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November/December 2019

Federal Aviation 8  Adding TEM to 15  You Never Roam Alone –

Administration Your Safety Team Putting SRM To Work

U.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation

ISSN: 1057-9648
FAA Safety Briefing
November/December 2019
Volume 59/Number 5
The November/December 2019 issue of FAA Safety
Briefing focuses on the concept of resource manage-
Elaine L. Chao Secretary of Transportation ment and error mitigation techniques in the aviation
Steve Dickson Administrator environment. Feature articles focus on threat and error
Ali Bahrami Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety management and highlight the importance of sound
Rick Domingo Executive Director, Flight Standards Service crew and single pilot resource management. We’ll also
Susan Parson Editor
look at ways flight data monitoring can help you steer
Tom Hoffmann Managing Editor
clear of errors and learn from your mistakes.
James Williams Associate Editor / Photo Editor
Jennifer Caron Copy Editor / Quality Assurance Lead
Paul Cianciolo Associate Editor / Social Media
Eleni Giannakopoulos Art Director
Contact information
Published six times a year, FAA Safety Briefing, formerly The magazine is available on the internet at:
FAA Aviation News, promotes aviation safety by discussing current www.faa.gov/news/safety_briefing
technical, regulatory, and procedural aspects affecting the safe
operation and maintenance of aircraft. Although based on current Comments or questions should be directed to the staff by:
FAA policy and rule interpretations, all material is advisory or •  Emailing: SafetyBriefing@faa.gov
informational in nature and should not be construed to have
regulatory effect. Certain details of accidents described herein may
• Writing: Editor, FAA Safety Briefing, Federal Aviation
have been altered to protect the privacy of those involved. Administration, AFS-850, 800 Independence Avenue, SW,
Washington, DC 20591
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are the properties of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
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2 Jumpseat: an executive policy

The FAA safety policy voice of non-commercial general aviation
3 ATIS: GA news and current events

5 Aeromedical Advisory: a checkup

on all things aeromedical

6 Condition Inspection: a look at

specific medical conditions

21 Checklist: FAA resources and

safety reminders

22 Drone Debrief: drone safety


24 Nuts, Bolts, and Electrons:

8 GA maintenance issues

25 Angle of Attack: GA safety

Good Decisions on the Fly. Putting TEM on Your Safety Team.
26 Vertically Speaking: safety issues
for rotorcraft pilots

27 Flight Forum: letters from the

Safety Briefing mailbag

28  P ostflight: an editor’s


Inside back cover

FAA Faces: FAA employee profile

12 15
CRM: The Magic of Using All You Never Roam Alone!
Available Resources. (And the Putting Single Pilot Resource
Misery of Trying to Go It Alone). Management to Work.

  18 Welcome to the Information Age. General Aviation

Enters the Next Era.

November / December 2019 1


Safety Team) and GAJSC (General of SRM, which is a slightly awk-

Aviation Joint Steering Committee) ward abbreviation for “Single Pilot
partnerships with the aviation com- Resource Management.” While SRM
munity. It is also a fundamental prem- shares many of the underlying ideas
ise of the FAA’s Compliance Program, of CRM, both its name and its specific
which recognizes that we should techniques have been adapted and
never “waste a mistake” by punishing optimized for use in the incredibly
people who are trying to comply with broad world of GA operations and
In the last issue of FAA Safety Briefing, regulations and risk management airworthiness.
we focused on preventing aviation The term “TEM” — Threat and
emergencies whenever possible and Error Management” — might be new
effectively handling those we couldn’t to you. By some definitions, TEM
— or didn’t — manage to prevent. is the latest and greatest iteration of
While mechanical failures do some- OF RELEVANCE AND CRM, but our lead article in this issue
times occur, advances in airframe, of FAA Safety Briefing makes the point
powerplant, and avionics technologies that TEM is really a distinct com-
have substantially reduced the num- PILOTS AND MECHANICS. plement to CRM. Like CRM, TEM
ber of accidents attributable to the originated in the air carrier world. But
machine. The fact remains that human also like CRM, TEM has plenty of rel-
error is all too often either a primary evance and applicability to GA pilots
cause or a strong contributing factor principles. Rather, the Compliance and mechanics. It’s a worthy addition
in GA accidents and incidents. Program seeks to enable both the FAA to your safety toolbox.
Past issues of this magazine have and the aviation community to use As you read through TEM, CRM,
also explored human factors, risk unintentional deviations to learn what and SRM, and other articles in this
management and, more recently, over- went wrong, identify the root cause, issue, I think you will find that several
all safety culture (July/August 2019). and develop a sustainable fix that key ideas recur, either explicitly or
The development and evolution of makes the entire National Airspace implicitly. First is the importance of
these topics is a response to the simple System (NAS) safer. developing and maintaining situa-
truth: human beings make mistakes. tional awareness. It is sometimes said
We make them every day, and in Manage to Mitigate that 90 percent of life is about show-
every aspect of our personal and Recognizing, though, that human ing up; the rest is about paying atten-
professional lives. Some are scarcely beings are fallible, and that mistakes tion. Situational awareness is precisely
noticeable; others are painfully and errors will occur, has led to a about paying attention, and the TEM/
obvious. Still others — to include the branch of research and practice that CRM/SRM disciplines provide tools
human mistakes and errors that occur we’ll broadly categorize as “manage- to help you do that.
in the aviation context — can have ment” since its products all include Second is the importance of
dangerous, and sometimes deadly, that word. You’ve probably heard teamwork. Even a single pilot is never
consequences. of CRM, which started as “Cock- truly alone. TEM/CRM/SRM all stress
pit Resource Management” but the importance of knowing that you
Never Waste a Mistake soon broadened into overall “Crew always have a crew, and that effective
For this reason, both the FAA and the Resource Management.” We’ll take teamwork is one of the keys to safety.
aviation community are constantly a closer look at CRM in this issue, Read on!
looking for ways to eliminate these because many of its principles and
problems entirely wherever possible. concepts are useful and applicable to
That’s the context for work that the GA pilots and mechanics.
FAA does in our CAST (Civil Aviation I suspect you have also heard

2 FAA Safety Briefing



Report All Wildlife Strikes on the weather camera websites. The Alaska. See AvCamsPlus.FAA.gov to
For more than two decades, the FAA images allow pilots to see real-time see the new website.
and the U.S. Department of Agricul- weather between the
ture have worked together to collect point of departure and
accurate data on wildlife strikes to arrival at 230 locations
better understand the scope and throughout Alaska
nature of the problem and build a and 178 in Canada.
foundation for management pro- The program recently
grams to mitigate risk. A major part moved to the FAA’s
of collecting the data is providing the Flight Service.
general public with an easy way to Weather cameras
submit strike reports in a consistent provide a means to look
format. before you fly versus
The number of wildlife strikes flying out to take a look,
reported per year to the FAA which gives pilots the The FAA, NASA, and industry partners successfully demonstrated how the

increased steadily from about 1,800 data to make better deci- Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) system will help advance the safe
integration of drones through the UTM Pilot Program (UPP). Watch the
in 1990 to 16,000 in 2018. Expand- sions. Since the program video here: youtu.be/zpc4aoJKefA.
ing wildlife populations, increases in began in 2007, there has
the number of aircraft movements, been a reduction in the number of Successful Demos of Drone Traffic
a trend toward faster and quieter weather-related aviation accidents in Management Completed
aircraft, and outreach to the aviation Alaska. See AvCams.FAA.gov to view The FAA, NASA, and their partners,
community all have contributed to the the camera network. in a pilot program that is laying
observed increase in strike reports. As The weather cameras are consid- the groundwork for an Unmanned
a result of the increase, there has been ered advisory and the team is look- Aircraft System (UAS) traffic man-
a greater emphasis on wildlife strike ing at ways to enhance the website agement (UTM) system, successfully
hazard research and airfield wildlife to incorporate additional data and demonstrated over the summer how
management. give a more comprehensive picture. such a system can work in the future.
If you experience a wildlife strike, The experimental enhanced website The demonstrations, conducted at
please contribute to this effort by includes both official weather infor- three separate test sites selected by
making a report at Wildlife.FAA.gov. mation such as Meteorological the FAA for the UTM Pilot Program
Aerodrome Reports (METARs) and (UPP), showed that multiple, beyond
Flight Service Welcomes Aviation Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts visual line of sight (BVLOS) drone
Weather Camera Program (TAFs), and advisory weather infor- operations can be safely conducted
The Aviation Weather Camera Pro- mation that comes from sensors at low altitudes (below 400 feet) in
gram is increasingly popular in Alaska installed at various locations in airspace where FAA air traffic services
as a primary are not provided.
source for pilots As demand for low altitude drone
to obtain preflight use increases, the FAA, NASA and the
weather. The UPP partners are working together to
goal is to reduce accommodate these operations safely
weather-related and efficiently.
aviation accidents The UPP was established in April
and flight disrup- 2017 as an important component for
tions by making identifying the initial set of indus-
images available try and FAA capabilities required to
free to the public support UTM operations. The results

November / December 2019 3

from the UPP will provide a proof of

concept for UTM capabilities cur-
rently in research and development,
and will provide the basis for initial
deployment of UTM capabilities.

Civil Aviation Registry

CARES Initiative
Have you heard about the modern-
ization of the Civil Aviation Registry?
The Civil Aviation Registry Electronic
Services (CARES) initiative is a set
of e-services that fully maximizes the
use of automation and technology
to accomplish registering an aircraft
or acquiring an airman certificate.
Envision an online portal with mobile
accessibility, user authentication,
automatic electronic notifications,
and more. You can learn more about
CARES at FAA.gov/go/CARES.
If you have questions or
feedback, send an email to

SAFETY ENHANCEMENT TOPICS Please visit bit.ly/GAFactSheets for more information on these and other topics.

Controlled Flight Aircraft Performance
Into Terrain Calculations
Learn about how overreliance A review of best practices for
on automation technology determining and predicting
can inhibit terrain awareness. aircraft performance.

4 FAA Safety Briefing



While cancer and heart disease remain

United States, remarkable advances
years. Many conditions that were pre- TREATMENT AND EVALUATION.
viously permanently disqualifying for
pilots can now be safely waived after
treatment and evaluation.
the skin. Comply with recommended physician or your AME.
screenings. Having a colonoscopy at Strokes can be devastating. For
the recommended intervals (50 years some, there are symptoms prior to a
of age) should almost eliminate the debilitating stroke. Temporary losses
chance of developing colon cancer at a of function, called transient ischemic
later date. attacks (TIAs), are similar to strokes
Melanoma can often be cured if but last 24 hours or less with resolu-
caught early enough. For all screenings, tion of symptoms. Get evaluated prior
discuss your particular risk factors to permanent damage. Should stroke
(such as family history, smoking, etc.) symptoms present in flight, land as
Cancer with your physician. See our July/ soon as possible.
Cancer and the treatment of cancer August 2019 Condition Inspection (p.6)
can both cause cognitive impairment. for more information on melanoma. What should I do to prevent an
When mild, it may not be noticeable inflight emergency from a medical
without specific testing. However, Cardiovascular Disease condition?
couple this fact with an aircraft emer- There are a number of risk factors for Prevention is the best strategy. Follow
gency, other stress (financial, work, heart disease and strokes. Most can a healthy lifestyle and get treatment for
family, etc.), or hypoxia, and what now be managed if not entirely elimi- underlying conditions. Follow the rec-
had been manageable could become nated. Keep your weight down, follow ommended screening schedule. If you
incapacitating. a good diet, exercise, and don’t smoke. have any of the symptoms discussed,
The most serious aviation haz- If you have high blood pressure, blood do not ignore them. Talk with your
ard arising from cancer is a seizure. sugar, and/or cholesterol, get them physician or AME before you return
Sometimes this is the initial event for a treated. While the FAA has a robust to flying. If further testing is recom-
primary brain cancer. More often, this program to mitigate aeromedical risk mended, complete the evaluation. The
is a consequence of metastatic disease in those with known heart disease, FAA routinely allows pilots to fly with
(spread to the brain from somewhere the airman is ultimately responsible to these conditions after proper evalua-
else). It renders an individual unable heed the warning signs, whether car- tion and risk mitigation. Get treated;
to pilot a plane and can even interfere diovascular disease has been diagnosed don’t risk permanent impairment.
with someone else controlling the or not. Symptoms of cardiac disease
aircraft. There are medications which may include chest pain with exercise, Dr. Michael Berry received an M.D. from the
reduce the likelihood of a seizure, but pain that radiates to the jaw or shoul- University of Texas Southwestern Medical School,
the side effects of these medications der, nausea, and/or a crushing sensa- and a master’s in preventive medicine from Ohio
State University. He is certified by the American
are not compatible with flying. Pay tion in the chest. These should always Board of Preventive Medicine in aerospace medi-
attention to the warning signs for can- be evaluated prior to flying. Remember cine. He served as an FAA senior aviation medical
cer which include unexplained weight though, cardiac disease can present examiner and vice-president of Preventive and
loss, a change in bowel habits, cough without any warning signs, so it is Aerospace Medicine Consultants for 25 years before
(especially with bloody phlegm), unex- best to discuss your particular joining the FAA. He also served as both a U.S. Air
Force and NASA flight surgeon.
plained pain, or a changing “mole” on situation with your primary care

November / December 2019 5


Vertigo, a sensation of spinning, 48 hours on the ground before flying

can also occur during a cold due to with it. If you have an adverse reac-
inflammation of the balance system tion, do not fly for five dosing inter-
and/or surrounding soft tissue. Most vals after the last dose. For example,
of us have experienced vertigo after if directed to take one dose every 4-6
being on a merry-go-round. Imag- hours, wait 30 hours before flight
ine trying to fly in that condition. (always choose the longer time). Look
It would be challenging even while at warning labels for all medications
flying with visual references and you use and avoid those with cautions
devastating on instruments. about drowsiness, dizziness, operating
heavy equipment, etc. The doses of
What Should I Know About diphenhydramine (Benadryl©) found
Why Should I Be Concerned Cold Medication? in many cold medications and over
About a Common Cold? Sometimes medicine used to treat a the counter sleep aids can cause more
The “common cold” comes from cold can be as bad as, or worse than, impairment than alcohol.
a virus (typically a rhinovirus). It the cold itself. Accident investigations
usually begins 1-3 days after exposure indicate an alarming number of mis- What’s My Best Course of Action
and lasts 7-10 days. Keep this timing hap pilots fly with cold medications If I Have a Cold?
in mind when planning a flight. You in their system. The effects of these Wait until you have been asymptom-
may feel okay at the onset or near res- medications, along with the underly- atic for a few days. While patience can
olution of a cold while on the ground, be difficult, please recognize that you
but you may not be fit for flight. Recall are accepting increased risk if you do
that pressure changes with altitude fly. It’s best to be off of all medicines
and that spatial disorientation can be for a cold before flying. If this is not
an issue even when healthy. USED TO TREAT A COLD CAN feasible, at least ensure that you would
That “stuffy” feeling commonly be safe to fly without these medica-
BE AS BAD AS, OR WORSE tions and that you have been on them
found with a cold is more dangerous
than you might think. The Eustachian THAN, THE COLD ITSELF. long enough to ensure that the med-
tubes allow air in the middle ears to ication itself will not cause problems.
equalize with pressure changes. Sinus For upper respiratory symptoms,
passages serve the same purpose. carry a bottle of a nasal decongestant
Mucous membrane swelling caused ing illnesses, are frequently implicated (such as Afrin©) to use as an emer-
by a cold can block both. While this in these mishaps. Some of these acci- gency “get-me-down.” As with a fuel
is an inconvenience on the ground, dents might not have occurred had reserve, though, there should be no
it can be dangerous in the air. Gas the pilot waited another day or two. expectation that you will actually need
expands in the middle ear and sinuses Please see the July/August 2019 to use it.
on ascent, and clearing is generally FAA Safety Briefing for an expanded
not an issue. However, the membranes discussion on medications. While Leo M. Hattrup, M.D., received a bachelor’s degree
medications have known typical side from Wichita State University, a master’s in public
can collapse on themselves when pres-
effects, almost any medication can health from Harvard University, and a doctorate
sure increases during descent. This from Vanderbilt University. He is retired from the
can create a one-way valve resistant to produce almost any side effect in the U.S. Air Force in which he spent the majority of his
a Valsalva maneuver (gently exhaling right person. You may have any, all, career in aerospace medicine. He is board certified
with your mouth closed and your or none of the listed side effects. Even in aerospace and occupational medicine. He is
nostrils pinched shut), with poten- if you are taking a medication which a certificated flight instructor and enjoys flying
is typically acceptable, you should airplanes, helicopters, and gliders.
tially incapacitating pain.
try any new medication for at least

6 FAA Safety Briefing

NASA photo
Pilots can easily get caught up
in the “Vortex of Error” where
threats lead to errors, which
can lead you down the hole to
an undesired aircraft state.

Putting TEM on Your Safety Team

By Paul Preidecker

f I told you that you had only had five minutes to manage decisions concerning our flight with relative ease.
buy a new car, would you make the right decision? Our experiences have helped build an internal database of
I definitely would not. I would need to take my time, do answers. We have a host of flight planning resources avail-
some research, maybe create a database of information, able, and technology such as ADS-B to help make the right
analyze, and compare. Only then would I feel ready to decisions en route.
make that kind of decision. Put another way, most of us Effective risk management is essential to safe opera-
do not make good decisions under time pressure. tions, so the well-known mantra of aviate, navigate, and
As pilots, though, we make dozens of decisions … liter- communicate has evolved to add mitigate. But in order to
ally on the fly, without the luxury of time. Most often, we mitigate risk, we have to know, or at last anticipate, what

8 FAA Safety Briefing

those risks are. The risk management section of the Airman errors (e.g., misunderstanding between you and ATC).
Certification Standards (ACS) can help, but let me offer an Note that errors do not always arise from threats. Selecting
additional idea. GA pilots can also mitigate risk by using a flaps above published flap operating speed is an error that
model borrowed from the airlines: Threat and Error may not be associated with any threat.
Management (TEM). Although what I have described above is not an all-in-
The goal of TEM is simply to identify and recognize clusive description of the typical TEM model, here’s a sim-
threats, reduce errors, and prevent undesired aircraft states. ple way to distinguish between threats and errors: threats
TEM acknowledges that there is no such thing as a perfect come at you; errors come from you.
flight, that we operate in a complex environment, and that
we will make mistakes. How Do CRM/SRM Play with TEM?
TEM further recognizes that accidents rarely occur due CRM and SRM are both valuable players on the safety
to a single event or error; rather, they result from a chain team. As you will read in other articles, CRM — now gen-
or series of events or errors. Breaking the chain can stop erally known as crew resource management (CRM) — is
an accident, and the best approach is to break the chain about leveraging all available resources to help you man-
at the earliest point. That means you must become aware age a flight. Adapted from
of threats and errors that constitute the beginning of the Threats come CRM, single pilot resource
accident chain. So, the TEM approach is designed to help management (SRM) is a
pilots recognize and prevent those mistakes from escalating at you; errors tool that individual pilots
into operational errors. come from you. can use for this purpose.
When I fly for the airlines, I
TEM Terms have the benefit of fellow crew members, ATC, dispatchers,
In the parlance of TEM, a threat is an event or situation gate agents, and others. When I fly GA, I view ATC and
that occurs outside the pilot’s ability to influence, increases flight service as part of my crew. GA pilots also have flight
the operational complexity of a flight, and requires atten- planning tools, maybe a pilot partner, and technology such
tion/management to maintain safety margins. For example, as GPS and ADS-B.
dealing with adverse meteorological conditions, airports Here’s the distinction: CRM/SRM is about managing
surrounded by high mountains, congested airspace, air- resources, and TEM is about managing threats.
craft malfunctions, and errors committed by other peo-
ple outside of the cockpit, such as air traffic controllers, Setting the Trap
flight attendants, or maintenance workers. Threats can be Most threats, and the errors that may arise from them,
classified into three categories: operational threats (e.g., increase the complexity of a flight. Typically, they require
equipment malfunctions or taxiway closures); environ- time or action to manage. Therefore, workload increases.
mental threats (e.g., weather and ATC); and mismanaged Increasing workload is in fact a threat. The sooner we
threats (e.g., stepping on the wrong rudder in an engine out manage threats and break the chain, the more effective we
situation.) The threat in this example starts as an engine will be at maintaining safety. Left unmanaged, threats can
out. Stepping on the correct rudder helps mitigate the compound creating a multiplying effect of errors.
threat of the engine out. Stepping on the wrong rudder In the language of TEM, we talk about trapping errors.
(mismanaged) is an error that now induces another threat, A trapped error is the first step in breaking the chain of
loss of control. It’s important to know that threats are not events that may lead to trouble. Here’s an example: ATC
just observable events or situations; they can also
arise from the decisions we make about those sit-
uations. The all-too-familiar visual meteorological
conditions (VMC) into instrument meteorological
conditions (IMC) scenario is just one example.
An error is a pilot action or inaction that leads
to a deviation from intentions or expectations,
reduces safety margins, and increases the probabil-
ity of adverse operational events on the ground or
during flight. Errors also come in three categories:
aircraft handling errors (e.g., speed, configuration,
or automation); procedural errors (e.g., intentional
or unintentional deviation from regulations or
aircraft operating limitations); and communication Applying the Swiss Cheese model to TEM.

November / December 2019 9
So here’s another definition: The result of not effectively
managing threats and trapping errors is the undesired air-
craft state (UAS). An undesired aircraft state is an aircraft
position, speed, altitude, or configuration that results from
pilot error, actions, or inactions. It clearly reduces safety
margins. It can result from something as simple as flying
an incorrect heading or crossing a hold short line without
a clearance.

We Are the Problem, and We Are the Solution

Human beings are most often the problem in that we fail
to recognize our errors or the errors of others. Fortunately,
we are also the solution. Through training and practicing
TEM, we can adopt strategies and countermeasures to
effectively mitigate risks.
Modern avionics have not eliminated the potential for malfunctions.
The TEM approach starts with anticipation. Anticipation
clears you to a new altitude while you are listening to ATIS. is recognizing that
You are not certain you heard the assigned altitude. Rather CRM/SRM is something is likely to
than changing to the altitude you thought you heard, you about managing go wrong, even if we
request clarification. do not know exactly
An un-trapped error is just that: You make an error and resources, and what or when. Antic-
you fail to recognize it. Un-trapped errors may or may not TEM is about ipation thus leads
have associated safety consequences. For example, suppose managing threats. to vigilance, which
you are flying an instrument approach and you do not set means following the
or brief the missed approach altitude. If you land without discipline of always being on guard, even on the most rou-
incident, there is no safety consequence. But if you miss tine flight. The next step is recognizing a problem, and after
the approach and fail to climb to the appropriate altitude, recognition comes recovery, correcting the situation before
there’s an obvious safety problem. it leads to an error or unintended aircraft state.


PERSONAL •  Have not flown in a few months. •  Fly with instructor to regain proficiency.
• Documentation: manual error, chart error. •  Use IMSAFE checklist in preflight planning.

•  Fatigued.

AIRCRAFT • Rent aircraft with different avionics and • Take time before flight to learn differences.
equipment. Take a class or course to familiarize yourself
• Aircraft malfunction: one of two radios inop- with new avionics.
erative, maintenance event/error. •  Have a backup radio. Postpone until fixed.

ENVIRONMENT •  Taxiway closures. • Have airport diagram visible prior to taxi.

• ATC: error, language difficulty, runway Mark route on chart.

change, similar call signs, etc. • Consider alternate airports during flight

• Airport: runway contamination, birds,

planning. Remember that “direct to” may
ground handling event, etc. not always be the best route.
•  Terrain: high ground, slope. • Review airport diagram, traffic pattern

•  Unexpected weather.
details, available services.
•  Flying to unfamiliar airport.

EXTERNAL PRESSURES •  Friends or family waiting to pick you up. •  Arrange to call them after you arrive.

Examples of threats and possible mitigation strategies.

10 FAA Safety Briefing

and make sure paperwork is in
order. You trust the fuel han-
dler, but always check to make
sure you received fuel. You
trust ATC, but it’s up to you to
embrace the meaning of PIC.
The PAVE model can be
a starting point to help you
apply TEM strategy.

Paul J. Preidecker (paul@flightdeckin-

sights.com) is a pilot and check airman
for a regional airline. He is active in
GA and seeks to improve training by
developing best practices and standard
operating procedures for GA pilots.

Even minor incidents can lead to taxiway, runway, and even airport
closures for an extended period of time.

Recognition and recovery are both countermea-

sures. There are many other countermeasures we
can use to prevent threats from turning into errors.
For example:
Technology (e.g., flight planning tools, GPS,
and ADS-B) can help provide increased situational
awareness and information both prior to, and after
departure. However, keep in mind that technology
can be a threat if it is a distraction. Don’t forget to
look outside and know your equipment well.
Briefings are essential in a crew environment, as
they create a shared mental model. In GA, though,
you can brief yourself. Some pilots like to brief
an approach out loud. Proper pre-flight planning
requires getting a weather briefing from a qualified
briefer or from flight planning programs.
Checklists and procedures that you consistently
follow are also safeguards. Creating and following
standard operating procedures on every flight will
help you become a more reliable pilot, especially

Through training and

practicing TEM, we can
adopt strategies and
countermeasures to
effectively mitigate risks.

if you are tired, distracted, or dealing with unex-

pected weather or a mechanical issue.
As PIC, you are the last line of defense. As final
authority, it is your responsibility to mitigate risk
and manage safety. You trust your mechanic, but
it is up to you to thoroughly preflight your aircraft

November / December 2019 11
(And the Misery of Trying to Go It Alone)
By Susan Parson

arly in my FAA career, I was scheduled for an “initial ranks high on my list of most interesting/effective courses.
CRM” training course at the Mike Monroney Aero- Right from the start, we found that the excellent instructors
nautical Center in Oklahoma City. I love learning had designed a nice mix of guided discussion and hands-on
new things and, as friends and relatives have wryly sessions in the facility’s flight training device (FTD). Most
observed, connecting anything to aviation will always get of us were anxious to get to the FTD part of the course.
my attention and usually sustain my interest. Even so, I Having endured way too many courses with way too many
confess I wasn’t expecting a lot from the course; formal of those contrived “table team” exercises, my group was
training in organizational settings can sometimes be … dry. also groaning (almost, but not quite, out loud) when we
That three-day course turned out to be anything but dull. were herded into teams for one of “those” activities.
On the contrary, it was an eye-opening session that still

12 FAA Safety Briefing

The. Best. Exercise. Ever.
As it happens, that event was probably the thing I remem-
ber most vividly, and I often recount it even now as among
the best of the best. Here’s how it unfolded.
The instructors gave each person a sheet of paper with
a story about some event. We each got a second piece of
paper with some questions about what we had just read.
On the surface, the task seemed like second-grade stuff
and, since everybody’s narrative was the same, why did
we have to do the table-team thing? Being a speed reader,
I zipped through part one and dove into the questions in
part two. The first three were a snap. The fourth … hmm.
I guess I need to reread the narrative. But — and you see
what’s coming, right? — nothing in the paper I held offered
anything that would let me answer that question. I got
question five, but questions six through eight were like the
seems perfectly obvious, but it wasn’t always so. Books
fourth … I didn’t have that information.
(e.g., Robert Gandt’s Skygods; Arthur Hailey’s Airport)
By this time, the table was populated by puzzled peo-
and movies (e.g., The High and the Mighty) set in the
ple restlessly fidgeting with those sheets of paper. Given
so-called golden age of commercial aviation are replete
our ages, it was clear that all of us had been thoroughly
with vignettes about the all-powerful “skygod” captains of
schooled in the fading (I hope) “do-your-own-work/ask-
the day. The role of the first officer — then more commonly
ing-others-is-cheating” exhortation we constantly heard
called the co-pilot — was to obey the captain’s “gear up and
shut up” commands without question. The role of the cabin
Both tradition and regulation crew was to bring coffee and meals to the flight deck. No
give full authority to the pilot in one dared contravene the captain’s dictates, even to provide
command, who must understand essential safety information. The predictable result: lots of
smoldering wreckage and far too many lost lives.
and accept that questions and The phoenix of CRM first began rising from those
observations are not a threat to ashes in the 1950s, when British RAF and BOAC pilot
his or her final authority. David Beaty wrote a book called The Human Factor in
Aircraft Accidents. But it wasn’t until the late 1970s — and
yet another tragic accident — when the principles Beaty
from our primary school teachers. We all suffered in silence
espoused found their way into an NTSB recommendation.
until one of our group tentatively asked whether anyone
In that same timeframe, NASA psychologist John Lauber,
else had found the name of the city. The floodgates opened.
an expert in cockpit communication processes, first used
We realized that while the narratives all looked identical
the term “cockpit resource management.” The essence of
at first glance, each one contained subtle differences —
the initial CRM approach was to encourage first officers to
nuggets of information not given to any other person in
question their captains if they had concerns about some
the group. No single individual had the full story, so it was
aspect of the flight.
impossible to complete this simple assignment without
Sadly, it took one of history’s most fiery crashes, the 1977
contributions from each and every person on the team.
Tenerife disaster, to raise CRM from a mostly unpracticed
There wasn’t any need for an extensive debriefing on this
principle to a full-fledged program. United Airlines became
exercise, because the lessons were so obvious. It emphat-
the first air carrier to provide CRM to its flight deck crews
ically and unforgettably brought one of the fundamental
in 1981, a concept expanded to flight attendants a few years
concepts of CRM to life: no single human being has the full
later. CRM — by then known as “crew resource manage-
picture, and every single person has something useful to
ment” — had become the global standard by the 1990s, not
contribute to developing it. Working with other people to
just for pilots and flight attendants but also for air traffic
assemble a complete picture is not cheating; on the con-
control and maintenance. Recognizing that the core con-
trary, you cheat yourself if you fail to take advantage of all
cepts and practices of CRM are applicable and beneficial
available information needed for safe operation.
well beyond aviation, other sectors (e.g., maritime, fire-
Rising from the Ashes fighting, medicine) have also adopted forms of CRM.
The necessity of good CRM for pilots and mechanics also

November / December 2019 13
department article called “Pilot2” in the March/April 2018
issue of this magazine. I recounted the story of flying with
a pilot friend who had a dismaying habit of “helping” me
by, for example, changing trim or flap settings without even
telling — much less asking — me first. A presentation by
John and Martha King helped greatly by offering tips on
how two GA pilots can peacefully co-exist and, as appro-
priate, share duties in the confined space of the cockpit. The
fundamental idea is that the pilot in the right seat always
addresses the pilot in the left seat as captain and provides
objective information with no personal pronouns. For
example, “you’re getting too slow!” is forbidden. Instead,
the right seat occupant might say, “Captain, airspeed is
decreasing.” The captain similarly avoids personal pro-
nouns with a response such as, “Noted; correcting.” If the
situation isn’t resolved, the next transmission might be
something like, “No correction noted.”
While developing the initial version of the Civil Air
Patrol’s National Check Pilot Standardization Course a few
years ago, I came across another CRM technique that can
work well in a GA setting. A CRM expert named Todd
Bishop developed a five-step process that uses assertive
statements encompassing both inquiry and advocacy:
1. Get attention — Address the individual by
name or title.
2. State your concern — State what you see in a direct
manner while owning your emotions about it. “I’m
concerned that we are low on fuel.”
Making It Fly for You 3. State the problem as you see it — “I don’t think we
Descriptions vary, but most formal definitions of CRM have enough fuel to fly around this storm.”
include the following:
4. Suggest a solution — “Let’s divert to another airport
• CRM is a system that uses all available resources to and refuel.”
promote safety.
5. Obtain agreement (or buy-in) — “Does that sound
• CRM is concerned with the cognitive and interpersonal good to you?”
skills needed to manage resources within an organized
Perhaps the single most important CRM step you can
system, not with technical knowledge and skills.
take in GA is the first one: a thorough pre-flight discussion
• CRM aims to foster a climate or culture where author- that clearly establishes roles (e.g., who is PIC), respon-
ity may be respectfully questioned. sibilities, and expectations. Knowing who has that role
• CRM training thus emphasizes communications, situ- is very important if something goes wrong, but the more
ational awareness, problem solving, decision making, fundamental reason is safety. So, if you are the PIC, state
and effective teamwork. that before you go to the airplane. Tell your pilot compan-
It can be challenging to master these skills, which may ion what kind of assistance you do (and do not) want. If
require significant changes in personal habits, interper- you are the guest of the PIC, make no assumptions. Ask
sonal dynamics, and organizational culture. This challenge whether and how you can assist. Stick to terms you estab-
is especially acute in hierarchical sectors such as aviation. lish but make it clear to the PIC that you will use one (or
Both tradition and regulation give full authority to the both) of the techniques presented here to communicate any
pilot in command, who must be trained to understand and concerns and help ensure a safe flight.
accept that questions and observations are not a threat to
his or her final authority. Susan Parson (susan.parson@faa.gov) is editor of FAA Safety Briefing and a
Special Assistant in the FAA’s Flight Standards Service. She is a general aviation
This necessity is no less true when two GA pilots are pilot and flight instructor.
flying together. Regular readers might recall a Postflight

14 FAA Safety Briefing

You Never
Roam Alone!
By Susan Parson

Aviation never fails to deliver a In fact, I was in the soup for the entire flight.
The ETA conditions at my destination were forecast to
powerful “not so fast” lesson any time be marginal VFR. But Mother Nature doesn’t read fore-
we think we’ve got something nailed. casts. There were many clues that this system was not
behaving as expected, but I still didn’t expect to hear a pilot

ike many GA pilots, I got accustomed to being the sole ahead report missing the approach to my airport. Things
pilot on board. Most of my flying involved being alone got very busy, starting with the controller’s request for me
in the airplane or serving as pilot and flight attendant to “say intentions.” There was no copilot or autopilot to help
to my non-flying passengers. I figured I was pretty with basic flying tasks while I sorted through charts and
adept at “single pilot resource management” (SRM). options. There was no GPS, except for the tiny first-gener-
My moment of reckoning with the true challenges of ation handheld I had recently acquired. I had never flown
single-pilot operations came just after Thanksgiving one any of the approaches to Dulles, which was my only viable
year. I had flown to coastal North Carolina to spend some option. I had never flown a holding pattern “for real,” but
quality time with family and, since the weather forecast for I had just copied instructions for holding in no-kidding
the return trip looked grim, I moved my departure time up IMC. The workload was intense, and I knew it would take a
by several hours. lot of focus and concentration.
What could possibly go wrong? When I was eventually cleared for the approach, I flew
First, I was in instrument meteorological conditions with every bit of concentration and precision I could mus-
(IMC) shortly after takeoff, but I figured I’d soon be on top. ter. I broke out of the clouds around 300 feet above ground

November / December 2019 15
level and experienced the incredible “there-it-is!” relief ing information for both preflight and en route decision
when I saw the brightly lit runway. making.
In the most basic terms, I passed the SRM test: I flew
single-pilot, single-engine IFR in IMC and landed without SRM in Action
bending metal or rules. In the broader sense, though, there One of the most important things I lacked at the time was a
was plenty of room for improvement. set of personal minimums that, given the soupy conditions
at my departure airport, would have kept me on the ground
SRM Defined that day.
The FAA Risk Management Handbook (FAA-H-8083-2) But let’s say that you launch, like I did. The most valu-
calls SRM the art of managing all the resources, both those able resources I had that day were external. I had been
onboard and those from outside sources, to ensure a suc- monitoring weather via an Automated Weather Observing
cessful flight. It is about how to gather information, analyze System (AWOS), but the pilot ahead of me on the approach
it, and make decisions. The pilot must be able to compe- provided real-time information that made my divert-to-
tently perform a number of mental tasks in addition to the Dulles decision pretty easy. While I didn’t need any special
physical task of basic aircraft control. These include: assistance from air traffic control (ATC), it was comfort-
• Situational awareness ing to know that all the resources they offer were just one
• Task management transmission away.
• Automation management If you have passengers with you, they can assist by read-
• Risk management ing checklist items, watching for traffic, and listening to
• The aeronautical decision-making (ADM) process ATC radio calls. You might also teach regular passengers to
• CFIT (controlled-flight-into-terrain) awareness
In basic terms, I passed the
The Risk Management Handbook also offers an observa-
tion that became very real to me:
SRM test: I flew single-pilot,
Learning how to identify problems, analyze the infor- single-engine IFR in IMC and
mation, and make informed and timely decisions is not as landed without bending metal
straightforward as the training involved in learning specific or rules. But there was plenty
maneuvers. Learning how to judge a situation and “how to
think” in the endless variety of situations encountered while of room for improvement.
flying out in the “real world” is more difficult. There is no
assist with switching radio frequencies and basic program-
one right answer in ADM; rather each pilot is expected to
ming for moving map and multifunction displays. Internal
analyze each situation in light of experience level, personal
resources also include checklists and verbal briefings.
minimums, and current physical and mental readiness level,
Onboard equipment constitutes another important
and make his or her own decision.
resource. Today’s technology offers an incredible range of
That is no small challenge, especially for GA pilots
information to assist with overall situational awareness,
whose aeronautical experience may be limited. In my flight,
navigation, weather information, and much more. The key
which involved an airplane with no automation, solid
is to know what information is available and how to access
training provided a firm foundation for task management
it without diverting your attention from essential aircraft
and situational awareness. But I would have been much
control duties.
safer with a structured approach for gathering and analyz-
To apply the tenets of SRM in a structured way, the Risk
Management Handbook suggests regular evaluation of:
FAA photo by Anders Croft

• Plan
• Plane
• Pilot
• Passengers
• Programming
The point of the 5P approach is not to memorize yet
another aviation acronym. Instead, you might simply write
these words on your kneeboard, or add a 5P reference to
your checklist for key decision points during the flight.
Items to consider include:
Plan: Basic elements of cross-country planning: weather,
route, fuel, current publications, etc. Since any of these

16 FAA Safety Briefing

or desire to reach the destination — can create potentially

FAA photo by Anders Croft

dangerous distractions.
Programming: Electronic displays, moving map navi-
gators, and autopilots can reduce workload and increase
situational awareness. However, be mindful that the task
of programming or operating this equipment can create a
dangerous distraction.
Whatever SRM approach you choose, use it consistently
and remember that solid SRM skills can significantly
enhance the safety of “crew of you” flights.

Susan Parson (susan.parson@faa.gov) is editor of FAA Safety Briefing and a

Special Assistant in the FAA’s Flight Standards Service. She is a general aviation
pilot and flight instructor.
factors can change at any time, review and update the plan
at regular intervals.
Plane: Be proficient with all installed equipment, and
familiar with performance characteristics and limitations.
Monitor systems and instruments in order to detect any FAA Risk Management Handbook (FAA-H-8083-2)
abnormal indications at the earliest opportunity. bit.ly/2kuuDSn
Pilot: The “IMSAFE” checklist is a handy tool for identi- FAA Safety Briefing, Sep/Oct 2019 (Checklist)
fying hazards to your fitness for flight. adobe.ly/2ZuWKnd
Passengers: Passengers can be a great help by performing
“Your Safety Reserve,” FAA Safety Briefing, Mar/Apr 2015
tasks such as those listed above. Be mindful, though, that
passenger needs — e.g., physiological discomfort, anxiety,

November / December 2019 17
General Aviation Enters the Next Era
By James Williams

n history, the three-age system is a way to classify In an Age Gone By
historical periods into groups of three, each building
Until the last decade or so, one could argue that general
on the others. The Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages are the
aviation still resides in the Oil Age. That has begun to
best-known examples. But we could apply the concept
change in the last two decades. To one degree or another,
to any other historical segment.
composite materials, modern engines, and glass cockpits
So let me propose that the Coal Age, Oil Age, and Infor-
have become part of the general aviation ecosystem. As
mation Age constitute our latest tripartite era. Coal was the
discussed in “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love
fuel that fed the Industrial Revolution and the railroads.
the Singularity” in the May/June 2018 issue of FAA Safety
This age kicked off in the early 19th century and began
Briefing (p.25), modern avionics opened the door for Flight
declining in the early 20th, when oil began to rise in eco-
Data Monitoring (FDM). Flashy screens with modern
nomic and strategic value. The automobile and its practical
graphical interfaces sold these new avionics, but their
internal combustion engine allowed aviation to take off, so
digital architecture made the FDM breakthrough possible.
to speak. The Oil Age has slowly transitioned to the Infor-
Data capture became an easy task and data storage became
mation Age, with data increasingly being the central “fuel”
a function of allocating memory already on board. The
of our modern lives. How many times a day do you hear
stage was set for GA to advance into the Information Age.
“data-driven” as a descriptor for everything from strategic
plans to morning commutes?

18 FAA Safety Briefing

Data Versus Information First a bit of background. The FAA uses a collection of
databases to monitor aviation safety and these have been
While many people consider data and information synon-
integrated into a single access point in the Aviation Safety
ymous, they are different, albeit interconnected terms. The
Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) system that
simplest way to distinguish the two is to recognize that data
allows users to query across all these separate systems. One
is a fact, while information is a fact (or facts) with some
big hole in ASIAS was always GA data. The National Gen-
level of context or analysis. For example, a reading of your
eral Aviation Flight Information Database (NGAFID) fills
50-knot airspeed is data. Information on the other hand
that gap by providing a structured data collection system.
would be: airspeed is 50 knots while in a climb. That con-
To help ramp up data collection, an early innovation of
text is meaningful and makes the information much more
the NGAFID was the introduction of the General Aviation
useful than the data.
Airborne Recording Device (GAARD) App for iOS and
FDM uses data to build information that can be useful
Android devices. GAARD allows these devices to record
for many purposes, from improving your flying skills to
and submit data into NGAFID, thus dramatically increas-
managing your maintenance practices. While useful at the
ing the total possible user base. While the data might not
individual pilot level, FDM is best used on a broader basis,
have the same fidelity of that derived from more advanced
since collective programs offer a larger data pool that can
avionics systems, it has a much lower entry cost.
help detect problems more quickly. Think of it this way: if
“Flight schools are quickly realizing the benefits,” says
you had to learn every life lesson through personal expe-
Operations Research Analyst Corey Stephens with the
rience, it probably wouldn’t go well (e.g., don’t touch a hot
FAA’s Office of Accident Investigation and Prevention. “The
stove, look both ways before crossing the street, etc.). Our
more all of us work together, the better off we’ll all be.” Ste-
ability to learn from the experience of others is a key driver
phens hopes to see similar safety improvements to the ones
of safety in aviation.
seen following the implementation of FDM in the commer-
GAARDing Data cial world. The General Aviation Joint Steering Committee
(GAJSC) is working to spread the word on the benefits
FDM has been very beneficial to commercial aviation
of NGAFID and ASIAS and has signed up 13 universities
safety. The stumbling block for GA has always been scale.
and 97 corporate flight departments in addition to many
As noted in our previous FDM article, now there’s an app
individual GA pilots. In total, more than 1,000,000 hours of
for that.

The NGAFID allows you to review your

own flight data to target improvement.
You can overlay multiple data plots to
analyze your flight in greater detail.

November / December 2019 19
flight data have been collected in the light GA community

Analysis Paralysis
Data collection is only part of the equation; it needs context
to create useful information. The GAJSC is hard at work in
this area, but another organization is also on the case. The
Partnership to Enhance
Our ability to General Aviation Safety,
Accessibility, and Sustain-
learn from the ability (PEGASAS) is a
experience of joint FAA/Academic Cen-
others is a key ter of Excellence program
driver of safety designed to focus research Classic panels make data collection a significant task.
on specific projects in the
in aviation. GA world. As you might Welcome to the Future
recall from the previous GA’s rapid ascension into the Information Age leaves us
FDM article, the PEGASAS team’s Safety Analysis for with some questions. Some might ask: can’t this data be
General Aviation project is intended to provide tools to GA used against me? The short answer is no. There are a num-
that would normally come from a corporate or commercial ber of firewalls that make any data submitted to NGAFID
carrier safety program. off limits to enforcement (and remember that under the
In its current phase, project researchers are learning to FAA’s Compliance Program, enforcement is a tool reserved
enhance the low resolution data provided by smartphones for willful failure to comply with safety regulations).
and tablets used as Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs). This Remember too that voluntary reporting has a long and
work includes trying to “recover” data that didn’t originally successful track record in both commercial aviation and,
exist (e.g., flap position). Such enhancement may provide through the NASA Aviation Safety Reporting System, in
higher resolution data without needing to increase the GA. The FAA fully understands that such systems require
parameters on GA recorders. The team has demonstrated trust, which has been a hallmark of the safety reporting
this capability on the Cessna 172 and Piper Archer. They programs the agency has sponsored.
have also developed algorithms to identify phases of flight Others might ask the famous WIIFM (what’s in it for
in the Cessna 172 and Cirrus SR20, as well as prototype me) question. The most immediate benefit is that solutions
like the NGAFID allow you to analyze your own perfor-
mance and catch small errors before they become big ones.
You can also detect changes in your flying. I remember one
particularly frustrating session with touch-and-go land-
ings when I just couldn’t figure out why it went so poorly.
I eventually determined that I was too fast on approach.
FDM would have made it far easier to see the problem.
FDM also means that by working together we can limit not
only personal frustration, but also more dangerous out-

James Williams is FAA Safety Briefing’s associate editor and photo editor. He is
also a pilot and ground instructor.

Modern advanced avionics feature native digital flight information, which makes
data collection a breeze.
National General Aviation Flight Information Database
algorithms to detect hazardous states from flight recorder ngafid.org
data. This kind of analysis turns interesting data into useful
PEGASAS Project 05 — Safety Analysis for General Aviation

20 FAA Safety Briefing



Resource management is the umbrella packed presentation first explores niques for managing inevitable
theme for the topics featured in this how fatigue can impact your family, distractions (bit.ly/2lvtbzB).
issue of FAA Safety Briefing magazine your health, and your job. It then • 
ALC-514 — Challenge / Response
and, as regular readers probably know, covers fatigue basics and hazards, — Practical Flight Deck Insights
the primary purpose of this depart- sleep basics, and methods you can for GA: GA flying is different,
ment is to raise awareness of resources use to effectively prevent or combat diverse and, in many ways, a lot more
that the FAA provides for the aviation fatigue (bit.ly/2kuxevN). challenging than airline operations.
community. • 
ALC-258 — Human Factors This presentation focuses on using
In that spirit, let me invite you Primer for Aviation Mechanics: Standard Operating Procedures
to take a fresh look at the The objective of this course is to (SOPs) to Plan, Brief, Do, Review,
www.FAASafety.gov application, and lead an AMT technician through and Renew (bit.ly/2lwYLwK).
check out some of the latest addi- human factors definitions and to • 
ALC-534 — The Buck Stops with
tions to the Learning Center Course provide tangible ways to use that
Catalog (bit.ly/2khRQHE). If it’s been Me: Failing to follow procedures
knowledge about human factors (FFP) continues to be one of the
awhile since you last visited, you in the maintenance hangar. The
might be surprised to see how many leading safety issues in aviation
course introduces two basic types maintenance. This course helps
courses have been added to the roster. of human error: unintentional and
I hope you’ll browse extensively, but aviation maintenance personnel
intentional. It includes several better understand and appreciate
here are “VFR Direct” pointers to just videos, exploration of the “Dirty
a few of the many no-cost items that how an organization’s culture
Dozen,” a hangar safety scenario, affects safety with respect to FFP
align with this issue’s focus area. and discussion about the impor-
One important note: even though (bit.ly/2ktU3zz).
tance of safety nets (bit.ly/2lygWCl).
some of these courses might appear to • 
ALC-556 — Adapting Threat and
ALC-448 — Surprise, Surprise!: Error Management to General
be targeted to pilots or mechanics, the
concepts are valid for all! This course addresses the startle Aviation: Threat and Error Man-
response, distraction, interruption, agement training recognizes that
• ALC-28 — The Art of Aeronauti- lack of systems knowledge, pilot pilots operate in a complex and
cal Decision Making and ALC-82 proficiency, and aircraft owner/ highly dynamic environment, one
— Do the Right Thing: Decision mechanic teamwork. It follows in which every action taken can
Making for Pilots (presented by the Threat and Error Management be critical. This course offers tools
AOPA): Both of these courses philosophy where threats poorly you can use to manage them before
provide tips on a critical skill managed lead to errors and ulti- they become a second link in the
(bit.ly/2kl3VeX and bit.ly/2m6Cwhh). mately to an undesired aircraft accident chain (bit.ly/2ksYESK).
• ALC-174 — Fatigue Countermea- state (bit.ly/2lUZaJw).
I can’t resist closing with a pitch for
sures Training: This four-segment • 
ALC-474 — NAFI PDP Distrac- another batch of new additions to
course presents the basics about tion Management and Cockpit the Learning Center Course Catalog.
fatigue, sleep, and fatigue risk man- Techniques: An experienced flight Look for the “FAA Safety Briefing
agement. This fast-paced, action- instructor and pilot shares tech- Live” courses that introduce and
discuss topics from each issue of this
publication, starting with the March/

SURPRISED TO SEE HOW MANY COURSES HAVE BEEN ADDED Susan Parson (susan.parson@faa.gov) is editor of
FAA Safety Briefing and a Special Assistant in the
TO THE ROSTER AT WWW.FAASAFETY.GOV. FAA’s Flight Standards Service. She is a general
aviation pilot and flight instructor.

November / December 2019 21


People and Technologies Working Together

UAS CRM is operating not in a closed cockpit,

involves good but outdoors where they are subject
communica- to weather conditions and possible
tion among the distractions from observers and man-
respective crew agement while they operate. Without
members; clear a ‘sterile’ cockpit, the UAS flight crew
and concise pro- experiences more distractions that
cesses; initial and could affect CRM and ultimately
recurrent training decrease the safety and efficiency of
both for normal the operation. For this reason, UAS
and abnormal crews need to train in the same condi-
operations (loss tions and environments in which they
of control, lost are likely to operate.
link, de-conflic- Captain Mike Brown, a B787
tion with manned airline pilot with more than 20,000
aircraft); and flight hours, is also a reserve deputy
managing individ- with the Alameda County Sheriff ’s
ual and overall Office who flies both manned and
Deputies Chris Delima and Anthony Pagliari search for a shooting suspect with a
UAS. (Photo used by permission of the Alameda County, CA Sheriff’s Department)
workloads while unmanned aircraft. Because he firmly
always keeping the believes that CRM plays an important
Crew Resource Management (CRM) safety of the National Airspace (NAS) role in unmanned operations, Cap-
is as important to the safety and effi- as the highest priority. tain Brown teaches a CRM course to
ciency of unmanned aircraft systems As with any other component in a the Alameda County deputies who
(UAS) operations as it is to manned safe system, CRM doesn’t just happen. fly UAS. He stresses that, “In any
operations. Effective UAS CRM can A foundational element is selecting endeavor where people are involved,
improve a flight crew’s ability to the right combination of people with human error will occur. CRM reduces
perform work using complex systems, the proper initial and recurrent train- the chance that the consequences
like UAS ground control stations, ing. Lieutenant Neal Landfield of the of an error will be catastrophic.” So,
while maintaining overall situational Arlington, Texas Police Department whether you hold an Airline Trans-
awareness to create a safe environ- states, “Crew resource management is port Pilot or Remote Pilot Certificate,
ment for flying. critical for complex UAS operations. or both, CRM is a proven method
With more and more public safety To provide safe service to our com- to help you reduce risk and increase
agencies using UAS as part of their munities, we have to select the best the safety and efficiency of your
response to hazardous events, Deputy pilot/crew for the job and determine operation.
Fire Chief Chris Sadler of the York relevant mitigations for environmen-
County, Virginia Fire Department tal stressors.” Mike O’Shea works with government agencies
notes that “It is critical for personnel Just as in manned operations, the as a resource on public unmanned aircraft
to utilize CRM practices during these crew’s ability to communicate effec- operations and has more than 30 years of
experience working in public safety. He can be
missions to ensure that everyone tively is key. However, this communi- contacted at michael.oshea@faa.gov.
is working together as a team.” The cation must occur in an operational
added stressors of the emergency environment that differs significantly
operation require public safety flight from that of manned operations. In
crews to strictly adhere to good CRM most UAS operations, the remote-
processes so they are not distracted pilot-in-command’s (RPIC) attention
and can remain focused on maintain- is usually on the flight controls and
ing the safety of the flight. the UAS camera monitor. The crew FAA.gov/go/DroneWeek

22 FAA Safety Briefing

November / December 2019 23


turers provide checkout tools that you firm data transmitted by the ADS-B
can use to edit and view the system system is correct. Next, run a Public
configuration,” says James Marks, ADS-B Performance Report (PAPR)
ADS-B Focus Team Lead in the FAA’s to verify the system complies with
Flight Standards Service. “Many 91.227 requirements.
ADS-B equipped aircraft are not PAPR is a sure-fire way to verify
fully compliant with the performance that you have installed and configured
requirements for the equipment, the system hardware correctly. The
and the majority of ADS-B compli- report shows any equipment configu-
ance failures result from improper ration or performance errors in high-
configuration of the equipment at lighted red. And best of all, the PAPR
installation,” Marks explains. During service is free, online, and takes just
installation, pay particular attention 15 minutes to receive so you can run
to the emitter (or aircraft) category, as many reports as you need to resolve
the flight ID (aircraft call sign), and any issues and help keep your installs
the 24-bit ICAO address code (also error free. You’ll find a user’s guide
known as the Mode S code) settings at bit.ly/31Yk0aY, but in a nutshell
to ensure that you have entered them here’s how it works.
If you’re an avionics installer, there’s correctly. Test equipment is often lim- After the owner completes a
no question that you’re handling an ited to verifying that the configuration post-installation validation flight in
overwhelming demand for installa- information you entered is present in airspace that supports ADS-B Out,
tions of ADS-B Out. The good news the avionics but lacks the capability to go online to bitly.com/PAPRequest,
is that for many units, the install can determine whether it is correct. fill out the required information, and
often be straightforward, your typical submit. In 15 minutes, you’ll get an
installation time is just a few days, Performance email with a PAPR showing all the
and there’s even a handy ADS-B Performance aspects of 91.227 configuration and performance details
installation job aid from the FAA requirements include the Navigation for the ADS-B equipment you just
at bit.ly/2NA4spF. Integrity Category (NIC), and the installed.
But bear in mind that before you Navigation Accuracy Category for Run a PAPR after all your ADS-B
can return the aircraft back to the Position and Velocity (NACp and Out installations. It’s quick, it’s easy,
owner, it is your responsibility to NACv). You’ll find the avionics stan- and lets you know right away if your
verify that the ADS-B Out system dards for outputting NIC, NACp, and install was a success.
complies with both the configuration NACv in Technical Standard Order
and the performance requirements of (TSO)-C166b (1090 MHz) and Jennifer Caron is FAA Safety Briefing’s copy editor
14 CFR section 91.227. Here’s a break- TSO-C154c (978 MHz). and quality assurance lead. She is a certified
down of those requirements. technical writer-editor in aviation safety and flight
PAPR standards.
Configuration After your installation is complete,
The configuration (or broadcast you must test the system per the man- LEARN MORE
elements) of section 91.227 includes ufacturer’s installation guidance. The
the aircraft’s assigned ICAO 24-bit FAA recommends that you perform 14 CFR section 91.227, ADS–B Out
address, emitter category, flight identi- both a ground check and a postflight Equipment Performance Requirements
fication, and several other identifiable check to verify that the system config- bit.ly/2HrC8Sk
parameters to convey an aircraft’s uration and performance are working
location on the ground and in the air. correctly. Use ramp test equipment or
“Most ADS-B equipment manufac- other system interface tools to con-

24 FAA Safety Briefing



zone often causes an accident. and decision making, but it’s abso-
The same issue applies to pilots. lutely critical to know how your sys-
Distraction is a dangerous threat to tem operates, to include its limitations,
safety, so pilots must learn to manage before you fly so they don’t become a
distractions during every flight. To dangerous distraction. Remember too
see the deadly effects of distraction in that ADS-B equipment is a supple-
aviation, have a look at the National
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
accident report for the August 26, SINCE 2008, THERE
2011 crash of an EMS helicopter
flight in Mosby, Missouri
(go.usa.gov/xVTWQ). In this acci- IN GA AND PART 135
You’re zooming down the highway — dent, personal texting while flying was
more like crawling if you’re in Wash- at least partly responsible for the crash CRASHES THAT INVOLVED
ington, DC! — when your phone that killed the pilot, a nurse, a para- PILOTS DISTRACTED BY
chirps with the familiar sound of an medic, and the patient.
incoming text message. Oh, and did I In another accident, a Cessna 150 NONOPERATIONAL
mention it’s late in the day, you’ve got pilot and his passenger were killed ACTIVITIES.
a lot on your mind, and your phone is when their plane crashed into a
in the passenger seat? Do you pick it wheat field in Watkins, Colorado
up and read the message? It could be (go.usa.gov/xVTBY). Contributing to mental tool; it does not relieve you of
an important follow up from a poten- the accident was the pilot’s distraction see-and-avoid responsibilities.
tial employer. Or, it could also be due to cell phone use while maneu- To emphasize the importance of
one of those incessant BOGO offers vering at low altitude. A Go-Pro cam- eliminating distractions, the NTSB
from your favorite burger chain (both era found near the wreckage revealed has added this topic to its 2019-2020
could be important, no judging here). footage of the pilot and his passengers Most Wanted List of Transportation
Despite knowing that thousands of taking mobile phone “selfies” during Safety Improvements. According to
people die each year from distracted takeoff, climb, and in the pattern just its Eliminate Distractions fact sheet
driving incidents (3,166 fatalities in before the accident flight. Investiga- for aviation (go.usa.gov/xVTkg), since
2017 alone according to the National tors believe the pilot’s focus on his cell 2008 there have been 22 fatalities in
Highway Traffic Safety Administra- phone, coupled with the flash func- GA and part 135 crashes that involved
tion), many people will still try to read tion of his camera, contributed to the pilots distracted by nonoperational
that message. We’ve probably all been development of spatial disorientation activities. The NTSB urges pilots to
similarly tempted. and consequent loss of control. keep mobile phones off and out of the
The justification some give for But distraction in the cockpit environment to avoid the temptation
diverting attention to an emoji-laden doesn’t always involve such a blatant of answering. Also, although there are
text is that they know their vehicle diversion from primary flying duties. no regulations on sterile cockpit pro-
and feel confident they can maintain It is often more insidious, like fixat- cedures for part 91, avoidance of all
a sufficient margin of safety. But just ing on a cockpit warning or trying to nonessential conversations is an excel-
because you’ve been lucky in the troubleshoot an avionics display issue. lent point to brief with passengers. It
past doesn’t make it a safe thing to With the ADS-B Out mandate just goes over a lot better than having to
do. The time you divert to the text is around the corner, many pilots now yell, “Don’t bother me, I’m flying!”
time when you are unaware of actions have the capability to display weather
taking place outside the vehicle. and traffic information with ADS-B In Tom Hoffmann is the managing editor of FAA Safety
The delayed reaction to a suddenly equipment. This technology can cer- Briefing. He is a commercial pilot and holds an A&P
stopped car or a pop-up construction tainly enhance situational awareness certificate.

November / December 2019 25


Type Clubs for the Rotorcraft Community

Helicopter Pilots Association, or the now has about 2,100 members around
Airborne Public Safety Association for the world.
police officers, firefighters, and anyone “We’re a smaller group,” Schultz
else interested in aviation-related pub- says. “We’re small enough to get to
lic safety might be a great club for you. know you. We have quite the camara-
The International Women Heli- derie going.”
Photo courtesy of Whirly-Girls

copter Pilots’ Whirly-Girls is a group The Indiana-based Popular Rotor-

where female helicopter pilots from craft Association has about 1,000
the U.S. and around the world can members with chapters worldwide,
share their experiences and find says John Rountree, the group’s gen-
camaraderie. eral business manager. Membership
Fans of homebuilt helicopters can dues include an electronic copy of the
check out the Popular Rotorcraft magazine, Powered Sport Flying.
Just like Norm and the other patrons Association. The group also provides webinars,
of Cheers, the famous neighborhood The Survivors Network Air Medical seminars, and events.
bar of the 80s and 90s sitcom, many Community helps those who have “We’re really just here to support
of us enjoy places where everybody survived a helicopter accident, and the community,” says Rountree, which
knows our name. Luckily, for helicop- the friends and family who have lost includes helping members get their
ter pilots, there are dozens of clubs a loved one in a helicopter accident, aircraft evaluated by experts in the
and associations where you can share deal with pain, grief, and anxiety. field. “We’ll have experts come down
your interests with other like-minded The flagship group for helicopter and look at your ride, or you can bring
pilots and which cater to almost every pilots is the Helicopter Association it to the chapter and we’ll have them
niche in the helicopter community. International (HAI). This Virgin- check it out and tell you how to fix it.”
Are you a veteran? Active duty mil- ia-based group is well known for FAA inspectors or Designated
itary? Think about joining the Viet- its annual Heli-Expo, the country’s Airworthiness Representatives must
nam Helicopter Pilots Association, the largest helicopter conference, but the approve these homebuilts before they
Combat Helicopter Pilots Association, group also sponsors smaller forums can be flown.
the Ancient Order of the Pterodactyl and training sessions. HAI has about 3,000 members,
(Coast Guard Aviation Association), Most of these organizations wel- but that number is a bit misleading.
the Naval Helicopter Association, or come new members. Some members are part of a corporate
the U.S. Air Force Helicopter Pilot “We’re always looking for people membership which could include
Association. who want to help us keep the passion thousands of people, says Dan Sweet,
Would you prefer a group close to going for vertical flight,” said Joni HAI director of public relations and
home? Try the New England Helicop- Schultz, Whirly-Girls board member communications.
ter Council, the Midwest Helicopter and past president. When the group Savor the joys and challenges of
Association, or the Eastern Region was founded in 1955 by Jean Ross working with and piloting helicopters
Helicopter Council. Howard Phelan, Phelan could find with one — or a few — of the commu-
How about a group that caters to only a dozen female-rated helicopter nities of folks who share your interests
your job? The National Agricultural pilots worldwide to join the organiza- and passion, and you can enjoy get-
Aviation Association, the Professional tion. According to Schultz, the group ting together where everybody knows
your name.

THERE ARE DOZENS OF CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS THAT CATER Gene Trainor is a communications specialist in Fort
Worth, Texas. He previously worked as a technical
TO ALMOST EVERY NICHE IN THE HELICOPTER COMMUNITY. writer for the Rotorcraft Standards Branch.

26 FAA Safety Briefing


We may edit letters for style and/or length.

Due to our publishing schedule, responses
may not appear for several issues. While
we do not print anonymous letters, we will
withhold names or send personal replies
upon request. If you have a concern with
an immediate FAA operational issue,
contact your local Flight Standards Office
or air traffic facility.


more at: adobe.ly/329EZbo.

DON’T2 2toMonths make the

Here’s a handy tip and

some feedback from mem- Very happy that the FAA wrote a piece
bers of our new GA Safety about type clubs, and also included LEFT IN THE
Facebook Group! our @EAA Type Club Coalition’s Starting January 1, 2020, you
Facebook.com/groups/GASafety efforts in the article! Type clubs are must be equipped with ADS-B
important for a safe and vibrant
If you’re not a member, we Out to fly in most controlled
general aviation culture and EAA is
encourage you to join in on the
committed to supporting them!
discussions and post relevant GA
— Kyle By January 1, 2020, you must be
content that makes the National Q: I keep hearing the deadline
Airspace System (NAS) safer. equipped with ADS-B Out to
will be extended. Will the January
Can You Take a Hint? fly 1,in2020
controlled airspace.
be moved?
Pay attention to the subtle comments A: The January 1, 2020 deadline
Get Vital WX Info FAST!
you get from your fellow pilots. Those will not move.aThe
Experience new FAA encour-
level of
comments and suggestions may be a ages owners to equip as soon as
Text the word “METAR” add a situational awareness:
possible to capture the benefits of
space, and then add in all caps polite way of helping you avoid danger- Weather
GADS-B TFRswill be
and to ensure
G they
your four letter airport identifier ous decisions in your own flying. Get Gable to access all available
Traffic G NOTAMsairspace
(for example: METAR KDCA) to more tips here: adobe.ly/2G31CVC. once the mandate becomes effec-
the number 358782. You’ll get the tive in 2020.
current weather conditions at your Holy cow, FAA! Best dang thing I’ve See and be seen.
chosen airport. For private-use read in ages. It’s a shame we can’t Q: What will#ADSB
happen if I wait
airports, text METAR and the retroactively taser basic humility, until after the deadline to equip?
two-letter, two-number identifier coachability, and airmanship into A: The ADS-B OutINFO
allows a
(e.g., METAR GE99), and for pub- those who’ll run from this article like faa.gov/go/equipadsb
mechanism for pilots/operators
lic-use landing facilities, text the a kid avoiding vegetables. Thanks for without ADS-B Out equipment
one-letter, two-number identifier a great one; widely circulating this installed to request ATC authori-
(e.g., METAR W94). For more one already; provocative, timely, and zation to deviate from the rule to
information, visit bit.ly/2kHOrlx. very appreciated. access ADS-B Out rule airspace.

— David — Roland The FAA published a policy in

2019 with guidance on how con-
trollers will handle these aircraft
What’s Your Type Club?
Let us hear from you! Send your com- (see bit.ly/2zcFNiF). The policy
ments, suggestions, and questions to is clear that unequipped aircraft
A type club offers an excellent way of
SafetyBriefing@faa.gov. You can also cannot expect uninterrupted
leveraging other people’s experience and access to ADS-B airspace.
reach us on Twitter @FAASafetyBrief or
expertise to improve your own. Learn
on Facebook facebook.com/FAA.

November / December 2019 27


I’ve always loved behind-the-scenes

stories. That means I almost always AS A GA PILOT, I AM GRATEFUL FOR THE WAY THAT SO MANY
buy the “special features” version
Hailey’s 1960s classics Hotel and (of
course) Airport. These days, I relish ON-BOARD CREW.
hearing the stories that my signifi-
cant other, a part 121 airline captain,
dishes out from his workday in the of this writing. Even if you weren’t yet Both United 232 and Cactus 1549
pointy end of the airliner. There are on the planet in July 1989, you have are a long way from the earliest days
never names — I wouldn’t remember undoubtedly heard the story — and of aviation, when daredevils and lone
them anyway — but he has a knack perhaps seen some of the YouTube eagle flights were celebrated, and air-
for painting vividly colorful word videos and animated recreations — line SOP was the gear-up-and-shut-up
portraits of the astonishing range of of United 232’s fiery arrival in Sioux crew culture of the so-called “skygod”
humanity he encounters in airports City after a catastrophic engine failure era. As a frequent airline passenger, I
and airplanes. I regard it as more left the DC-10 with no hydraulics. am extremely grateful to benefit from
evidence of what I call the “ubiquity of It might have been the first time the development of better and safer
uniquity,” an alliterative restatement many people heard of Crew Resource practices. As a GA pilot, I am also
of Star Trek science officer Spock’s Management (CRM), which by then extremely grateful for the way that
Vulcan IDIC philosophy. had been airline SOP for less than so many of these practices have been
a decade. I was privileged to hear adapted for, and adopted by, pilots
The Not-So-Secret Sauce Captain Haynes give his behind-the- who fly in less capable airplanes and
But just like the super-diverse Star scenes perspective on two occasions, without the help of an on-board crew.
Trek crews, the airline crewmembers and he never failed to talk about the As we have explored in this issue,
I hear about combine their strengths vital role that effective CRM played in there is infinite diversity in infinite
and their unique characteristics to saving many lives that day. It wasn’t combinations of pilots, airplanes,
form a single, smooth-operating team. just the flight deck crew, augmented environmental conditions, and crews.
That doesn’t happen by accident or by by an off-duty United check airman But may we all resolve always to come
magic. A well-known team-develop- who offered assistance. It was also the together on the team for safety.
ment sequence describes the progres- way the cabin crew, air traffic con-
sion from “forming” to “storming,” trollers, and well-trained airport first Susan Parson (susan.parson@faa.gov) is editor of
“norming,” and (finally) “performing.” responders worked smoothly together FAA Safety Briefing and a Special Assistant in the
Flight crews skip the “storming” part to minimize loss of life in FAA’s Flight Standards Service. She is a general
aviation pilot and flight instructor.
entirely. Carefully developed Standard a seemingly impossible
Operating Procedures, or SOPs, are situation.
the not-so-secret sauce, the norms The more recent story of
that enable total strangers to meet at Cactus 1549 — aka “Miracle
the airport, form themselves into a on the Hudson” — is yet another
crew, and use the norms to perform famous example of CRM in
smoothly from the get-go. action. As with United 232, the
The recent passing of Captain Al Cactus 1549 team included
Haynes has put those SOPs, which not just the now-famous
broadly include some of the resource flight deck crew, but also
management topics we’ve explored in flight attendants, ATC,
this issue, back in the news at the time and first responders.

28 FAA Safety Briefing


Aviation Accident and Incident Analyst, Accident Investigation Division

How does an English and second- in the new position was to refine the
ary education undergrad become crew resource management concept
engulfed in aviation? That would be to be more applicable to air traffic
due to the United States Air Force and controllers. The July 2017 attempted
its so-called “infinite wisdom!” As a taxiway landing by Air Canada Flight
second lieutenant, Sabrina Woods was 759 was one of her most notable
assigned to aircraft maintenance. investigations.
“It turned out to be serendipitous “Each pilot needs to have a better
because I loved it, and I was very good understanding and appreciation of
at my job,” she explains. “I have been their own limitations. My goal is to
hooked on aviation ever since.” help give our flying community the
For 12 years, Sabrina served as tools needed to be able to self-iden-
an Air Force maintenance officer tify when things aren’t at optimum
on mostly fighter aircraft. She also and when they are at an increased
trained as a military aircraft accident risk of committing an error,” explains
investigator. Her first fatal accident Sabrina.
investigation changed her career tra- Sabrina’s position in the Air
jectory from active duty to pursuing a Traffic Organization gave her the
master’s degree in aviation safety and opportunity to work alongside the
human factors from Embry-Riddle Office of Accident Investigation and through investigation, data collection,
Aeronautical University. Prevention’s Accident Investigation risk analysis, and information sharing.
“Watching the response of my peers Division, and that led to her joining “Since the NTSB has no regulatory
upon seeing the final safety board that division as its human factors and authority, our team is responsible for
conclusion of ‘pilot error’ with no safety analyst. During a significant ensuring that anything that needs
other explanations turned me towards accident or incident, Sabrina evaluates to be addressed gets the attention it
human factors,” she notes. “I always the findings and analyzes the data to warrants,” explains Sabrina.
knew there was much more than just develop and implement safety actions. Sabrina also serves as the liaison
‘he or she screwed up’ in each acci- The Accident Investigation Division is between the Accident Investigation
dent or incident, so I decided to learn the principal organization in the FAA Division and other FAA offices on
more on my own about what causes a that investigates aircraft accidents and safety risk assessments, safety issue
person to make a mistake or commit collaborates with the National Trans- identification, proposed safety recom-
an error.” portation Safety Board (NTSB). Their mendation assessments, and accident
Sabrina was exposed to the civilian mission is to make air travel safer data analysis.
world of general aviation when the “I truly believe that if each person
FAA hired her as a technical writer knowns their own limits, why or how
for the FAA Safety Briefing magazine. they exceed beyond those limits, and
She wrote many articles about human SABRINA BELIEVES THE the factors that can lead to accidents
factors for the aviation community. FUTURE OF AVIATION or incidents, then we will slowly start
She believes the future of aviation to bring down the accident rates that
safety involves a better understanding SAFETY INVOLVES A are directly attributable to human
of human behavior and human error, BETTER UNDERSTANDING error,” explains Sabrina.
so when the FAA’s Air Traffic Orga-
nization wanted to address human OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR Paul Cianciolo is an associate editor and the social
factors in this area, Sabrina altered media lead for FAA Safety Briefing. He is a U.S. Air
AND HUMAN ERROR. Force veteran, and a rated aircrew member and
course and officially became a human
volunteer public affairs officer with Civil Air Patrol.
factors scientist. Her primary task

November / December 2019 29
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