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Learning a Partial-Weight-Bearing Skill: Effectiveness of Two Forms of


Article  in  Physical Therapy · October 1996

DOI: 10.1093/ptj/76.9.985 · Source: PubMed


104 182

6 authors, including:

Carolee Winstein Patricia S Pohl

University of Southern California The Sage Colleges


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Learning a Partial-Weight-Bearing
Skill: Effectiveness of Two Forms of
Background and Purpose. Partial weight bearing (PWB) is a skill
commonly taught by physical therapists. This study compared the
effects of practice with either augmented feedback provided during
the task (concurrent feedback) o r augmented feedback provided after
the task (postresponse feedback) for the learning of PWB with
crutches. Subjects. Sixty young adults without known impairment of
the neuromusculoskeletal system volunteered for the study. Methods.
Subjects practiced supporting 30% of body weight while stepping onto
a floor scale. Augmented feedback was provided during each trial for
the concurrent feedback group and either following each trial o r after
every five trials for the postresponse feedback groups. Subjects
returned 2 days later for a no-feedback retention test. Results. During
practice, the concurrent feedback group was more accurate and
consistent than either of the postresponse feedback groups. During
retention, however, the postresponse feedback groups were the most
accurate; all groups were equally consistent during retention. Conclu-
sion and Discussion. These results suggest that practice with concur-
rent feedback is beneficial for the immediate performance but not for
the learning of this sensorimotor skill. [Winstein CJ, Pohl PS, Cardinale
C, et al. Learning a partial-weight-bearing skill: effectiveness of two
forms of feedback. Phys Ther. 1996;76:985-993.1

Key Words: Feedback; Learning Posture, tests and measurements; Psychomotor performance;

CaroleeJ Winstein

Patricia S Pohl
Carrie Cardinale

Andrea Green

Carrie Sauber Waters

Physical Therapy . Volume 76 . Number 9 . September 1996

artial weight bearing (PWB) is a skill that these two forms of feedback is timing; KR is presented
physical therapists often teach. Despite the after the performance of the task, and concurrent feed-
frequency with which physical therapists teach back is presented during the performance of the task.
PWB, little research has focused on what con-
ditions of practice are the most effective for the learning Across a large repertoire of motor skills, recent work has
of this sensorimotor skill, or even, in general, how well focused on the differential performance and learning
this skill can be learned. Attempts to train individuals in effects of practice under conditions of several kinds of
PWB have been relatively unsuccessful when using forms augmented feedback, including KR relative frequency
of concurrent feedback during For example, (proportion of all practice trials for which KR is provid-
retraining of symmetrical weight bearing was ineffective ed), summary KR (KR is given only after a set of trials;
in a group of individuals with hemiparesis using an these trials are termed the "summary length"), KR delay
augmented sensory feedback device that provides an (KR is given after a time delay), concurrent feedback,
auditory tone proportional to the magnitude of weight and presentation trials (movement is made to a physical
bearing during walking3 Despite these findings, concur- block at the target) .7-11 The findings from these studies
rent feedback is still commonly used in clinical practice suggest that practice in conditions with less immediate,
for the training of Pb'B. In contrast to results with less frequent, and less guiding augmented feedback is
concurrent feedback, a recent s t u d p used a form of more detrkmental for immediate performance but more
postresponse augmented feedback (ie, summary knowl- benPfrial for the long-lasting learning of motor skills than
edge of results [KR]) during practice and showed good practice in conditions where augmented feedback is
learning of a PWB skill, with an accuracy at retention of provided with little delay, more often, or with physical
within 7.2% of body weight.

Augmented feedback is one of the most powerful vari- Common to all these augmented feedback strategies that
ables influencing motor learning.5 Two types of aug- promote motor skill learning are opportunities for learn-
mented feedback are relevant to this research: KR and ers to engage in problem solving. This problem solving is
concurrent feedback. Knowledge of results has been not necessarily "cognitive" in nature but emerges as a
defined as verbal (or verbalizable) , postresponse feed- function of the interaction between the motor task
back about the outcome of the movement related to the "problem" and the conditions of practice. Practice con-
g o a l . V n contrast, concurrent feedback is a form of ditions that are less guiding (eg, have less frequent
verbal (or verbalizable) augniented feedback about per- feedback) allow for the development of critical sensori-
formance relative to the goal that is provided during the motor transformations, or the generation of solutions to
movement. Thus, the fundamental difference between

CJ Winstein, PhD, PT, is Assistant Professor, Department of Biokiriesioloby and Physical Therapy, University of Southern California, 1540 E Alcazar
St, CHP 155, Los Angeles, CA 90033 (USA) ( Address all correspondence to Dr Winstein.

PS Pohl, PhD, PT, is Assistant Scientist, Center on Aging, and Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy Education,
The University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS 66160. He was a doctoral candidate and Research Assistant,
Department of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy, University of Southern California, at the time the study was conducted.

C: Cardinale, PT, is Physical Therapist 11, Seton Medical Center, Dayley City, CA 94015

A Green, PT, is Lead Physical Therapist, Oakridge Care Center, Oakland, CA 9460'2.

1. Scholtz, PT, is Staff Physical Therapist. Fortanasce and Associates, Arcadia, CA 91007.

CS Waters, PT, is Senior Physical Therapist, Imperial Valley Therapy Centers, El Centro, CA 92243.

Ms Cardinale, Ms Green, Ms Scholtz, and Ms Waters were students in the entry-level Master of Physical Therapy degree program. Department of
Biokinesiology ant1 Physical Therapy, University of Southern California, at the time the study was conducted.

This study was approved by the Research Review Committee fbr Professional Staff Association, University of' Southern California School of

Preliminary results of this study were presented at the C:ornhined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Thel-apy Association;
Fehrua~y8-12, 1995; Reno, Nev.

1 7 ~ ~artzclr
s wnc rubmzfted Jub 18 1995, and was accepted Apnl 15, 1996

986 . Winstein et a / Physical Therapy . Volume 76 . Number 9 . September 1996

motor problems, and are strongly associated with
learning. Is-'"

The literature suggests that concurrent feedback is a

strong performance variable but a weak learning vari-
able. Few studies have shown the long-term benefits of
practice with concurrent feedback, yet this type of feed-
back seems to be used often by physical therapists for the
training of sensorimotor skills (eg, balance retraining).
Thus, there appears to be a discrepancy between what
the motor learning literature suggests about the optimal
timing of feedback and what is currently used in prac-
tice. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects
of practice with either postresponse or concurrent feed-
back on the learning of PWB. Based on theoretical
predictions, our hypothesis was that practice under
- -TOD Cover

conditions of postrespo~lsefeedback would be more

detrimental for immediate performance but more ben-
eficial for longer-lasting learning than practice under a
H a l f Cylinder
Open \ 1
condition of concurrent feedback.

Figure 1.
(A) Replicated paper scale dial was slipped over the floor scale dial
face. One unit on the paper scale was equivalent to 4.5 kg ( 1 0 Ib). The
Subjects target weight was fixed at 8 units ( 3 6 kg), indicated on the paper dial
Sixty-one volunteers without known impairment of the with a bold marking. The scale needle starting position has been
neuromu:~culoskeletalsystem, between 20 and 40 years adjusted at 2 units for a 90-kg subject in this example. Subjects in the
concurrent feedback condition viewed the replicated paper scale dial
of age, were quasi-randomly assigned to one of three
and scale needle directly. (B) The scale with the metal half cylinder that
feedback practice groups, such that the male-female obstructed the view of the dial from subjects in the two postresponse
ratio was 1:2 for each group. Subjects were assigned feedback conditions. Postresponse feedback was drawn on a replicated
sequentially to each of the three groups until a 1:2 paper scale dial and placed on the top cover in accordance with the
male-female ratio was obtained; thereafter, group assign- feedback condition.
ment was made until each group had at least 18 subjects.
The mean age for all subjects was 26.2 years (SD=3.8),
the mean body weight was 66.2 kg (SD=12.6), and the bers indicating the pounds on the scale were changed,
mean target weight (30% of body weight) was 19.9 kg such that each 4.5-kg (10-lb) increment corresponded to
(SD=3.8). Exclusion criteria were (1) use of axillary 1 unit (Fig. 1A). The marking at 8 units (36 kg) was
crutches within 2 years before the study, (2) a physical or designated the PWB goal for all subjects, with the
sensory impairment limiting the subject's ability to use number "8" highlighted in green along with a thickened
crutches, or (3) body weight of less than 49.5 kg or line at the corresponding hash mark on the paper dial.
greater than 592 kg. This weight restriction was due to This paper dial was placed over the scale dial face but did
limitations in the adjustablility of the scale used in the not interfere with needle movement. For postresponse
study. Most of the subjects were physical therapy stu- feedback conditions, a metal half cylinder with an
dents who had some knowledge of crutch use. Each opaque cover over the top end was secured upright to
subject read the institutionally approved guidelines the scale such that it encircled half of the scale dial
regarding the rights of human subjects in medical (Fig. 1B). This modification obstructed the view of the
experiments and signed an informed consent statement. dial from the subject but not from the experimenter.

Task and Instrumentation Wooden platforms were aligned on either side of the
Subjects practiced supporting 30% of their body weight scale such that when subjects stepped onto the scale with
on their preferred limb on a floor scale with the goal of the preferred limb, the contralateral limb and crutches
being accurate and consistent. The floor scale, with a were level with the top of the scale. The crutches were
readable accuracy of 20.45 kg (the smallest unit of the adjustable, tubular, aluminum axillary crutches with
scale dial to which the needle could be resolved), was hand and axillary cushions. A portable tape player was
modified to control the feedback that subjects could used to provide prerecorded verbal cues, as appropriate,
derive from the scale. The increments on the round for each trial. All subjects wore rubber-soled shoes to
scale dial were replicated on paper; however, the num- provide a standard heel height and to prevent slippage
on the scale.

Physical Therapy . Volume 7 6 . Number 9 . September 1996 Winstein et al . 987

Subjects participated in a practice session, followed
2 days later by a retention test. Subjects were informed at GO HOLD RELAX RETURN
the beginning of the study that a no-feedback retention

1 11 1
test of 20 trials would follow 2 days later. During the
practice session, subjects performed 80 trials (as deter-
mined from previous research", with a 2-minute break Post-
after the first 40 trials. Prior to each day of data collec-
tion, the scale was calibrated with cast iron weights,

which had been weighed against a known standard. The

scale was read to the nearest 0.45 kg (1 Ib).

Acquisition phase. At the start of the first session,

subjects were asked to hop on one leg three times. The
chosen (preferred) leg was designated the PUB limb.
Each subject was weighed, and the subject's target weight
was then calculated. Because 8 units was the PWB goal
I Trial Idle Period

for all subjects, the starting point for the scale needle was
adjusted for each subject (Fig. 1A). The starting point
was calculated by subtracting 30% of the subject's body Figure 2.
weight from the PWB goal of 36 kg (8 units). For Time line of trial and augmented feedback intervals. (A) Intervals for the
postresponse feedback groups (KR-1 and KR-5). (B) Intervals for the
example, a 90-kg subject would have an actual target
concurrent feedback group (CF). Tape-recorded verbal cues illustrated
weight of 27 kg (6 units). Thus, the starting position for for the time line shown in panel A were the same for all three groups.
this subject was set at 9 kg (2 units). When this subject
applied 30% PWB, the scale dial would move from the
starting position of 2 units to the target of 8 units. position that was indicated by floor tape placed 15 cm
from the scale. After the prerecorded "Go" signal, sub-
The height of the crutches was adjusted to allow a jects stepped onto the scale using a two-point step-to gait
two-finger-width space below the axilla as the subject pattern. One set of prerecorded verbal cues was used to
stood erect. Each subject was instructed in a two-point instruct the subjects and to control the timing of the
step-to gait pattern1" and permitted to practice this gait trial, the feedback, and the intertrial intervals across the
pattern for a few steps. Thus, the subject simultaneously three practice conditions (Fig. 2).
advanced both crutches and the PUB limb, and then
advanced the contralateral limb to the line of the After stepping onto the scale, subjects in the CF group
crutches and PWB limb. Subjects were allowed a few were told to view the scale dial and to adjust their weight
practice trials on the scale prior to data collection. An so that the red scale needle was aligned with the "8" on
experimenter (the same person for all subjects) then the modified dial. Subjects in the two postresponse
demonstrated three trials of the task with the pre- feedback groups (KR-1, KR-5) were told to look down at
recorded commands and explained the procedures for the opaque cover over the top end of the metal cylinder
feedback, depending on the group assignment. Suhject5 covering the scale dial during each trial. A "Hold"
were told that the goal was to place a proportion of their comniand was given 7 seconds after the "Go" command.
body weight through their lower extremity to reach During this 4second interval, subjects were told to
8 units on the scale. The goal of 30% of body weight was maintain the assumed weight bearing and the scale
not mentioned to control for individual differences in setting was recorded. Following this interval, a "Relax"
weight-bearing perception." command was given and feedback was provided (post-
response feedback groups only). The experimenter
There were three practice groups: concurrent feedback placed the replicated paper dial indicating the subjects'
(CF), summary-1-KR (KR-1), and summary-5-KR (KR-5). response on the top end of the metal cylinder. The
During practice, subjects in the KR-1 group received KR subjects' performance (ie, load) on the trial(s) was
after every trial about the previous trial, those in the represented by a red line(s) referenced to the green
KR-5 group received KR after every fifth trial regarding PWB goal. This was designed to inform the subjects
the previous five trials, and those in the CF group about the level of weight bearing they achieved. Thus, I'
received concurrent feedback during every trial. subjects in the KR-1 group saw one red line on the
replicated scale dial after each trial. Subjects in the KR-5
Each trial was 7 seconds in duration and began with the group saw five red lines after every fifth trial, each
subject standing in front of the scale at a starting labeled with a corresponding trial number (1-5), on the
replicated scale dial. After the 5second "Relax" interval,

988 . Winstein et a1 Physical Therapy. Volume 7 6 . Number 9 . September 1996 '
Characteristics of Subiects [N=60)

KR-1 Group" (n=21) KR-5 Groupb (n=20) CF Groupc(n= 19)

Variable X SD Range X SD Range X SD Range

Age (Y) 26.5 4.2 23-39 26.0 4.1 23-40 26.1 3.1 22-23
Weight (kg) 63.7 11.2 49.5-83.3 67.5 14.0 49.5-1 02.2 67.7 12.7 52.2-102.2
Target (kg) 19.1 3.4 14.9-25.2 20.3 4.1 14.9-30.6 20.3 3.8 15.8-30.6
" KR-1 group rrreived postresponse ferdback after evety trial.
" KR-5 group received post)-rsponse feedhick after ever). fifth trial
' CF group I-eceivedconcurl-ent fcedback during every trial.

a "Return" command cued subjects to return to the tude of error without regard to the direction of error (ie,
starting position (Fig. 2). undershooting or overshooting the target). It was calcu-
lated using equation 1, where R is the scale reading, B is
The intertrial interval was 14 seconds, except after every the initial scale setting (36 kg - 30% of body weight), W
fifth trial, when it was 19 seconds. This longer intertrial is the weight applied, and T is 30% of body weight:
interval provided subjects in the KR-5 group with a
10-second KR interval to view feedback regarding their
five preceding trials. The subjects in the KR-1 group
were allowed to view the feedback from the preceding
trial during these longer intertrial intervals, and subjects
in the CF group remained idle. A trial was invalid if the
subject misstepped by not stepping squarely on the scale
or stepped off the scale before a reading could be made Normalized variable error (NVE), a measure of consis-
by the investigator. Invalid trials were repeated immedi- tency, represents the within-subject variability about the
ately. Tht: duration of the acquisition phase was approx- subject's mean for a block of 10 trials. It was calculated
imately 30 minutes per participant. using equation 2,- where n is the number of trials in a
block (10) and NAE is the normalized absolute error
Retention phase. Subjects returned 2 days later for a block mean score:
20-trial, no-feedback retention test. The procedure was
reviewed to reorient the subjects to the task, and subjects (2) [SQRT NAE - m)'h]
X 100 = NVE%
were allowed to practice stepping up and down off the
scale three times with the scale dial covered by the metal Separate two-factor mixed-model analyses of variance,
cylinder and opaque cover. Subjects were asked to with group as the between-subject factor and trial block
accurately and consistently reproduce the PWB goal they as the within-subject factor (repeated measures), were
had pract.iced 2 days earlier. All subjects were required to performed for NAE and NVE using BMDP statistical
look down at the scale during each trial; however, the software.lg A Greenhouse-Geisser adjusted F was used
scale dial remained covered (Fig. 1B). for the repeated-measures factor. Post hoclinear contrasts
using a Bonferroni correction were performed to deter-
Data Analysis mine the locus of any significant effects. Significance was
Performances were grouped into blocks of 10 trials. set at P<.05.
Normalization of dependent measures was necessary for
comparison between subjects because each subject had a Results
different target (30% of body weight) . Performance Sixty-one volunteers participated in the acquisition
during the acquisition phase (blocks 1-8) and the phase. One subject, however, was unable to participate
retention phase (blocks 9 and 10) was analyzed sepa- in the retention phase due to a lower-extremity injury
rately, with normalized absolute error ( N M ) and nor- that was incurred the day after the practice session.
malized variable error (NVE) as dependent measures. In Thus, the results are reported on a total of 60 subjects
addition, performance at the end of the acquisition (Table). Forty-two subjects used their right lower
phase (block 8) and performance during the retention extremity and 18 subjects used their left lower extremity
phase (blocks 9 and 10) were included in a single as the PWB limb. Only 11 invalid trials (less than 1%)
analysis. Normalized absolute error, a measure of accu-
racy, is he absolute difference between the applied
weight and the target weight, expressed as a percentage * BMDP Statistical Software Inc, 1440 Sepulveda Blvd, Suite 316, 1.0s Angeles. CA
of the target weight. Thus, NAE represents the magni- 90025.

Physical Therapy . Volume 76 . Number 9 . September 1996 Winstein et al . 989

-*- KR-1 15 -
-0- KR-1

20 -
-a- KR-5
10 - a -.-
-A- KR-5



-,-~.,.,.' \
/,. A
Z 5 8 , -0

k4=,-aqZ=, 4-X

4 -

-.-..-. - 4 . .
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8
9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10-trial blocks)
Acquisition Retention
(1 0-trial blocks) Figure 4.
Group block means for normalized variable error (NVE %target) for the
acquisition phase (blocks 1-8) and the retention phase (blocks 9
Figure 3.
Group block means for normalized absolute error (NAE % target) for the and 10).
acquisition phase (blocks 1-8) and the retention phase (blocks 9
and 101.
group was 1.2%. This difference in variability between ,
groups was significant (F=83.18; df =2,57; Pc.0001).
were repeated out of the total of 6,000 trials recorded
during the acquisition and retention phases. The consistent performance of the subjects in the CF
group over practice contrasted with the marked
Acquisition Phase improvements in consistency in the postresponse feed-
back groups (Fc4.61; df = 14,399; Pc.001). Post hoc anal-
Accuracy (NAEJ. Figure 3 illustrates the mean NAE by yses within each group across blocks did not reveal a
block for each group. Across all groups, error scores locus for this interaction.
decreased from 9.8% in block 1 to 4.4% in block 8. This
change in performance resulted in a significant improve- Retention Phase
ment across blocks (1;=31.92; df=7,399; Pc.0001). Overall, subjects performed less accurately over the two
blocks of retention (right side, Fig. 3 ) . This decreased
Over blocks, there were differences in performance performance accuracy across blocks for NAE was signif-
between groups (F=69.25; df =2,57; Pc.0001). Subjects icant (F=5.85; df=1,57; Pc.02). Subjects in the CF
in the CF group had a mean NAE of 1.4%. Subjects in group had the largest NAE, with a mean across the two
the postresponse feedback groups performed less accu- blocks of 11.3%, as compared with means of 7.9% and
rately, with means of 6.4% and 8.2% for the KR-1 and 7.5% for subjects in the KR-1 and KR-5 groups, respec-
KR-5 groups, respectively. In addition, the performance tively. This difference between groups was significant
of the three groups was different across blocks for NAE (F=3.42; df =2,57;Pc.04). Post hocgroup mean contrasts
(F=9.68;df=14,399; P<.0001). Post hocanalyses revealed for NAE, collapsed across the two retention blocks,
that subjects in the CF and KR-1 groups showed no between the CF group mean and the mean from the two
further improvement in performance accuracy after KR groups, which were not different from each other,
block 1. In contrast, subjects in the KR-5 group contin- revealed that the CF group performed with the largest
ued to show improvement after the first block (F=3.99; error (F=6.88; df = 1,58; Pc.02).
(lf=6,114; Pc.006).
For mean NAE, there were differences between groups
Consistency (NVE). With practice, subjects in all groups across blocks (F=3.74; df=2,57; Pc.03). Performance
became more consistent in their performance. Across accuracy for subjects in the KR-1 group remained rela- ,
groups, the NVE decreased from 7.3% in block 1 to 3.2% tively stable over the two retention blocks, however, 1
in block 8 (Fig. 4). This improvement in consistency over performance accuracy for subjects in the other groups
practice was significant (F=32.83; df =7,399; Pc.0001). declined slightly. Post hoc contrasts within each group
In addition, there were differences in variability across across blocks did not reveal a locus for this interaction.
practice blocks between groups. Subjects in the KR-1 and
KR-5 groups had an average NVE of 5.0% and 5.3%, In the retention phase, all groups demonstrated a simi-
respectively. The average NVE for subjects in the CF lar level of response consistency (NVE), with an average

990 . Winstein et al .
Physical Therapy Volume 76 . Number 9 . September 1996
of 4.6% (right side, Fig. 4). Analysis revealed no tency of performance when it is available but that this
differences. type of feedback is a poor learning variable in that
performance accuracy does not persist when it is not
Lost Acquisition -Retention available. In contrast, the results suggest that post-
A comparison across groups from the end of the acqui- response feedback is a more effective learning variable
sition phase, where augmented feedback was available for the training of this PWB skill. The acquisition-
(block 8 ) , through the retention phase, where aug- retention design commonly used in motor learning
mented feedback was not available, showed an overall research provides an inherent test of reliability. In
deterioration in performance. This deterioration across addition, repeated measures over the acquisition phase
blocks was statistically significant (F=36.40; df =2,114; provide a further test of reliabilit).. Because performance
P<.OOOl). measures plateaued for all groups over practice, we
believe that test-retest reliability can be assumed.
Although all groups performed less accurately in the
retention phase compared with the acquisition phase, The detrimental learning effects of practice with concur-
the magnitude of deterioration depended on the prac- rent feedback are consistent with the findings of previ-
tice condition (Fig. 3 ) . The accuracy of performance of ous studies of PWB tasks and other motor skill^.'^^^^,^^
subjects in the postresponse feedback groups declined Warren and Lehmann2 used concurrent feedback train-
approxinlately 1.8% from the last block of acquisition to ing methods over 100 practice trials of a PWB task and
retention. In contrast, the accuracy of performance of reported errors with magnitudes greater than 50% of the
subjects in the CF group declined nearly 11.3%. This target loads during retention tests. These findings and
difference between groups across blocks was statistically those of Bohannon and colleaguesL7suggest that PWB
significant for NAE (1;=12.84; df =4,114; P<.0001). skills cannot be learned with any degree of accuracy.
Indeed, within-group post hoc contrasts revealed a dif- Subjects in the postresponse feedback groups in our
ference across blocks for only the CF group (F=50.13; study, however, demonstrated a minimum error in the
df=1,18; P<.OOOl). retention test of 17% of the 30% of body weight goal, or
about 5% of body weight. Thus, PWB can be learned
Overall, across blocks from the end of acquisition with a reasonable degree of accuracy when practice
through retention, the subjects' performance becarne conditions that promote learning are used.
more variable as evidenced by NVE (F=17.89; df =2,114;
1'<.0001). More importantly, there was a difference Conditions of practice promote certain information-
between groups across blocks (F=10.47; df=4,114; processing operations, including storage, retrieval, and
P<.0001). Similar to the results for accuracy, there was a recall. For motor learning, these operations may not be
marked decrease in response consistency by subjects in conscious or declarative in nature, but instead are
the CF group (F=124.42; df=1,18; P<.0001). In con- implicit and procedural in nature.Z0 Recent theories in
trast, subjects in the two postresponse KR groups per- motor learning and memoly in general suggest that the
formed with a similar level of response consistency at the "...act of retrieval is itself a potent learning e ~ e n t . " ' ~ ( ~ ~ ~ )
end of a~cquisitionand retention (Fig. 4 ) . Thus, conditions of practice that promote the active
retrieval of an action plan should be more beneficial for
Discussion learning than conditions of practice where the pi-escrip-
This study provided a direct comparison between the tion for the action is provided. For example, in condi-
effectivei~essof concurrent feedback and postresponse tions where feedback is immediate (eg, concurrent), the
feedback. on the learning of PWB in young adults feedback can be used as a direct guide to the solution to
without known neuromusculoskeletal impairment. The the motor problem. In contrast, in conditions where
results demonstrated that for learning this skill, post- feedback is not immediate (eg, postresponse), the feed-
response feedback was more effective than concurrent back does not provide a direct solution to the motor
feedback.. Although the subjects in the CF group per- problem and thus the learner must engage in active
formed more accurately and consistently during practice retrieval to solve the problem.
compared with the subjects in the postresponse feed-
back groups, subjects in the CF group performed less One subject in the CF group was able to overcome the
accurately than the subjects in the other two groups detrimental effects on learning of concurrent feedback.
when they had to reproduce the PWB task 2 days later in During practice, the accuracy scores of this individual
the no-feedback retention test. There were no group were similar to the CF group mean. In the retention
differences, however, in performance consistency in phase, however, there was little change in the accuracy of
retention. Thus, the results of this study demonstrate this subject's response. Postexperiment debriefing
that corkcurrent feedback is a powerful performance revealed that this participant utilized a unique strategy
variable in that it promotes both accuracy and consis- during the last 40 trials of practice. During the "Relax"

Physical Therapy . Volume 76 . Number 9 . September 1996 Winstein et al . 991

interval, this individual concentrated o n the feeling that with younger adults and age-matched control subjects,
was associated with the target weight. Thus, self-directed respectively. Differences were revealed in the absolute
strategies could be used to facilitate motor learning even magnitude of best performance but not in the rate of
when concurrent feedback is used during practice. improvement. Thus, we would predict that if this study
were conducted with older individuals or individuals
Other researchXz1 suggests that practice with concurrent with impairment, the same pattern of results would
feedback juxtaposed with a period of no feedback may emerge but the magnitude of error would be greater.
be effective for motor learning where a simple recalibra-
tion is needed. Students in a physical therapy program Conclusion
practiced a vertebral joint mobilization skill without The results of this study showed that practice conditions
feedback for three 30-second bouts. After the first prac- with postresponse feedback were more effective for
tice session, concurrent feedback was provided, using an learning a PWB skill, as measured by a 2-day retention
oscilloscope that displayed force production relative to a test, than was a practice condition with concurrent
target force for one 45second bout. Subjects showed feedback. Further, provided with conditions of practice
improved accuracy in producing the target force o n a that facilitated active problem solving, young adults
1-week retention test." Similarly, Wannstedt and Her- without known neuromusculoskeletal impairment were
man3 observed symmetrical weight bearing 1 month able to learn this static PWB skill quite well (ie, accuracy
after a short training period in a group of patients with to within 5% of body weight). These results are consis-
hemiparesis using the augmented sensory feedback tent with a more general hypothesis that conditions of
device described earlier. Interestingly, like the students practice (eg, concurrent feedback) that provide a direct
in the joint mobilization all successf~llsubjects in prescription for action may be beneficial for immediate
Wannstedt and Herman's study3 corrected limb loading performance but detrimental for long-term learning. In
almost immediately in the first session using the aug- contrast, conditions of practice (eg, postresponse feed-
mented sensory feedback device. Thus, practice condi- back) that promote active problem solving such as the
tions that provide some guidance (eg, concurrent feed- development of specific sensorimotor transformations
back),juxtaposed with opportunities for active problem may be relatively detrimental for immediate perfor-
solving (eg, no-feedback bouts), can be beneficial for mance but beneficial for longer-lasting motor learning.
motor learning when a simple sensorimotor calibration
is required.I0 References
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