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Computer Network Lab Assignment

(CS – 692/EE792A)
CSE 6th Sem/EE 7th Sem

1) Steps to Install & Configure NIC Card.

A network card goes by many names: NIC card, network interface card, Ethernet card, wireless
card, and many more.

If you want to add your computer to a network or a network device like a router then you need to
install or configure your network card. Every new computer and motherboard you buy nowadays
has a built in network port known as RJ45 socket. If you have an older computer or a
motherboard that does not have a built in RJ45 socket then your only option is to add a PCI or
USB network card if you wish to connect to a network. For this guide, assume that you do not
have a network card installed.

First things, you might have to purchase and install a Network Interface Card (NIC). You can use
an Ethernet NIC card or a Wireless NIC card. If you use a wireless card you will need to have a
wireless router connected to your internet modem in order to communicate to the card. If you are
using a USB network adaptor you simply need to plug it into an empty USB port.

a typical Network Interface Card (NIC)

a typical Wireless Network Interface Card a USB Network Adaptor

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Computer Network Lab Assignment
(CS – 692/EE792A)
CSE 6th Sem/EE 7th Sem

As you open up the box with your new network card, you will get a Driver CD that comes with the
card. Next, open the cabinet box of computer. You might have to look around to see how your
computer cover comes off. Some have screws and others have release buttons and open like a
clamshell. If you open your cover and don't see something similar to the picture below, you need
to take the cover on the other side of the case off.

Now look for the PCI section as depicted in the red area in the following picture.

Make sure there is an available slot for the new network card. In the picture below, I am pointing
to a PCI slot that your card will fit into. If there are no slots available you will have to make a
decision on what card you don't need and pull it out. Remove the blank cover in an unused slot
that you a going to use.

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Computer Network Lab Assignment
(CS – 692/EE792A)
CSE 6th Sem/EE 7th Sem

Next you align the connectors into the slot. There is an alignment tab on the card that slips
between the computer board and case. Make sure that tab is aligned properly.

Now, gently push down on the top of the network card to seat it in the connector.

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Computer Network Lab Assignment
(CS – 692/EE792A)
CSE 6th Sem/EE 7th Sem

Secure the card(s) with a screw as shown below.

Reinstall the cover and connect the Ethernet cable to the network card. The following picture
shows a close-up of an Ethernet cable end (called an RJ45) and the card being connected.

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Computer Network Lab Assignment
(CS – 692/EE792A)
CSE 6th Sem/EE 7th Sem

Connect your computer back up to any cables that you unplugged and turn it on. Now You have
to Install the NIC Driver in order to make it Function able.

Install the device driver for the network card. Windows will detect that you have installed a new
hardware. In most cases it will install the drivers automatically. If not, you need to install the
drivers manually from the CD supplied with the network card. I am using Windows 7 operating
system to demonstrate each step

As soon as Windows starts to load, you should be able to open the CD deck to put in the CD that
came with your network interface card(NIC). Windows should inform you that it found new
hardware and is looking for the drivers. If a block comes up that asks where to look, click on the
"Let automatically Windows search for a driver". Windows should find the drivers for the card and
load them. Windows may require a re-boot after loading the drivers.

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Computer Network Lab Assignment
(CS – 692/EE792A)
CSE 6th Sem/EE 7th Sem

2) Write down the steps to assign IP address, Net mask, Default Gateway & DNS to a
machine in Windows 7 and Red hat Linux 9.0.

Windows Network Setup

Step 2: After the drivers have been installed successfully you can see a network card listed under
windows device manager. To go to the device manager click Start -> Control Panel -> System
and Security -> System -> Device Manager.

You will see a network card listed under the device manager similar to the image below:

Step 3: Go to network sharing center by clicking Start -> Control Panel -> Network and
Internet -> Network and Sharing Center. As you can see from the image below the computer
name CSE_FACULTY_PC is connected to a network and has access to the Internet. This indicates
that our network card is installed correctly and managed to get connection to our network.

Step 4: Check your local area connections by clicking on change adaptor settings link on the
left side of Network and Sharing Center. You will get an icon similar to below:

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Computer Network Lab Assignment
(CS – 692/EE792A)
CSE 6th Sem/EE 7th Sem

Step 5: Double click on Local Area Connection icon which will display your LAN status. It
shows the network connection duration, the speed of the connection, number of bytes sent and
received etc.

Step 6: Click on Details to see the Network connection details. You will see some very import
connection details. You will see DHCP Enable is set to No and your IP Address listed. DHCP means
(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). Basically it’s a feature built into most Routers or server
operating systems which automatically assigns an IP address to the client computer.

In our case the Router is not the DHCP server and our computer is the client. Hence, IP address is
assigned statically. Please note the dynamic IP address assigned by a DHCP server is random and
can change next time you reboot your computer or the router.

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Computer Network Lab Assignment
(CS – 692/EE792A)
CSE 6th Sem/EE 7th Sem

Step 7: Close the Network connection details. Now, Click on Properties of the Local Area
Connection Status Window. A Local Area Connection Properties Window will come. Click on
(on Network area connections status) -> Internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) ->
Properties. In case of Obtain IP address automatically, DHCP server assigns everything
automatically as mentioned above.

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Computer Network Lab Assignment
(CS – 692/EE792A)
CSE 6th Sem/EE 7th Sem

Step 8: If you have many computers on a network i.e. your Desktop PC, Your Laptop, and your
PS3 console its a good idea to fix the IP Address for each device. This is called static IP address.
By fixing the IP address you can easily identify each computer on the network. This is what i will
do below. I will choose my IP address as The subnet mask will be automatically set
to Default gateway is The gateway IP address is normally the IP address
of your router. Preferred DNS server is also the IP Address of your router, although you can use
other DNS server like Open DNS IP address.

Step 9: You can now check if the static settings have taken effect by clicking on Details on Local Area
connection status as you have done on Step 6. Finally you will see all the settings that you have made in the
previous step has taken effect. You will notice that the DHCP enable is set to No, as we have set each value

That’s it, you have managed to install and configure your network device successfully. You have also learned
how to use dynamic and static IP Address to connect to a network.

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Computer Network Lab Assignment
(CS – 692/EE792A)
CSE 6th Sem/EE 7th Sem

Red hat 9.0 Network Setup

I. To use the Network Administration Tool, you must have root privileges. To start the application, Click
the Main Menu Button (on the Panel), then Click System Settings, followed by Network.

II. Select Ethernet connection from the Device Type list, and Click Forward.

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Computer Network Lab Assignment
(CS – 692/EE792A)
CSE 6th Sem/EE 7th Sem

III. If you have already added the network interface card to the hardware list, select it from the Ethernet
card list. Otherwise, Select Other Ethernet Card to add the hardware device and then Click Forward.

IV. In the Configure Network Settings window as shown below, Click the option button for Statically set
IP Address and enter the information’s like IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway Address.

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Computer Network Lab Assignment
(CS – 692/EE792A)
CSE 6th Sem/EE 7th Sem

V. After entering the information’s click Forward to go finish the setup.

Click Apply to Finish the Setup.

VI. After configuring the Ethernet device, go to the Red Hat -> System Settings -> Network and click on
Network. A window will appear in the device list as shown below.

VII. When the device is added, it is not activated immediately, as seen by its Inactive status. To activate the
device, select the device and Click the Activate button then go to File option and click Save to save the

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Computer Network Lab Assignment
(CS – 692/EE792A)
CSE 6th Sem/EE 7th Sem

Setting up Linux Network using Command:

[root@MC-17 root]# netconfig 

After giving the command a window will appear like:

Select “Yes” and press Enter  to continue to next window and insert the IP Address, Subnet Mask and
Default Gateway Address into the proper field :

then select “OK” and press Enter  to go back to terminal.

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Computer Network Lab Assignment
(CS – 692/EE792A)
CSE 6th Sem/EE 7th Sem

In terminal type the following command to setup the IP Address permanently in your system :

[root@MC-17 root]# service network restart 

Shutting down interface eth0: [ OK ]

Shutting down loopback interface: [ OK ]
Setting network parameters: [ OK ]
Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ]
Bringing up interface eth0: [ OK ]

[root@MC-17 root]#chkconfig network on 

[root@MC-17 root]# ifconfig 

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:08:A1:6B:20:22

inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:240 (240.0 b)
Interrupt:9 Base address:0xe000

lo Link encap:Local Loopback

inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:92004 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:92004 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:6283377 (5.9 Mb) TX bytes:6283377 (5.9 Mb)

[root@MC-17 root]#

[root@MC-17 root]# ping 

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=0.133 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=0.158 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=128 time=0.139 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=128 time=0.153 ms

Press <Ctrl + c>

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3000ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.133/0.145/0.158/0.017 ms

[root@MC-17 root]#

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Computer Network Lab Assignment
(CS – 692/EE792A)
CSE 6th Sem/EE 7th Sem

3) Write down the steps to share a particular Drive or Directory with appropriate file
permission in Windows XP.

To Share a Particular Drive or Directory in Network (LAN) go to My Computer and then right click
on the Desired Drive or Directory and chose the Sharing and Security option.

After clicking the Sharing and Security option, a window will appear like this:

Now click on the option and you will get the window like the following

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Computer Network Lab Assignment
(CS – 692/EE792A)
CSE 6th Sem/EE 7th Sem

Now to share the Desired Drive or Directory in Read-only Mode click on the check box “Share
this folder in network” and to allow the Write Permission check the both Boxes.

Now click Apply and then OK button to make it Shareable in your Network.

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Computer Network Lab Assignment
(CS – 692/EE792A)
CSE 6th Sem/EE 7th Sem

Now go to My Computer, you can see there a hand symbol is there in the Desired Drive or
Directory that you have shared on network. It means that the Desired Drive or Directory is ready
to being access by another system in your network.

Now to access a particular Shared Area of a Particular Computer in Network, open the My
Network place then click on the “View workgroup computers” option in the left side of the
window. Here you can see the Computers Connected in LAN.

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Computer Network Lab Assignment
(CS – 692/EE792A)
CSE 6th Sem/EE 7th Sem

Now click on the Desire Computer Icon to show the shared drive or Directory in your Network.

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