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Summer Training Guidelines & Rules

MBA (2018-20)

Each Student is required to undergo 06-08 weeks training in any organization

immediately after completion of the second semester examinations:

1. It is advised that students take up summer training at the metro cities so that they get
oriented to the places where there are more chances of getting placements in the
future rather than staying in comfort of their hometown.

2. The students must decide their area of specialization beforehand so that they may
train in the concerned area itself.

3. Students may use their own contacts, efforts, and resources to obtain training
opportunity in the field of their choice. They may also seek the assistance of their
faculty guide / Internal Guide for Summer Training Placement.

4. No student will be allowed to seek more than one summer training. If a firm offer is
made to a student, he/she is automatically deemed ineligible for any further
assistance for his/her summer training placements irrespective of whether he/she
accepts the offer or not.

5. Based on each student’s specialization, an internal guide will be assigned to the

students by The Director VSB, Students can contact /Prof. Shashank Goel / Asst.
Prof. Prashant Sharma / Coordinators SIP also for their queries.

6. Before commencing on training, all students are required to report to their respective
internal guides and submit relevant information about their summer

training (specialization, company, student contact details, industry guide details,
functional area of work, etc.) and submit the following before leaving the campus:
(a) approval letter of the internal guide, (b) Resume.

7) Students are required to submit a scanned copy of the Joining Report to the
Coordinator SIP and their respective internal guides by email. (Joining Report will
include details of the company, industry guide details with signature, internal guide
details with signature, functional area, area of work, etc.)

8) Each student is required to email a scanned copy or post a photocopy at college

address (mentioned at the last for reference) of Progress Report to Coordinator SIP
Committee and internal guide every week in the prescribed Progress Report form.
Students must retain the original forms with them and submit these to their Internal
Guide at the time of submission of the Training Report.

9) If any student fails to submit progress report for two consecutive weeks without
proper and sufficient reason, it will be presumed that such student is not attending
his/her training regularly. Such student’s training report can be summarily rejected.

10) Summer Training Report will be accepted only if it bears duly signed certificates of
the industry guide as well as their internal guide.

11) Summer Training Seminar and Viva Voce will be conducted in the presence of the
internal guide who will verify the training details stated by the student.

12) Upon completion of the training, students should join the campus on ……… and
must consult their internal guide for preparation of the Training Report. The report
should be submitted latest by ………………….. to the Coordinator SIP properly
signed and certified by the Guides, after which no report will be accepted.

13)The internal guide won’t be changed till the end of SIP.

14)Students are required to give a presentation (of approx 30 minutes duration) on

his/her training (in presence of their resp. internal guides) from …………………..

15)The students should bring their work file and the CV with the updated
information of the executive summary during presentation.

16)If any student fails to submit his/her training report in the approved format along
with duly signed original weekly progress report forms on the given deadline and/or
fails to appear for the seminar (without prior written permission of the Coordinator
– SIP) as per the published schedule, it will be presumed that he/she has not
undertaken the training and will be marked accordingly.
17)The marks distribution for the training will be as per the below criteria:
i. Swot and CV 5
ii. Approval From Internal Guide 5
iii. Joining Report 5
iv. Weekly Progress Report (5 x 3) (3 marks for each report) 15
v. Timely submission of report. (-1 weekly for late submission) 5
vi. Working file 5
vii. Internal Evaluation by guide 10
viii. Seminar 20
ix. Total 70

18) Any request for extension of deadline for submission of training report and/or
seminar will be entertained only under exceptional circumstances and on the sole
discretion of The Director on a case-to-case basis. The nature and quantum of
penalty in such cases will be as deemed appropriate by The Director.

N.B.: Students may contact internal SIP Guide /Coordinator SIP on mail for any
further clarification.

Correspondence Address:
Prof. Shashank Goel & Prof..Prashant Sharma

Director VSB
(Dr. Vasudha Sharma)

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