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[ also in this issue ] November 16, 2010 Volume I | Issue 2

Columns: A former bully, a faculty member and a
and a Christian all weigh in | 3

Guide to local organizations and LGBT resources | 4

Gay student, veteran on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell | 7

2 Focal Point November 16, 2010
From the staff: when Can Liberty and Justice
awareness isn’t enough truly be together?
With this edition of Nothnagle writes
The Focal Point, the about the struggles of
staff wanted to bring gay students on and

[ staff ] to the forefront a piece

of student life often
overlooked until it is
off campus. Focal
Point editor Kaylee
Woods spoke with
Editor too late. a gay former service
Kaylee Woods The last few months member of the U.S.
have been tragic for the Navy and veteran of
Editorial Staff gay community with the Iraq War.
Kaylee Woods the suicides of several The Focal Point
Christopher Carter gay teens across the is designed to be a
Josh Nothnagle country. vehicle for discussion
Keegan Stierle These students sat in addition to its
next to hundreds of informative purposes.
Cartoonist other students in their We encourage you, the
Sarah Homeyer classes. Now, each of reader, to let us know
their seats remains what you think of this
Creative Design empty — a silent and every issue we
Christopher Carter reminder of the deadly bring to you in The
John Rodriguez side effects from Focal Point.
schoolyard taunts.
A dviser In this edition of Thank you for reading,
Michael Prince The Focal Point, Christopher Carter
About Us Olympian Staff, Josh Staff Writer

he Focal Point Letters
is a special Letters to the editor
section of must be typed and 300
The Olympian, the words or less. Writers
award-winning student- must include name, ad-

Homosexuality: nature or choice?

produced newspaper dress, phone number
of Olympic College. and e-mail for verifica-
The Olympian and The tion.
Focal Point is gener- Letters may be sub-
ally published every mitted in person or by
two weeks during the e-mail to olyeditor@
fall, winter and spring If that’s your thing, then
quarter and online year- The Olympian re- I think it’s a choice. You can
do your thing. At the
round. serves the right to edit, choose to be with who you
The Olympian is a condense or reject any
end of the day, it’s your
program of Student letter. choice.
-Jessica Flanagan
Services and is funded -Jon Bernston
by both Student Activi-
ties Fees and through
advertising. It is a mem-
ber of the Associated It’s different for everyone.
Collegiate Press. It’s a choice because I In my opinion, it’s nature
The Focal Point and
The Olympian wel-
think anyone can love because it’s really
comes all student, staff who they want. something that should be
and faculty contribu- -Ahn Ngo regarded as if you were
tions and letters. born with it.
1600 Chester Ave. -Franco Duerme
Tech Building 101
Bremerton, WA 98337 The Focal Point | | Phone (360) 475-7690 | e-mail
November 16, 2010 The Focal Point 3

Talking Point
From the bully’s perspective: Bravery and strength is the
your words are worse than sticks and stones masculine girl and feminine boy
baseball and soccer, and even gave
boxing a go, but never really found his “But because I didn’t
niche. He turned to music and acting, read immediately as
we thought it strange sure, but he
seemed happy and was surprisingly gay and I managed to
good. This created a divide in our pronounce “s” with-
relationship. out much sibilance,
Cameron and I were constantly
out doing stuff. Playing baseball in
I even became the
the cul-de-sac, catching dragonflies, model homosexual.”
building bike jumps, ect. All the
By Clayton Pettay while Chad stayed inside and kept to Slight, slender, lispy, bitchy, graceful,
Olympian Staff himself. By Ian Sherman feminine, pretty. Didn’t matter.
Olympic College Faculty

As a child the only reason for Whatever it was, it was enough to get

he term “brotherly love,” it’s this that I could think of is that he the heat off of me.
didn’t like the stuff we did therefore ell at least you act like a Meanwhile, I often gained a
about caring for your brother, guy.
he didn’t like us. Hostility between backhanded sort of respect—
helping them when they are I used to pride myself
Chad and I progressed throughout somehow I’d managed to stay
in need, but it has nothing to do with on receiving this line when I came (relatively) masculine in the face of
being nice to them. the years, and though the fist fighting
out to straight folks. It meant that I’d all of that effusive gaiety. But because
I don’t exactly take pride in the fact was kept to a minimum, the name- found acceptance and they’d found I didn’t read immediately as gay and
that my brothers and I fought often, calling was getting far more intense. a way to deal with me. All I had to I managed to pronounce “s” without
however it’s part of growing up and I learned the things that hurt him do? Stay complicit in the seemingly much sibilance (actually I used to speak
it, at least in some way, shaped who I the most and would use them in order obvious hatred of “flamers,” queens,
depending on how much he had of any man—usually the gay ones—
am today. There is nothing better for
pissed me off. The term “fat faggot” who didn’t act properly masculine.
see bravery pg 8
the bonding of two brothers than a
friendly headlock, or a not so friendly
punch in the face. see bully pg 8
My younger brother Cameron, now A Christian’s views on homosexuality
21, was always my best friend. We
were very close in age, only a year By David White package at birth for against the natural way
and a half apart, and enjoyed all the Olympic College Student homosexual orientation, to have sex and instead

same things, mainly sports. and the possibilities go indulged in sex with
My brother Chad however was a his article is on. each other. And the men,
bit older and a bit different. Different dedicated with What I want to point instead of having normal
in the sense that he would wake up love for all out are the Biblical sexual relations with
Sunday mornings and fight for the whom read it, whether truths of what we do women, burned with lust
remote so he could watch weekend you are hetero or know. They trade the for each other. Men did
cartoons instead of football. That homosexual. truth about God for a shameful things with
There are many lie. So they worship and other men, and as a result
never went over too well at our
questions about served the things God of this sin, they suffered
house. We were raised on sports,
homosexuality and how created instead of the within themselves the
football, baseball, boxing, and repeat
those who are came to be. Creator himself, who is penalty they deserved.
as the seasons went on. Chad always
It may have been genetics, worthy of eternal praise! Romans 1:25-27 NLT.
resisted this but it was a rule that each
bad relationships, Amen. That is why God Clearly homosexuality
of us kids must be involved in at least recruitment, some say abandoned them to is a manifestation of sin.
one activity year round. It kept us off Clayton Pettay (left) and his brother Chad you need to possess a their shameful desires.
the streets if you will. Chad played (right) growing up. genetic or hormonal Even the woman turned see Christian pg 8
4 Focal Point November 16, 2010

Letter to the HIV/AIDS Testing

Kaylee Woods and all of you did Kitsap County
a wonderful job with your article Health District
A House Doesn’t Make a Home. 
I am a new student at Olympic
College, taking courses in the 345 Sixth Street, Suite 300
Human Service field, so your Bremerton, WA 98337
article really was interesting to me. (360) 337-5235

When I drive off of the freeway to
come to campus, I see a homeless
man along the side of the freeway
exit. I try to give him a small Anonymous and confidential
amount of money if the traffic is testing is available without ap-
stopped, and if I have any money pointments.
at that time. Sliding scale for cost is avail-
This morning I talked to him Lambert House Kitsap County HIV/AIDS
able dependent on family size
for a minute or two, and he kept 1818 15th Avenue Foundation
saying he really needed to take a and income.
Seattle, WA 98122 2841A NW Kitsap Place
shower. He said he just felt awful (206) 322-2515
and that his body smelled bad Silverdale, WA 98383
and he really needed a shower. (360) 698-3335 Planned Parenthood
It was very windy and rainy this Lambert House is a safe place
morning and I suggested maybe for queer youth under the age of The Kitsap County HIV/AIDS 623 NE Riddell Road
a church would let him take a 22 in Seattle. Bremerton, WA 98310
shower. Foundation, primarily a volunteer
Located on Capitol Hill in Se- organization, promotes health and (360) 373-6827
This just ate away at me as I
drove toward school and a thought attle, the house is near major social services in a non-judgmen- OR
came to my mind. bus lines. The drop-in center is tal environment for those who are 10030 Silverdale Way Suit
This is probably not possible, but open Monday through Friday 4 - HIV positive and their partners. 106
I thought there must be showers 9:30 p.m. Silverdale, WA 98383
in the gymnasium, right? What if The organizations works with
The center has a kitchen, a the county health district HIV/ (800) 230-7526
those showers could be available
once a week, maybe on a Saturday, pool table, stereo, a library, TV, AIDS program.
for homeless to come in a take a and games.
shower. The house also provides Confidential and anonymous
Of course there would have homeless services on Mondays testing available.
to be volunteers to keep the from 1 - 4 p.m. $38 - $60 based on monthly
building and property safe, and
the hot water would probably be income.
expensive, but maybe there is a
If not, then maybe your team
The Q Center Gay City Health
could investigate in the Bremerton 2841 NW Kitsap Place Project Wellness
area and list some places where Silverdale, WA 98383
homeless people can shower. (360) 698-3335 Center
This could be listed in your Local
Service Directory, and flyers 511 Pike Street
could be given out at food banks,
The Q Center, an affiliate of the Kitsap County HIV/AIDS Founda-
tion, is a safe place for LGBT and questioning youth to interact so- Seattle, WA 98122
churches, libraries, etc.
You are all on the right track; cially. Located in Silverdale, the center hosts events weekly. It is open (206) 860-6969
maybe you can find an answer to Fridays from 6 - 10 p.m. with the first Friday of each month designated
the showering question. as a movie night, the second Friday as a night of arts and crafts, the
third Friday is game night and the fourth Friday of every month is a Confidential and anonymous
“wild card” night according to the center’s website. testing available for gay and
Sharon Reynolds
New attendees are asked to fill out an intake form. bi-sexual men.
November 16, 2010 The Focal Point 5

I ntoler anc e By Josh Nothnagle

Most days on the way to the Port Orchard ferry terminal, Olympic College student Shelby Weber and her mother Shari Weber passed their time by
catching up on the previous day’s happenings or by talking about what the coming day had to offer.
One winter day nearly a year ago showed no signs of being different, until on that cold morning, Shelby’s mother asked her if she was gay. She said yes.
“My mom was a little suspicious, and she asked,” said Shelby.
“It’s over a year later and I’m still a bit confused,” said Shari. “As a mom I just want happy, healthy, stable kids, and I’ve got that.”
After that Shelby then began telling some of the people in her life that she was gay, starting with her father.
“I feel like all the hard emotions were in my head,” said Shelby, an 18-year-old sophomore, “and once I did it, it was OK.”
Being active in her church, Shelby was concerned about how the people she worshiped with would react to finding out about her sexuality.
“When you’re gay, word gets around when you’re in high school,” said Shelby, “and people in my youth group started coming up to me telling me it was

ctober 20 was a day to show support for remembrance for six gay teenagers who had killed hospital and died nine days later.
the gay community by wearing purple. themselves because of bullying or harassment. The tragedy of Walsh’s death has reverberated
The Associated Students of OC Executive “One of those kids was my neighbor’s son,” said across the country, not only because he was “the
Council showed its support by encouraging the Shelby. “I was just one step away from knowing this best big brother in the world—no, the galaxy,” said
community to participate. They provided a banner kid.” Shawn Walsh, Seth’s little brother, at Seth’s funeral,
where people could express their feelings, good She is talking about Seth Walsh. Walsh, who was but because of his age.
or bad and handed out purple bead necklaces for 13, attempted to kill himself Sept. 19 after being Sept. 23, while Walsh was lying in a hospital bed on
people who weren’t wearing purple. harassed by other teenagers. Walsh’s mother found life-support, another 13-year-old, gay, middle school
The point of purple day was not only to show him, not breathing, in their backyard after he had
support for the gay community, but also a day of hanged himself from a tree. Walsh was taken to a see Gay pg 6
6 Focal Point November 16, 2010
from Gay pg 5 Discrimination Policy final step for resolution
outlines the steps for within the college, and
student, Asher Brown, students and employees any further steps would
resorted to suicide to to follow if they are have to be facilitated
end the bullying and victims of bullying or outside the institution.
harassment he was facing harassment. The first step The office of the vice
in school. is a direct request for president of Student
The day before he the offensive actions to Services can help direct
shot himself in the head, stop. This can be done by students in the right
Brown was tripped down the victim or through a direction for filing
a flight of stairs by fellow process facilitator. complaints.
students, and, according If the first step doesn’t Shelby said she is
to the Houston Chronicle, solve the problem “one of the lucky few”
was pushed down the person filing the who haven’t run into
another flight of stairs complaint has the option harassment because of
while trying to collect his to request a meeting with her sexual orientation,
belongings. an equal opportunity but she was still happy
If a situation like officer. to see the support purple
this were brought to his If the problem is not day brought.
office, Dan Chacon, OC resolved in the first “There were a lot
vice president of Student or second step, either more people wearing
Services, said he would the person making the purple than what I was
make it a top priority to complaint or the person expecting,” she said. Shelby Weber
deal with, but there are the complaint is against “I think it was a huge day because, as Joshua a push for equality,” said up about who they really
steps of mediation for the can request a meeting awareness thing across Masters, vice president Shelby, “there has to be are.
problem to go through with OC President David the country.” of the Gay Straight awareness first.” “Sometimes it’s hard
before it reaches him. Mitchell. There was some Alliancesaid in his Press Knowing Shelby is gay to accept who you are,”
The OC Harassment/ The president is the criticism toward purple Time interview, it could hasn’t changed Shari’s said Shari, but “people
appear as though suicide feelings toward her are who they are.”
“Even though there’s a push for equality, there has to be because of bullying is a daughter.
awareness first.” gay issue, when it is not “Shelby’s a great kid,”
only limited to sexuality. said Shari, “what does
Shelby Weber “Even though there’s that have to do with it?”
On the acceptance of the Gay community It is clear when you
talk to Shari about
Shelby that she loves
her daughter regardless
of her sexuality, but
she also said she
understands it can be
difficult for someone to
feel comfortable opening Asher Brown

Photo by Angela Davis

Students in the Bremer Student Center show support for the gay community by wearing purple ribbons and necklaces in October. Seth Walsh
November 16, 2010 The Focal Point 7

Was asked, did tell — served honorably

Olympic College student an openly gay OC student Masters.
who has served under the The board was meant
and gay veteran served military’s Don’t Ask Don’t to review Masters because
under the controversial Tell policy. Masters enlisted
at age 17 in May 2003 and
there was suspicion about
his sexuality, however this
military policy served in the Navy, however review was corrupted when
he was deployed with the one of the men evaluating him
By Kaylee Woods Marines as a corpsman. While inquired about his “boyfriend
Editor he was in the Navy he was problems,” Master’s said.
required to keep his sexuality Because Masters was
After seven years in the a secret. He was not allowed serving under the Don’t
United States Navy, a combat to openly communicate with Ask Don’t Tell policy, it
tour in Iraq and three sea his partner. was technically forbidden
cruises, Olympic College “When I was on my first for anyone to ask about his
student Joshua Masters’ ship I was with someone orientation, and the member
service was disregarded when named Robert,” said Masters. of the review board implying
his sexual orientation was put “He would send me e-mails that he was having boyfriend
in question by the Armed signed ‘Jessica’. But eventually problems provided Masters
Forces Disciplinary Control I got tired of that.” with a loophole.
Board. Masters said throughout Because the member of
Joshua Masters is now his service he knew of the review board technically
multiple other men that inquired about his sexual
were enlisted and gay. He orientation, the Don’t
maintained two relationships Ask Don’t Tell policy was
while enlisted, one of which is violated. Which gave Masters
his current long-term partner, immunity from their charges.
Joshua Lerma who was also a “I was practically
member of the Navy. untouchable,” said Masters.
While enlisted, Masters “They can’t send you to mast
was forced to use extreme for being gay. They couldn’t
discretion regarding his kick me out. If they brought
relationships until he came me up on charges, I could
out to some of his coworkers. bring them up on charges.” Josh Masters, Olympic College student.
Once his sexual orientation One year after his first Because of the short He finished out the full
was exposed, Masters was put appearance in front of the duration of his service and the term of his service, and was
in front of the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board amnesty he obtained from the honorably discharged in Jan.
Disciplinary Control Board Masters was called back again first review board, the second 2010.
while on a sea cruise. for a second review. This meeting of the Disciplinary “My service was honorable,”
“During that cruise I had came after he had accepted a Control Board was also unable said Masters. “I had multiple
Josh Masters served seven years my first disciplinary review two-year extension, and was to bring any of their suspicion awards and certificates and I
under Don’t Ask Don’t Tell in the board, and it made it all the only a year away from being to fruition and no action was
military including time in Iraq. way to the captain,” said discharged. taken against Masters. see Masters pg 8
8 Focal Point November 16, 2010

‘a tsunami of shame’ Suicides are nothing new, only grabbing more attention
from bully pg 3 like absolute shit. All
came out of my mouth
of the terrible things I from bravery pg 3 being noticed now. And the children dying? Same
have said in the past as always: the really “queer” ones—even the 12-
so many times as a child with a slight lisp—my elementary school put me
rushed back to me like and 13-year-olds who don’t know who they are yet.
that I started to forget in bimonthly speech correction classes to remove
a tsunami of shame. I The ones who don’t match their birth-genders well.
that the words had any the supposed defect), I even became the model
couldn’t believe I was so They’re reminded constantly, violently, that they
meaning, even though homosexual. Better than a queen, at least.
are wrong, that they are abominations. Even other
close-minded, never did It’s a shame, because surviving high school as
I didn’t know exactly children know what to do. They’re supposed to take
I stop to think… maybe a feminine boy or a masculine girl takes a sort of
what they meant to start out the misfits. At least I acted like a guy. I’m not sure
he really is gay, maybe bravery and strength that I’m not sure I have. And
with. That was the one I would have made it through otherwise.
these things I say really when I say surviving, I mean not dying, not killing
that hurt him, I could oneself. The spate of gay suicides we’ve recently Ian Sherman is a full-time English faculty member at
do hurt him.
see it in his eyes. seen gain national attention is nothing new—it’s just Olympic College.
Luckily for me, Chad
Now looking back
overcame the verbal
on it I can see his self-
confidence depleting,
affliction unlike the
gay teens that just can’t The e-mails ‘I would never reject the friendship of a homosexual’
whereas back then I just
saw victory for myself.
stand it and take their
own lives each year. If
were signed from Christian pg 3 It is not too late to make a change in
your life, because to admit you believe
I can honestly say one
of the worst moments
this was to happen with ‘Jessica’ The truth I would want everyone to
know is that , “For all have sinned and
in Jesus is to admit you need a change.
There are some amazing stories and
my brother I couldn’t
of my life was the day
even begin to think of from Masters pg 7 fell short of the glory of God” Romans testimonials that can be found on this
my older brother came 3:23 and “For the wages of sin is death, website , if you
where I’d be now. wanted to rub it in their
home from school but the gift of God is eternal life in are convicted by what I’ve said I want
After all, I have lost face that a faggot got all of
balling his eyes out. The Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23. you to know you’re not alone on this
a very good friend to those things from them.”
reason: he found out he The Gospel is for everyone, and issue and there are people on campus
suicide, and yes, he was Since his release he has
may have depression. described his experience just because homosexuality is not my who care about what you are going
gay. Whether or not that through no matter what it may be. If
serving under Don’t Ask battle ground I can’t justify my sins
was the reason he took
“Now looking his life will never be Don’t through a letter to to be better. I would never reject the you would like some resource for help
friendship of a homosexual. This is with homosexuality here are some
back on it I can see known, however it was the editor that appeared in
because the God of the universe loves websites: www.exodus-international.
the Olympian June 2010.
his self-confidence undoubtedly just one
Masters is now an OC everyone and created you to know org;; www.
more thing that added
depleting, where- to his stress. student as well as the him personally, you were created for a, God bless and Yadah da
purpose. King 4 eternity, peace.
as back then I just Chad is currently vice president of the Gay
“For God so loved the world that he
Straight Alliance. He is
saw victory for a residential director
working on completing gave his one and only son, that whoever
at Cal State Chico believes in him shall not perish but David White is an Olympic College
myself.” and recently finished
his prerequisites before
have eternal life” John 3:16. student and former student organizer.
his master’s degree
The cause: his
brother’s constant verbal
in business. He is my “I had multiple
torture that really, really
inspiration for going awards and certifi-
back to school and is my
affected him.
highest role model, even cates and I wanted
It wasn’t until then
that I realized the old
above Payton Manning, to rub it in their face
saying “sticks and
and Muhammad Ali. that a faggot got all
If everybody would
stones” was the opposite
just take a second to of those things from
of the truth. A broken
bone will heal, a punch
think about what they them.”
say and the impact it
in the face will stop
may have, maybe we transferring to a branch
hurting, but the things
can become a truly of the University of
you say resonate within
“civilized” society. Washington School of
a person’s self-conscious Medicine, the Medex
forever. I didn’t know Northwest Division
Clayton Pettay is a staff
my brother was gay, of Physician Assistant
member of The Olympian,
not until years after is the executive producer of Studies in Yakima Wash.,
this did I actually find the Ranger Roundup and where he plans on earning
out. Once I found out is in his second quarter at a Bachelor of Clinical
for sure I started to feel Olympic College. Science.

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