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EE605 Department of Electrical Engineering 2019-20-I

Exercise Set-7

1. The impulse response {h[n]} of a linear-time-invariant system is known to be zero, except in the interval No ≤
n ≤ N1 . The input {x[n]} is known to be zero, except in the interval N2 ≤ n ≤ N3 . As a result, the output is
constrained to be zero, except in some interval N4 ≤ n ≤ N5 .
(a) Determine N4 and N5 in terms of N0 , N1 , N2 , and N3 .
(b) If {x[n]} is zero except for N consecutive points, and {h[n]} is zero, except for M consecutive points, what is
the maximum number of consecutive points for which {y[n]} can be nonzero?
2. (a) Find the frequency response H(e jω ) of the LTI system where input and output satisfy the difference equation:
y[n] − y[n − 1] = x[n] + 2x[n − 1] + x[n − 2]
(b) Write a difference equation that characterizes a system where frequency response is:
1 − 12 e− jω + e− j3ω
H(e jω ) =
1 + 12 e− jω + 34 e− j2ω

3. Consider the difference equation:

5 1 1
y[n] − y[n − 1] + y[n − 2] = x[n − 1]
6 6 3
(a) What are the impulse response, frequency response and step response for the causal LTI system satisfying
this difference equation?
(b) What is the general form of the homogeneous solution of the difference equation?
(c) Consider a different system satisfying the difference equation that is neither causal nor LTI , but has y[0] =
y[1] = 1. Find the response of the system to {x[n]} = {δ [n]}.
4. Consider an arbitrary linear system with input {x[n]} and output {y[n]}. Show that if x[n] = 0 for all n, then y[n]
must also be zero for all n.
5. A discrete time signal {x[n]} is shown in the figure below.
1 1 1 1 1
−2 0 2 4 n→
Sketch and label carefully each of the following signals
A. x[n − 2] B. x[4 − n] C. x[2n] D. x[n]u[2 − n] E. x[n − 1]δ [n − 3]
6. Consider an LTI system with |H(e jω )| = 1, and let arg[H(e jω )] be as shown in the figure below. If the input is
3π π
x[n] = cos( n+ )
2 4
Determine the output y[n].
arg[H(e jω )]

−π −π π
EE605 Exercise Set-7 (Continued)

7. The system L in figure below is known to be linear. Shown are three output signals y1 [n], y2 [n], and y3 [n] in
response to the input signals x1 [n], x2 [n], and x3 [n], respectively.
(a) Determine whether the system L could be time invariant.
(b) If the input x[n] to the system L is δ [n], what is the system response y[n]?
1 3 3
0 x1 [n] 0n y1 [n]
−2 0 2 x1 [n] L y1 [n] 0 0 0 n
−2 −2 −2 0 2 4
1 1
0 x2 [n] 0 0n 0 y2 [n] 0 n
−2 0 2 x2 [n] L y2 [n] −2−1 0 2 −1 4
−2 −3
x3 [n] 1 1 2 2
1 y3 [n]
0 0n
0 0 0n x3 [n] L y3 [n] −2 0 2 4
−2 0 2 −3

8. Consider a system S with input x[n] and output y[n] related according to the block diagram in figure below.
x[n] × LTI system y[n]

e− jω0 n
(a) Is the system S linear ? Justify your answer.
(b) Is the system S time-invariant ? Justify your answer.
(c) Is the system S stable ? Justify your answer.
(d) Specify a system C shown in figure below such that the block diagram represents an alternative way of
expressing the input-output relationship of the system S. (The system C need not be an LTI system).
x[n] h[n]e− jω0 n C y[n]

9. System A has input-output relationship given by y[n] = x[−n], while system B has input-output relationship given
by y[n] = x[n + 2]. There are two possible cascade combinations of the system. The output of the system A
followed by system B is denoted by w1 [n] and when system B is followed by system A is denoted by w2 [n]. If
inputs to two cascade connection is same, will w1 [n] and w2 [n] be necessarily equal? If answer is yes, clearly
and concisely explain why and demonstrate with an example. If your answer is no, demonstrate with a counter

10. If the input x[n] = 4−n u[n] the output of the discrete time system is y[n] = 2−n for all n. Determine which of the
following statement is correct:
A. The system must be LTI. B. The system could be LTI. C. The system cannot be LTI.
If your answer is (A) or (B) give a possible impulse response. If your answer is (C) explain clearly.

11. We are given the following clues about an LTI system:(a) It is causal. (b) H(e jω ) = H ∗ (e− jω ). (c) The DTFT of
the sequence h[n + 1] is real. Show that system has finite duration impulse response.
12. Consider the z-transform of the sequence X(z) whose pole-zero plot is as shown in Figure 1.

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EE605 Exercise Set-7 (Continued)


× × ×
-1 1
2 3

Figure 1

(a) Determine region of convergence of X(z) if it is known that the Fourier transform exists. For this case
determine whether the corresponding sequence is right-sided or left-sided or two-sided.
(b) How many possible two-sided sequences have pole-zero plot shown in Figure 1?
(c) Is it possible for the pole-zero plot above to be associated with a causal and stable sequence?
13. Determine the inverse z-transform of each of the following sequences:
X(z) = 1 −1 2 −1 −1
, stable sequence
(1 + 2 z ) (1 − 2z )(1 − 3z )

z3 − 2z
X(z) = , | z |> 1
14. When the input to an LTI system is
x[n] = ( )n u[n] + 2n u[−n − 1]
the output is
1 3
y[n] = 6( )n u[n] − 6( )n u[n]
2 4
(a) Find the system function H(z) of the system. Plot the poles and zeroes of H(z) and indicate the region of
(b) Find the impulse response h[n] of the system.
(c) Write the difference equation that characterizes the system.
(d) Is the system stable? Is it causal?
15. Consider an LTI system inputx[n] and output y[n] that satisfies the difference equation

y[n] − y[n − 1] + y[n − 2] = x[n] − x[n − 1].
Determine all possible values for the system’s impulse response h[n] at n = 0.
16. A causal and stable LTI system S has its input x[n] and output y[n] that satisfies the difference equation
y[n] + ∑ αk y[n − k] = x[n] + β x[n − 1].

Let the impulse response of S be h[n].

(a) Show that h[0] must be non-zero.
(b) Show that α1 can be determined from the knowledge of h[0] and h[1].
(c) If h[n] = (0.9)n cos(πn/4) f or 0 ≤ n ≤ 10. Sketch the pole-zero plot for the system function of S, and indicate
the region of convergence.

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EE605 Exercise Set-7 (Continued)

17. The pole-zero plot corresponding to z-transform X(z) of a causal sequence x[n] is given below. Sketch the pole-
zero diagram of Y (z), where y[n] = x[−n + 3].
2 ×
2 ×

Figure 2

18. If the input x[n] to an LTI system is x[n] = u[n] the output is
y[n] = u[n + 1].

(a) Find H(z) the system function and plot its pole-zero diagram.
(b) Find the impulse response h[n].
(c) Is the system stable?
(d) Is the system causal?

19. The signal y[n] is the output of an LTI system with impulse response h[n] for a given input x[n]. Assume that the
sequence y[n] is stable and has a z-transform Y (z) with the pole-zero diagram shown in the figure below. The
signal x[n] is stable and has a z-transform X(z) with the pole-zero diagram shown in the figure below.
Im Im
z-plane z-plane

× × × ×
1 Re −3
1 Re
4 1 2 4 1
2 4 2

Y (z) X(z)

(a) What is the region of convergence for Y (z)?

(b) What is the region of convergence for X(z)?
(c) Is x[n] a causal sequence?
(d) What is x[0]?
(e) Draw the pole zero diagram of H(z) and specify its ROC.
(f) Is h[n] anti-causal?

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