Team Lead Instructions and Responsibilities

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Team Lead Instructions and responsibilities

1. Team leader is responsible to remind & see that all the team members must attend
their scheduled duties.

2. TA must attend the duty in time and must not leave before his period of duty.

3. TAs can take swap his duty with other TAs in case any issue. It is TA’s responsibility
find another alternative in his slot and ​Team lead​ has to see that his slot should be
attended with another alternative.

4. TL has to schedule the duties further and manage the swaps and mark the swaps in
the duty roaster clearly time to time.

5. Team leads are accountable and responsible for TA duties and have to report the
status of TA duties and TAs at the end of his team duties Or whenever asked and
must be available on ​phone and email.

TA Instructions and responsibilities for CAELAB

1. CAELab is open from 9AM to 11PM so that students come and practice different
software installed on those workstations.
You can visit the CAELab Website for more info. Pl visit

2. These TA Duties are designed in such a way that TA can learn different MAE
software while looking after the CAELab and help next batch students by building
help resource repository.

3. TA work/assignment reports/files should be submitted in the Google classroom

4. TAs has to inform their Duty slot in the Whatsapp Group. Like “I am TA for CAELAB
today or for 10-3.30 slot today”

5. TAs has to available over phone and email. Excuses are not accepted

6. One TA must always be there in the lab out of two TAs of the slot. They must ​NOT
take breaks together.

7. TAs can take 30 min snacks break and 40 min dinner/lunch break and must ​NOT
exceed these time periods and have to use the following commands to ​record​ the
time stamps.

8. Signing in & Signing out and taking breaks

TA has to use the following commands to sign in, sign out and take breaks in
system no 10. An email will be sent to record your time stamps.

signin​ - for signing in to his duty. he has to enter his Name & Roll number
breakin​ - for taking break
breakout​ - for finishing his break
signout​ - for signing off from his duty
9. There is a TA Duty register at system No 10 and TA has to fill the particulars and
sign when he starts his duty and leaves from his duty.

10. TA must attend landline phone calls in lab in his duty to prove his
presence/attendance or for other reason.

11. He has to run a script called “syststat” at system 10 to get the status report of all
systems and write the status in the register in case if it reports anything wrong.

12. TAs can take swaps with another TAs by contacting his Team Lead.

13. All the system's common user account is ​microsoft​ and password is ​123

14. TA should see that ​no one misuse​ the Lab or damage the resources.

15. Students remotely connect these workstations and run the background
You may not see them in the foreground
So systems should ​not be restarted​ unless you are told to do so.

16. Home folders for user accounts are remotely attached from server in data
center and Cables connected to system ​must not be disconnected​ or disturbed by
any means so that running simulations or codes would not be stopped or loss the

17. Students are not allowed to disconnect keyboard/mouse/monitor from system

and use them for their laptops.

18. There is a Department Printer in the corner of the Room A420. Faculty and staff
give remote print jobs to that printer. TA should see the printer’s maintenance in
case of paper jam or loading the papers etc.. in his duty.

19. Server at Desk No 18 must not be disturbed in any means. No one are allowed
to sit at the Desk.

13. TA should make sure that he collects key from Leaving TA/from me(Mr. Madhu)
and submit the key to the Next TA

14. TA should see that door is locked securely while leaving the lab and submit the
keys at security desk in the ground floor.

15. In case of any issue/emergency, You can call me ( Mr. Madhu ) @ 9533278105
Or Dr. Viswanath sir @ 8790128695 or 040-2301-7098
Or Main Gate Security @ 040-2301-8002
TA Instructions and responsibilities for Tinkerer’s Lab

1. Tinkerer’s Lab is open from 6PM to 12AM. There are Scheduled people to open the

2. These TA Duties are designed in such a way that TA can learn many things in TLab
and help next batch students by building help resource repository.

3. TAs has to inform their Duty slot in the Whatsapp Group. Like “I am TA for TLab

4. TA work/assignment reports/files should be submitted in the Google classroom

5. TAs has to available over phone and email. Excuses are not accepted

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