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Lacto-ovo (or ovo-lacto), from the Latin words for milk and egg, is the most common type of
vegetarian. As the name suggests, people who follow this diet eat dairy products and eggs but
avoid meat, poultry and seafood.

Lacto vegetarians eat dairy products but no eggs, meat, poultry or seafood.

Ovo vegetarians eat eggs but no dairy products, meat, poultry or seafood.

Pesco vegetarians, or pescatarians, don’t technically meet the common definition of vegetarian.
People who follow this semi-vegetarian diet eat fish and other seafood but no poultry or meat.

Vegetarian Society Approved vegetarian and vegan trademarks are easily-

recognised symbols that reassure consumers. The Vegetarian Society
independently checks all ingredients, so whenever you see the trademarks
displayed on products, you can be sure they are 100% vegetarian or 100% vegan.
Milk, eggs, fish Should be highlighted on the ingredients list (allergen)
Alcoholic Fined using
drinks (beers, Isinglass: obtained from dried swim bladders of fish
wines, cider) Gelatin: from boiling animal tissues
Softdrinks Gelatine (stabilizer for orange-beta- carotene color)d
Vit. D3- also called cholecalciferol (sheep wool: lanolin)
Bread Mono/ diglycerides of fatty acids (or e471 and e472 or emulsifiers) even texture
and prolong shelf life
Cereals Vitamin D3 (lanolin) Some are vegetarian but never vegan
Caviar Fish egg
Vegetarian option is caviar pearls using seaweed extract
Cheese May be produced using rennet (animal derived enzyme)
Vegetarian suitable are made using microbial rennet
Chips Animal fat may be used to cook chips. May use sunflower or vegetable oil.
Chocolate Whey powder (may be derived from animal rennet).
Emulsifiers (for better oil combination with fats and water-stabilizer)- made by
glycerol (e4220) maybe animal/ vegetable fats
Crisps Whey powder (rennet)
Eggs Should be organic eggs (not battery eggs/ barn eggs)
Figs Should be pollinated by wasps and self- pollinating
Gelatine Should be derived from algae
Gravy Should be vegetarian and not from animal fat and oil
Honey Not for vegans
Ice Cream Should be non-dairy fats
Jelly Vegetarian only
margarines Should be from vegetable oils (corn, cottonseed, safflower, soy and sunflower).
Those with omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids are not for vegan.
Royal Icing Not for vegan (egg whites)
Suets Should be vegetable shortening
Sweets Gummy and jelly sweets should be from algae
Carmine E120 (red color) from cactus insect
Worcester With anchovies, should be vegetarian version
Yogurt May contain gelatine
Albumen/ Egg whites (not free range, issue for vegetarians)
Aspic Jelly made from meat or fish juices (mould for cold meats or vegetables)
Ambergris Sperm whale vomit
Bonemeal Crushed or ground animal bone
Bone char Bone ash
Lanolin Sheep oil gland
Lecithin E322 (fatty substance in animal and vegetable foodstuff)
Occurs in eggs, milk and marine sources (emulsifier in low-fat spreads),
L-Cysteine E920 (amino acid) dough conditioner and strengthener
Oleic Acid Fatty acid from vegetable or animal fats
Stearic Acid E570 (natural fat from cows, sheep and pigs) Found in chewing gum
Taurine Amino acid, energy drink
Vitamin D3 From lanolin
Whey Powder Byproduct of cheese making. Should be from microbial rennet during
processing and not animal rennet (margarines, biscuits, crisps, breads and ice
Alternative- soyben

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