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Welcome to the tour.

Instructions for screen readers: In just 10 steps, you'll be up and running with Excel, the world's most popular spreadsheet app.
There are 11 more sheets in this tour. The instructions for each sheet start in cell A1, and each subsequent step is in cell A2, A3, and so on.
The instructions will indicate which cells to navigate to for use of a feature, or further reading.
To start, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

In just 10 steps, you'll be up and running with
Excel, the world's most popular spreadsheet app.

Let's go >
Add numbers like a champ
Add numbers like a champ
Here are some ways to add up numbers in Excel:
Cells C3 through
Here are D7some
contain datatowith
ways addtwo
numbersOne for Fruit, and one for Amount.
in Excel:
Go to D8 by pressing CTRL+G, type D8, and then press ENTER.
Type =SUM(D4:D7), then press ENTER.
The result is 170.
Here's another way to add, using a shortcut key. Cells F3 through G7 contain data with two columns: Meat and Amoun
Go to cell G8.2Press ALT+=, then press ENTER.
The result in cell G8 is 140.
Here's another way to add. Cells C10 through D15 have two columns of data: Item and Amount.
Now add only the numbers over 50. Go to cell D16. Type =SUMIF(D11:D15 comma ">50"), then press Enter. The result
EXTRA CREDIT: Cells F10 through G15 contain data with two columns: Item and Amount. Go to cell G16. Try adding ano
Dive down for4 more detail: Go to A27. Or, to proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Dive down for more detail

More about the SUM function

More about the SUM function

In some of the above tips, we taught you how to use the SUM function. Here are more details about it.
Cells C37 through D41 contain data with two columns: Fruit and Amount.
The formula in cell D42: =SUM(D38:D41).
If the SUMInfunction
some ofinthecellabove tips,talk,
D42 could we ittaught
wouldyou howSum
say this: to use
up the SUM function.
the values Here
in cells D38, areD40,
D39, moreand D41.
Here's another about
used: a yellow cell on the right, and then read along with the
Cells C47 text below.
through D48 contain data with two columns: Item and Amount.
Cells F47 through G51 contain data with two columns: Item and Amount.
If the SUM
Cells E53 through E54function could
contain data withtalk,
would say this:
The formula in cell E54: =SUM(D48 comma G48:G51 comma 100).
If the formula inup
E54 could talk, it would say: Sum the following: the value in cell D48, the values in cells G48, G4
The formula in cell E54 uses the following:
• A single cell reference, which is the "address" or "name" of a cell. D48 is the single cell reference in the formula abov
• A range of cells, which is a series of cells starting at one cell and ending at another. G48:G51 is the range of cells in t
• A constant, which is the number 100.
IMPORTANT DETAIL: Go to cell E54. You'll notice the 100 toward the end of the formula. Although it's possible to put numbers
Go to cell A66 for the next instruction.

Here's another way it can be used:

Sum the

The formula above uses the following:

• A single cell reference, which is the "address" or "name" of a cell. D48 is the single
cell reference in the formula above.
• A range of cells, which is a series of cells starting at one cell and ending at another.
G48:G51 is the range of cells in the formula.
• A constant. The constant in this formula is the number 100.

More about the SUMIF function

More about the SUMIF function

We also showed you the SUMIF function at the top of this sheet in cells A10 and A11. The SUMIF function sums up totals base
Cells C72 through D77 contain data with two columns: Item and Amount.
The formula in cell D78: =SUMIF(D73:D77 comma ">50").
If the SUMIF also showed
could you
talk, the SUMIF
it would sayfunction
this: Sumatupthe topvalues
some of thisbased
this SUMIF function
criterion, look through these cells D73 th
NOTE: If you findup totals
you based on
are making a lota of
criterion. If the SUMIF
SUMIF formulas, function
you might find could
that a talk, it would
PivotTable is a say this:
better solution. See the PivotTab
GOODF72 TOthrough
KNOW: G77Go tocontain data
cell G78. Thewith two columns:
formula Item
in cell G78: and Amount. comma ">=50") is different from the formula in cel
Sum up some
Go to cell A86 based
to go to the next instruction.
on this


NOTE: If you find you are making a lot of SUMIF formulas, you might find that a
PivotTable is a better solution. See the PivotTable worksheet for more information.

More information on the web

More information on the web

All about the SUM function
More information on the web
All about the SUMIF function
Use Excel as your calculator
Free Excel training online
Go back to top by pressing CTRL+HOME. To proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Back to top
Add numbers like a champ
numbers like a champ
e are some ways to add up numbers in Excel:
s C3 through
Here are D7some
contain datatowith
ways addtwo upcolumns.
numbersOne for Fruit, and one for Amount.
in Excel: Fruit
to D8 by pressing CTRL+G, type D8, and then press ENTER. Apples
1 Select
e =SUM(D4:D7), then press ENTER.cell under the amounts for fruit.
the yellow Oranges
result is 170. Bananas
e's another way to add, using a shortcut key. Cells F3 through G7 contain data with two columns: Meat and AmounLemons
to cell G8.2PressType
then press ENTER. and then press enter. When you're done, you'll see
the result of 170.
result in cell G8 is 140.
e's another wayHere's
to add.another
Cells C10
to add,D15 haveatwo
using columns
shortcut of Select
key. data: Item
the and Amount.
yellow cell Item
w add only the numbers
under the over 50. Go to
amounts forcell D16. Type =SUMIF(D11:D15 comma ">50"), then press Enter. The result Bread
RA CREDIT: Cells F10 through G15 contain data with two columns: Item and Amount. Go to cell G16. Try adding anoDonuts
e down for4 morePress Alt
detail: Go to A27.
= Then, press Enter.
Or, to proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN. Cookies
5 Now add only the numbers over 50. Select the last yellow cell. Type Pies
=SUMIF(D11:D15,">50") and then press Enter. The result is 100.

Dive down for more detail Next step

re about the SUM function

More about the SUM function

ome of the above tips, we taught you how to use the SUM function. Here are more details about it.
s C37 through D41 contain data with two columns: Fruit and Amount.
formula in cell D42: =SUM(D38:D41).
e SUMInfunction
some ofinthe cellabove tips,talk,
D42 could we ittaught
wouldyou howSum
say this: to use
up the SUM function.
the values Here
in cells D38, areD40,
D39, moreand D41.
e's another about
used: a yellow cell on the right, and then read along with the
s C47 text below.
through D48 contain data with two columns: Item and Amount.
s F47 through G51 contain data with two columns: Item and Amount.
If the SUM
s E53 through E54function could
contain data withtalk,
would say this:
formula in cell E54: =SUM(D48 comma G48:G51 comma 100).
e formula inup
cellthe …the
E54 could values
talk, in say: Sum the following: the value in cell D48, the values in cells G48, G4 Fruit
it would
following: cells D38,
formula in cell E54 uses the following:D39, Apples
D40, and D41.
single cell reference, which is the "address" or "name" of a cell. D48 is the single cell reference in the formula abovOranges
range of cells, which is a series of cells starting at one cell and ending at another. G48:G51 is the range of cells in t Bananas
constant, which is the number 100. Lemons
ORTANT DETAIL: Go to cell E54. You'll notice the 100 toward the end of the formula. Although it's possible to put numbers in a f
to cell A66 for the next instruction.

Here's another way it can be used:

…the …the values …and Item

Sum the
following: value in in cells G48, 100. Table
cell D48… G49, G50,
and G51...

The formula above uses the following:

• A single cell reference, which is the "address" or "name" of a cell. D48 is the single IMPORTANT
cell reference in the formula above. Double-click thi
end. Although i
• A range of cells, which is a series of cells starting at one cell and ending at another. like this, we don
G48:G51 is the range of cells in the formula. necessary. This
forget that it's t
• A constant. The constant in this formula is the number 100. another cell ins
seen and not hi

re about the SUMIF function

More about the SUMIF function

also showed you the SUMIF function at the top of this sheet in cells A10 and A11. The SUMIF function sums up totals based on a criterion.
s C72 through D77 contain data with two columns: Item and Amount.
formula in cell D78: =SUMIF(D73:D77 comma ">50").
e SUMIFWefunction
also showed
could you
talk, the SUMIF
it would sayfunction
this: Sumatupthe topvalues
some of thisbased
this SUMIF function
criterion, look through these cells D73 through D77, and
TE: If you findup totals
you based on
are making a lota of
criterion. If the SUMIF
SUMIF formulas, function
you might findcould
that a talk, it would
PivotTable is a say this:
better solution. See the PivotTable worksheet fo
s F72
OD TOthrough
KNOW: G77Go tocontain
cell G78.dataThewith two columns:
formula Item
in cell G78: and Amount. comma ">=50") is different from the formula
=SUMIF(G73:G77 Itemin cell D78. Specifical
Sum up some ....Look through ...and if the Bread
to cell A86 based
to go to the nextthese cells...
instruction. value is Donuts
on this greater than
criterion: 50, sum it up. Cookies
NOTE: If you find you are making a lot of SUMIF formulas, you might find that a Double-click this
is different. Spec
PivotTable is a better solution. See the PivotTable worksheet for more information. which means gre
other operators
less than or equa
not equals 50.
re information on the web

More information on the web

about the SUM function
less than or equa
not equals 50.

More information on the web

about the SUMIF function
Excel as your calculator
e Excel training online
All about the SUM function
back to top by pressing CTRL+HOME. To proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

All about the SUMIF function

Use Excel as your calculator

Free Excel training online

Back to top Next step

Amount Meat Amount
50 Beef 50
20 Chicken 30
60 Pork 10
40 Fish 50

Amount Item Amount

50 Bread 50
100 Donuts 100
40 Cookies 40
50 Cakes 50
20 Pies 20

Try adding another
SUMIF formula here, but
add amounts that are
less than 100. The result
should be 160.

Select these cells. Then in the
20 lower-right corner of the Excel
60 window, look for this:
170 That's just another way to
quickly find a total.
lower-right corner of the Excel
window, look for this:

That's just another way to

quickly find a total.

Amount Item Amount

20 Cars 20
Trucks 10
Bikes 10
Skates 40


Double-click this cell. You'll notice the 100 toward the
end. Although it's possible to put numbers in a formula
like this, we don't recommend it unless it's absolutely
necessary. This is known as a constant, and it's easy to
forget that it's there. We recommend referring to
another cell instead, like cell D16. That way it's easily
seen and not hidden inside a formula.

otals based on a criterion.

lls D73 through D77, and if the value is greater than 50 sum it up.
e PivotTable worksheet for more information.
Amount Item Amount
50 Bread 50
100 Donuts 100
40 Cookies 40
50 Cakes 50
20 Pies 20
100 200

Double-click this cell and you'll see that the formula
is different. Specifically, the sum criteria is ">=50"
which means greater than or equal to 50. There are
other operators you can use like "<=50" which is
less than or equal to 50. And there's "<>50" which is
not equals 50.
less than or equal to 50. And there's "<>50" which is
not equals 50.
Save time by filling cells automatically
Save time by filling cells automatically
Here’s how to use the fill feature in Excel:
Cells C3 through G7 contain
Here’s how to usedata
the with five columns:
fill handle "This:" column, which contains the number 50 in each cell; "Plus t
in Excel:
Go to cell E4. Press CTRL+G, type E4, then press Enter.
1 E5, E6, and E7 by holding the SHIFT key while pressing the ARROW DOWN key, then press CTRL+D. Excel will
Select cells E4,
EXTRA CREDIT: Go to cell G4 and repeat the fill down steps above.
Cells C10 through G14 contain data with five columns. These columns contain the heading from C3 to G3 and the values
2 Select cells C15, D15, E15, F15, and G15. This time press CTRL+R to fill the cells. This is known as “filling right.”
Go to cell C15.
Dive down for more detail: Go to cell A27. Or, to proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Dive down for more detail

Use the fill handle to copy cells

Use the fill handle to copy cells

Sometimes you don't need the numbers to change as you fill. Instead, you just want to copy values to other adjacent cells. Her
Cells C33 to cell F37 contain four columns: Department, Category, Product, and Count.
Go to cell C34. Select C34, C35, C36, C37 and press CTRL+D. The value in C34 is filled down into the selected cells.
Go to cell A64 youinstruction.
for the next don't need the numbers to change as you fill. Instead, you just want to
copy values to other adjacent cells. Here's how to do that:

Fill a series
Fill a series
Excel can automatically fill some cells based on a series. For example, you can type Jan
in one cell, and then fill the other cells with Feb, Mar, etc.

More information on the web

More information on the web

Fill data automatically in worksheet cells
Fill a formula down into adjacent cells
Go back to top by pressing CTRL+HOME. To proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Back to top
Save time by filling cells automatically
e time by filling cells automatically
e’s how to use the fill feature in Excel:
s C3 through G7 contain
Here’s how to usedata
the with five columns:
fill handle "This:" column, which contains the number 50 in each cell; "Plus tThis:
in Excel:
to cell E4. Press CTRL+G, type E4, then press Enter. 50
1 E5,Click
ect cells E4, E6, and
theE7 by with
cell holdingthethe SHIFT key
number 100.while pressing the ARROW DOWN key, then press CTRL+D. Excel will 50
RA CREDIT: Go to cell G4 and repeat the fill down steps above. 50
s C10 through G14 contain data with five columns. These columns contain the heading from C3 to G3 and the values 50
2 Select
to cell C15. Restcells
your cursor
C15, D15, onE15,the lower-right
F15, corner
and G15. This timeofpress
the cell untilto fill the cells. This is known as “filling right.”
e down for more it becomes
detail: Go atocross:
cell A27. Or, to proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.
3 Click the cross and drag down three cells. Excel will automatically fill the 50
cells with the totals: 110, 120, and 130. People call this “filling down.” 50
4 Click the yellow cell with 200, and fill again but this time drag the fill handle 50
to the right to fill the cells. This is known as “filling right.” 200

Dive down for more detail Next step

the fill handle to copy cells

Use the fill handle to copy cells

metimes you don't need the numbers to change as you fill. Instead, you just want to copy values to other adjacent cells. Here's how to do th
s C33 to cell F37 contain four columns: Department, Category, Product, and Count.
to cell C34. Select C34, C35, C36, C37 and press CTRL+D. The value in C34 is filled down into the selected cells.
to cell A64 youinstruction.
for the next don't need the numbers to change as you fill. Instead, you just want to
copy values to other adjacent cells. Here's how to do that:
1 Click the cell with the word Produce. Rest your cursor on the lower-right
corner of the cell until it becomes a cross, then drag down three cells.

2 Now select the cell with the word Fruit. Rest your cursor on the lower- right
corner again, and when you get the cross, double-click. That's another way
to fill down in case you ever need to fill a long column.

Fill a series
Fill a series
Excel can automatically fill some cells based on a series. For example, you can type Jan
in one cell, and then fill the other cells with Feb, Mar, etc. Week 1

1 Click the cell with the word Jan.

2 Rest your cursor on the lower-right corner of the cell until it becomes a
cross, then drag right two cells. Excel detects a series, and fills in Feb and
Mar for you.

3 Now select the cell with Week 1.

4 Rest your cursor on the lower-right corner again, and when you get the
cross, double-click it.

re information on the web EXPERIMENT

More information on the web
data automatically in worksheet cells Select these two c
right. Excel fills th
a formula down into adjacent cells 15 and 30 to othe
back to top by pressing CTRL+HOME. To proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN. Or, January and M
what happens!
Fill data automatically in worksheet cells

Fill a formula down into adjacent cells

Back to top Next step

Plus this: Equals: Plus this: Equals:
50 100 75 175
60 75 Click and drag to select
70 75 these four cells, and
80 75 then press CTRL+D.
That's the shortcut key
for filling down. Can
you guess what the
Plus this: Equals: Plus this: Equals: shortcut for filling
right is?
50 100 75 175
60 110 75 185
70 120 75 195
80 130 75 205

cells. Here's how to do that:

Category Product Count

Fruit Apple 100
Orange 200
Banana 50
Pears 100
35 44 79 Qrtr 1
74 64 56
82 50 83
90 22 89

Select this cell, and then drag the fill
handle down 3 cells. After that, click this button:
This is the AutoFill Options button, and it lets you
change the fill immediately after. Choose another
option like Copy cells or Fill formatting only. You
never know when these might come in handy


Select these two cells, and then drag the fill handle to the
right. Excel fills the series in increments of 15. Try changing
15 and 30 to other values, like 1 and 1.8. Or, Mon and Wed.
Or, January and March. And then fill to the right again... see
what happens!
Data stuffed into one column? Split it.
Data stuffed into one column? Split it.
Go to cell D5. Press CTRL+G, type D5, then press Enter. Type the first name that is in the Email column in cell C5: Nancy.
Go to cell D6. Press CTRL+E, a shortcut for Flash Fill.
1 when you type a consistent pattern, and fills the cells once the pattern is detected.
Flash Fill detects
Try another way to Flash Fill: Go to cell E5.
Press ALT+H to enter the Home tab above the ribbon, then press FI to select Fill options. Arrow down to select Flash Fil
Dive down for 2 more detail: Go to cell A27. Or, to proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Dive down for more detail

Split a column based on delimiters.

Split a column based on delimiters

Flash Fill is pretty handy. But if you want to split data into more than one column all at once, then it's not the best tool for the j
Go to cell C32. Select all cells C32 through C39: Nancy all the way down to Yvonne.
Press ALT+A to enter the Data tab above the ribbon, then press E to select Text to Columns within the Data Tools section. Conve
Convert Text Flash Fill is pretty
to Columns handy.
Wizard - StepBut
2 ofif3:you
Tabwant tothe
to find split data into
Comma more
option than
under one column
Delimiters. Makeall at that Comma is
Convert Text once, then it'sWizard
to Columns not the best3 tool
- Step of 3: for theTab
press job. Try
and Textonly
select to Columns
the Generalinoption.
this situation:
Finally, press tab until you enter the Destination text box. Type $D$32, then press Enter.
WORTH EXPLORING:1 There's another way of working with data. You can query an external source, and you can split the da
Go to cell A49 for the next instruction.


Split a column with formulas

Split a column with formulas

You might want to write a formula to split data. This way, if the original data gets updated, then the split data will get updated a
The left function extracts a specified number of characters from the left side of cell C56.
Go to cell E56: Yvonne. We used the LEFT function to extract characters from the left side of cell C56. And to specify the numb
The Find function is used to determine the number of characters to extract. Here's how the Find function works: Find the chara
You might want to write a formula to split data. This way, if the original data gets
The result isupdated,
Yvonne. then the split data will get updated as well. This is more advanced. But it is
Then we created when using
a [Helper a handful
column]. This wasofjust
to “help”LEFT, RIGHT,
extract FIND,
the other and
text LEN.
in the ForIt’s
cell. more
meant to be tempora
information on each of these functions, see the links at the bottom of this sheet.
Select cell F56: Francis McKay in the [Helper column]. You’ll see that we used the RIGHT, LEN, and FIND But iffunctions to extra
you’re curious, here’s how we split cell C56. Make sure to
Here's how this formula "=RIGHT(C56 comma LEN(C73)-FIND(" " comma C56))" works:follow along with the
The Right function on thearight as you
specified go through
number thesefrom
of characters steps:
the right side of cell C56.
In this case, the LEN function is used to determine the number of characters to extract. Here's how the LEN function works: Co
The result
Select cell is
1 Francis.
G56: McKay.
Here we used almost the same formula as in cell A51, but instead of extracting characters from cell C5

Select cell H56: McKay. This is the same formula as in step A56, but it extracts characters from F56 instead of cell C56.
Go to cell A79 to go to the next instruction.

More information on the web

More information on the web

Split text into different columns
All about Get & Transform
All about the LEFT function
All about the RIGHT function
All about the FIND function
All about the LEN function
Go back to top by pressing CTRL+HOME. To proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.
Back to top
Data stuffed into one column? Split it.
a stuffed into one column? Split it.
to cell D5. Press CTRL+G, type D5, then press Enter. Type the first name that is in the Email column in cell C5: Nancy.
to cell D6. Press CTRL+E, a shortcut for Flash Fill.
1 when
h Fill detects In the cells
you typeunder First name,
a consistent type
pattern, andthe
the names that
cells once theare in theisEmail
pattern detected.
another way tocolumn:
Flash Fill:Nancy, Andy,
Go to cell E5. and so on.
ss ALT+H to enter the Home tab above the ribbon, then press FI to select Fill options. Arrow down to select Flash Fil
2 moreWhen
e down for
you see the faded list of suggestions, press Enter right away.
detail: Go to cell A27. Or, to proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.
This list of suggestions is called Flash Fill. Flash Fill detects
when you type a consistent pattern, and provides
suggestions to fill the cells with. When you see the faded
list, that's your cue to press Enter.

3 Try another way to Flash Fill: Click the cell with Smith.

4 Click Home > Fill > Flash Fill. Now the last names are in their own column.

Dive down for more detail Next step

t a column based on delimiters.

Split a column based on delimiters

h Fill is pretty handy. But if you want to split data into more than one column all at once, then it's not the best tool for the job. Try Text to C
to cell C32. Select all cells C32 through C39: Nancy all the way down to Yvonne.
ss ALT+A to enter the Data tab above the ribbon, then press E to select Text to Columns within the Data Tools section. Convert Text to Colum
vert TextFlash Fill is pretty
to Columns handy.
Wizard - StepBut
2 ofif3:you
Tabwant tothe
to find split data into
Comma more
option than
under one column
Delimiters. Makeall at that Comma is
vert Textonce, then it'sWizard
to Columns not the best3 tool
- Step of 3: for theTab
press job. Try
and Textonly
select to Columns
the Generalinoption.
this situation:
ally, press tab until you enter the Destination text box. Type $D$32, then press Enter.
1 Click
RTH EXPLORING: andanother
There's drag toway
select the cells
of working from
with Nancy
data. all query
You can the way
an down tosource,
external Yvonne.and you can split the da
to cell A49 for the next instruction.
2 On the Data tab, click Text to Columns. Make sure that Delimited is
selected, and then click Next.

3 Under Delimiters, make sure that Comma is the only checkbox selected,
and then click Next.

4 Click the General option.

Click the General option.

5 Finally, click inside the Destination box and type $D$32. Then click Finish.

t a column with formulas

Split a column with formulas

might want to write a formula to split data. This way, if the original data gets updated, then the split data will get updated as well. This is m
left function extracts a specified number of characters from the left side of cell C56.
to cell E56: Yvonne. We used the LEFT function to extract characters from the left side of cell C56. And to specify the number of characters
Find function is used to determine the number of characters to extract. Here's how the Find function works: Find the character position nu
You might want to write a formula to split data. This way, if the original data gets
result isupdated,
Yvonne. then the split data will get updated as well. This is more advanced. But it is
n we created when using
a [Helper a handful
column]. This wasofjust
to “help”LEFT, RIGHT,
extract FIND,
the other and
text LEN.
in the ForIt’s
cell. more
meant to be tempora
information on each of these functions, see the links at the bottom of this sheet.
ect cell F56: Francis McKay in the [Helper column]. You’ll see that we used the RIGHT, LEN, and FIND But iffunctions to extra
you’re curious, here’s how we split cell C56. Make sure to follow
e's how this formula "=RIGHT(C56 comma LEN(C73)-FIND(" " comma C56))" works: along with the
Right function on thearight as you
specified go through
number thesefrom
of characters steps:
the right side of cell C56. HOW IT WORKS:
his case, the LEN function is used to determine the number of characters to extract. Here's how the LEN functionExtract works: Count the number
ect cell is
the yellow cell with Yvonne. We used the LEFT function to characters
Here we used almost the same formula as in cell A51, but instead of extracting characters from cell C56, it extracts the
extract characters from the left side of cell C56. And to specify the number from the
of characters to extract, weasused theA56,
FIND left side
ect cell H56: McKay. This is the same formula in step butfunction. Read
it extracts the How
characters fromitF56
instead of cell C56.
diagram, and then press ESC when you're done.
to cell A79 to go to the next instruction.
2 Then we created a [Helper column]. This was just to “help” extract the
other text in the cell. It’s meant to be temporary and something one could
always hide later. =LEFT(C56,FIN
3 Double-click Francis McKay in the [Helper column]. You’ll see that we used
the RIGHT, LEN, and FIND functions to extract characters from the first
space, up until the end of the cell.

4 Double-click Francis. Here we used almost the same formula as in step 1,

but instead of extracting characters from C56, it extracts them from F56.

5 Double-click McKay. This is the same formula as in step 3, but it extracts

characters from F56 instead of cell C56.

re information on the web

More information on the web

t text into different columns
about Get & Transform
about the LEFT function
about the RIGHT function
Split text into different columns
about the FIND function
about the LEN function
All about
back to top by pressing Get & Transform
CTRL+HOME. To proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.
All about the LEFT function

All about the RIGHT function

All about the FIND function

All about the LEN function

Back to top Next step

ell C5: Nancy.

Email First name Last name Smith

CTRL+E is the shortcut
for Flash Fill.

he best tool for the job. Try Text to Columns in this situation:

Tools section. Convert Text to Columns Wizard - Step 1 of 3 appears. Make sure that Delimited radio button is selected, then press Enter. U
Data First name Last name Company name
Nancy,Smith,Contoso Ltd.
Andy,North,Fabrikam Inc.
Mariya,Jones,Contoso Ltd.
Michael,Neipper,Fabrikam Inc.
Yvonne,McKay,Contoso Ltd.

There's another way of working with data. You can
query an external source, and you can split the data
that comes from the source. You do that once, and
the data is refreshable and easy to work with from
that moment on. Curious? Click the Data tab, and
then explore the options in the Get & Transform
area. Or see the link at the bottom of this sheet.
There's another way of working with data. You can
query an external source, and you can split the data
that comes from the source. You do that once, and
the data is refreshable and easy to work with from
that moment on. Curious? Click the Data tab, and
then explore the options in the Get & Transform
area. Or see the link at the bottom of this sheet.

ata will get updated as well. This is more advanced. But it is possible when using a handful of functions: LEFT, RIGHT, FIND, and LEN. For mo
to specify the number of characters to extract, we used the FIND function. Here's how the formula "=LEFT(C56 comma FIND(" " comma C5
works: Find the character position number of the first space in cell C56. Then subtract 1 to exclude the space itself.

Name inside one cell First name [Helper column] Middle name
Yvonne Francis McKay Yvonne Francis McKay Francis


N functionExtract
works: Count…this
the number of characters
...and extract thisinmany
cell C56 and subtract Extract
the number of characters
…this from...and
the Find function,
extract which
this many finds the
characters cell... characters. To specify the characters cell... of characters, use the LEN function
aracters from cell C56, it extracts them from cell F56.
from the number of characters, use the from the
left side FIND function... right side
of cell C56.
of... of...

=LEFT(C56,FIND(" ",C56)-1) =RIGHT(C56,LEN(C56)-FIND(" ",

...and find the ... the ...then ...and get the count ...this ...and
character first this subtract 1 of characters cell... subtract
position space... cell. to exclude (character length) this
number of... the space of... number:
on is selected, then press Enter. Use the Tab key to navigate the dialogue.
EFT, RIGHT, FIND, and LEN. For more information on each these functions, see the links at the bottom of this sheet under More information
T(C56 comma FIND(" " comma C56)-1)" works:

Last name

the Find
..and function,
extract which
this many finds the To
characters. character
specify position number of the first space in cell C56 and returns the number of characters up until th
the number
of characters, use the LEN function...

C56)-FIND(" ",C56))

...and Find the ...the

subtract character first this
this position space. cell.
number: number ..
heet under More information on the web starting in cell A80. But if you’re curious, here’s how we split cell C56.

mber of characters up until the space.

Switch data around by transposing it
Switch data around by transposing it
When you need to rotate columns and rows, you transpose them in Excel.
Cells C5 toWhen
H6 contain two rows
you need of Items
to rotate and Amounts.
columns and rows,Select
youcells C5 to H6.
transpose them in Excel.
Now you'll copy the cells. Press CTRL+C.
Select cell C9.
Press ALT+H to enter the Home tab above the ribbon, then press V to select Paste options. Arrow down or press S to sel
EXPERTTab until
TIP: Theyou find Transpose.
shortcut Press
key for Paste the Space
Special Bar to select Transpose, then press Enter.
Dive down for m

This is kind of
tricky, so pay5
With those
cells still
selected, type
the following: Dive down for more detail
C33:H34) but
don’t press
Enter. Instead
NTER. If you
get an error or
#VALUE! as a
result, try with a formula
again starting
Transpose with a formula
Sometimes you don't want to copy and paste to transpose. In this case, you can use a formula to transpose rows and columns.
at instruction
To transpose
in cell A29. this data, you need to select some blank cells first. Since the data in cells C33 to H34 on the right has six columns

Select any Sometimes
another youcell
transposed don't
from want
for toC40
cells copy
example and
to paste
D45, forLook to
at transpose.
example thecell D43. In
formula at this
Look case,
theattop you can
Excel. baruse
You’ll a that
again. Thethe formula
formula look
is the s
formula to transpose rows and columns. Here's how to do that:
Go to cell A54 for the next instruction.


KEEP INan array formula?
An array formulathings
are three to keepcalculations
in mind whenonusing
morean array
What's an array formula?
can perform than cell in an array. In the example above, the array is the original dat
1) Always select multiple cells first, and then with those cells selected, start typing the array formula. That's the key: Select mu
You always
2) When finishdone
you're an array formula
typing with
formula, not just
press CTRL+SHIFT ENTER. Pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER calculates the functio
3) Once you enter an array formula, you cannot interrupt that new
EXCEL SPEAK: Because array formulas require CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER, some peoplearray. For example, you call
informally cannot type
array over or"CSE
formulas, delete just one
An array formula can perform calculations on more than one cell in an array. In the
Go to cell A72 for theabove,
example next instruction.
the array is the original data set in cells C33:H34. The TRANSPOSE
function then switches the horizontal orientation of the cells to a vertical orientation. 

You always finish an array formula with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER, not just ENTER. Pressing
CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER calculates the function against the array. When you're done, Excel
puts special brackets { } around the formula. These brackets are a visual clue that the
selected cell is part of an array formula. You can't type these brackets yourself. Excel
puts them in when you press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.

More information on the web

More information on the web

Transpose (rotate) data from rows to columns or vice versa
All about the TRANSPOSE function
Create an array formula
Go back to top by pressing CTRL+HOME. To proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Back to top
Switch data around by transposing it
tch data around by transposing it
en you need to rotate columns and rows, you transpose them in Excel.
s C5 toWhen
H6 contain two rows
you need of Items
to rotate and Amounts.
columns Select
and rows, youcells C5 to H6.
transpose them in Excel.
w you'll copy the cells. Press CTRL+C.
1 Click and drag to select the two rows of cells from Item, to 20. Item
ss ALT+H to enter the Home tab above the ribbon, then press V to select Paste options. Arrow down or press S to sel
ERTTab until
TIP: Theyou find Transpose.
shortcut Press
key for Paste the Space
Special Bar to select Transpose, then press Enter.
2 Now you'll copy the cells. Press C t r l C

to proceed to the next step

3 Click the yellow cell.

4 On the Home tab, click the arrow under the Paste button.

5 Click Paste Special, and then at the bottom, click the checkbox for
Transpose. Click OK.

Dive down for more detail Next step

nspose with a formula

Transpose with a formula

metimes you don't want to copy and paste to transpose. In this case, you can use a formula to transpose rows and columns. Here's how to d
ranspose this data, you need to select some blank cells first. Since the data in cells C33 to H34 on the right has six columns and two rows, y

ect any Sometimes
another youcell
transposed don't
for toC40
cells copy
example to and
D45, paste
forLook to
at transpose.
example thecell D43. In
formula at this
Look case,
theattop you can
Excel. use
bar a that
again. Thethe formula
formula looks
is the likeasthis:
same {=TRA
in cell C4
formula to transpose rows and columns. Here's how to do that:
to cell A54 for the next instruction. Item
1 To transpose this data, you need to select some blank cells first. Since the
data on the right has 6 columns and 2 rows, you need to select the
opposite: 2 columns and 6 rows. Do this by selecting the yellow cells.
So select these 2 columns...
2 This is kind of tricky, so pay close attention. With those cells still selected,
type the following: =TRANSPOSE(C33:H34) ….but don’t press Enter.

3 Press Ctrl Shift Enter

If you get #VALUE! as a result, try again starting at step 1.


If you get #VALUE! as a result, try again starting at step 1.

4 Click any of the yellow cells to select just one. Look at the formula at the
top of Excel. You’ll see that the formula looks like this:


5 Click another yellow cell. Look at the formula bar again. The formula is the
same. Why? Because this is an array formula. KEEP IN MIN
There are three

1) Always select
P INan array formula?
MIND… selected, start ty
re areformula
three things to keepcalculations
in mind whenonusing
morean array
oneformula: multiple cellsC33
What's an array formula?
array can perform than cell in an array. In the example above, the array is the original data set is cells
lways select multiple cells first, and then with those cells selected, start typing the array formula. That's the key: Select multiple cells first, t
When finishdone
you're an array formula
typing with
formula, not just
press CTRL+SHIFT ENTER. Pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER calculates the function
+ENTER. againstyou're
2) When the ar
Once you enter an array formula, you cannot interrupt that new array. For example, you cannot type over or delete just one of
EL SPEAK: Because array formulas require CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER, some people informally call array formulas, "CSE formulas."CTRL+SHIFT +EN the cells. You
An array formula can perform calculations on more than one cell in an array. In the 3) Once you ente
to cell A72 for theabove,
example next instruction.
the array is the original data set in cells C33:H34. The TRANSPOSE new array. For ex
function then switches the horizontal orientation of the cells to a vertical orientation.  of the cells. You
that array. If you
have the array fo
You always finish an array formula with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER, not just ENTER. Pressing changes and rec
CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER calculates the function against the array. When you're done, Excel
puts special brackets { } around the formula. These brackets are a visual clue that the
selected cell is part of an array formula. You can't type these brackets yourself. Excel
puts them in when you press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.

Because array fo
people informall

re information on the web

More information on the web

nspose (rotate) data from rows to columns or vice versa
about the TRANSPOSE function
ate an array formula
back to top by pressing CTRL+HOME.
Transpose To proceed
(rotate) data to the
from rows tonext step, press
columns CTRL+PAGE
or vice versa DOWN.

All about the TRANSPOSE function

Create an array formula

Back to top Next step

Bread Donuts Cookies Cakes Pies
50 100 40 50 20

The shortcut key
for Paste Special is

columns. Here's how to do that:

columns and two rows, you need to select the opposite: two columns and six rows. Do this by selecting cells C40 to D45.
This data has 6 columns...
la looks
is the likeasthis:
same {=TRANSPOSE(C33:H34)}
in cell C41. Why? Because this is an array formula.

Bread Donuts Cookies Cakes Pies ...and 2 rows.

50 100 40 50 20

select these 2 columns...

...and these 6 rows

before you type the
...and these 6 rows
before you type the

There are three things to keep in mind when using an array

1) Always select multiple cells first, and then with those cells
selected, start typing the array formula. That's the key: Select
iginal data cellsC33:H34.
set is cells first, thenThe
start typing. function then switches the horizontal orientation of the cells to a vertical orientation.
Select multiple cells first, then start typing.
he function againstyou're
2) When the array.
typingyou're done,
an array Excel puts
formula, pressspecial brackets { } around the formula. These brackets are a visual clue that th
e just oneCTRL+SHIFT
of the cells.+ENTER.
You also cannot insert a new row or column within that array. If you need to any of that, select all of the cells that ha

3) Once you enter an array formula, you cannot interrupt that

new array. For example, you cannot type over or delete just one
of the cells. You also cannot insert a new row or column within
that array. If you need to any of that, select all of the cells that
have the array formula, press Delete, and then make your
changes and recreate the formula.

Because array formulas require CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER, some
people informally call array formulas, "CSE formulas."
s C40 to D45.
s to a vertical orientation.
ackets are a visual clue that the selected cell is part of an array formula. You can't type these brackets yourself. Excel puts them in when yo
at, select all of the cells that have the array formula, press Delete, and then make your changes and recreate the formula.
elf. Excel puts them in when you press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.
the formula.
Sort and filter with ease
Sort and filter with ease
Cells C5 to G13 contain five columns: Departments, Categories, and Amounts for the months Oct, Nov, Dec.
Let's say you want the departments in alphabetical order. Select the Department column, go to cell C5. Press CTRL+G, type C5,
1 amounts from big to small. Select the December column cell, go to G5, then select cells G5 through G13. Pres
Sort December's
Now you'll filter the data so that only the Bakery rows appear. Go to cell G5, Dec. Press CTRL+A to select all of the cell
Filter buttons appear on the top row from cell C5 to G5. Go to the Department cell, C5, and press ALT+DOWN ARROW
EXTRA CREDIT: 2 Try sorting alphabetically by two columns. Here's how: First sort Department alphabetically (refer to st
Dive down for more detail: Go to A27. Or, to proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Dive down for more detail

Sort by date, or by color even

Sort by date, or by color even

There are many ways to sort in Excel. Here are just two more ways to sort:
Cells C31 through F31 contain data with four columns: Expense date, Employee, Food, and Hotel.
You want the Expense dates in order. So, select Expense date header, cell C31, then press ALT+DOWN ARROW and use the arro
are many waysyellow.
to sortYou
DETAIL: cellscan't
You with clear a sortinorder
can Here
like youare
the canjust
rows two
abyfilter. color.
So waystotocell
if you sort, but
want thispress
your timeALT+DOWN ARROW a
sort to stick, undo it by pressing C
you'll use the right-click menu:
Go to cell A43 for the next instruction.

More ways to filter data

More ways to filter data

Cells C49 through F49 contain data with four columns: Expense date, Employee, Food, and Hotel.
Go to cell F49: Hotel. Press ALT+DOWN ARROW, then use the arrow keys to find Number Filters option. Press RIGHT ARROW to
Now add a second filter. Go to cell E49: Food. Press ALT+DOWN ARROW, then use the arrow keys to find the Number Filters op
Go to cell A60 forpeople type
the next formulas to find amounts that are above average, or greater than a
certain amount. But there's no need to type formulas when special filters are available.

More information on the web

More information on the web

Sort data in a range or table
Filter data in a range or table
Go back to top by pressing CTRL+HOME. To proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Back to top
Sort and filter with ease
t and filter with ease
s C5 to G13 contain five columns: Departments, Categories, and Amounts for the months Oct, Nov, Dec.
s say you want the departments in alphabetical order. Select the Department column, go to cell C5. Press CTRL+G, type C5, then press Ente
1 amounts
t December's Let's sayfrom
you big
wantto the departments
small. in alphabetical
Select the December column order.
cell, Click
go to in the
G5, then select cells G5 through G13. Press ALT+H to ente
w you'll filter theDepartment
data so thatcolumn,
only theand thenrows
Bakery clickappear.
HomeGo > Sort
to cell&G5,
A to Z. to select all of the cell
er buttons appear on the top row from cell C5 to G5. Go to the Department cell, C5, and press ALT+DOWN ARROW
RA CREDIT:2 Try Sort December's amounts from largest to smallest. Click any cell in the Dec
sorting alphabetically by two columns. Here's how: First sort Department alphabetically (refer to st
column, and then click Home > Sort & Filter > Sort Largest to Smallest.
e down for more detail: Go to A27. Or, to proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.
3 Now you'll filter the data so that only the Bakery rows appear. Press CTRL+A to
select all of the cells, and then click Home > Sort & Filter > Filter.

4 Filter buttons appear on the top row. On the Department cell, click the filter
button and then click to clear the Select All checkbox. Then, click to select

5 Click OK and only the Bakery rows appear. Now clear the filter by clicking the
filter button for Department and then click Clear filter...

Dive down for more detail Next step

t by date, or by color even

Sort by date, or by color even

re are many ways to sort in Excel. Here are just two more ways to sort:
s C31 through F31 contain data with four columns: Expense date, Employee, Food, and Hotel.
want the Expense dates in order. So, select Expense date header, cell C31, then press ALT+DOWN ARROW and use the arrow keys to find S
are many waysyellow.
to sortYou
ORTANT filled
DETAIL: cellscan't
You with clear a sortinorder
can Here
like youare
the canjust
rows two
abyfilter. color.
So waystotocell
if you sort, but
want thispress
your timeALT+DOWN ARROW a
sort to stick, undo it by pressing CTRL+Z.
you'll use the right-click menu:
to cell A43 for the next instruction.
1 You want the dates in order. So, right-click a date and then click
Sort > Sort Oldest to Newest. The rows get sorted in ascending date order by
the Expense date.

2 Someone filled three cells with yellow. You can sort the rows by that color.
Right-click a yellow cell, and then click Sort > Put Selected Cell Color
on Top.
re ways to filter data

More ways to filter data

s C49 through F49 contain data with four columns: Expense date, Employee, Food, and Hotel.
to cell F49: Hotel. Press ALT+DOWN ARROW, then use the arrow keys to find Number Filters option. Press RIGHT ARROW to enter Number F
w add a second filter. Go to cell E49: Food. Press ALT+DOWN ARROW, then use the arrow keys to find the Number Filters option. Press RIGH
to cell A60 forpeople type
the next formulas to find amounts that are above average, or greater than a
certain amount. But there's no need to type formulas when special filters are available.

1 On the Hotel cell, click the filter button and then click
Number Filters > Above Average. Excel calculates the average amount of the
Hotel column, and then shows only rows with amounts greater than that

2 Now add a second filter. On the Food cell, click the filter button and then
click Number Filters > Greater than..., and then type 25. Click OK.
Of the three rows that were filtered for above average, Excel shows two rows
with Food amounts greater than 25.

re information on the web

More information on the web

t data in a range or table
er data in a range or table
back to top by pressing CTRL+HOME. To proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Sort data in a range or table

Filter data in a range or table

Back to top Next step

ss CTRL+G, type C5, then press Enter. Now press ALT+H to enter the Home tab above the ribbon, then press S to enter the Sort & Filter opti
G5 through G13. Press ALT+H to enter the Home tab above the ribbon, then press S for Sort & Filter options. Notice the options changed fro
Department Category Oct Nov Dec
Meat Beef $90,000 $110,000 $120,000
Bakery Desserts $25,000 $80,000 $120,000
Produce Fruit $10,000 $30,000 $40,000
Produce Veggies $30,000 $80,000 $30,000
Deli Salads $90,000 $35,000 $25,000
Meat Chicken $75,000 $82,000 $2,000,000
Bakery Breads $30,000 $15,000 $20,000
Deli Sandwiches $80,000 $40,000 $20,000

When you're done with step 5, try sorting alphabetically by
two columns. Here's how: First sort Department
alphabetically (that's step 1 on the left). Then click Home >
Sort & Filter > Custom Sort. Add a second level for
Category. After you click OK, Department will be sorted,
and within each department, Category rows will be sorted
in alphabetical order as well.

OW and use the arrow keys to find Sort Oldest to Newest. Press Enter. The rows get sorted in ascending date order by the Expense date.
Expense date Employee Food Hotel IMPORTANT DETAIL
11/5/2019 Jackie $21 $3,820 You can't clear a sort order
like you can a filter. So if you
11/4/2019 Mark $62 $2,112 don't want your sort to stick,
11/1/2019 Dave $25 $1,611 undo it by pressing CTRL+Z.
11/7/2019 Tricia $30 $3,085
11/3/2019 Jeff $69 $528
11/2/2019 Laura $45 $5,050
ss RIGHT ARROW to enter Number Filters list and use the arrow keys to find the Above Average option, then press Enter. Excel calculates th
e Number Filters option. Press RIGHT ARROW to enter the Number Filters list. Use the arrow keys to find the Greater than... option, then t

Expense date Employee Food Hotel

11/5/2019 Jackie $21 $3,820
11/4/2019 Mark $62 $2,112
11/7/2019 Tricia $30 $3,085
11/1/2019 Dave $25 $1,611
11/2/2019 Laura $45 $5,050
11/3/2019 Jeff $69 $528
enter the Sort & Filter options. Use the arrow keys to find the option to Sort A to Z, or press S, then press Enter.
ce the options changed from Sort A to Z to Sort Largest to Smallest and so forth. Use the arrow keys to find the option to Sort Largest to Sm

er by the Expense date.

ss Enter. Excel calculates the average amount of the Hotel column, and then shows only rows with amounts greater than that average.
eater than... option, then type 25 and press Enter. Of the three rows that were filtered for above average, Excel shows two rows with Food a
he option to Sort Largest to Smallest, then press Enter.
greater than that average.
el shows two rows with Food amounts greater than 25
table between
cells C5 and
I14. The Table
Tools Design
tab will appear
at the top of
Excel. Press
enter the
Design Tables make things a lot easier
tab things a lot easier
Tables make
above the
A table gives you special features and conveniences. Here’s how to create one:
ribbon, then
Cells C5
press through
S to A tableG13 contain
gives data. Gofeatures
you special to any cell
andwithin that region,Here’s
conveniences. for example,
how tocell D8. Press
create one: CTRL+G, type D8, then press En
enter Table to enter the Insert tab above the ribbon, then press T and press Enter. Or, press shortcut key combination CTRL+T,
Press ALT+N
Styles. Use
arrowyoukeys to1 a table, which is a collection of cells that has special features. For starters: A table gives you banded row
You can also
navigate the create new rows easily. Go to the empty cell under cell C13: Meat. Type some text, then press Enter. A ne
options and
You can also create columns easily: Go to any cell between H5 and H14, for example H10. Type some text, then press
select a table2
style youhow the two columns are created, formatted, and the text Jan and Feb are filled in cells H5 and I5 for you.

Dive down for more detail: Go to A27. Or, to proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Dive down for more detail

Calculated columns in tables

Calculated columns in tables

One example of a convenience that tables give you: calculated columns. You type a formula once, and it gets automatically fille
Cells C33 through H41 contain data with six columns: Department, Category, Oct, Nov, Dec, and Total.
Go to cell H34: Total.
Press ALT+=,One example
then of a convenience that tables give you: calculated columns. You type a
press Enter.
The SUM formula once, and it getsfilled
automatically automatically filled
down for you down
so that youfor you.have
don’t Here’s how
to do it works:
it yourself.
Go to cell A47 for the next instruction.


Total rows in tables

Total rows in tables

Another convenience in tables are total rows. Instead of typing a SUM formula, Excel can make that total for you with a flip of a
Cells C54 through E61 contain data with three columns: Department, Category, and Sales.
Go to any cell within the range above, for example cell D57.
At the top of convenience
the Excel window, thein Table
are total
Design rows. Instead
tab will of typing
appear. a SUMtoformula,
Press ALT+JT enter theExcel cantab above the ribbon, t
A new rowmake thatattotal
is added for youof
the bottom with
flip of
in acells
C62 And the E62.
through same goes for the AVERAGE
formula, and many others. Here’s how it
The total of $24,000 is added to the total row, in cell E62 .works:
But what if you wanted to know the average? Select cell E62: $24,000.
There's athen use the
shortcut for arrow
find the
theAverage option
total row. andinside
Select pressthe
Enter. Thethen
table, average
pressamount of

Go to cell A722for the next instruction.

More information on the web

More information on the web

Overview of Excel tables
Total the data in an Excel table
Use calculated columns in an Excel table
Go back to top

Back to top
Back to top
Tables make things a lot easier
es make things a lot easier
ble gives you special features and conveniences. Here’s how to create one:
s C5 through
A tableG13 contain
gives data. Gofeatures
you special to any cell
andwithin that region,Here’s
conveniences. for example,
how tocell D8. Press
create one: CTRL+G, type D8, then press Enter.
ss ALT+N to enter the Insert tab above the ribbon, then press T and press Enter. Or, press shortcut key combination CTRL+T, then Enter.
w you have 1 a table,
Clickwhich is athe
inside collection
data toof cells
the thatand
right, has then
special features.
click InsertFor starters:
> Table > AOK.
table gives you banded row
can also create new rows easily. Go to the empty cell under cell C13: Meat. Type some text, then press Enter. A ne
can also create columns easily: Go to any cell between H5 and H14, for example H10. Type some text, then press
2 twoNow
tice how the you have
columns a table,formatted,
are created, which is aand
collection of cells
the text Jan thatare
and Feb hasfilled
special features.
in cells H5 and I5 for you.
For starters: A table gives you banded rows for easier reading.
e down for more detail:
canGo to create
A27. Or,new
to proceed to theInnext
the step, press
3 You also rows easily. empty under Meat, type
some text and then press Enter. A new row for the table appears.

4 You can also create columns easily: In the lower-right corner of the table,
click the resize handle and drag it to the right 2 columns.

5 Notice how the two columns are created, formatted, and the text Jan and
Feb are filled for you.

Dive down for more detail Next step

culated columns in tables

Calculated columns in tables

e example of a convenience that tables give you: calculated columns. You type a formula once, and it gets automatically filled down for you
s C33 through H41 contain data with six columns: Department, Category, Oct, Nov, Dec, and Total.
to cell H34: Total.
ss ALT+=, thenexample of a convenience that tables give you: calculated columns. You type a
press Enter.
SUM formula once, and it getsfilled
automatically automatically filled
down for you down
so that youfor you.have
don’t Here’s how
to do it works:
it yourself.
to cell A47 for the next instruction.

1 Select the cell under Total.

2 Press Alt =

3 Press Enter

4 The SUM formula gets filled down for you so that you don’t have to do it
4 The SUM formula gets filled down for you so that you don’t have to do it

al rows in tables

Total rows in tables

ther convenience in tables are total rows. Instead of typing a SUM formula, Excel can make that total for you with a flip of a switch. And th
s C54 through E61 contain data with three columns: Department, Category, and Sales.
to any cell within the range above, for example cell D57.
he top ofAnother convenience
the Excel window, thein Table
are total
Design rows. Instead
tab will of typing
appear. a SUMtoformula,
Press ALT+JT enter theExcel cantab above the ribbon, then press T to s
ew rowmake thatattotal
is added for youof
the bottom with
flip of
in acells
C62 And the E62.
through same goes for the AVERAGE
formula, and many others. Here’s how it
total of $24,000 is added to the total row, in cell E62 .works:
what if you wanted to any
average? Selecton cellthe
E62: $24,000.
1 Select the table right.
There's athen use the
shortcut for arrow
find thetheAverage option
total row. andinside
Select pressthe
Enter. Thethen
table, average
pressamount of

to cell A722for the

the top of the Excel window, the Table Tools Design tab will appear.

3 On that tab, click Total Row.

4 The total of $24,000 is added to the bottom of the table.

5 But what if you wanted to know the average? Click the cell with $24,000.

6 Click the down arrow and then click Average. The average amount of
$3,000 appears.

re information on the web

More information on the web

rview of Excel tables
al the data in an Excel table
calculated columns in an Excel table
Overview of Excel tables

Total the data in an Excel table

Use calculated columns in an Excel table

Back to top Next step

Back to top Next step
pe D8, then press Enter.
ombination CTRL+T, then Enter.
Department Category Oct Nov Dec
Produce Veggies 30000 80000 30000
Produce Fruit 10000 30000 40000
Bakery Breads 30000 15000 20000
Bakery Desserts 25000 80000 120000
Deli Sandwich 80000 40000 20000
Deli Salads 90000 35000 25000
Meat Beef 90000 110000 200000
Meat Chicken 75000 82000 150000

Try changing the table style. First
click inside the table, and the Table
Tools Design tab will appear at the
top of Excel. Click that tab, and then
pick a style you like.

ets automatically filled down for you. Here’s how it works:

Department Category Oct Nov Dec Total

Produce Veggies $30,000 $80,000 $30,000
Produce Fruit $10,000 $30,000 $40,000
Bakery Breads $30,000 $15,000 $20,000
Bakery Desserts $25,000 $80,000 $120,000
Deli Sandwiches $80,000 $40,000 $20,000
Deli Salads $90,000 $35,000 $25,000
Meat Beef $90,000 $110,000 $200,000
Meat Chicken $75,000 $82,000 $150,000

After putting in the calculated column, try typing over one of
the cells in the column. What happens? If you see a green
triangle, click it and then click the exclamation mark. You'll see
that Excel's watchin' out for ya...
After putting in the calculated column, try typing over one of
the cells in the column. What happens? If you see a green
triangle, click it and then click the exclamation mark. You'll see
that Excel's watchin' out for ya...

or you with a flip of a switch. And the same goes for the AVERAGE formula, and many others. Here’s how it works:

b above the ribbon, then press T to select Total Row from within the Table Styles Options.

Department Category Sales

Produce Veggies $1,000
Produce Fruit $2,000
Bakery Breads $3,000
Bakery Desserts $1,000
Deli Sandwiches $2,000
Deli Salads $3,000 GOOD TO KNOW
Meat Beef $4,000 There's a shortcut for showing
and hiding the total row. Click
Meat Chicken $8,000 inside the table, and then
Insert a drop-down list
Insert a drop-down list
Drop-down lists make data entry easier for people. Here's how to do one:
Cells C3 through D15 contain
Drop-down data data
lists make with two columns:
entry Food
easier for and Department.
people. Here's how to do one:
We want only three department names to be valid entries for each of the foods on the right. Those departments are
Go to cell D4.1Press CTRL+G, type D4, then press Enter. Select all cells from D4 to D15.
On the Data tab, select Data Validation, or press ALT+DL to open the Data Validation dialogue box. Tab to Allow and sele
In the Source text box, type Produce, Meat, Bakery. Make sure to put commas in between each name. Press Enter whe
2 D4,Drop-down
TO KNOW: which is the cellhelp
lists nextensure
to Apples in C4.
people Press
enter ALT+DOWN
valid data. So itARROW. You'llthat
makes sense see adrop-downs
menu with
a part of a large
There are other data validation methods. For example, you can restrict entry to whole numbers, dates, or even minimum and m
Dive down for more detail: Go to A27. Or, to proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Dive down for more detail

Best practice for drop-downs: Use a table.

Best practice for drop-downs: Use a table.

We just taught you how to insert a drop-down menu for the list of departments. But what if that list changes? For example, wh
Cells C31 through D43 contain data with two columns: Food and Department. Cells F31 through F34 contain data with one colu
From cells F31 to F34, select a cell with a department. For example, select cell F33: Meat.
We by
Create a table just taughtCTRL+T,
pressing you how toEnter.
then insert a drop-down menu for the list of departments. But
Now you’ll what
set upifthe
that listvalidation
data changes?again.
For example,
Under cellwhatD31:ifDepartment,
there is a new department
select called
all of the blank Dairy?
cells from D32 through
On the Data You’d have to
tab, select Dataupdate the data
Validation, validation
or press ALT+DL dialog
to openbox. But there’s
the Data a more
Validation efficient
dialogue wayto Allow and p
box. Tab
by text
In the Source creating a table
box, type first:
=$F$32:$F$34, then press Enter.
You selected the values within the single column starting in cell F31: Department.
EXPERTgo TIP: 1D32people
to cell
Often and press
their validation There
lists like thisare
outonly three
of the waydepartments
on another in the drop-down
sheet. list: Produce,
That way others won't beMeat

Go to cell A60 for the next instruction.



More information on the web

More information on the web

Apply data validation to cells
Create a drop-down list
Go back to top by pressing CTRL+HOME. To proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Back to top
Insert a drop-down list
ert a drop-down list
p-down lists make data entry easier for people. Here's how to do one:
s C3 through D15 contain
Drop-down data data
lists make with two
entry columns: Food
easier for and Department.
people. Here's how to do one:
want only three department names to be valid entries for each of the foods on the right. Those departments are
to cell D4.1PressWe
want typeonly D4, then
three press Enter.names
department Select all
to cells fromentries
be valid D4 to D15.
for each of the
the Data tab, select on Validation,
Data the right. Those
or pressdepartments
ALT+DL to open arethe
Produce, Meat and
Data Validation Tab to Allow and sele
he Source text box, type Produce, Meat, Bakery. Make sure to put commas in between each name. Press Enter whe
2 D4,Drop-down
whichand drag
is the tonext
the yellow
to Apples
ensure in C4.
under Department. You'll see a drop-down menu with
valid data. So itARROW.
makes sense that drop-downs are a part of a larger group of featu
re are other data validation methods. For example, you can restrict entry to whole numbers, dates, or even minimum and maximum amou
e down for more detail: Go to tab,
Or, toData
proceed to the next step,Allow,
click List. DOWN.
3 On the Data Validation. Under

4 In the Source box, type Produce, Meat, Bakery. Make sure to put commas
in between them. Click OK when you’re done.

5 Now click the yellow cell next to Apples, and you'll see a drop-down menu.

Dive down for more detail Next step

t practice for drop-downs: Use a table.

Best practice for drop-downs: Use a table.

just taught you how to insert a drop-down menu for the list of departments. But what if that list changes? For example, what if there is a n
s C31 through D43 contain data with two columns: Food and Department. Cells F31 through F34 contain data with one column: Departmen
m cells F31 to F34, select a cell with a department. For example, select cell F33: Meat.
We by
ate a table just taughtCTRL+T,
pressing you how toEnter.
then insert a drop-down menu for the list of departments. But
w you’ll what
set upifthe
that listvalidation
data changes?again.
For example,
Under cellwhatD31:ifDepartment,
there is a new department
select called
all of the blank Dairy?
cells from D32 through
the DataYou’d have to
tab, select Dataupdate the data
Validation, validation
or press ALT+DL dialog
to openbox. But there’s
the Data a more
Validation efficient
dialogue wayto Allow and p
box. Tab
he Sourceby text
creating a table
box, type first:
=$F$32:$F$34, then press Enter.
selected the values within the single column starting in cell F31: Department.
go TIP: 1D32people
to cell
In column
and press F, click a cell
their validation
with aThere
ARROW. department.
lists like thisare
For example,
of the waydepartmentsclick Meat.
on another in the drop-down
sheet. list: Produce,
That way others won't beMeat
tempted to change the l

to cell A60 for the next instruction.

2 Create a table by pressing Ctrl T and then OK.

3 Now you’ll set up the data validation again. In column D, select all of the
blank cells under Department.
Now you’ll set up the data validation again. In column D, select all of the
blank cells under Department.

4 On the Data tab, click Data Validation. Under Allow, click List.

5 Click inside the Source box, then click the up arrow button

6 Click and drag to select just the Produce, Meat and Bakery cells in column
F. Then click the down arrow button

7 You should see this in the Source box: =$F$32:$F$34. (If you don’t see
that you can type it in.) Click OK.

8 Now click the drop-down arrow. There are only three departments:
Produce, Meat and Bakery. But if you add a new department in column F
under Bakery, it will get updated with the new department.

re information on the web

More information on the web

ly data validation to cells
ate a drop-down list
back to top by pressing CTRL+HOME. To proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Apply data validation to cells

Create a drop-down list

Back to top Next step

Food Department GOOD TO KNOW
Apples Drop-down lists help ensure people
enter valid data. So it makes sense that
Beef drop-downs are a part of a larger
Bananas group of features known as data
Lemons validation.
Broccoli There are other data validation
Kale methods. For example, you can restrict
entry to whole numbers, dates, or
Ham even minimum and maximum
Bread amounts. There are many options
Chicken available, and you can read more
about them by clicking the link at the
Cookies bottom of this sheet.

es? For example, what if there is a new department called Dairy? You’d have to update the data validation dialog box. But there’s a more e
in data with one column: Department.

Food Department Department

Apples Produce
Beef Meat
Bananas Bakery
Bread Often people put their validation
Chicken lists like this out of the way on
another sheet. That way others
Cookies won't be tempted to change the
Cakes list.
Often people put their validation
lists like this out of the way on
another sheet. That way others
won't be tempted to change the
dialog box. But there’s a more efficient way by creating a table first:
Analyze data quickly
Analyze data quickly
Here’s how to analyze data so that you can spot patterns and trends quickly:
Cells C5 through
Here’s G13
howcontain data data
to analyze in fivesocolumns: Department,
that you Category,and
can spot patterns Oct,trends
Nov, and Dec.
Go to a cell in the table between cells C5 through G13, for example go to cell E9, then press CTRL+Q. A Quick Analysis panel ap
Press Tab key1to enter Formatting options, then press Enter to select Data Bars.
The cells under Oct, Nov, and Dec columns, cells E6 through G13 get special data bars that visualize their amounts.
Now let's say you want to get rid of the data bars. Select the entire range of cells from C5 through G13, then press CT
Press Tab key2to enter Formatting options, then press RIGHT ARROW to find Clear…, then press Enter.
GOOD TO KNOW: When you select cells, this Quick Analysis button appears. Aptly named, don't you think? You can always
Dive down for more detail: Go to A27. Or, to proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Dive down for more detail

Quickly make a chart

Quickly make a chart

You can always use the Insert tab and create a chart. But here is another way to make a chart, using the Quick Analysis option.
Cells C34 through G42 contain data with five columns: Department, Category, Oct, Nov, and Dec.
Go to a cell inside the table between cells C34 and G42, for example go to cell D38, then press Ctrl+Q.
You can panel
The Quick Analysis alwaysappears.
use thePress
Insert tab and
RIGHT create
ARROW a chart.
until ButCharts.
you find here is another way to make a
Press the Tab keyusing thethe
to enter Quick Analysis
Charts optionsbutton. This to
and Enter time though,
select we'll use
Clustered… . the keyboard shortcut:
A new clustered column chart appears and is selected. Use your arrow keys to move it anywhere you’d like. Within the chart ea
Go to cell A47 for the next instruction.


Quickly make sparklines

Quickly make sparklines

Let's say you want little trend lines to the right of this data to show how the amounts go up or down during the three months.
Cells C54 through G62 contain data with five columns: Department, Category, Oct, Nov, and Dec.
Go to a cell inside the table between cells C55 and G62, then press Ctrl+Q.
On the QuickLet's say you
Analysis wantthat
panel little trend lines
appears, presstothe
right ARROW
of this data
untilto show
you find how the amounts
Sparklines, go Tab to select the Line o
then press
up or down during the three months. You don't have to make 8 little line charts. You can
Sparklines appear to the right of the Dec column in cells H55 through H62. Each line represents the data for that row, and show
To clear themake sparklines
sparklines, instead.
select cells H55 through H62. Press ALT+JD to enter The Sparkline Tools Design tab above the ribbon. Pr
Go to cell A68 for the next instruction.

More information on the web

More information on the web

Analyze your data instantly
Analyze trends in data using sparklines
Go back to top by pressing CTRL+HOME. To proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Back to top
Analyze data quickly
lyze data quickly
e’s how to analyze data so that you can spot patterns and trends quickly:
s C5 through
Here’s G13
howcontain data data
to analyze in fivesocolumns:
that youDepartment, Category,
can spot patterns Oct,trends
and Nov, and Dec.
to a cell in the table between cells C5 through G13, for example go to cell E9, then press CTRL+Q. A Quick Analysis panel appears.
ss Tab key1to enter
and drag options,
to selectthen press
all cells onEnter to select
the right, andData
click this button in the
e cells under Oct, Nov, and Dec
lower-right columns, cells E6 through G13 get special data bars that visualize their amounts.
w let's say you want to get rid of the data bars. Select the entire range of cells from C5 through G13, then press CT
ss Tab key2to enter
On Formatting
the panel that appears,
options, thenclick
RIGHTBars. The cells
ARROW under
to find Oct,then
Clear…, Nov,press
and Dec
columns get special data bars that visualize their amounts.
OD TO KNOW: When you select cells, this Quick Analysis button appears. Aptly named, don't you think? You can always
e down for more detail:
let'sGo to you
Or, totoproceed
get rid to
of the
the next
Clickpress CTRL+PAGE DOWN.
3 Now say this button again:

4 On the panel that appears, click the Clear Format button on the right.

Dive down for more detail Next step

ckly make a chart

Quickly make a chart

can always use the Insert tab and create a chart. But here is another way to make a chart, using the Quick Analysis option. This time thoug
s C34 through G42 contain data with five columns: Department, Category, Oct, Nov, and Dec.
to a cell inside the table between cells C34 and G42, for example go to cell D38, then press Ctrl+Q.
You can panel
Quick Analysis alwaysappears.
use thePress
Insert tab and
RIGHT create
ARROW a chart.
until ButCharts.
you find here is another way to make a
ss the Tab keyusing thethe
to enter Quick Analysis
Charts optionsbutton. This to
and Enter time though,
select we'll use
Clustered… . the keyboard shortcut:
ew clustered column chart appears and is selected. Use your arrow keys to move it anywhere you’d like. Within the chart each product has
to cell A47 for the nexta instruction.
1 Click cell inside the data to the right, and then press Ctrl Q

2 On the panel that appears, click Charts.

3 Click the first Clustered… button.

4 A new clustered column chart appears. Move it anywhere you’d like. Notice
that each product has three columns, one for each month of sales.
4 A new clustered column chart appears. Move it anywhere you’d like. Notice
that each product has three columns, one for each month of sales.

ckly make sparklines

Quickly make sparklines

s say you want little trend lines to the right of this data to show how the amounts go up or down during the three months. You don't have t
s C54 through G62 contain data with five columns: Department, Category, Oct, Nov, and Dec.
to a cell inside the table between cells C55 and G62, then press Ctrl+Q.
the QuickLet's say you
Analysis wantthat
panel little trend lines
appears, presstothe
right ARROW
of this data
untilto show
you findhow the amounts
Sparklines, go Tab to select the Line option. Press Ent
then press
up or down during the three months. You don't have to make 8 little line charts. You can
rklines appear to the right of the Dec column in cells H55 through H62. Each line represents the data for that row, and shows whether the a
lear themake sparklines
sparklines, instead.
select cells H55 through H62. Press ALT+JD to enter The Sparkline Tools Design tab above the ribbon. Press C to select t
to cell A68 for the next instruction.
1 Click a cell inside the data to the right, and then press Ctrl Q

2 On the panel that appears, click Sparklines, and then click the Line button.

3 Sparklines appear to the right of the Dec column. Each line represents the data
for that row, and shows whether the amounts go up or down.

4 To clear the sparklines, click and drag to select them. The Sparkline Tools
Design tab will appear at the top of the window. Go to that tab, and then click
the Clear button.

re information on the web

More information on the web

lyze your data instantly
lyze trends in data using sparklines
back to top by pressing CTRL+HOME. To proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Analyze your data instantly

Analyze trends in data using sparklines

Back to top Next step

ck Analysis panel appears.
Department Category Oct Nov Dec
Produce Veggies $30,000 $80,000 $30,000
Produce Fruit $10,000 $30,000 $40,000
Bakery Breads $30,000 $15,000 $20,000
Bakery Desserts $25,000 $80,000 $120,000
Deli Sandwich $80,000 $40,000 $20,000
Deli Salads $90,000 $35,000 $25,000
Meat Beef $90,000 $110,000 $200,000
Meat Chicken $75,000 $82,000 $150,000

When you select cells, this button appears:
It's called the Quick Analysis button. Aptly
named, don't you think? If you ever have a
question about the data, click this button and
see if it gives you some answers.

uick Analysis option. This time though, we'll use the keyboard shortcut:

. Within the chart each product has three columns, one for each month of sales: Oct, Nov, and Dec.
Department Category Oct Nov Dec
Bakery Breads $30,000 $15,000 $20,000
Bakery Desserts $25,000 $80,000 $120,000
Deli Sandwiches $80,000 $40,000 $20,000
Deli Salads $90,000 $35,000 $25,000
Meat Beef $90,000 $110,000 $200,000
Meat Chicken $75,000 $82,000 $150,000
Produce Veggies $30,000 $80,000 $30,000
Produce Fruit $10,000 $30,000 $40,000
g the three months. You don't have to make 8 little line charts. You can make sparklines instead.

b to select the Line option. Press Enter to add Sparklines to the table.
or that row, and shows whether the amounts go up or down.
above the ribbon. Press C to select the Clear option, then press C again to select to Clear Selected Sparklines.
Department Category Oct Nov Dec
Bakery Breads $30,000 $15,000 $20,000
Bakery Desserts $25,000 $80,000 $120,000
Deli Sandwiches $80,000 $40,000 $20,000
Deli Salads $90,000 $35,000 $25,000
Meat Beef $90,000 $110,000 $200,000
Meat Chicken $75,000 $82,000 $150,000
Produce Veggies $30,000 $80,000 $30,000
Produce Fruit $10,000 $30,000 $40,000
Element. Press
ARROW to find
the Data Table
option then
press RIGHT
open the Data
Table options.
Great DOWN
Great charts recommended for you
charts recommended for you
Cells C5 through D11 contain data with two columns: Year and Conference attendance.
you find the
Go toLegend
With any cell in the table between cells C5 and D11, for example go to cell C6. Press CTRL+G, type C6, then press Enter.
Now option. 1 to enter The Insert Charts tab above the ribbon. Press R to bring up Recommended Charts options.
press ALT+N
Select With
Legend recommendations
Keys, will appear. Press Tab to enter the list and use the arrow keys to find an option called Clust
A column
then presschart appears showing total number of conference attendees per year. Use the arrow keys to move the chart
Enter 2 a trendline. Select the chart you just created, and press ALT+JC to enter the Chart Tools Design tab abo
to addadd
Now you'll
Legend Keys to
Press A to Add chart element, then press DOWN ARROW to find the Trendline option. Press RIGHT ARROW to open the Tr
the chart.
Dive down for more detail: Go to A27. Or, to proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Dive down for more detail

Horizontal and vertical axes

Horizontal and vertical axes

In school you might have learned that there is an x-axis and a y-axis. Excel has these two axes as well, but it calls them somethi
In Excel this is what they are called:
• The x-axis along the bottom is called the horizontal axis.
• The y-axisInthat
runsyou might
up and have
down is learned that
called the thereaxis.
vertical is an x-axis and a y-axis. Excel has these two
Each axis can as well,
either be abut it calls
value axis them something
or a category axis.different.
• A value axis represents numerical values. For example, a value axis can represent dollars, hours, duration, temperature, and s
• A categoryIn axis
Excel this is what
represents theylike
things aredates,
people names, product names. The horizontal axis in the chart on the right starti
Go to cell A52 for the next instruction.
• The x-axis along the bottom is called the horizontal axis.
• The y-axis that runs up and down is called the vertical axis.

Each axis can either be a value axis or a category axis.

• A value axis represents numerical values. For example, a value axis can represent dollars,
hours, duration, temperature, and so on. The vertical axis on the right is a value axis.
• A category axis represents things like dates, people names, product names. The
horizontal axis on the right has years so this is a category axis.
then press • A value axis represents numerical values. For example, a value axis can represent dollars,
DOWN hours, duration, temperature, and so on. The vertical axis on the right is a value axis.
ARROW until
you find the • A category axis represents things like dates, people names, product names. The
Combo option,horizontal axis on the right has years so this is a category axis.
listed at the
bottom. Tab
twice to enter
the Series
name: . Press
ARROW twice
to find "Food
Sales", then
press Tab
twice to select
the Secondary
Axis option.
Press SPACEaxis
BAR can
this Secondary axis
also use a secondary axis in a chart. A secondary axis is an additional value axis that can show different values than the
to enable
A popular example is in the chart on the right starting in cell D52. It's the same as the chart above, but it has an additional seco
then press
Enter.D67 through F73 contain data with three columns: Date, Conference attendance, and Food sales. Food Sales column cont
You can also use a secondary axis in a chart. A secondary axis is an additional value axis
Go to cell A68 can show
the nextdifferent values than the other value axis.

A popular example is on the right. It's the same as the chart above, but it has an additional
secondary vertical axis that represents the sales amounts for each month. Some would say
that by having a secondary axis, you almost have “two charts in one.” That’s true. This chart
is both a column chart and a line chart. These kind of charts are called Combo charts in
Excel. If you’re interested in this kind of chart, click the link at the bottom of this sheet.

More information on the web

More information on the web

Create a chart from start to finish
Create a combo chart with a secondary axis
Available chart types in Office
Go back to top by pressing CTRL+HOME. To proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Back to top
Great charts recommended for you
at charts recommended for you
s C5 through D11 contain data with two columns: Year and Conference attendance.
to any cell in the table between cells C5 and D11, for example go to cell C6. Press CTRL+G, type C6, then press Enter.
1 toClick
w press ALT+N anywhere
enter in Charts
The Insert the data
the right, and then
the ribbon. click
Press Insert
R to bring>up
Recommended Charts options.
Charts. will appear. Press Tab to enter the list and use the arrow keys to find an option called Clust
eral recommendations
olumn chart appears showing total number of conference attendees per year. Use the arrow keys to move the chart
2 a trendline.
w you'll add
You'll see several recommendations. Click the second one on the left called
Select the chart you just created, and press ALT+JC to enter the Chart Tools Design tab abo
Clustered Columns. Then click OK.
ss A to Add chart element, then press DOWN ARROW to find the Trendline option. Press RIGHT ARROW to open the Tr
3 A column chart appears showing total number of conference attendees per
e down for more detail:
year. FeelGofree
to A27. Or, toit proceed
to move anywhereto you'd
the next
like.step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

4 Now you'll add a trendline. Select the chart, and the Chart Tools tab will
appear at the top of the Excel window.

5 On the Chart Tools tab, click Design. Then click Add chart element >
Trendline > Linear. Now you have a trendline that shows the general direction
of the units sold over time.

Dive down for more detail Next step

izontal and vertical axes

Horizontal and vertical axes

chool you might have learned that there is an x-axis and a y-axis. Excel has these two axes as well, but it calls them something different.
xcel this is what they are called:
he x-axis along the bottom is called the horizontal axis.
he y-axisInthat
runsyou might
up and have
down is learned that
called the thereaxis.
vertical is an x-axis and a y-axis. Excel has these two
h axis can as well,
either be abut it calls
value axis them something
or a category axis.different.
value axis represents numerical values. For example, a value axis can represent dollars, hours, duration, temperature, and so on. The vertic
categoryIn axis
Excel this is what
represents theylike
things aredates,
people names, product names. The horizontal axis in the chart on the right starting in cell D30 ha
to cell A52 for the next instruction.
• The x-axis along the bottom is called the horizontal axis.
• The y-axis that runs up and down is called the vertical axis. Vertical axis
(Value axis)
Each axis can either be a value axis or a category axis.
• A value axis represents numerical values. For example, a value axis can represent dollars,
hours, duration, temperature, and so on. The vertical axis on the right is a value axis.
• A category axis represents things like dates, people names, product names. The
horizontal axis on the right has years so this is a category axis.
• A value axis represents numerical values. For example, a value axis can represent dollars,
hours, duration, temperature, and so on. The vertical axis on the right is a value axis.
• A category axis represents things like dates, people names, product names. The
horizontal axis on the right has years so this is a category axis.

Secondary axis
can also use a secondary axis in a chart. A secondary axis is an additional value axis that can show different values than the other value axi
opular example is in the chart on the right starting in cell D52. It's the same as the chart above, but it has an additional secondary vertical a
s D67 through F73 contain data with three columns: Date, Conference attendance, and Food sales. Food Sales column contains data that su
You can also use a secondary axis in a chart. A secondary axis is an additional value axis
to cell A68 can show
the nextdifferent values than the other value axis.

A popular example is on the right. It's the same as the chart above, but it has an additional
secondary vertical axis that represents the sales amounts for each month. Some would say
that by having a secondary axis, you almost have “two charts in one.” That’s true. This chart
is both a column chart and a line chart. These kind of charts are called Combo charts in
Excel. If you’re interested in this kind of chart, click the link at the bottom of this sheet.

re information on the web

More information on the web

ate a chart from start to finish
ate a combo chart with a secondary axis
ilable chart types in Office
back to top by pressing
a chart from To proceed
start to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.
to finish

Create a combo chart with a secondary axis

Available chart types in Office

Back to top Next step

n press Enter.

Year Conference attendance

2014 500
2015 800
2016 1000
2017 900
2018 1000
2019 1200

Want a data table directly under the
chart? Click the chart. On the Chart
Tools tab, click Design. Then click Add
Chart Element > Data Table > With
Legend Keys.

t calls them something different.

Conference attendance
, temperature, and so on. The 1400vertical axis in the chart on the right starting in cell D30 is a value axis.
rt on the right starting in cell D30 has years so this is a category axis.
Vertical axis 800
(Value axis)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Horizontal axis
(Category axis)

erent values than the other value axis. $35,000
as an additional secondary vertical
1200axis that represents the sales amounts for each month. Some would say that by having a secondary axis
d Sales column contains data that supports the secondary axis for the chart described above.
1000 $25,000
800 $20,000
600 $15,000 axis

400 $10,000
200 $5,000
0 $0
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Conference attendance Food sales

Date Conference attendance Food sales

2014 500 $5,000
2015 800 $11,200 Data that
supports the
2016 1000 $30,000 secondary axis
2017 900 $25,000 above
2018 1000 $5,000
2019 1200 $8,000

Try making a combo chart. Select the data
above, and then click Insert >
Recommended Charts. At the top, click the
All Charts tab, and then click Combo at the
bottom. On the right, click the Secondary
Axis checkbox for Food sales.
that by having a secondary axis, you almost have “two charts in one.” That’s true. This chart is both a column chart and a line chart. These


Data that
supports the
secondary axis
n chart and a line chart. These kind of charts are called Combo charts in Excel. If you’re interested in this kind of chart, select the hyperlink
d of chart, select the hyperlink in cell A70.
Summarize data with PivotTables
Summarize data with PivotTables
Cells C3 through F9 contain data with four columns: Date, Salesperson, Product, and Amount.
Look through the Date, Salesperson, Product and Amount columns. Can you quickly identify which product is the most pr
1 the PivotTable, we clicked a few buttons so that the data could be summarized. Now we know which p
When we created
Next you’ll pivot the data so that you can find out which salesperson is the leading seller. Select any cell inside the
Press SHIFT+F6 until you enter the PivotTable Fields pane or press ALT+JT, then L to launch the PivotTable Fields pan
2 three times to enter the categories list: Date, Salesperson, Product and Amount . Select the checkbo
Now, press Tab
Dive down for more detail: Go to A27. Or, to proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Press Tab to
enter the list
of categories.
Press DOWN
Now press to find
Product Dive down for more detail
ARROW to find
Amount Spacebar
to select
When you do
that, theyou do
that, the
Amount field
Product field
will get added
to theadded
Values to
the Rowsa PivotTable
area at the
Create a PivotTable
bottom bottomcreate the PivotTable yourself so that you know how to make one when you need to summarize data.
of the
of the
pane. pane.
And, at
And, C34
the through F40 contain data with four columns: Date, Salesperson, Product, and Amount.
the same time
product a cell
the amountsdatainside the table. For example go to cell E38, then press ALT+JT to enter the Design menu above the ribbon. Press V
A Create
are as
totaled Now
for you’ll
PivotTable createappears.
dialogue the PivotTable
Focus is yourself
on Selectso that or
a table you knowLeave
range. howthis
to make one when
radio button option selected press Tab to c
each labels
product in
the new you
PivotTable need
Fields to summarize
pane appears data.
on the right. Press SHIFT+F6 until you come to the Search text box: Type words to search fo
in the
Congratulations, you made a PivotTable. But there is a lot more you can do. So go to cell A60 if you want to learn more
Go to cell A58 for the next instruction.


More information on the web

More information on the web

Create a PivotTable to analyze worksheet data
Use the Field List to arrange fields in a PivotTable
Go back to top by pressing CTRL+HOME. To proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.

Back to top
Summarize data with PivotTables
mmarize data with PivotTables
s C3 through F9 contain data with four columns: Date, Salesperson, Product, and Amount.
k through the Date, Salesperson, Product and Amount columns. Can you quickly identify which product is the most pr
1 the
en we created Look at the Date,
PivotTable, Salesperson,
we clicked Product
a few buttons so and
that Amount columns.
the data could Can you Now we know which p
be summarized.
t you’ll pivot the data soidentify
that youwhich product
can find is the
out which most profitable?
salesperson Or which
is the leading seller.salesperson
Select any cell inside the
is the leading seller? That’s where the PivotTable below can help.
ss SHIFT+F6 until you enter the PivotTable Fields pane or press ALT+JT, then L to launch the PivotTable Fields pan
2 three
w, press Tab Whentimeswetocreated
enter thethe
categories list: Date,
PivotTable, Salesperson,
we clicked Product and
a few buttons Amount
so that . Select the checkbo
the data
e down for more detail: Go to A27. Or, to proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE
could be summarized. Now we know which product is the most profitable. DOWN.

3 Now you’ll pivot the data so that you can find out which salesperson is the
leading seller. Right-click any cell inside the PivotTable, and then click
Show Field List.

4 The PivotTable Fields pane appears. At the bottom of the pane, under
Rows, click Product and then click Remove Field.

5 At the top of the pane, click the checkbox for Salesperson. Now you can
see who’s the leading salesperson.

Dive down for more detail Next step

ate a PivotTable

Create a PivotTable
w you’ll create the PivotTable yourself so that you know how to make one when you need to summarize data.
s C34 through F40 contain data with four columns: Date, Salesperson, Product, and Amount.
ect a cell inside the table. For example go to cell E38, then press ALT+JT to enter the Design menu above the ribbon. Press V to insert a Pivo
Now you’ll
reate PivotTable createappears.
dialogue the PivotTable
Focus is yourself
on Selectso that or
a table you knowLeave
range. howthis
to make one when
radio button option selected press Tab to choose where yo
you Fields
PivotTable need pane
to summarize
appears ondata.
the right. Press SHIFT+F6 until you come to the Search text box: Type words to search for edit.

1 Click a cell inside the data on the right, and then on the Insert menu, click
gratulations, youPivotTable.
made a PivotTable. But there is a lot more you can do. So go to cell A60 if you want to learn more
to cell A58 for the next instruction.
2 In the dialog that appears, click Existing Worksheet, and then type C42 in
the Location box. Click OK.

3 The PivotTable Fields pane appears on the right.

4 At the top of the pane, click the checkbox for Product.

When you do that, the Product field gets added to the Rows area at the
bottom of the pane. And, the product data appears as Row labels in the
new PivotTable.
The PivotTable Fields pane appears on the right.

4 At the top of the pane, click the checkbox for Product.

When you do that, the Product field gets added to the Rows area at the
bottom of the pane. And, the product data appears as Row labels in the
new PivotTable.

5 At the top of the pane, click the checkbox for Amount.

When you do that, the Amount field will get added to the Values area at
the bottom of the pane. And, at the same time the amounts are totaled for
each product in the PivotTable.

6 Congratulations, you made a PivotTable. But there is a lot more you can do.
So click the link at the bottom of this sheet if you want to learn more.

re information on the web

More information on the web

ate a PivotTable to analyze worksheet data
the Field List to arrange fields in a PivotTable
back to top by pressing CTRL+HOME. To proceed to the next step, press CTRL+PAGE DOWN.
Create a PivotTable to analyze worksheet data

Use the Field List to arrange fields in a PivotTable

Back to top Next step

Date Salesperson Product Amount
9/11/2019 Anne Beer $ 1,400
9/16/2019 Mark Wine $ 1,010
10/3/2019 Anne Beer $ 750
10/7/2019 Mark Soda $ 510
10/27/2019 Mariya Soda $ 1,600
11/7/2019 Laura Wine $ 680

Product Sum - Amount

PivotTable Beer $ 2,150
Soda $ 2,110
Wine $ 1,690
Total Result $ 5,950

e the ribbon. Press V to insert a PivotTable.

lected press Tab to choose where you want the PivotTable report to be placed. The default option is selected: New Worksheet. Press DOW
pe words to search for edit.

Date Salesperson Product Amount

9/11/2019 Anne Beer $ 1,400
9/16/2019 Mark Wine $ 1,010
10/3/2019 Anne Beer $ 750
10/7/2019 Mark Soda $ 510
10/27/2019 Mariya Soda $ 1,600
11/7/2019 Laura Wine $ 680
New Worksheet. Press DOWN ARROW to select Existing Worksheet. Press Tab to enter the Location text box and type C42, then press Enter
and type C42, then press Enter.
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