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IDA (Student who diligent and smart) as SINKA

AYU (Student who diligent and smart) as MERIS

RISKY (A diligent student but often troublesome friends) as RIYAN

YOGA (Student who are diligent but a little less of programming) as NAURA



UAS , this event as an event that is very confusing for most students. The amount of task to be done, a
lot of lesson that must be mastered, even attendance problems often haunts college students who are
truant. It is also shared by the three students who happen to them getting a group to work on structured
programming for UAS. Because the UAS was only a matter of days, then one day they are promised to do
the work in the UAS on campus.

Setting: in one of the classroom on the campus. In the classroom there is Risky and Yoga are waiting Ida
came to do the task.

Risky : Hhmm, Ida and Ayu has not arrived yet?

Yoga : Try to telephone her, who know her is forgotten.

Risky : OK, (Risky call Ida)

However, his call was not answered by Ida

Yoga : How?

Risky : No answer

Their face expressions were confused. Then a moment later Ida came.

Ida : hay guys, you have been a long time for waiting for us?
Risky : Yeah, we are confused thinking about the task.

ayu : I’m sorry, there was still hours of class. By the way, you have what extend to do the task?

Yoga : We don’t get anything from before, because we are confused.

Ida : What? You haven’t worked at all? Though it is collect tomorrow?

Risky : So, we are waiting for you guys, because we are confused the before.

ayu : Okay, we still have five hours before this campus is closed to completing this task. Let us start
form the division of task.

Yoga : Ida, I will make the report, you know that I’m not good at programming.

Ida : Okay, no problem. And you Risky? What do you want?

Risky : Hhmm, I want to help Yoga.

ayu : Huft, did you know? We must have to finish the program firs, before doing on the report.

Yoga : Yeah we know, but we don’t understand about the task.

Risky : So, we hope you Ida…

Ida : You told me to do this task by myself?

Yoga : Well, what can make?

ayu : You should not be like that. So, what the point we are gathered here to do the task? We are a
team, you know that right?

Risky : We know, sorry .

Yoga : But, we cannot help anything.

Ida : Who says? You certainly can, anyway we can learn together right?

Risky : A good idea, we are here not just to do the task, but also to learn together.

Ida : Okay, let’s begin!

Yoga : Spirit!

(They are seriously finishing the task)

(Yoga is serious in front of the laptop, suddenly his frowned and asked Ayu)

Yoga : Ayu, you know where whether it hurts?

ayu : Hhmm, I think I know, let me see.

Yoga : Well it turns out wrong.

ayu : So, to write syntax like this must start with a bunch of ‘Private Sub’ and ends with ‘End Sub’.

(One of the command in VB)

Yoga : Okay, thank you Ayu.

ayu : You are welcome.

(Risky who had been busy working on the report, suddenly put an brilliant idea to make the title of the
program that they make)

Risky : Ida, Yoga, Ayu I have an idea about the title for our program. How if the title of our program like
this? (While showing the concept to Ida, Ayu and Yoga)

Yoga : Hhmm, perhaps.

Ida : Okay, the concept has been completed.

Risky : What about the others?

ayu : Syntax that I made was 80 percent. How about Yoga?

Yoga : Hhmm, I was 30 percent.

Risky : Don’t worry Yoga, let me help you.

Yoga : Okay, we act.

Ida : Eits, before resuming the task, let us drink first, certain you are thirsty right? This I take a drink
for you.

Risky : Yeah, we are thirsty.

Yoga : Thank you Ida.

Ida : Okay, after this we go again, there is still 2 hours. Spirit!

Risky n Yoga : Spirit!

(They were I the spirit of each one doing their job until an hour has gone)

Yoga : Yes, finally over.

ayu : Really? You’re done?

Risky : Yes, look at this.

ayu : Well, you are great. Our program has been completed.

Yoga : How about your program, Ida?

ayu : I also finished.

Risky : So? Our task is complete? Wow, really did not believe we can finish it.

ayu : That’s because we work together. A job if done together, certainly it would be lighter and faster

Yoga : Very true words.

Ida : Okay, now we can go home early.

Risky : Yes, thank you my friends to learn today.

Ida : Next time we can study together again, okay?

Yoga : Okay, it could be arranged.

Ida, Ayu, Risky, n Yoga laugh together.

Ida : Okay, I will go home now. See you tomorrow.

Risky : Be careful on the road.

Ida n Ayu : Okay, bye.

Risky n Yoga : Bye

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