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Siddamallappa[1],Gururaj Nase[2]

1. PG Student CSE Lingaraj Appa Engineering College, Bidar, Karnataka

2. Professor CSE Lingaraj Appa Engineering College, Bidar, Karnataka

Abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) possess two unique characteristics when compared to other traditional
wireless communication systems: limited power supply of sensor node and redundant data that are related among other
nodes in the network. The above two are associated with energy consumption. The major motive aims on achieving
increased lifetime of network, also to achieve high scalability and even very low latency for data gathering.
Aggregating the data is one of the major confronted issue in network routing as routing with aggregation consumes
lesser energy than transmitting data to destination. There may be work load imbalance due to the transmission of data
over multi-hop wireless paths within the network. Senor nodes in the network have very limited power capacity
because of which there exists tradeoff among the data gathering time & energy consumption which yields a challenge.
In this proposed system, an energy efficient straight line routing protocol is proposed, which uses two hop information
and constructs routes to destination. The proposed system is simulated in event driven simulation tool and the
performance evaluation is carried for metrics like throughput, delay, energy and PDR.


It includes heaps and heaps of low value points which can be deployed fixed position or randomly communicating
nodes to monitor the surroundings. Deploying big quantity small nodes are included in the WSNs which are trend from
past few years. The nodes then experience environmental modifications and document these different nodes over the
network design. In the huge environmental sensor nodes are great for deploying.

WSN compromises of randomly deployed sensor nodes which monitors various environmental phenomena‟s,
considering „temperature‟, „sound‟, „vibration‟, „pressure‟ etc. at various locations. WSN compromises of n number
of mobile nodes which gets randomly deployed and they might have a fixed location to look after the environment.
WSNs are the development considering past years and indulge in scattering sensor nodes in the network. Usually
sensor within network observes all environment changes & informs other sensors within the network over system
architecture. Node deployment takes in hostile environment or even over geographical areas.

Each sensor nodes in a network has a functional unit such as sensing, processing, communication and storage unit.
In the network since sensor nodes are randomly deployed the position of sensors are not predetermined. The needs for
the implementation for low-power consumption, low-cost utilization, multifunctional sensors have made WSN an
important data gathering mechanism. These multifunctional sensors in the network underwent a rapid growth as a new
information gathering mechanism taking into account various different examples of applications. In many such
applications, sensors in the network are randomly positioned & dispersed entirely over the detecting (sensing) area and
are unattended once deployment, hence leading to battery replacement.
Four basic components to consider in WSN: (i) an interconnecting wireless network (ii) group of randomly
distributed sensor nodes. (iii) Sink node (iv) a group of computing devices at base station which helps in analysing&
interpreting the data obtained from other sensor nodes in a network.

Figure 1.1: WSN components

As shown in figure 1.1, sensor nodes are outfitted with „sensing unit‟, a wireless communication device (or
radio transceiver), a micro controller &source of energy usually a battery. In network while relaying data from one
sensor node to another, the sensor which is near to the sink node typically exhaust their energy much faster than other
because of further relaying data traffic. Due to the depletion of energy by the sensors it may not guarantee the
connectivity & coverage of network. Limiting to these, it is very tough to build (or design) an energy-efficient data
collection scheme which aims in consuming uniform energy throughout the sensing area to accomplish extended
lifetime of network. Some applications considers certain time specification for data gathering, hence effective,
significant data gathering mechanism must be selected which aims at various network parameters such as high
scalabi1ity, 1ong network 1ifetime and 1ow data 1atency.

The Characteristics of Sensor Networks

This section briefs the sensor network characteristics:

 The sensor network contains several lots of nodes.

 The topology adjustments very regularly because of node disasters.
 It contains controlled resources.
 It consists of specifically use of broadcast communication concept.


O.Gnanwali et al [1] proposed a paper on “Collection tree protocol” which describes the method proposed to examine
the data path and it is divided in two ways. The first way is the data path approval and second is versatile beaconing.
According to the author there are two principles for wireless routing protocols. These principles include data path
validation and quickly identifying data traffic and fixing the routing inconsistencies. There are certain goals to inspire
the necessity for data path validation and „adaptive beaconing‟ which are discussed below.
Reliability: When a route exists in the network a protocol must supply end-to-end packet transmission.
Robustness: It must yield enough capability to function without tuning else even configuring in network conditions,
workloads & environmental conditions.
Efficiency: To transmit a packet from one end to other end in the network it should take minimum number of
transmissions across the network.
Suresh Nandikol and Udaya Rani [2]Under wireless sensor network, the nodes are aligned and reconfigured
according to the purpose of design and working environment; certain nodes are not successfully configured and thus
termed as transfaulty nodes. The mode updating the information is via single node path or via multi node path. Reliable
and efficient mode of node connectivity for transfaulty detection in network data fusion is performed to get actual
information from the redundant information received from the radiation-affected area.

K. Xu, H. Hassanein, G. Takahara, and Q. Wang, [3]previously, a heterogeneous far flung sensor machine (WSN),
transfer hubs (RNs) are obtained on transfer records packets from sensor hubs (SNs) of the bottom station (BS). the
ones sending of the RNs might have An large sway on connectivity also life of a WSN framework. This paper
investigations the impacts from considering irregular sytem methodologies. We important study the predispositioned
energy utilization fee problem connected with uniform irregular company. This trouble activates insufflate power use
moreover abbreviated arrange lifetime. With be triumphant this trouble, we recommended two new abnormal sending
strategies, namely, those lifetime-oriented. those previous exclusively expects In adjusting the energy utilization costs
of RNs over those community, ultimately extending the framework lifetime. but, this sending plan might not provide
addition connectivity on SNs At the ones supplied for quantity of RNs is typically little. the ones ultimate reconciles
the concerns for connectivity moreover lifetime improvement. both single-hop andmultihop correspondence fashions
are recounted on this paper.

Byounghoonjung[4] described about the light weight nodes which are available in the health issues. As the
communication service increases the wireless sensor technology increases, but the problem with that technique is that
they are only used for research techniques. The main aim to use intelligent sensor is to do processing and gathering and
send that to the remote station. In this paper saturation method is used for the analytical model. Mainly the
consumption of energy and the throughput is calculated in unsaturated conditions.

GayatriSakya[5] addressed about the modern wireless information and the wireless network technology with the
sensor nodes in Adhoc. The low power applications will have one or more sensor nodes with processor and a memory
with small power. The sensor nodes which are not being used will be provided with lower memory. The main
consideration in this is how to use power efficiently. Packet delivery time and the throughput are mainly considered,
except energy and latency. Strict data transfer performance is the main objective in this protocol. In NS2 mainly the
MAC and S-MAC protocol is used. This paper describes about the efficient MAC protocol. So many energy efficient
protocols are used. The main fault of more energy utilized due to overhearing is unable to control the data. The existing
technique used for critical applications. Here by using the parameters like delivery of packets time and the different
attributes and also increased twice the size of the activity period which help to give good throughput result. The
different energy utilized reducing methods are by using MAC protocol for critical applications with high packet
delivery and throughput.

B.Gedik et al [6] proposed a paper that provides one of the most efficient ways to collect the data in wireless sensor
network by periodically extracting the raw sensor reading. However this includes examining the cost of power
consumption. As per this literature survey, it consists of clustering, sampling and prediction. In this paper ASAP is
developed and the main idea behind using it is that the vigorously altering subsets of nodes are used as samplers where
sensor readings of the sampler node is directly collected. Whereas probabilistic models are predicted for reading for
non-sampler nodes. ASAP is used to improve the network lifetime by keeping the data collection at high rate.

K. Xu, H. Hassanein, G. Takahara, and Q. Wang, [7]previously, a heterogeneous far flung sensor machine (WSN),
transfer hubs (RNs) are obtained on transfer records packets from sensor hubs (SNs) of the bottom station (BS). the
ones sending of the RNs might have An large sway on connectivity also life of a WSN framework. This paper
investigations the impacts from considering irregular system methodologies. We important study the predisposition
energy utilization fee problem connected with uniform irregular company. This trouble activates insufflate power use
moreover abbreviated arrange lifetime.


This segment provides an excessive-stage review of how the capability and the duties of the device were portioned and
then assigned to subgroups or the components or the modules accurately.


Node Deployment Routing Table Energy Module

Algorithm Formation

Update route info Finding energy Update node Residual

efficient route energy

Route packets to

Fig 2: System Architecture

In the above diagram, shows the architecture of the proposed system, where destination node is the sink node, the data
is transmitted to sink node through energy efficient path. Thus increase the network lifetime of the nodes.

1. Design Considerations

This design scheme is iterative and requires attention of various options at each stage. The layout manner is
restrained with the aid of the assumptions made previous to the development of the machine. It includes choosing the
kind of approach used for the improvement of each portion of the machine with the rational for the choice of the equal.

2. Assumptions and dependencies

Several assumptions regarding the hardware required and the operating surroundings of the system influence
design selections. The assumptions have been made after giant consultation with the cease user and are greater or much
less affordable. The gadget might be applied at the Ubuntu working gadget, using C++ and TCL Script.

3. General Constraints
There might be a few worldwide boundaries which contain a sizable impact on the proposed design of the
system’s software or a related impact. Such constraints can be imposed on the subsequent troubles associated with our
venture which are as follows:
 There exists a most restrict at the number of nodes that can be deployed inside the community with a purpose
to save you degradation in overall performance of the proposed algorithm even as it is being done at the
 As the number of nodes will increase, the complexity of displaying extraordinary sort of topologies becomes
tough. Therefore, we are limiting ourselves to a fewer wide variety of nodes for demonstration reason.


Topology design gives the information about how the network topology is set, how to set the strength of the
module, identifying the nodes, specifying the source and destination and how to start and stop the simulation. These
segments contain explanation of capability of scripts utilized in constructing topology.

This module includes following steps:

i. Building up network Topology: Includes, deployment, assigning node functions.

ii. Building the strength module:The network topology will be assigned with few energy levels at each and
every node.
iii. Identifying the Neighbours: Euclidian distance method is used to recognize the neighbours for a particular
iv. Shows the source, sink and data: The source and the destination need to obtain facts might be definite that is
which node must receive data and for which node it has to be sent is decided.
v. Shows the simulation start ON and stop OFF time: The simulation in NS2 can be completed within a small
time. The results can be completed within a small time. The results can be checked using the NAM window in
any point of time. The simulation start and stop time can be tabulated


Implementation phase is a process of knowing a technical specification or an algorithm as a program & it is important
phase as it provides the concluding solution at the end. This phase focuses on converting the design to feasible solution
with the use of programming languages. In our project two programming languages are used. Also this phase gives
detailed information about the coding language and the development platform used.

Topology module can also be referred as network module. It describes about the functionality of the scripts
used for building network topology.
The steps involved in this module are as follows:

 Wireless Network topology setup: This considers setting up of node configuration, topology creation and
environmental settings.

 Transmission Parameters setup: This includes the parameters that are being used such as node functions, its
range and channels assigned are defined.
 Bandwidth and threshold setup: always there will be certain bandwidth and threshold associated to each and
every node in the network.

 Finding the neighbour nodes: Euclidian distance concept is used to know the neighbours of a particular node.

 Stating source node, destination node and data: The node from where data needs to be sent i.e. „source‟ and
the node which must receive data i.e. „destination‟. Data is nothing but the quantity of information sent in
specific time period.

 Stating simulation start and end time: In NS2, whole transmission gets over in short period of time and it
can be seen from NAM window at any instant of time period. Hence considering simulation it is mandatory to
specify the start and end time.

The pseudocode for initialization of nodes randomly is as follows

a. for i=0 to num_of_nodes
b. Initialize mobile nodes
c. Enable random motion
d. Nodes Energy.
e. Define initial node position
f. Initialize agent
g. Attach agent to node.
h. End for


The pseudo code for initialization of nodes randomly is as follows

a. Start the process.

b. Calculate the distance between the nodes and how much number of nodes should be present.
c. Initialize i=1 & N number of nodes.
d. The distance of the first node will be zero, and for the next node we should take the preceding node adding
with the distance.
e. I will be produced as the node id.
f. For the position of the node and the node id created produce the map.
g. Increment the value of i once and repeat from step c.
h. End the process.


The result step or phase of project is the last step where the system can be evaluated in terms of performance
and the results are verified using the graphs if the goals in the project that are described in the starting are met or not.
The performance is checked using the values obtained. The performance is evaluated using the graphs.
Table 1: Simulation Parameters required for Performance Evaluation

Simulation Area 500*500 m2

No of nodes 50

Mac 802.11
Antenna Omni antenna

Transmission Range 550

Few parameters are considered in this project which yield in estimating the system performance and also
which provides proof for network lifetime improvement.

 Throughput: Number of packets sent and received per unit of time. It is expressed interms of kbps.

 Packet delivery ratio: It is the measure of ratio of number of packets transmitted bysource and the number of
packets acknowledge by destination.

 End-to-End Delay: Delay can be calculated by sent time of packet by source–received time of packet by
destination. It is expressed in milli seconds (ms).
 Overhead: It is the number of routing packet processed.


Senor nodes in the network have very limited power capacity because of which there exists tradeoff among the
data gathering time & energy consumption which yields a challenge. In this proposed system, an energy efficient
straight line routing protocol is proposed, which uses two hop information and constructs routes to destination. The
proposed system parameter is evaluated and concept of adaptive MAC contention windows adjustment is also
proposed to increase the network lifetime of the node than the existing SLRP. In future the clustering of nodes can be
done to reduce the overhead of the nodes of forming two hop information. Since clusters maintain single hop


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[6] [6] W. Ajib and D. Haccoun, “An overview of scheduling algorithms in MIMO-based fourth-generation wireless systems,” IEEE Netw., vol.
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[7] S. Cui, A. J. Goldsmith, and A. Bahai, “Energy-efficiency of MIMO and cooperative MIMO techniques in sensor networks,” IEEE J. Sel.
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