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Voice Assessment Guidelines and Procedures

• To ensure all new Telemarketing Representatives meet CompuCredit’s Pace,
Clarity, and Accent standards for handling Telemarketing calls.

• All new Telemarketing Representatives will be graded on pace, clarity, and
• Pace, Clarity, and Accent standards are as follows:
o PACE - Representatives do not talk so fast that we cannot understand them
or so slow that a sentence is broken up into fragments. It should not sound
like the Representative is slowing down to read the scripts provided for this
o CLARITY - Representative's words are easily heard and understood.
Representatives do not talk under their breath or mumble.
o ACCENT - Representative’s accent is not so strong that the way a word
should be pronounced sounds distorted.
• Each section will be graded Excellent, Good, Fair, or Poor as follows for each
 Excellent - Did not talk too slow or too fast at any time during the call
 Good - Talked too fast or too slow 1 to 2 times during the call
 Fair - Talked too fast or too slow 3 or 4 times during the call
 Poor - Talked too fast or too slow more than 4 times
 Excellent - All words were clear
 Good - Only 1 or 2 words were not clear
 Fair - 3 to 4 words were not clear
 Poor - More than 5 words were not clear
 Excellent - All words were pronounced well
 Good - 1 or 2 words were pronounced with an accent
 Fair - 3 to 4 words were pronounced with an accent
 Poor - More than 4 words were pronounced with an accent


• The Voice Assessment Role Playing Scripting will begin with a CCRT participant
saying: “You may begin” to the participating Telemarketing Representative.
• CCRT Participants will advise the Vendor that they will be placed on hold while
each individual voice assessment is reviewed.
• Each CCRT Participant will grade each Telemarketing Representative separately
and will also make note of any words the Telemarketing Representative
struggled with accordingly.
• CCRT Participants will discuss the call and determine how each aspect of the
call should be graded.

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• This procedure will be repeated until each Telemarketing Representative has
been graded.

• CCRT will provide the Vendor with a Voice Assessment Role Playing Script.
• CCRT will schedule the Voice Assessment with the Vendor.
• CCRT will send a detailed Voice Assessment results feedback e-mail along with
the Voice Assessment Scoring Sheet to Vendor.

• Vendor will provide CCRT with a list of any new Telemarketing Representatives
prior to them taking live calls.
• Vendor will review results of CCRT Voice Assessment Results and send an e-mail
confirmation of specific actions taken regarding the Voice Assessment Results.
• Vendor will have Telemarketing Representatives take accent neutralization
classes again if the Representative scores Fair or a Poor in any section of the
Voice Assessment Form.
• Vendor will send a Voice Assessment schedule request for re-trained
Telemarketing Representatives along with confirmation that they have been re-
trained. Telemarketing Representatives should not take calls until the
retraining and follow-up voice assessment is completed.

Note: The Vendor can use Merriam-Webster's Dictionary website to search for
words that Representatives are struggling with and play the correct pronunciation
of the word:

Attached are examples of the Voice Assessment Role Play Scripting, the Voice
Assessment Scoring Sheet, and the Voice Assessment Results Feedback E-mail.

Acquisition Programs Voice Assessment Role Play Script:

Representative: “Thanks for calling Aspire Card today. Are you calling to apply
for the Aspire visa card?
Cardholder: “Yes”
Representative: “That’s great, please hold on the line while I add us to a
recording, simply to limit any chance of clerical error on my part. Ok?
Cardholder: “OK.”
Representative: “”Thank you for holding. My name is ________ _______. I will now
take your application over the phone. “May I please have your first and last name,
and your full SSN?
Cardholder: “John Walker. My SSN is 123-45-6789.
Representative: “May I pleased have your telephone number, area code first,
your current address and date of birth”?
Cardholder: “770-206-6180. My current address is 2444 Rex Rd. Ellenwood
Georgia, 30295 and my date of birth is 02/05/57.
Representative: “How long have you lived at your current address?”
Cardholder: “5 years.”
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Representative: “Mr. Walker could I have your job telephone number, area code

Cardholder: “770-206-6289.”
Representative: Mr. Walker, in order to submit this credit card application, we
must have your authorization to pull a credit report. May I have your authorization?
Please remember that your offer subject to approval has been disclosed in the
Summary Of Credit Terms insert included in your mail package. If you no longer
have your terms, we would be happy to review them with you again now?”

Cardholder: “Yes, and you please go over the Terms with me.”
Representative: “The applicable Annual Percentage Rate for your account
purchases and cash advances may vary but will in no event be less than the
current 19% for purchases and 29% for cash advances. The Annual Percentage
Rate for Purchases is determined by adding the 19% to the Prime rate, but in no
event will be less than 19%. The Annual Percentage Rate for Cash Advances is
determined by adding 29% to the Prime Rate, but in no event will be less than
29%. The Prime Rate used to determine the applicable Annual Percentage Rate is
the highest “Prime Rate” published in the “Money Rates” section of the Wall Street
Journal on the 25th day (or if not published on the 25th, then on the date of the next
publication following the 25th) of any of the three calendar months immediately
preceding the month in which the Billing cycle begins. Mr. John Walker, in order to
submit your request to, we must have your authorization to obtain a current credit
report. May I have your authorization?
Cardholder: “Yes”
Representative: “ Thank you. Pending the approval of your application you will
receive your new Aspire Visa Card within two weeks along with a full disclosure of
the credit terms. If you have any additional questions, please call our Customer
Service Department at 800-348-8783. We look forward to serving you. Have a
good day…good-bye.

Retention Program Voice Assessment Role Play Script:

Representative: “Thanks for calling for calling card services. My name is _______
_______. May I have your account number?”
Cardholder: “4106370002579853.”
Representative: “ And your full name please?”
Cardholder: “John Walker.”
Representative: “Thank you Mr. Walker. How may I assist you today?”
Cardholder: “I would like to close my account.”
Representative: “I’d be happy to assist you. May I ask why you would like to
close your account?”
Cardholder: “I would like to close my account because of all the fees.”

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Representative: “I understand your concern. However, your Aspire card has
many benefits that you might not be aware of. This card rewards good payment
history with the opportunity to receive a credit line increase within the first 6
months if you make 4 consecutive payments on time. We will also report your
payment history to all three major credit bureaus giving you the opportunity to
improve your credit over time. In addition, your Aspire Visa card offers you the
ability to pay monthly bills, rent a car, book a hotel, or even get access to cash fast
at ATM’s and finance institution around the world. Given all these benefits, may I
leave your Aspire account open? I’m sure that it will prove to be a valuable asset
to you in the future.
Cardholder: “No. I just don’t see me paying $185.50 in fees when I only have a
$300.00 credit limit.”
Representative: “We want to keep your business, Mr. Walker. Please allow me to
check and see if there is anything I can do.

Cardholder: “Ok”.
Representative: “Good news, Mr. Walker, because Aspire Visa values your
relationship with us, I have been authorized to make an exception and reduce by
$50.00, the annual fee that was billed to your account. This will appear as a $50.00
credit and will post to your account within 2 business days. Mr. Walker, may I
reduce the annual fee that was billed to your account and keep your account open

Cardholder: “Yes”
Representative: “ Thank you. Your account will be updated to reflect the $50.00
credit. Is there any thing else I can assist you with?

Cardholder: “No”.
Representative: “ Well thank you for calling Card Services. If you have anymore
questions, please call the Customer Service number located on the back of your
card, good-bye”.

Activation Program Voice Assessment Role Play Script:

Representative: “Hello, may I speak with Jennifer Walker”.
Cardholder: “Yes, this is Jennifer Walker”
Representative: “Ms. Walker, my name is _________ _________ and I’m calling from
Aspire Visa. The Reason for my call Ms. Walker is that our records indicate that the
credit card we sent you on 7/13/04 has not yet been activated. We want to make
sure that you received your card and remind you that in order to access your new
credit line we must receive your first minimum payment of $20.00. I would be
happy to process that payment for you today over the phone at no additional
charge. May I take your payment now”?
Cardholder: “Yes.”
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Representative: “”Great, could you please hold the line while I prepare to take
your payment”?
Cardholder: “Ok”.
Representative: “Thank you for holding. Ms. Walker in order to make a payment
over the phone you will need to have either a checking or savings account. Do you
have your checking or saving account information in front of you”?
Cardholder: “Yes”.

Representative: “ Ms. Walker may I have your routing number first and then you
account number. The routing number is the first nine numbers on the bottom of
your check and the account number is the next set of numbers. You should allow
approximately 10 days for the funds to clear, at which time your account will be
ready for activation. All you will need to do is call our 24-hour activation line to let
us know that you are ready to use your card so we can remove the security hold
that is placed on all cards when they are sent out, to protect our cardholders”.
Cardholder: “Ok. The routing number is 000125568 and the checking account
number is 101010225”.
Representative: “Thank you for that information Ms. Walker. You should allow
approximately 10 days for the funds to clear, at which time your account will be
ready for activation. All you will need to do is call our 24-hour activation line to let
us know that you are ready to use your card so we can remove the security hold
that is placed on all cards when they are sent out, to protect our cardholders. Is
there any thing else that I can assist you with?
Cardholder: “No”.
Representative: “Thank you for your time, have a pleasant day. Good-bye”.

Voice Assessment Grammar Focus

Words Telemarketing Representatives struggle with:

• Emergencies versus Emer –gancies
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• Purchases versus Purchaasis
• Social versus Sachial
• Security versus Sacurity
• Records versus Recods
• Visa versus Wisa
• Aspire versus Aspieg
• Weeks versus Weeks
• Receive versus Weeceive
• Percentage versus PURcentage
• Rate versus Wate
• Deposit versus Dep-po-sit
• Three versus Twee

Words / Phrases Telemarketing Representatives struggle with on

the Grammar side:

• Yes versus Uh Huh

• Yes versus Yup
• No versus Nope
• “Anything else I can help you”
• “Give me a moment while I check the same for you”
• “How shall I help you”
• “I request you to be a bit louder”

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Example Voice Assessment Scoring Sheet

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