(WWW - Entrance-Exam - Net) - Associateship Examination-Fire Insurance Underwriting Sample Paper 2 PDF

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cea with ater AG-S4 : afta oft stat ASSOCIATESHIP EXAMINATION FIRE INSURANCE UNDERWRITING WA: 32] [at ate : 100 ‘Time: 3 Hours] [Total Marks : 100 fardl one weal & seme ating | eat wea & 16 ote & fay ae fran aff ora ant wets wer 12 sie 1 Answer EIGHT questions only. Question number TEN carries 16 marks but this is not compulsory. All other questions carry 12 marks each, Marks (wea % 4 ai) 1. Pea 8 fare afte oreruit a ata atte aan sab srrastel we gat afer) ®) Fa we @) ora a am 7) Steere STaTT 3) faa at ef art. 1. _Desertibe the cover and mention the exclusions of any three. 4each a) Spontaneous combustion b) Forest fire ©) Terrorist cover d) Loss of rent clause. 2. Preafefad at tare ore aif : (Wr 3 3a) &) wate wife ere @) Wear a) afar yea oT 3) GR Wes wa aS AT 2 AG -54 Explain the following with example; 3each a) Local Authority Clause. b) Escalation Clause. ©) Contract Priée Clause. ) Book valu¢ and Market value. frafafad % afr fecftrat fafa: (wet % 3 af) ®) Bisda arnt aft @) aes Sat is a oat a) ftera aa agar ee 3) ee ona Write short notes on the following : Beach a) Spoilage Material Damage b) Deterioration of stocks in cold storage ©) Leakage and Contamination Cover d) Startup Expenses. Prat & fret tt a on fafa : (wets % 6 afm) a) Sifter fatten fate # stad aeayel ae enfre wed 2? @) afm vied af ad den 7 4 “dtaredl & afta” & aed aha raat Fe 71 @? a) Tearafe aan at faete we aa 2? Attempt any two: 6each a) Whatare the silent points involved inthe risk inspection report? b) Whatare the provisions under condition No. 7 of fire policy which deal with "Right of insurer"? ©) What ave the special conditions in mid term cover? fret a feed at & orn ferfac : (arts & 6 a1) a) ofa atea ah % ae trees & ated ator 2? @) Teied sraeas wi 2? eas @: aT fafacl 1) fears ed at er fastvané ere aifire1 3 AG -54 5. Attempt any two: Geach a) Whatare the duties of insured at the time after occurrence of the loss? ) Why endorsement is necessary? Narrate six reasons. ©) Explain silent features of arbitration conditions. 6. frre a faa at & an fafa : (wets 6 aie) %) gfe sites an 8? @) ame afta oferta wd den 9 data aT aaeeC) a) aaateft ifort 9 stra waar 8? 6. Attemptany two: 6 each a) What are the listed risks? b) Briefly explain condition No. 9 of standard fire policy. ©) Whatare the provisions under declaration policy? 7, sa ae 3 ais atta tenia sitar at Reeeen aE 12 7. Listout Non-manufacturing risks mentioned under Section I of Fire Tariff. D 8. dhaiva daft & saree dsc 2 8. Give the examples of Insurable Property. 2 9, “afta aes Sifter sar at one aa far” ga afer Rat saree 12 aa wef afar 9. "Fite Tariff does not allow selection of Risk" Discuss this statement with two 12, examples. 10. af wera wes F stiferr arard at ea S aad ee sa Tefal 16 ferfaq 10. List out detail information required in fire proposal form and comments on it. 16 aa —END—

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