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Catmon Integrated School

Hernandez Street, Catmon, Malabon City

Second Quarter (Physics)
Module 2: Electromagnetic Spectrum ACTIVITY PAPER
Activity 1: The Electromagnetic Wave Theory

Name: _______________________________________________ Date: _________________________________

Grade and Section: _____________________________________ Teacher: _____________________________

(Adapted from APEX Physics LP Chapter 3 Lesson 3: Student Activity 3a: The Electromagnetic Theory)

 Match the scientists with their contributions to the development of the electromagnetic theory.
 Make comic strips of the scientists’ contributions.

 1 white cartolina
 1 marker pen
 1 pencil with eraser
 coloring materials (optional)

I. Match the scientists given below with their contributions.

Scientists Contributions
_________ 1. Andre-Marie Ampere A. Contributed in developing equations that showed the relationship of
electricity and magnetism.
_________ 2. Michael Faraday
B. Showed experimental evidence of electromagnetic waves and their link
to light.
_________ 3. Heinrich Hertz
C. Demonstrated the magnetic effect based on the direction of current.
_________ 4. James Clerk Maxwell
D. Formulated the principle behind electromagnetic induction.
_________ 5. Hans Christian Oersted E. Showed how a current carrying wire behaves like a magnet.

II. Using the information you gathered, make a concept web/ comic strips of the contributions of the following scientists.
1. Andre-Marie Ampere ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. Michael Faraday ______________________________________________________________________________________
3. Heinrich Hertz ________________________________________________________________________________________
4. James Clerk Maxwell ___________________________________________________________________________________
5. Hans Christian Oersted _________________________________________________________________________________

Q1. What new insights/learning did you get about our natural world? How did it change your view about light?

Overall Remarks: Grade:


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