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MARK 101 – Principles of Marketing Tutorial Assignments

Tutorial Assignment 4: 20% DUE DATE: 5pm Thursday 25th May

For this assignment, you should refer to your previous work because you now have to think about the
strategic direction in which your chosen company is headed. To do this well you will have to show
that you understand the company and product market background, the environmental pressures your
company faces, and as well, the competitor pressures, all subjects of your previous tutorial

The first section asks you to analyse your chosen brand’s position in the market place and the
dimensions on which it is differentiated from competitors.

Sections two and three asks you to identify the market segments that your brand is targeted towards,
make recommendations for new or additional market segments, and make recommendations as to
how your brand’s product(s) should develop.

The framework below suggests that all strategic innovations can be thought of in terms of innovation
to the market or innovation to the product. Using this framework should help you in organising your
thoughts, comments, suggestions and recommendations.

Markets Present New Figure one: The
product-market growth
matrix. Four market –
product strategies:
Present Market Penetration Product Development
from Kerin, et al.
(2007) Marketing: The
Core, McGraw Hill,
New Market Development Diversification Australia p.32

To help you understand the different options, here are some short definitions to get you started.

 Market Penetration – this strategy means a company attempts to sell more of the same
product to the same market.

 Market Development – this strategy means that a company attempts to sell more of the
same product to new markets.

 Product Development - this strategy means a company will sell a new product or innovated
product to the same target market

 Diversification – means a company will sell completely new products to new markets.

For the purposes of this assignment, base your ideas and recommendations on market and
product developments or diversification strategies. If you argue that Market Penetration is the
best approach we may think you haven’t thought hard enough about it and you are likely to lose
recommendation marks in Section two.

Throughout this assignment, you MUST use APA 6th referencing in this exercise.
Include in-text and full citation(s) in each question.

MARK 101 – Principles of Marketing Tutorial Assignments

Section One - 6 MARKS

1. Consider your brand’s product in terms of the attributes that customer’s value. Select four
attributes of importance to customers and draw two perceptual maps (2 attributes on each
map.) (2 marks)

Do not use Price and / or Quality as attributes. If you do, you will lose all marks for the
perceptual maps.

2. Identifying between 8-10 indirect and direct competitors and place them on the perceptual
maps illustrating where each is positioned relative to the other based on these attributes.
(2 marks)

NB: You can use your competitor analysis from Tutorial Assignment three for this exercise but
you will need to find additional competitors.

3. Positioning and Differentiation

In 250 words or less, explain the position of your company or brand by showing how it is
differentiated from each of the competitors you have included above. (2 marks)

Positioning and Differentiation:

MARK 101 – Principles of Marketing Tutorial Assignments

Draw perceptual map:

Key (if needed):

MARK 101 – Principles of Marketing Tutorial Assignments

Draw perceptual map:

Key (if needed):

MARK 101 – Principles of Marketing Tutorial Assignments

Section Two - 7 MARKS

1. Using appropriate segmentation bases e.g. demographics, geographic, lifestyle, ethnicity, values, opinions and interests (and any others you may
wish to use) describe the current target market(s) of your company (2 marks)

Describe the (or one major) current target market of your company/brand /product on the bases of these segmentation tools

Company: Brand/ Product:

Demographics Geographic





(please specify)

References :

MARK 101 – Principles of Marketing Tutorial Assignments

2. Using a Market Development approach, i.e. the company wishes to market the same products to new markets, in 250 words or less, complete a profile
that describes at least one viable new target market segment your company should pursue. (5 Marks)

Make sure you consider whether the size of your chosen target market is large enough to be of benefit to your company and how your company can
offer value to the new target market.

New Target Market


MARK 101 – Principles of Marketing Tutorial Assignments

Section Three - 7 MARKS

Using a product development approach, (the company sells a new product or innovated product to
the same target market) or a diversification approach (the company sells a new or innovated product
to a new target market) discuss the following (in 750 words or less)

How should your company change the product (including its packaging) to:

a) better appeal to its existing and new customers, and

b) differentiate itself from its competitors more clearly.

Make sure you justify your answers thoroughly and do not discuss either price or quality as part of
this answer.


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