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I have an amazing holiday with my family when I was 16 we went to Tunisia the weather was

sunny and beautiful the people with really friendly too first we went to Tunis went shopping
and get some interesting museums rocks to say to the hotel on the beach in Sous we ate
some pretty amazing foods like fish with couscous oxidise we visited a very old and
traditional CC in the South School how much more interesting to me than London Pikachu
when I was 20 years old I left my country for the first time the first place I visited outside the
US was Cuba I went there with my school was really different there there were no big stores
like there are here there were lots of old American cars from the 1940s and 1950s it was
really cool music singers and musicians everywhere restaurants in nightclubs so much fun
because three I'm from Nigeria when I was at University I study for a year in Scotland I was
19 years old I lived in Edinborough but I travel during the holidays add a big concert and lots
of old buildings I made lots of friends. Cedar City with lots of restaurants shops and
museums I also took the train to some small towns and Villages I'm going to travel there
again next year I don't like this song

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