Pravara Rural Education College of Architecture, Nashik

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Nasik is a well-known city in the state of Maharashtra .Over the past decades Nasik has developed
manifold in terms of infrastructure. The rate at which the land is been occupied is quite alarming .The
development has started leading to the diminishing social values, economical aspect of certain regions
in the city itself. The places/landmarks once that were most celebrate are now in a state of an absolute.

In my thesis I would like to make an effort to rejuvenate the old celebrated talkies in Nasik. The
adaptive reuse of the existing building would help is bringing the old essence of Nasik and and also
uplifting the social as well as economical aspect of that neighbourhood.

Keywords: adaptive reuse, socio-economical aspect, rejuvenate.

Old buildings or places have their own unique essence in their respective neighborhood even though
serve the same purpose. It is really important to let the essence linger in the people mind even though
the purpose it was meant to serve has changed.

Adaptive reuse of such abandoned buildings is thus becoming a vital part in the development of the city
before it comes to a saturation point. The reuse of existing buildings into a typology that surfaces the
present need is much more important as it helps in uplifting the social, economic aspect as well as
environmental aspect of that neighborhood as well as rejuvenates the old essence of that building with
the modern expectation being full filled.

The talkies were once a communal spaces for interaction and enjoyment for the people. But with
increase in theatre and other platforms for interaction have led to the diminish the significance of these


To rejuvenate the existing scenario of the talkies in Nasik by adapting the existing structure into a useful
typology based on the present need of the neighborhood and thus increasing the life of the structure.


 To understand the need for adaptive reuse in architectural filed.

 To understand the parameter and analyses the constraints in adaptive reuse of a building.
 To understand it impact on the neighborhood after the adaptation


The need of the study is important because the talkies were major landmarks in Nasik. But the landmark
have lost their significance but not demolished because of the value they have in the past. An s the
heritage monumental site are conserved, restored or refused to let people know the past history. These
concept of talkies is spreader across INDIA and were major landmarks so for the future generation these
will serve as a past history of the city and hence the need to bring them to life is important and also
have some common threads for people to connect and have some sense of belonging with different

This research will focus on talkies in Nasik that have gone absolute in serving the purpose and adapting
it into a typology that will meet the present need of the neighborhood .

The typology to be adapted is very specific to the neighborhood and the condition of the existing
structure plays a vital role in analyzing the impact and constraints while execution and feasibility and
viability of the structure.


The research paper put forward a tool “Adaptive Reuse Model” that proposes a theory based on which
the potential of the building to be adapted in an efficient manner at any point of time in its life cycle
.The model proposed seven categories/ parameters put forward to analyses the potential of the building
are physical ,economic ,functional ,technological ,social ,legal and political aspect. The model helps in
predicting the time period after which the building will become an absolute in serving its purpose in its
life span and calculate the time where intervention will play a role for increasing the life span of the
building .But to put forward the correct prediction the assessment of the structure should be carried out
and analyzed properly in the given parameters.


The paper focuses on the sustainability aspect of the building i.e. social-environmental sustainability,
environmental-economic sustainability, economic-social sustainability. Any abandoned or historic
building that has to be adapted into a new function depends on various aspects where execution comes
into scenario .The adaptability has to be dealt at various level i.e. At government level, legal level,
cultural level, environmental level and many more. The foremost factor to look upon is the economic
and environmental factors as if the structure ids not self-sustaining in nature even after adaptation the
life cycle new structure will also be less and will not be viable in nature .So to adapt an absolute
structure into a new sustainable design that will meet the future need it must utilize the energy and
materials efficiently as the old building are more bound to green building then the building build in
future that will comply to green building code.

The paper focuses on the adaptive nature of the building that can be adapted into new function i.e.
change the function of the building it was meant for. Ream Koolhaas states that it is very important to
relatively adapt the existing building into new function because in near future where land scarcity will
occur the need to use the existing building into new typology or function will become priority rather
than demolishing it and constructing new building. The paper through various case studies put forward
the tactics and strategy that cab be classified on the methodology to adapt for adaptation. The tactics to
adapt are as follows intervention ,installation ,insertion which is very case specific and cannot be
specified .The analysis should d be formulated well and precisely to make execution worthwhile.


The paper focuses on the adaptive reuse on he adaptive reuse of the interior of the building and striving
to in corporate the outer fabric of the building to achieve it’s essence o merge with it’s old essence . the
paper puts forward the theory through various examples. Firstly, it put forward the example of the
150 year old house is adapted into a confectionery outlet and yet holds an essence of it’s
neighbourhood of being in a residential area .The other case study is of an auditorium converted into a
theatre which has been blended well with it surrounding . the third case study is of a church converted
into a bookstore . Though the typology that underwent changes in terms of functioning and adopted
into various other typology. the objective put forward in the paper came across very saliently that it is
possible to adapt any building typology into any form without hampering its essence with strategic
approach and skillful planning and execution to rejuvenate the place with proper functioning of the
adopted typology and even as designers we can strive to hold on the old essence of the place .


The paper focuses on the feasibility and the decision making criteria that comes into action when a
building has to be adapted into a new typology for varied reasons . on groung level any project ha sto be
feasible in all aspects such as economical, enviormental and maintainanace aspect.the various parties
involved in excecution of a project has some parameters set for themselves to estimate or get an idea
whether the project will reincure the capital cost that has gone into it. So it is very important to give an
idea on how a project is going to effect the people involved as well as keeping in mind he socio-
economical aspect of the surrounding

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