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Chapter 7: The Renaissance of Mathematics: Cardan & Tartaglia

My Own Understanding About Founding The Great Universities

The word Universities was from the Latin wordUniversitas which is synonymous to communitas. Before
the center of education is in the monasteries. Before the people are more focus on teaching the writtings
and scriptures inside the the book of the Bible. We can actually say that people before make significant
importance to the Bible and their primary importance is religious service not intellectual.

The founding of universities was actually began in the teachings of inside the Church were a bunch of
students would gather inside the Church but before they will began their lesson they must first ask
permission to the bishop. Students before would traveled to different cities to look for a excellent
scholars who is known to the specific cities and they will ask to teach them. One of the prominent
teacher during that time was PeterAbelard (1079-1142) he was the teacher who had a lot of
accomplishment when it comes to teaching his students. Mostly of his students became cardinals and
bishop but later own his was forbed to teach when his theological writings was condemn by the church.

The great mother of universities before is in the City of Paris and Bologna. Also, before a teacher will
teach a student he is required to have a license and they will rent hall in order to have a place where
they can teach their students and they are also being given salaries. Teachers also before are allowed to
teach their own prefer subject but it was also being romured that students cannot graduate if they will
not attend a le tures in mathematics.

My Own understanding About Thirst For Classical Learning

The growth in the fourteenth century is more focus in reviving and creting somtheing new. The authors
of their time have their own specific focus on what they are doing like the Greek author they had written
urban, secular and individualistic society. Then, Italian scholars devoted themselves in a passionate zeal
to the study of classical writings by interpreting it. And, the Latin and Greek offered a model of
perfection by which to judge all civilizations; and its literature to all political, social and ethical problems.

Then the manuscript are being corrected becuase of so much errors in order to find the specific passage
of the content. They are also collecting antiques for the libraries. Then Pope Nicholas V (1395-1455) is
the one who made a development in the Vatican Livrary. He also been traveling to collect many
manuscript and the other destinguish scholars are busy in translating it to Latin.

During this time they more focus in reviving the classical studies than creating something new which
actually leads them in great development. The great revival of the Renaissance in Greek was actually
about making the Greek as part of the general curriculum and which is more focus on the historical
masterpiece of the Greak literature.

My Understanding about Cardan, A Scoundrel Mathematician

This is about the life and studies of Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576) and his Known as Cardan or a
scoundrel mathematucian. A about his life he witnessed his son being poisoned by the wife and he was
imprisoned by publishing horoscope of Christ. He is a physician, philosopher, mathematician, and
astrologer, dabbler the occult and prolific writer. He studied at Pavia and completed at Padua in1525
with a doctrine of medicine.

He was also known for beung a gambler. He published a book titled On the Bad Practices of Medicine in
Common Use and a professor in the University of Milan, Pavia and Bologna. In the age of 50he traveled
widely to treat the well-known like the archbishop of Scotland. Cardano also begged Tartaglia to teach
him the secret of cubic equation to be part of his fourth coming book Practica Arithmeticae (1539) which
Tartaglia will be credited. Then, he also promised not to reveal it but Cardan found out that it was de
Ferro was the original who made the solution of the cubic equation. Cardan candidly admitted that he
gotten the correct solution of the special cubic equation However, Tartaglia got angry because he felt
cheated and because of it they had a conflict and misunderstanding from one another.

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