pa Coe ovis tat wen pron rnin be i fly i abo ev Cr Ye Atle 12 ofthe Revned Pod Coe, te flog pests wl fa bs ips eee rnin! nin) bt i be Hable or civil damages cv ably fr Ur ct, excep ‘An ibeciieor insane person A perwon under IB ae ‘Aty Psion Who acts under the compulsion ofa insite Fre. Aly peron who acts under te impulse of en uncontrllae fer ofan ty peson who acts under sl-efeese ce nthe performance of is ff oman syndrome wh hile or fyjued is baer oe greater injury. daly or wie suring from 30. The ii ables arising rom rime res Flows, except * Aeitinton which refers orestaton of te thing if even though & be Found inthe ponent of {ind person woes sequined ity lewul means, . Reparation ofthe damage caused which sal bedtemine by the Cott taking ite consideration ofthe ‘rieeof te thing and it sctinoral value, © fademnifstion for consequental damages which shall include wot ony those cased the injured party but alo tase suffered by his fail cr bya thir person by reason ofthe crane Compromise of he rimina ability, 71+ What deze o eridence mus he proved by the posesuin fr tested tobe rial ab? & Proofbyond reaoasble doubt ear and convincing eviderce & Prependerance oF evidence 4 Subsanial evidence 2 Niet fae oevicease mtb rove bythe pit ned rcv cl damages bse once side 4: Prof beyond reasonable doubt & Clear and convincing evidence (& Preporderance of evidence y= 4 substantial evidence 35.1 the proscuton fr these of rnin negligence, the soaued is ‘sequel onthe ground of flare ofthe Cemmancranr mote eu beyond resonate doch May te pte oad pe eae on quasideit? a rete: the rive oftendd pay ishane by tho ping of es ulca Joy beau a single at mn rena tr tees ooo nd eine and sgusidelict are tinct and separate sources of cil ail. fe Yeeezats te accused shall not be subject double jeopardy. 4 Yes ony ifthere isa contrac Between the senending panes He Ee eeacauc fn cilgion viens peso by stor misc cues damage oat, te being fault o: negligence. Contract © Quas-contract & Quasidtict or culpa aquilona or tors 4. Delict : 36. The following are the requisites ‘a There is preexisting rel There exiss a wrongful actor omission inputabl tothe defendant by reasou of his faut or negligence. There exists a damage or injury which mast be proved bythe person claiming recovery, 4. There mes be acre esa connection or eon of cue an ft betwee te ator neglignce «andthe damage or injory, or tat the au cr nepigence he the ease ofthe damage ony order tat ivi ability for quasi-elic or torts may exist except ion between the offender and offended parties, Trancuork for Baines Tassactons (0501) Fo. Negligence o apa which a Cupar 58 © chi itty asin fom gan etic ores ial ow () Culpe equitinaa ‘e? Cua! 4 Cups ibe 3. To oowing we + rg he dss eens nie hg, . YP Bren) edt a gasnie cpus anu berated acne PE Och ao ty gc Be amg el a AE Clan ere empoled eytincnie la wty Fom a decompromised ‘ pela et ny. inte SP eee nl «Inout powcr eerie, tod onl dat eure Seon pede tee ee 38. Ineaefion when tpi rine Sue fo ening Same ret yb tae orp ee Wee em ee weit meres oO Hae at cratic tte ins wt , 5: nents oman: wot igen sar oo 7 FE Sete cr a aE a acca ois ape nego eee eves a set ny amo 28 = ony Fo a able For the torts committed Dy 28. Te clption aig fom ws or ase dm creeper ahem ane regen, Te wing ee Pome eres art espe, exept rsa api, the mo a8 esse te ans tte crc vo ne tem lie on mR ig rina ees wo a ane DS sealve et conpy tele ee ran esate ae wie me for damages cased ty es a a wh rae eg 8 essen OT fet. png le ie Sem a ee nt eps cn tne gre ws even ou te ame eet Tei or ea re ae le wef coups cnn yee Pam Fe rgpetes wo we cui teat 10, How shall persons enumerated under preceding member exept erste Fam, responsibilities arising from tons ‘omnied y prone under ther esponstiy “i. Waatisthe mtr of abit of 90 or owe persone whore ible for quash or? 5) Salidry wont € Proty 4. Proporienste 42, Wiehof the fllowing statereats concering quail cr nt correct? Eo sy muri hall bo tle for daages forthe death of: evi salt Oy, 2 Fe na ued cio fais tet, bide pubic sds. an et Fos Nek Unie aircon or supervision 1 ee reer of butig or sce peril fo he damages resting om ts wal or path Talo fitshoul be du tothe lack feces eps ee ee ypreuned tata pesos driving emote vice has Been egg i Be tie of he spy Seas ilatng any aie reuation a re aor ran nina woever nay abe we ofthe sae is responsible othe Gage stich ny cae may eae er be est Tis espossbiy shal seas ny in ase the canage souk cme Fee tear om the ast ofthe person who a suflered dmaze eee pie mishape the our sical lable wit his diver, he former, who was in the vehicle, arr by tee of Be dx dligence, preven the misfortune. 11s dspataby resumed tht a drive: rae ean ech fund guy of eels ving or vilting wale regultins at least twice trun te next preceding two months TMI SPs Bly at ves na ing a pat tei eponie for damages couse by tings Atvown or fang fom the sane, |b Alf the above ——_————— TEAR Regulatory romcwerh for Business Transactions (8501) Page 5 of 34 ee ee {fn allowing insu, ropes or owns ae espusiblefr te darages case except By te explosion of mackisery which kas not bea ken cae of with due digence, aod he inflaton shexplosive substances whic have not been kepinasfe and adequate place ‘By excessive smoke which may be harmful petses cr prope), 4, Bythefaling of wes suate to ner highways or ans ieaused by Fre majeur, 4 By emanations from ties canal, sens OF depsts of necious mer constetd witha resauion suiablew the place ‘4, Mile ying tops uch on a muna brie. seme us nda rateable and te ‘rym A and B were hed. A au punenger cf bs whik 8 was Pea ae ts oepey ts mal a dnd abo atafer was via te bs and he oumrdnr of be was ce re eh, ‘eda, Wht cat beth curse bigaon of be bus cenpany toga toh Bk eee 4 Counc of caning rfl erscent-oloaneigene 3 Cabs santas or quiet ib exceed diigee oF oo er of faniy i selcting Ms enples Culprit ort nd oni «nil i 4 Qual omne resetitlg ‘46 ig the same data in prec number, what canbe he sure of clon of th driver of passenger bs as ures 0 A. the passenger? 1 Conict fearing 5. Quasicontaet © Lew 4 Quasckist or crime athe option of A 2 Contact of cariage & Culps agains ihe alto exereis the dience of «good father ofa fanny in ekecting his employees © Culps criminal or crew and considered psi Habit 4 Quistcontmet 47 Baie these da Frecedng number, wht can be the sores of bison of te bu dvr as ears to B, the Pedestrian? Contract of carriage b. Quesicontnet, © Law 4 Quasidelict or crime he option of B “8 (te cans da prsedingrumber, wha canbe the See of bigion ofthe ounerive of pvt ar as pds © A, the passenger? a. Conractofcaiage 8 Quai-centact © Law 4 Quasidetict or eime atthe cption of A ‘©. Rag these hts prceig numb. what can bh sure of eign of tomer fe cers ‘regards to B, the pedestrian? 2% Contract of cartiage >. Quasteontact 2 Law 4 Quassdelict or crime atthe option of B 7 Which ofthe following statements concrsig the obligation to deliver thing is correct? Fein jdong is only inated by skin, n thot bg eigen singed from others of the same kind, Me G.aserinte o specie hing o deenitd ger thing ion tha snd and canbe dented oe distinguished fom others ofits Kind a. Neither [nord 7 b. Both and it © Tonly || Woaly $1, Which ofthe following refers toa detertisate thing? 2 Whitehone & Pilot balipen ‘& Car with engine number 143-248 4 House and lot in Villa Lourdes Subdivision Aiplatry Framework for busines Taxscrons (8501) - or Page 6 of 34 Te ellowing we the reat ts incidental races bliptions nan iver dria tig Obligation to peserve the thing ata deren nn enenn oeh determinate thing, erent Obligation ; ton 1 delve he fut if the fra oscar afer the obligation to deliver te terminate nk G,_ Dblistion to deliver the aeeisionsand ascesrss. Obligation to pay fe the eight and insurance ia tans 53. Ina obtigai {883 chignionto devera detente hie what dee fies tal beesroed by he He eter Preservation ofthe dinate thing? ‘ + tn iene nes ha rte pce ale eh ther Diigo far gt yn te a esi rewuires <., Dilgenes of food fate of aly rian diene or dizence of reson rent PTDR ures the lw ee tiation of he pari rears anter sur! of ee 44 No digeac unless the aw ore sipultin oft patos standard of ae, $4. In m obligato to etre 8 deen ig, wea is the vedio ine eed 1 ft of Fee ee eens ota pronase the fut ofthe tein 87 wa Fromihe tne ofthe precio of We cena. : From ine gation Sle te terminate hing at ©) From ite une is evra scl or sorte 4 Frome flilment ef soy condin. 55. inn otiguin oder dati hin, whn doe he ota oblige otxin real is ovr efit othedeterttehing” rom he tine othe pefsion ofthe cnt 3. othe ime obligation to deliver ares, 2 Emi ie the fas ae delivers palo Pom te filme of ston snion 56, tna cotrect of sale, whoe is he buyer or vere exiled to the fits of the bayer or vende ota personal rights ovr the rts of the determinate thing? ro fem ih ne of te perection of the contact of se of determinate thing From the time te oiaton to delve ass. From dhe ine te determinate thing isdelivered. 41 From the ftiimeat of estan seston. constrtively, determinate thing or when does the 57, Which of te following statements consering ral ight and pessoal right is correct? ae eaener ight ithe prwver belonging 10a person over a specific thing, without «passive subject individually decent: agains whom sch sight ray be personally exerted, Kean be exerted agaist ny ers 11, _‘Cearuial gins the power belonging to one person to demand of another, a definite passive sees, the ‘Aufttmentote prestaton give, odo or ctw do. tan be exercised agus’ apaticula person. & Toaly b Mealy ©. Rath and Neither Tort 48, As agen le, when debtor or oligor fs to comply wit is obligato, the credo r obligse may avail Fimsel of what romedies? "t_ Action fr specifi perfomance or at 1 Action for speci perfomance with damages only. Cation to rssiad o eslve te clipation with damages ony 4 Aetion fr specific perfomance oration 0 rescind the obligation or action for dam in addon to other ofthe fist two actions. to rescind orresclve the obligation ages, exclasvely oF 9. What the prope remedy ofthe creer in the case the debtor or obligor fais to comply wit his cblipuin 10 Golvera determinate or specific ing? wa “ncton fr specific performance in aditon to damages under Aric 1170 {B Blermy ak the oblgatin tbe complied with at the expense ofthe Jebtor with demages. © Acton for rescission of the obligation. 44 ‘Aetion fo annulment of the contact. —_— CeAR Apulaory Promeuork for Burees Tansactons (B501) Page7ofs4 (0 hat ths remedy ofthe cei inthe aot dtr oblige fas to comply wih is btn wo deliver OF generic ing? Action for rescsson ofthe cbiigation, ‘We may Mle an acvon for specific performance with damages only. & Hemay as he obligation tobe cemplid witha theexpeae of the debtor wih damages ony 4 Fier Bor. (61. Te the debtc or obligor lable for damages by reason ofthe loss ofthe determinate thing duet fortuitous event? ‘No asa general mule except in thosecases provided by lis 1b. Yei.asageneral ule, unosshe is exempted by err or oblige. © Yesinal cases, 4 Noinallesses, (2. In an cigation to deliver a determina thing. when is the debtor or abligcr lable even if the loss of the ‘Seterminate thing is due to Frtuitous event? 1. When the deter or obligar delays inthe delivery of the thing When the deter o obligor promised the same thing to to or more perce al b Monty (6) Both ant Neither nr it 69, Inan obligation to give a determizat thing. which of the following statsments true? 4 The obligation 1 give a determinate hing inclades tha of dliverag allo is accessions and accessories oly ier ie scpulcon to tat fet. 5, The obligation to give» determinate thing inches tha of delivering ll of accessions and accesories «vem though they may not ave been mentioned. |. The obligation to pve a determinate thing icles that of delivering ll of ts acecsnons and accesnries ven if there stipulion tote comrary. The obligation to give determinate thing dove not inside thet of delivering all of is eecesions and 64, Which ofthe flowing satementsis correct? |. Accessories rie t those which destined fr the ermbellishment se o heir preservation of another thing ot ‘more importance, have for their objct the completion of the latter for Which they ate indispensable or convenient |. Accession include everything which i produced by a thing, oF which is incorporated or aitached thereto, ‘ether nataraliy or ati © Tealy >. Monty © Both land Neither nor 65. The following are the kinds of fruits under the Civil Code, except &Netural fits “ar the spontaneous products of the sol, and the young and oer products of animals. . Industrial fruits ~ are those produced by ends of any hind trough cultivation e aber, © Givi fruits ~ Frais asa resut of civilization or frit arising out ofa juridical relation or contracts such as are the rents of buildings, the price of leaves of lands and other property and the amount of perpetual oF life annuities o other sila income s 4. Commercial fats ~ Frits arising fromm commercial transection, of the creditor i the debtor ils to do the prestation? (66. As s general rule, in an obligation to do, wha isthe remedy Action for specific performance with dimages, b. Action for annalment of obligation with damages Theccrediter or third person may do it in a proper manar atthe expense ofthe debtor, ‘6. Action for damages only to be awarded ty the Court othe thing, what isthe remedy ofthe creditor ifthe debtor 69. In an obligation to do whereby only the debtor can falls to do the prestation? ‘Action for specific performance with damages, b, Action for annulment of obligation 4 damages. A proper manner at the expense of the deber, The ereditor or third person may do Action for indemaification for damages Rapalatory Promewor for Busines: Transactions (8501) Docs ose Jaw fails to do such, bliin einer ‘duty 10 perform a particular obligation of na eats oo » geal cioie cin om Ins fart 117 ofthe Civil Cod proves tha “Toe deter ooblign shat be abe for damages i inthe fttinent ‘of ebigation, i is gully of tie followin, except ‘4 Good f B Fraadordoto §Neplitene or ft or stpa Delay or default or mora Coneraveion of the tenor of oiaton 81, Which ofthe following statements pertin o “aud? * ecanceni 1 stave fer te pron ofthe inert of anf pera, that dep of car, Trt tothe nce Msh the crcumstances justly demand, wheshy sue person sate Wise. a 2 [Efe f the nonsflflinent ofthe obligation wit rexpect tine, 1g deltas an iteatona evasion ofthe ermal nut of oligos, Ofte at which impish cic a iment of sate evry kind Sefective performance, ‘2. Th de is nthe for dagns incase of conrvetion of ero delay when 4. Itismalciows or niceional b There's goss negligence “© Mis doef fernitous evens, 4 es dw ferce majeure and there stipulation making the deo able even in such care 53. The following are the types of damages that may be awarded {0 the aggrieved pary by the our, except © Seam de demas avaced by resson of physical efor, mesial Mei ae es anxiety, Frcmpien Patton woxnded ekg, mor shock. soc huni ta sake » peinplr o comeuive damages ae danaget nish ae inpose, ty vay ofa Or comection for Nem Sted. i dition te the mera temperate, ligated er compensa © Eyre get ees ada in onder ta argh of te plat nich osteo nvaded Be defeat, may be vndisecd or recognized, and not fer the pure of indemnify ing the plait ag Esty bos sie ty i. demerate O moderaie damages ave damages which are more than nominal but les than compersatory anna werent When the coun ids tat some pecniay ls has been safer ea rout can 0%, fom the nature of de case provided with ef © pe engt mPeDsatory damages ae damages awarded for pocuniay oss suffered and daly proved by £° Liguidned damages or perl are damages assed upc by the parties to a contract, to be paid incase of breach thereof and may not be assessed by the curt © Suprical~ are those damages tut anata, excesive exert and contn bona ere. 54 Ass general rule, wha is the loga intrest rae fr bln eigation to py a em of money or forbearance of money? 2 Always 12% b Always 6% Always 10% 4. 12% before July 1, 2013 but 6¥60n or after July 1.2013 85. Responsibility arising from fraud i demandable in all obligations. Any waiver ofan action for what type of frad is void? a. Future fraud Past fraud or fraud already commited Both future and past fraud Neither future nor past fraud Page 10 of 34 7 ssp ay , frm segligence inthe performance of every hind of oblgnton i lo demands 6 ses ieee el 8 Culpa criminal Culpa conmacut Culpa acitiana 4 Culpacipa 57a ye of po ngs wl bedi nerf te of the family in the seein of copes bythe employe Rea eae eens? alpaca alpaca! & Culpa aguitiana 4 Calpeerra 18. Asipulaon xeping ate bityf danags sa bea fr whic oie fein! ‘Gress neigence tb Bae fh © Fraud & Simpien gence {0.1 len oth cvison af ta ligne wich equi by he mat ofthe ob ed corresponds with thecacumstance ofthe prsen, ofthe time andthe ace, ‘e Froudordelo Delay or defen or Mora Negligence cr fault or ulpe ‘& Cenraventon ofthe tener 90, Ite law or coroct does act vant diene w te dered te pomans ote bigaon, het ‘of diligence sal be observed? 1 Extaceinay diligence Diligence ofa father ofa go fil ii od er aay ray ns or deme of ares praeot person FDiigence ofa good mother of family vibe fr those events which couid net be foreseen, though esse, "The following are the lsanes when SPAY (91, As general rule, mo person shall be rsp ae earls or alsa Kanan as frnifous evens o eso majeure Raber the ss even itis ve to frtsitous event e260 a ein ccyeesy spested by lw such 2 whenthe debtor incurs des a ae ay eo a tec o der sil like orn incase of orttens eS, oe Yhen the nature of he obligation regres the assumption of ks 4]. Whee ereitous event ithe prose cause ofthe damage oj son The owing at oui of rouseen to acne be ian deter tm ST ip The cause ofthe unforeseen end ae or the falue ofthe debtor ceoply with his ‘bligation mut be independent of tbe deta's wil nan erie tn evn ich const he ose Fru or if am be Gree. tnust be impossible toavoid, anemone sto editable fx eer fail is obgaton + nme 4 mega mux prcipte inthe gration of he nay retin ote cir 93. Which ofthe ftlowingpresumptioes are correct? 2. Wich es ly tee, witht eran with mpc the mess tak re ise to ‘Route pesurpsicn tht sei interest ns been pi in, The receipt of a ter instalment of a debt wit reservation as to prio ixstaiwents, shall raise the ae tetcresumptcn tat teh prior insalnens have eet Pai eRe eh est sal ve sore pronepton ht epi as een Pe a taadt 1b Mloaly Mand it tend Tana apn Tamewcr for Burns Tranaons (8801) Pageiiorst ii 2%, We cde sist shims agin the deer, th mpd cred bas he following suocesive ih exept ‘% Foleo fy axactieat and execution upon al the propery of the debtor, except such uz except by law fom ekecttce Tees is and ston ofthe dbo, except such a at inherently personal to him. Te BA eresaon ofthe contacts made the deb in Gado i pn ‘To file an ation for darnages aginst a third person who acquires the propery in ba fuith the Dropery subject of the ltigatos © Toffile a criminal cemplait against the debe. %8 fl stme my bs cried by the edit i the pla of is meglgn deter in kero prsene or ment fr Se ptinony ofthe debe the produ of such action, aad then obtain therefrom the rutoion of his emt ‘seed. Ierefers tothe riphtof unpaid eet t exercise the night of bis denon ‘4 -Atcion indviestoria (b. Acsionsutrogtona Accioe pauliana Assi publisana Fight t st side oF revoke or rescind the acts or contacts which the debtor may have 96. It efrs tthe code done dea hm ‘&Accion piana B. Accionreindivisetoria & Ascion publiciane 4 Assion Subvogaori 97. Which ofthe folowing satemeatsconceming rights aquired invitee of an obligation is correct? ‘Ase general ule. they are ro transmissible They are transmissible only if thre i ipulain oth effet. Sublet tothe provisions of as, they ar transmissHe nls ther is stpulation othe contrary. They are always tasamisible, 98. ltrefers oan obligation which contains no term or condition whatever upon which depends the fulfillment of the obligation soovacte ty the debtor. ‘& Conditional obligation Bb. Pare obligation & Natural obligation 4. Civil obligation 99. The fllowing cbigations ere Gemandable at cace except Every cblguion whose perfomance doesnot depend upon a future ot uncertain event, or upon past ‘vent unkown to te parties. b. Pare obligation © E52 Siligaon whic contains resolute condition witht prejudice tothe effets ofthe happening ofthe event or abligation with a revolutry period (in diem) <& Supensive conditional obligation or obligation witha suspensve poral (ex die). 100. ____Itis an obligation whichis subject 0 condition, ‘8 Conditional obligation .” Pure obligation e. Natural obligation 4. Civil obligation 01 ay alnn Etre © eve fe and uncertain ever upon which an ebigton ce provision i made to depend. t ‘may also pertain tapas event which is enknown fo te paris, a Period Condition © Provisioa 4. Tern 102. The following are considered conditions, exetpt ‘& IfGoldeo State Wasriors will corte 2050-2051 NBA Champion. bf Te Fay will pass the bar exam, & Upon the death of Clay Kerry. If Joba Reyes will graduate inlaw school Page 12 of 34 ods hinalte hematin smear Hm de “sen wpa Obligation mig? CD gaton salle ened ee on ™ recat reheontn Me vita pod ‘ with a saspensive period which period may be fixed by cour 104, The follow ia disinctons eres, «ening between sensiveand ltr sodtnn exept He asFemsve codon tppets, he oblgaton sue nile te slay cane happens te o, RehSanoblgtns abet stn weeny In pene sono, the hs tn bliins 4 rot ext before the appease contin TRE lun condita, te righ ad ebigatons aad exit ever before the happening f the © Oblgubs sje to a supemsive contin is at demande a one ile oiaton sje 0 g, Resloo condons deal sme L_Saspensissonition en onion ween whe reser ondton i conin pede 15, The foting se oligos jes pers cntton, cpt f. Usk on 00 on pte ca den at ae crust Regn pater, © Hewildmeitie viwin o 4 Stevi wart RFC becomes wb 106, Jc oft toning steers eas ean cnc itisone whch Jepnas upon te sae wl fo of be corning paris. . 1Uis oe nhc peed lsat in chance or er fxr an ct won ml ofthe cotacig pare 3 : « Iiseue whic deena upon te wit of he comrcing parts and oer icamstanot, acting the Willofs tind porn, 44 is ene whit depends upon the aval of a pariculr period 107. Which ofthe fllowing comfnalotigations is void? ‘When the falinent ofthe suspersve cnediton depends upon th sole wil ofthe debi. ‘Wien the fufllment ofthe suspensve condition Sepends ups te sole will ofthe credit. Won the fulfillment ofthe sspensve condition depends upon the sole will of the thi person, Wien the falfillment ofthe sapensive sondiin defends apon chance or cher ico 108, ‘The following condtoes sal ana the cligaton which depends upon hem, except Inpossibiecontitons ‘Suspensive condons which depend upon chance and will the debtor ‘Conditions contrary to good customs o public policy Conditions probibited bylaw eore 109, Whatiethoctfectof the condition otto doa impossible thing? shal be consideredas having agred The ebigaton wil become mill and vod ‘The ebigtion is subject 1a condition. “The obigason is pere end demundcble. core 110, Whishof the fllowing obligation ‘Obligation to give PIM subject ta suspensve condition tha ifthe creditor will ve seal intercourse wits the debtor. HL. Which ofthe following satemen's ae correct? 1. The condition dat cee ove happen ata dete expires o if thas becemeindubitable that the event wll not ake place 1D, The condition that sme eveut will not happen at determinate ane sal rede theo the moment the tne indicated has elapsed, or iit has become eient that the ever sanot occur ) Bohl and ® Neither [noe © only 4 Henly (GEAR Rogar Francuork for Business Tamactons (8501) Page 13 of 34 1 iat ieton Par» of rey is mbit toon tat oti prc sal eve 8 ition wil be exingushed it (One year paseo anc be doesnot aie at he pce t Seay nts foe he laps tone yearend etre aving at sch lace. Tan » only Bier ort Neither “wo yeuAtbliaton to deliver pie of ted toX is wbject to the edition that be shal not beara bik widhin ‘wo yar, This olga shall Become efTecuve andthe land sould be delivered to ff 1. Twoyears expire without X having Bering shld. TX becomes bane before the two peas expe. a Torts b Healy Nether oot Either ort u 14 an; Nt i the eect ifthe obigr ce debtor voluntarily prevented the fulilinent ofthe cendiin of an ‘obligation? The obligation i extinguished, ‘The obligation rezansw be subject othe condition. &Thesendtion stall be deemed flfilled andthe obligation bevemes demandabe 4. The obligation bosetes with «pero. 115, When sal the efees of coniional obligation freee Shall te given prospective effect once the conition hasbeen flied Shal eron: to the day ofthe ccnstinten or perfection of the obiigaticn once the condkon has been fates © Shull not be given rereative effect ence the cendiion has bea flied 4. Shallbe given retroactive fect even ifthe codon fot flied. He on, tls. piace of land en January 1,2020 subject to a suspeasive condition to A. Then, on October 4, Gd, X sels ths and uncnitonally The tspensve condition happens on Desebr 252020, Who shal have the beter ight assuming there is ntherregistation of the sale not delivery of possession to citer Aor BP 1. Because the sale to him is unconditional 5. Bibecuuse hist solder being dated October 42020, A becuse his tile retoacts on January 1,22 upon fulfillment the suspeasve condition on December 25,2020 4. A because he isthe first bayer, 1 aden Zelonal reciprocal obligations to gv, what isthe ueatent of the us and eres during the pendency cf the condition? They shall rue tothe sole benef ofthe credter. 'b. They shall inure othe sole benefit ofthe debtor They stall be deemed wo have been mutually sompeasated. 4 They shall be forfeited in favor of the government TO amen: anton! eilaea bigaton to give cr will obligation to give subject to a prod, wha ithe Ironmen ithe fats and interes daring he pendency of the condition or during the pendency oft pared? ‘esoluior, inthe absence of stipulation tthe contay. & They shal be divided equally between te rector and deter. 4 They shal be forfeited in favor ofthe government 119, In conditicna obligation todo or not todo, whats the effec of the fulfliment ofthe condition? There shall beretoocive effet tothe day ofthe consti of the obligation, ‘There shall be prospective effect fom te mément the condition is flied, The stipulation of the parties shall not be considered The cours shall detconing in each case, the reeactve ffs of the cenit tha has ben complied With taking into accouat the agreement ofthe partes, 120, Before the flillment or pendency ofthe suspensvecondion, wha shall the creditor may da? Demand the specific performance of the bigation (Charge demages and interests, Demand the fruits and interests ofthe thing Bring appropriate actions forthe preservation of his right a b 4 2. During the pen jeremy on of esas ‘ered oft treet ua ter ms dy mis am io, Wi 5 The dbior can net HELO money With terest evenifthe reiterated in good faith. © The dettorcan oaly rr the sum of money with iterests only ifthe erediter acted ia bad faith The debtor ty recover the sure of money without interests even ifthe creditor acted in bed faith. anos ef sus nw within rebirth te ney, What ence ofthe pid in an bigaton wih a prod the debtors pid by mistake a sum of 2 The dabage emedy of the dette before the rival of the pero? HF an ever the sof mosey nih iret wheter he crete aied ing a tba 1m, b. The debtor cas i, 3 canrecveth um of mony within ely ifthe ee a A, The debrcanony oer sum cna witht nets nie reiterate ad th Ihe debtor can only recover he sure cf money without terest ifthe ereditor ated in good faith, 728 i Ung hrc oft spesv snot ebr ha tne etminns ose | mistake. What isthe remedy of te deter? Accion of indemsifcation te thing ol withthe croft { Accionreinicaeria if the things sil with che creer. ‘Aecion publican fhe thingie sil wth he ner. ‘Acsion possessoia if th thing stl wi th reitor. 124. The flowing we the rest be obaened in ee of improvenest, Inst or deterioration f the “eceminate hing dng the pendency ofthe sense codon in an oligo to gives deri hing oF | pendsay of be sperive ol holga to ge a dtr tig, rept i ire thing os wt the fk ofthe dtr, otigainsbal extinguished. expe 1 fhe hig i Ts hough the ait of debt, he shall be blige to pay danas, When the ting deterontes without the fal the Getter, the impinnert iso be bome by the eeditr 4. ifthe thing is improved ty ib nase, ce by time, the improvement shal inure 0 he Benefit of the edier . Fis improve atthe expense of the debe, he shall have no ote right tan that raed 0 che nsaffutuary which mears that he sal only hive the right to ae the improved thing for ¢resenable period 4 Deterioration ofthe thing, egress of reso, shal be bore bythe ser 125, When the thing etercrstes tough the fal he debtor during dh pendency ofthe conicon ix an ‘shligaticno give, what are the alematve remedies of the reir? “EHemay en ask forthe escision ofthe ebligation with indemnity for damages. He may ony ak forthe performance ofthe oligcen with Indemnity for damages. The detor ay choose Between esison ofthe obigatcn ots flillnent with indemnity for damages instr cae 4. The ereior may chocse bermoon rescission ofthe obligation damages. damages or exact fulfilment with 126. The thing i considered lost in any ofthe following insances, except When it peibes When it goes tof commerce When it isapears in sich away that existence is unknown ot cannot be recovered. 4. When tic dearyed generic thing. 127. When the obligation is subject to rescitry condition or when the cosdton bas for its pups the ‘xingisnen ofthe obigatcn to give, what shal beth obligation of the partes upon the felflent of sid ‘condor? “They sal rain what ey have recived 1. They sal ile an actos for damages. They shal ret teach other wat they hae recived 1 They sal rescind the cligation 128. When the obligation is subject 10 resltory condition or subject t a esouzory period or when the ‘condition or period has for #8 purpose the extinguishment ofthe obligation to give, what shal be the rule as ‘Tega othe ruts ad interest ofthe thing to be retuned? "a The ft shal be etumed ty the person who will make the resivtion without deducting the expenses forthe production, gathering and preseraton of thefts. The fate salle retsze bythe person who received the thing. The fats shll be retumed by the person who wll make the estuton wih deduction fr the experses forthe production, gathering and preservation of the rus 4. The fruts shall be retuned bythe person who received the thing and sal be reimbursed fr the expenses forthe production, gathering end preeracion of thefts. eS (GEAR Nyplatry Pome for uses Transactions (8501) Page 15 of 38 be ea es eee ell 129g, tts a typ of obliguin which ses fom the same in whi is . cause and in which each pay isa dettor and -deblors onl the sare which omesponds to each with ‘de interest forthe poset already rade SW raymeatismade befor the cet is due no iterest forthe intervening peved may be demarded. ‘When one of the solidany debows cant, beatse of his inacvency,rembase ts share tot deDOt ‘sing the oliation rush shal be bone alo by the payig debt and the ther c-dcbtrs shall no sheen th es 2 Which ofthe lowing statements incorrect? ‘% Paymrt by asliary debtor shall not ete him to reimbursement rm his e-debios if sich payment isrmade attr the obligation hs prescribed er becce kal ‘The remission nae by the creditor of he sare which affects one ofthe solr debors docs to release ths later frm bs responsibilty toward the co-debcrs, cas he det had been foal pid by anyone ‘often befere the remission was effected © The remission of the, shot cla reinbursemen fom hisce-desion, If the thing has been lost or if the presttice has becorte possible without the fault of the sliary

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