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Task 1 Explanation

Clipping and Report of Industrial Engineering’s Profile, Professions,

and Required Competencies
Task Description
 Students are asked to collect as much information from
various sources (newspapers, magazines, reports, articles,
internet, etc.) about the professional potential and job
vacancies along with the requirements / requirements /
qualifications for a graduate in Industrial Engineering.

 Furthermore, students compile a clipping report of the

information collected, include a summary in tables and /
or graphs. Please make analysis and conclution based
on the gathered information.

 The analysis should be no more than 1000 words.


Analysis can be enriched by:

 Additional information from the previous meeting (ie

week 1 and week 2)

 Latest news and publications related to Industrial


 Contemporary issues on certain topics that are still very

relevant, for example global competition, Industry 4.0,

 Other information.
Assessment Aspects
 (30%) The quality and variety of information sources (number of
sources, type of source, quantity and quality of information
 < 10 and less variation, exp grade: < 65
 < 10 and varied, exp grade: 66 - 75
 > 10 and varied, exp grade: 76 – 85
 > 20 and varied, exp grade: > 85

 (50%) Quality of analysis and conclusions

 Quality of tables, graphs, and depth of analysis.

 (20%) Correct reference and writing methods and overall quality

of report presentation.
 Includes: cover, tidiness, picture name, table name
 Selected referencing (whatever, must be consistent)

 Students are encouraged to be creative to produce

good, neat, and interesting reports.

 Suggestion:
 Use formal font (for example: Times New Roman, Arial,
Calibri, Tahoma, etc.) with a maximum size of 12.
 Spacing: 1.15

 Please give the information about the title, author's

name, and class.
Deadlines and Submission Rules

 Hardcopy is submitted at the PSMI Lab on Wednesday

September 18th, maximum at 15:00

 Softcopy should be uploaded to on

Wedenesday September 18th, maximum at 15:00

 Clippings from printed media no need to be included in

the file.

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