1.1. Background: Hydroponic Production Field Production

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1.1. Background
Hydroponics is the process of growing plants without substrate. In hydroponic systems plants are
grown in a variety of different media and the essential elements plants need to grow are supplied
in the nutrient solution. This allows greater control of nutrient supply and plant growth.
Hydroponics also allows the root environment to be modified to improve one or more aspects of
plant production.

Hydroponics systems are frequently incorporated into greenhouse environments. This further
improves plant production by giving increased control over the plants environment and protection
from pests, diseases and adverse climatic conditions. Many hydroponics systems also allow runoff
water to be recycled, greatly increasing the efficiency of water use.

Hydroponics can be used to grow almost any crop. However, it is particularly suitable for growing
high value and/or high turnover crops, as the set-up costs are greater than with conventional
substrate based production.

The first application of hydroponics in recorded history was the hanging gardens of Babylon that
was built by king Nebuchadnezzar. Egypt and China also practice hydroponics on Chinampa. It
was Dr. W. F Gericke in 1936 of the University of California who came up with the term
Hydroponics from the Greek hydro (water) and ponos (work), meaning working with water. Dr.
Gericke was the first person to carry out large-scale commercial experiments in which he grew
tomatoes, lettuce and other vegetables. Hydroponics was also applied during World War II
between 1939 and 1945 so as to provide vegetables for the troops (in arid substrates and in
Greenland). NASA currently uses the hydroponics technique to provide food for space travellers.
Plants need an energy source in order to grow. With hydroponics growing this energy may come
from natural light, which has the full spectrum of colour or through the use of different types of
artificial lighting (grow lights), which can be selected for specific plant varieties and optimum
plant growth characteristics.

Due to technological advancements within the industry and numerous economic factors, the global
hydroponics market is forecast to grow from $226.45 million USD in 2016 to $724.87 million
USD by 2023.

1.2. Difference between Hydroponic and Traditional Cultivation

Hydroponic production Field production
Neutral substrate is used to support the roots of Plants are grown in soil.
the plants.
Plants are irrigated precisely using nutrient Water and fertiliser are supplied in separate
solution cycles in large amounts.
External stress is countered using intensive Plants are grown seasonally when there is less
automatic climate and nutrient control systems external stress
High power input required Power required mostly during irrigation only
Root zone suspended in nutrient solution can Roots embedded in soil
be monitored
Produce quality and quantity can be controlled Produce quality majorly depends on external
using intensive techniques and technology climate and interaction happening in soil
The potential and Challenges of hydroponics
1. Use in places where in-ground, substrate based, plant growth is not viable
2. Isolation from diseases and pests found in the substrate
3. Direct and immediate control of nutrient content, salinity and acidity, and root zone environment
4. Higher and more stable yields
5. Intensive planting
6. Greater water and fertiliser use efficiency
7. Ease of disinfecting greenhouses between crops
8. No weeding required
9. No cultivation or preparation of substrate before planting
10. Lower operational costs associated with water and nutrient recycling
11. Reduced transplant shock
12. Decreased use of hazardous pesticides
13. More predictable yield and time of harvest
14. Ability, in some systems, to adjust working height from ground level to a better height for
planting, cultivation and harvesting
15. Ability to fully contain run off water

1. Higher set up cost, relative to conventional production systems
2. Higher level of operational skills, relative to conventional production systems
3. Not economically viable for all crops
4. Increased risk of spread of substrate-borne diseases
5. Greater risk that crop will suffer nutrition problems
6. System failure results in rapid plant death

2. HYDROPONIC SYSTEM Hydroponics systems require a number of different

components to supply water and nutrients to the plants in the correct doses and at the right time,
to provide a root zone environment for the plant to grow, and to provide physical support to the
plants. These components allow growers to regulate and control the nutrients supplied to the plants
and their subsequent growth and production.

2.1. Components of the hydroponics system

The key components of a hydroponics system are:
i. Water supply
ii. Fertigation system
iii. Substrate and other growth and support media
iv. Plant Growth Systems
v. Power supply

i. Water supply
All crops require a reliable supply of fresh water to grow. This is especially important with
hydroponics systems as the high levels of production needed for a profitable hydroponics operation
relies on sufficient high quality fresh water. For commonly produced hydroponics crops such as
tomato, cucumber and capsicum, water must have a maximum salinity level below 500ppm (0.78
dS/m) and be free of contaminants. Water sources can include city water supplies and ground

Water quality should be regularly monitored for contaminants and concentrations of specific ions
and phytotoxic substances. Contamination by microorganisms can be controlled by treating water
with UV, ozone and chlorination. In circumstances where there is sufficient water of poor quality
a reverse osmosis system can be added to the system to remove excess salt and improve water

ii. Fertigation system

The fertigation system provides the crop with the water and nutrients. This computer controlled
system mixes the nutrients according to the predetermined formula, adjusts the pH to the set level,
and delivers these to the plants dissolved in the irrigation water. This is done at the required
frequency and duration to meet the crop species, growth stage and climatic requirements.

The type of fertigation system used depends on the size and complexity of the enterprise, the
operators’ skill level and the targeted levels of production.
The fertigation system consists of the following components:

a. Fresh water storage tanks

b. Nutrient and chemical storage tanks
c. Mixing tank
d. pH meter
e. EC meter
f. Control system
g. Irrigation system
h. Pumps
i. Waste water collection and recycling system

a. Fresh water storage tanks

Fertigation systems must have a reliable supply of good quality water. The water storage
tanks should hold sufficient water for several days of operations. Sources of water include
city water supply and farm wells (bore water). Water quality should be regularly monitored
for contaminants and concentrations of specific ions and phytotoxic substances.
b. Nutrient and chemical storage tanks

The concentrated mixes of nutrients for the crop are stored in the nutrient storage tanks.
Nutrients are premixed into concentrated solutions according to recipes formulated to
provide crops all their requirements for growth. These nutrients are mixed with fresh water
to make the nutrient solution that supply the crops with both water and nutrients.

It is important to have separate nutrient storage tanks for calcium and phosphorus as
sources as these are likely to form an insoluble precipitate if mixed together. This will clog
irrigation pipes and drippers.

Due to the corrosive nature of many fertilisers, tanks are usually made of polyethylene or
fiberglass. Where metal tanks are used, they should be either stainless steel or coated with
a non-corrosive material such as epoxy. Tanks should be large enough to hold the volume
of nutrient solution required for at least one fertigation cycle.
The accepted system for nutrient storage tanks is:

 Tank A - Calcium-based nutrient solutions

 Tank B - Phosphorus-based nutrient solutions
 Tank C - Acid to decrease the pH
 Tank D - Base solutions to increase the pH
Acid solutions, used to reduce pH, include nitric acid, phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid.
Alkaline solutions, used to increase pH, include potassium hydroxide and potassium
c. Mixing tank

The nutrient concentrates from the nutrient storage tanks are mixed with fresh water in the
mixing tank to produce the nutrient solution. The concentrations of nutrients, and the pH
are continuously monitored in the mixing tank and the amounts of nutrients added adjusted
to ensure the nutrient solution is the correct pH and contains the correct concentration of
nutrients. In hydroponics systems that use recycled runoff water this is also added back
into the system through the mixing tank. Mixing tanks can be large tanks where a batch of
nutrient solution is mixed prior to delivery to the crop, or a series of small tanks from which
the nutrient solution is continually drawn, mixed and adjusted as it is being delivered to the
d. pH meter
Fertigation systems contain a pH meter in the mixing tank to constantly measure the pH of
the nutrient solution and adjust it to meet the requirements. The pH is important as the
optimal uptake of nutrients by crops is pH dependent.
e. EC meter

Fertigation systems contain an EC meter in the mixing tank to constantly measure the EC
of the nutrient solution and adjust it to meet the requirements. The EC is a measure of the
total dissolved minerals salts in the nutrient solution. This is important as it determines the
nutrients that are provided to the crop.
f. Control unit

The fertigation system is run by the control unit. It monitors the EC and pH and adjusts
them to meet the formulated specifications. It also regulates the irrigation frequency and
duration. Water quality and nutrient solution requirements for hydroponic systems vary
according to the crops to be grown. Optimum results can be achieved when automated
irrigation, fertigation and greenhouse environment are used. Control units available include
those that allow irrigation pumps in different sections to be turned on at pre-set times.
g. Irrigation system

Water and nutrients are delivered to the individual plants from the mixing tank by the
irrigation system. It consists of pumps, pipes and drippers that ensure each plant gets the
same amount of water and nutrients.
h. Pumps

Fertigation systems contain many pumps to move concentrated mineral solutions from the
nutrient storage tanks to the mixing tank, to bring fresh water to the mixing tanks, and then
to distribute the nutrient solution to the crop. Pumps are also needed to bring runoff water
back to the runoff water storage tank.
i. Run off water recycling system

To increase the efficiency of water and nutrient use, runoff water can be recycled back into
the system. This requires runoff water to be collected, treated and the stored. The treatment
is a three stage process that firstly uses sand and screen filters to remove large particles,
then passes the water through a UV filter to kill any pathogens. This water is then stored
in the recycled water tank. Up to one third of the crops water supply can be provided by
recycled water.
iii. Growing Medium/Substrate

a. Properties
The growing medium provides the plant with physical support, nutrient water and air
retention. The following should be taken into consideration when choosing the growth
medium for hydroponics:

 Chemical properties of the substrate

 Substrate acidity or alkalinity (pH)
 Substrate salinity (EC)
 C:N ratio (degree of decomposition)
 Cation exchange capacity
 Physical properties of the substrate
 Bulk density
 Porosity (pore space for aeration and water retention)
 Particle size distribution
 Water holding capacity
Table. Physical and chemical characteristics of materials used in substrate culture

Material Bulk Water PH porosity Cation Decomposition

density holding exchange rate (carbon:
(weight) capacity capacity Nitrogen)
Sawdust L H 7.0 M H H
Rice hulls L L L H M M-H
Shaving L M L H M M-H
Vermiculite L H variable M H L
Peat moss L H 3.0-4.0 H H M
Perlite L H neutral H L L
Coir L H 4.9-6.8 H M L
Polystyrene L L Neutral H L L
Bark L M L M M M
sand H L variable M L L
Explanation of categorization
Low 0.25 20% 3- 4.5 5% 10 1:200
gm./cm³ meg/100
Medium 0.25- 20-60% 5- 6.5 5-30% 10-100 1:200-1:500
High 0.75 60% 6.5-8.5 30% 100 1:500

iv. Plant growth systems

The most widely used types of water hydroponic systems are:
a. Nutrient film technique
b. Deep Water Culture
c. Aeroponics

a. Wick system,
b. Ebb and Flow
c. Drip Irrigation,

a. Nutrient film technique

Plants are placed in a polypropylene-treated PVC pipes or troughs, through which a thin film
of nutrient solution flows. Plants are suspended through holes in the trough, which is gently
sloped so the nutrient solution is pulled back by gravity to the nutrient container. The solution
is pumped from a reservoir into the growing tray. The growing tray requires no growing
medium. The roots draw up the nutrients from the flowing solution. The downward flow pours
back into the reservoir to be recycled again. Pump and electric maintenance is essential to
avoid system failures, where roots can dry out rapidly when the flow is disturbed.
When growing crops using the Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) it is important to:

 Ensure the nutrient solution flows as a thin ‘film’ of water

 Ensure the channels are not too long or nutrients and oxygen may run out
 Monitor water temperature, as temperature increases, oxygen levels decrease
 Monitor EC and pH of the nutrient solution in the root zone at least once a day
b. Deep Water Culture
Plants are supported over a reservoir of nutrient solution so that their roots grow into the
solution. Rectangular tanks made from, or lined with, plastic are generally used for this
system. The nutrient solution must be well aerated and routinely monitored to ensure the
appropriate nutrient balance is maintained, particularly in the root zone environment.

c. Aeroponics systems

Aeroponic systems are seen to be a high tech method of hydroponic growing. Like the N.F.T
system the growing medium is primarily air. The roots hang in the air and are misted with
nutrient solution. The misting of roots is usually done every few minutes. The roots will dry
out rapidly if the misting cycles are interrupted. A timer controls the nutrient pump much like
other types of hydroponic systems, except the aeroponic system needs a short cycle timer that
runs the pump for a few seconds every couple of minutes.

a. Wicks System

The Wick system is described as a passive system with no moving parts. From the bottom
reservoir, your specific Growth Technology nutrient solution is drawn up through a number of
wicks into the growing medium. This system can use a variety of mediums, perlite, substrate
or coco.

d. Ebb and Flow System (Flood and Drain)

This hydroponic system works by temporarily flooding the grow tray. The nutrient solution
from a reservoir submerges the roots before draining back to the holding tank. This action is
usually automated with a water pump on a timer.

a. Drip System
Dip systems are a widely used hydroponic method. A timer will control a water pump, which
pumps water and the Growth Technology nutrient solutions through a network of elevated
water jets. A recovery system will collect excess nutrient solution back into the reservoir. A
non-recovery drip system will avoid this allowing the pH of the reservoir not to vary. If using
a recovery system, be sure to check the pH level of the reservoir regularly and adjust using
either pH UP or pH Down solutions on a more frequent basis.

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