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Course B.Sc. Engineering (Hons.) Session Semester 7
Module Code ME 4332 Title Computer Aided Design & Manufacture
Assignment No. ME4332 – TH02 Given Date 10th July 2019
Marks Allocated Refer Module Info. Sheet Submission Date/ Place 24th July 2019 / 8.15 a.m.
Facilitator R.K.P.S. Ranaweera Remarks This is a 2 person group assignment

1. To appreciate the basic steps in performing a Finite Element Analysis.
2. To get familiarized with a commercial software package to perform a Finite Element Analysis.
3. To use FEA as a tool for design optimizations.

Problem Description
The student will be given a particular object (machine element, household product, vehicle component, etc)
to perform a FE Stress Analysis. Outcome of the assignment is a comprehensive report on the work carried
out. You are expected to use SolidWorks Simulation to perform the FE Stress Analysis.

1. Develop a geometric model of the object given to you using SolidWorks (Exact dimensions are not
necessary but need to model all important features of the object)
2. Prepare the geometric model for FEA analysis through appropriate simplifications
3. Select and assign a suitable material from the material library. The selected material should be as close as
possible to the material of the given object
4. Identify most critical mode of loading which will affect the functioning, service life, etc. of the object
5. Apply the maximum expected load on the object along with appropriate boundary conditions
6. Run FEA simulations for the selected load and boundary conditions (hint: start with a coarse element mesh
in case the model is complicated).
7. Identify the critical area/s of the model where further analysis is required
8. Do mesh refinements appropriately to arrive at a converged solution for the maximum stress value.
For each analysis performed, record the followings:
No of elements, nodes and DOFs in the model
The maximum stress, strain and displacement
Plot a graph of Maximum stress vs. DOFs

Content of the report must include

1. Brief description of the steps involved in performing a FEA analysis
2. All assumptions made and their validity
3. All important details pertaining to the FE Analysis (one may use automatic report making tool in SW
simulations as a guideline, however groups are advised to add more info according to their preference and
make their own report)
4. Important ‘field plots’ and ‘evolution plots’ of stress, strain and displacement, explaining their importance
5. Convergence analysis results: Maximum stress vs. DOFs Plot
6. Suggestions to improve the design of the given object based on the analysis results (hint: use design
insight plot)

Report format
1. Follow a standard report format according to your preference
2. Maximum length of the report should be 10 Pages excluding covering page and appendix

Report submission
Both hardcopy and softcopy of the report should be submitted along with the 3D model + analysis results
(in a CD)

RKPS Batch 15

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