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Practical research 1


IDENTIFICATION: Identify the terms that describe the following statement. Choose the correct answer from the box.

Introduction Statement of the Problem

Quantitative Research Ethnography
Case Study Title
Ethics Research
Autobiography Qualitative Research
Phenomenon Qualitative Observation
Quantitative Observation

__________1, A careful study that is done to find new knowledge.

__________2, A norms for conduct that distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
__________3 A research that is viewed as confirmatory and deductive in nature.
__________4. A research that aims to interpret meanings, descriptions and symbols.
__________5. It is a study that concernes with the entire culture of a particular group
__________6. It is the written account of the individual who is the subject of the study.
__________7. An observation that usually characterized by numerical data.
__________8. It is an interesting fact or unusual event that can be observed and study as it difficult to understand fully.
__________9. It tells the total nature of the subject.
__________10. Discuss what the benefit will be of addressing the research problem might be to the population of your study, the academic community.

II. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Each item consists of a question or a phrase to be answered or completed using the four given options. Write the letter of the best answer on the space provided before each number.

__________11. Research uses facts and data that are combined through a thorough investigation. This shows that the research is ______________________.

A. empical C. Analytical
B. C. Sytematical D. original

__________12. Which of the following does not tell the significance of research in everyday life?

A. Research predicts outcome and potential problems.

B. Describes the characteristics of the phenomenon/situation about which little knowledge is known.
C. Provides knowledge for purposes of problem decision making. solving and decision making
D. Giving acknowledgment/recognition or due respect to the original/previous work of art.

__________13. The first step in conducting a research is________.

A. Checking the quality and credibility of the sources you will use in te study.
B. Stating the problem that describes what is to be tested during the entire research.
C. Choosing and defining your topic
D. Developing a strategy in conducting the research,

__________14. The two characteristic of Quantitative research are:_______________

i. Researcher is a part of the process.

ii. iii. Literature is usually done before the study
iii. It tests a theory.
iv. Reasoning is dialietic and inductive.

A. i and ii. C. ii. and iii.

B. C. iii. and iv. D. all of these

__________15. Which of the following topic is an example Qualitative Research.

A. Population rate in Sampaloc, Quezon

B. Gender and Cultural Gaps in the classroom
C. Predictors of Science Performance
D. Growth performance of organic fertilizer,

__________16. Which of the following is not a contrast between quantitative and qualitative research?
A. Distance vs. proximity of researcher to participants
B. Hard, reliable data vs. rich, deep data
C. Generalization vs. contextual understanding
D. Interpretivist vs. feminist

__________17. Why is it helpful to keep a research diary or log book while you are conducting your project?
A. To give you something to do in the early stages of your research when nothing is happening
B. Because funding councils generally demand to see written evidence that you were working every day during the period of the research
C. To keep a record of what you did and what happened throughout the research process
D. It can be added to your dissertation to ensure that you reach the required word limit

__________18. Why is it helpful to prepare an interview guide before conducting semi-structured interviews?
A. So that the data from different interviewees will be comparable and relevant to your research questions
B. So that you can calculate the statistical significance of the results
C. In order to allow participants complete control over the topics they discuss
D. To make the sample more representative.

__________19. Inductive reasoning in Qualitative research means_________.

A. You are aiming to determine the perception and thoughts of a participant.
B. You are not expected to formulate hypothesis at the start of your study.
C. You are concerned with the interaction of your participants with each other or the situation they are in.
D. You have to be a keen observer.

__________20. In what qualitative approach, a researcher becomes immersed in the culture as an active participant?
A. Phenomenology
B. Case Study
C. Grounded Theory
D. Narrative research

__________21. Which of the following topic can be conducted through Phenomenology?

A. Students who volunteer in relief operation
B. Favorite foods of Rizal
C. Students who excel both science and math
D. System of disciplines of Atheletes

__________22. Which of the following is not a strategy in choosing a research topic?

A. Critical Reading
B. Observation of events at workplace
C. Both of these
D. None of these

_________23. Why is it important that personal data about research participants are kept within secure, confidential records?
A. So that the participants cannot find out what has been written about them
B. In case individuals, places or organizations can be harmed through identification or disclosure of personal information.
C. So that government officials, teachers and other people in authority can have easy access to the data
D. To enable the researcher to track down individuals and find out more about their lives
__________24. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good title?
A. It should tell the total nature of the subject.
B. It needs to be very definite and clear.
C. The title must be an eye-catcher, which means it should be long.
D. The title needs to be very specific in nature.

__________25. Which of the following does not give a description of a research problem?
A. Provides an over-all picture and direction of the research.
B. Generates specific problems from a general problem.
C. Sums up the variable being studied in a research
D. Gives the overview of a research.

III. TRUE OR FALSE. Read the following statements. Write FACT if the statement is correct, and write BLUFF if the statement is incorrect

___________________26,The primary reason in conducting research is for professional growth of the researcher.
___________________27Knowledge is never absolute
___________________28 The participants may not be informed about the nature of research, its purposes and potential risk and benefits.
___________________29.The fundamental ethical principle in research is“to do good” and “to do no harm” to study participants.
___________________30. In a statement: “you got a passing mark”, passing mark is a qualitative data.

___________________31. Being objective means the author reveals his personal judgement and opinion.
___________________32.One of the advantage in qualitative research is, it develops a new theory.

___________________33. Giving acknowledgment/recognition or due respect to the original/previous work of art, shows intellectual honesty and respect.
___________________34. Historical research is narrative description or analysis of events that occurred in the remote or recent past.

___________________35. In explanatory research, it begins with phenomenon of interest then investigates the full nature of the phenomenon, the manner in which it is manifested and the other factors to which it is related.

IV. Read the passage below and answer the guide question that follow.

Research Problem: The study aims to investigate the extent of addiction of most teenagers to online games.

Research Questions:
Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the causes of most teenagers to online games?

2. What are the reasons of their addiction to online games?
3. What are the possible effects of online game addiction?

36 -37. What is the research topic?


38-40. Based on the statement of the problem, what do you think is the research title?

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