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qxd 1/18/2009 5:16 AM Page 2

Is the Rs 7,000-crore fraud that B. Ramalinga Raju Where

resorted to an accounting scam—done to prop up Did the
valuations of the IT giant—or was the promoter Money Go?
siphoning out money from a fundamentally sound
company? E. KUMAR SHARMA Raju claims that Satyam inflated
profits for many years...
■ By inflating cash and bank
balances of Rs 5,040 crore
In Q2, our revenue grew… on the back of a 4-per cent volume growth and (as against Rs 5,361 crore
rupee depreciation against the US dollar… We believe these factors will reflected in the books)
also enhance annual margin performance… I would like to emphasise that ■ Accrued interest of Rs 376

Satyam is leaving no stone unturned in our efforts to create a sound foun- crore is non-existent
dation for our future.
Note to investors from B. Ramalinga Raju, Founder & Chairman, ■ Liability of Rs 1,230 crore is
Satyam Computer Services, when declaring the company’s results for understated on account of
the quarter ended September 2008 funds arranged by “me”

■ Debtors position of Rs 490
The balance sheet carries as of September 30, 2008 inflated (non-existent) crore is overstated (as against
cash and bank balances… The gap in the balance sheet has arisen purely Rs 2,651 reflected in the books)
on account of inflated profits over a period of last several years (limited
only to Satyam stand-alone…)

Note from B. Ramalinga Raju to the Board of Directors of Satyam … but if this Rs 7,000-odd
dated January 7, 2009 crore did not exist…
■ How were the salaries of

53,000 employees being paid

farce. But when nearly $2 billion of wealth that belonged to 3 with a business that ostensibly
lakh shareholders is eroded in a week; when the jobs of survived on just a 3 per cent
53,000 employees are on the line; when shareholders’ net operating margin?
worth drops from a positive Rs 8,529 crore to a negative Rs 278
crore; when a company opens itself to multi-million dollar lawsuits; ■ Were there more employees
when a company’s founders are thrown in jail; and when its very survival on the bench (than revealed)?
is questioned, you wonder: What was Raju thinking; since when—and ■ Was Raju inflating profits to
why—was he thinking this way; and how did he do it? Over the next few boost Satyam’s valuation, and
pages, BT attempts to unravel this massive fraud, which involves one busi- borrowing money by pledging
ness family, company auditors and, inevitably, an ensemble of politicians. its shares?

… but if the money did exist…

In the Dock
The charges still need to be proved, and several regulatory authorities (CB-CID, SEBI, ■ Did the Rajus use Satyam
Ministry of Corporate Affairs) are on the job. They have a lot of work to do. funds to build a land bank
of over 6,000 acres via a web
 IPC Section 120B: For alleged criminal conspiracy of unlisted companies?
 IPC Section 409: Criminal breach of trust ■ What happened to the funds
raised? There was an ADR issue
 IPC Section 420: Cheating in 2001, via which Satyam raised
 IPC Section 468: Forgery Rs 753 crore and on March 31,
2002, Satyam became an almost
 IPC Section 471: Falsification of records zero-debt company with

Rs 431 crore unutilised amount

 SEBI is probing to see if insider trading in Satyam shares of ADR proceeds
Ramalinga Raju has been resorted to
 Class action suits in the US


Satyam(Lead).qxd 1/18/2009 5:16 AM Page 2

Is the Rs 7,000-crore fraud that B. Ramalinga Raju Where

resorted to an accounting scam—done to prop up Did the
valuations of the IT giant—or was the promoter Money Go?
siphoning out money from a fundamentally sound
company? E. KUMAR SHARMA Raju claims that Satyam inflated
profits for many years...
■ By inflating cash and bank
balances of Rs 5,040 crore
In Q2, our revenue grew… on the back of a 4-per cent volume growth and (as against Rs 5,361 crore
rupee depreciation against the US dollar… We believe these factors will reflected in the books)
also enhance annual margin performance… I would like to emphasise that ■ Accrued interest of Rs 376

Satyam is leaving no stone unturned in our efforts to create a sound foun- crore is non-existent
dation for our future.
Note to investors from B. Ramalinga Raju, Founder & Chairman, ■ Liability of Rs 1,230 crore is
Satyam Computer Services, when declaring the company’s results for understated on account of
the quarter ended September 2008 funds arranged by “me”

■ Debtors position of Rs 490
The balance sheet carries as of September 30, 2008 inflated (non-existent) crore is overstated (as against
cash and bank balances… The gap in the balance sheet has arisen purely Rs 2,651 reflected in the books)
on account of inflated profits over a period of last several years (limited
only to Satyam stand-alone…)

Note from B. Ramalinga Raju to the Board of Directors of Satyam … but if this Rs 7,000-odd
dated January 7, 2009 crore did not exist…
■ How were the salaries of

53,000 employees being paid

farce. But when nearly $2 billion of wealth that belonged to 3 with a business that ostensibly
lakh shareholders is eroded in a week; when the jobs of survived on just a 3 per cent
53,000 employees are on the line; when shareholders’ net operating margin?
worth drops from a positive Rs 8,529 crore to a negative Rs 278
crore; when a company opens itself to multi-million dollar lawsuits; ■ Were there more employees
when a company’s founders are thrown in jail; and when its very survival on the bench (than revealed)?
is questioned, you wonder: What was Raju thinking; since when—and ■ Was Raju inflating profits to
why—was he thinking this way; and how did he do it? Over the next few boost Satyam’s valuation, and
pages, BT attempts to unravel this massive fraud, which involves one busi- borrowing money by pledging
ness family, company auditors and, inevitably, an ensemble of politicians. its shares?

… but if the money did exist…

In the Dock
The charges still need to be proved, and several regulatory authorities (CB-CID, SEBI, ■ Did the Rajus use Satyam
Ministry of Corporate Affairs) are on the job. They have a lot of work to do. funds to build a land bank
of over 6,000 acres via a web
 IPC Section 120B: For alleged criminal conspiracy of unlisted companies?
 IPC Section 409: Criminal breach of trust ■ What happened to the funds
raised? There was an ADR issue
 IPC Section 420: Cheating in 2001, via which Satyam raised
 IPC Section 468: Forgery Rs 753 crore and on March 31,
2002, Satyam became an almost
 IPC Section 471: Falsification of records zero-debt company with

Rs 431 crore unutilised amount

 SEBI is probing to see if insider trading in Satyam shares of ADR proceeds
Ramalinga Raju has been resorted to
 Class action suits in the US


Satyam(Lead).qxd 1/18/2009 1:14 AM Page 4

With two class action suits already filed against him in the US, and many more in the offing, Raju is in for the long haul.
aju’s confession has repercussions across financial mar- B. Ramalinga Raju and erstwhile CEO B. Rama Raju—will be

R kets on two different continents. Legal eagles in the US

are having a field day advertising their services for agg-
rieved shareholders seeking class action against Satyam
judged under the Indian law. “The directors may be liable under
US laws if they signed company documents filed with the US
SEC that they knew (or were reckless in not knowing) contained
Computer’s erstwhile Chairman and Founder. According to materially false financial information.” Vianale steers clear of
Kenneth J. Vianale, Partner, Vianale & Vianale, a US-based law predicting the future of the auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers,
firm representing a Satyam Computers shareholder, by March 9 in the suit.
(which will mark 60 days of the filing of the suit), the Manhattan The new board of directors to the Satyam board won’t be
federal court will receive motions for appointment of lead plain- dragged to court. “The new directors would not be accountable
tiff and lead counsel. “The lead plaintiff, appointed by the court, unless they participated in the misconduct and we have no evi-
will be a shareholder or group of shareholders with the largest dence that they did,” informs Robert Izard, Partner, Izard Nobel,
financial loss in the stock,” points out Vianale. another US-based law firm that has been retained by some
Thereafter, the plaintiffs will likely amend their complaint shareholders to ascertain the facts of the case and will soon be
and may add parties, like the auditor, if the evidence permits. filing a suit against Satyam’s former Chairman and CEO. To that
Then the defendants (company) will respond to the complaint. extent, they will be relying on publicly available information and
If the complaint fails to allege a fraud, then the court could dis- company documents, with Raju probably giving a testimony
miss the case. “If the case is not dismissed, the parties will en- through a sworn deposition in India given that he’s incarcerated
gage in discovery: plaintiffs will seek documents from the com- here, says Izard. That may have been Raju’s final masterstroke,
pany and take depositions of witnesses. Then we move toward as he would have fancied his chances with the Indian legal
trial. In the US, there’s a right to a jury trial,” adds Vianale. system than with its US counterpart.
He further points out that the conduct of the directors— RACHNA MONGA & TEJEESH N . S . BEHL

At first blush, Raju’s statement to Raju couldn’t pay up). And what
the board in which he confesses to was Raju doing with those bor-
inflating profits appears a dignified rowed funds? Ostensibly buying
act of contrition by a man who was large tracts of land, most of it in
willing to stand up and face the Andhra Pradesh.
music for his transgressions. If Raju That’s a con of giant propor-
was dressing up the bottom line, it tions, indeed. But it still pales in
was only to boost the company’s comparison to another more sinis-
valuation and ensure that it stayed in ter likelihood—of the promoters
the big league of IT services. A sucking Satyam’s profits and using it
higher valuation also enabled Raju to fund their orgy of land purchases,
to borrow more money against his via an endless string of companies.
shareholding. The founder of The Rajus liked land more than
Satyam has been pledging the com- they loved code.
pany’s shares for some time now, In recent years, the Rajus have
which has been largely responsible amassed a land bank of an estimated
for the promoters’ holding shrink- 7,000 acres. A number of compa-
ing from a chunky 26 per cent in nies, including the Maytas twins
2001 to 3.6 per cent around the (see The Maze that is Maytas, page
first week of January (lenders began 46), were floated for this purpose.
to sell when share prices fell and The memorandum of association


If Satyam was fudging profits, where were the funds for all-cash acquisitions coming from?
April 2005 July 2005 October 2007 January 2008 April 2008
Acquired UK-based Acquired Singapore- Acquires a 100 per cent Acquires Bridge Acquires construction equipment
Citisoft Plc, a business based Knowledge stake in Nitor Global Strategy Group, a maker Caterpillar Inc.’s market
consulting firm, with Dynamics, a consulting Solutions, a UK-based Chicago-based research and customer analytics
operations in investment solutions provider. infrastructure manage- management consulting operations and Belgium-based
management. FUNDING: All-cash ment services and firm, with revenues S&V Management Consultants, a
FUNDING: $38 million deal of $3.3 million consultancy group. of $17 million. supply-chain management firm.
paid in tranches FUNDING: $5.5 million FUNDING: $35 million in FUNDING: $95.5 million for
in all-cash deal all-cash purchase both the deals, all-cash purchase


Satyam(Lead).qxd 1/18/2009 1:54 AM Page 5


What has been done so far… …and what more needs to be done.
■ The government had, till the time ■ The board needs to reach out to
of writing, appointed six directors clients to re-establish the lost
(including Deepak Parekh, Kiran Karnik confidence and to ensure that clients
and Tarun Das) to the board of Satyam. and employees continue with Satyam.
■ The new board appointed new ■ Steps to ensure that operations are
auditors—Deloitte and KPMG—to look insulated from liabilities and problems.
afresh at the numbers and restate the
financial position of the company. This ■ Analysts suggest that the company
will help determine the exact position could look at selling operations only
of Satyam’s liabilities and liquidity. (business, customers and employees)
and not liabilities to some third party.
■ The new board launches a search
to identify candidates for the positions ■ The money received can be used
of CEO and CFO to replace to clear the liabilites, settle the dues
B. Ramalinga Raju and Srinivas (Top to bottom) Parekh, to suppliers and all outstandings and
Karnik & Das: The new faces
Vadlamani, respectively. on Satyam’s board litigations.

of just one such company, Bangar closely with the Satyam founders.
Agro-Farms, has this as one amongst What clearly did Raju in was the
its many main objects to be pursued: drop in share prices and in real est-
“To carry on in India or elsewhere, ate, in tandem. Result? He had to
the business to deal in acquisition buy more shares to avoid losing the
and development of agriculture lands, earlier ones; by the end he lost most
other lands, properties…” of them (see Living on the Pledge,
THE MORE Such intentions run across several page 66, to see how pledging works).
THE MERRIER of the Raju companies, where either Raju’s only hope lay in getting the
List of companies in which his family members or those close or asset-laden Maytas firms merged
B. Nandini Raju (wife of related to him have either interests or into Satyam. Ironically, when inve-
B. Ramalinga Raju) is a Director: are directors. In fact, Satyam was the stors rubbished Raju’s proposal to
only IT company where promoters merge these firms, they felt that he
■ Name: B. Nandini Raju had an interest in real estate—an int- was attempting to strip Satyam off its
DIRECTORSHIPS: erest that kept increasing even as their cash (of $1.6 billion). Little did they
Alakananda Agro-farms stake in the IT services major kept know that he was trying to reconcile
Anuradha Bio-Tech reducing! Till 2001-02, Andhra Satyam’s fictitious assets with real
Anuradha Greenlands
ranked among the states in which ones. Raju admits as much in his
real estate was the cheapest. As land confession letter. But what he
Ayurda Greenlands
prices started rising because of the doesn’t say is whether Satyam’s bal-
Bharani Agro state government’s reformist pitch, ance sheet is threadbare because it
Brahmaputra Greenlands the Rajus sniffed a bounty. Perhaps the was run ragged to build the real est-
BRNR Agro patriarch saw an opportunity to create ate assets in the first place. That’s the
BRNR Holdings business for his two sons, who despite Rs 7,000-crore question investigators
Continental Thermits being well-educated, weren’t too keen will have to answer. ■
Dhanista Farms on taking over the IT business. “You ADDITIONAL REPORTING
have to understand that in a state like BY RACHNA MONGA &
Dronagiri Agro-farms
Andhra Pradesh, which used to have CLIFFORD ALVARES
Mahanadi Bio-Tech
vast tracts of agricultural land, local
Medravati Agro-Farms people are bound to have a fascination
Parbati Agro-Farms for owning land,” says a former inv- FOR UPDATES AND FURTHER ANALYSIS
Penganga Agro-Farms estment banker, who has worked


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