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Susan Chumley applied for a job at Suspenders plc, a subsidiary of the giant
Megatron organization. She was successful and was pleased to accept the job as
her friend Maureen also worked there

On her first day Susan was given an induction by her line manager Dave
Sparkel, who also introduced her to the rest of the team. Susan noticed that the
officers were very Spartan and there were no personal items on desks or pinned
to the walls – she was told that this was company policy. At lunchtime the other
workers left the offices and returned ten minutes later with sandwiches that they
are at their desks while continuing to work. No one showed Susan where the
sandwich shop was.

After several weeks her colleagues became more approachable and she
was invited to join a few of them for a drink after work. There she learned that their
line manager Dave Sparkel was rumored to be having an affair with the purchasing
manager of their biggest customer, Lofticel, and that he had negotiated some
private commission for himself in return for cutting prices to Lofticel.

Susan also spoke to her friend Maureen who worked in a different

department. Maureen told her that a supervisor had recently been fired for sending
an e-mail critical management policy. She also learned that, before she joined,
seven members of the finance team had been made redundant and had been
replaced with casual workers. The remainder of the finance was hostile to the
company and in order to revenge themselves on the company carried out small
acts of sabotage such as deliberately delaying payments to supplier thus causing
the supply problems to manufacturing units, and failing to claim discounts, thereby
increasing costs.

The staff handbook claimed there was a whistleblowing hotline that was
totally confidential but the only person known to have used it was marched off
company premises by security and never returned.

1. What are the main features of the corporate culture at Suspender’s plc?
The main feature of the corporate culture was the different treatment on
employees thus it also includes the crucial rules and regulations which is not
appropriate to a worker of Suspender’s plc , in which the employees are being
replaced when they are hostile or they don’t have any worth to the company. In
some point, it looks unfair on the part of an employee who used to give efforts on
everything he//she does for the furtherance of the company.

2. What impact does this culture have on employees like Susan and Maureen?
The culture in the company was driven Susan and Maureen and other
employees to look for answer on why the company premises was too much on the
employees and also they were looking for reasons to accept the situation they had.

3. Does the culture and climate of the company need to be changed and if so
how could this be achieved?
The culture and of the company must be changed as soon as possible in
the way that the Suspender’s plc must look for new premises to be uphold by the
employee for them be better at their work. In accordance to this , the employee
must also stop holding the payments for their supplier and start helping the
company to get more investors for them to be given additional incentives form the

4. What benefit might any changes bring to the company?

If change does happen, It may result to a better environment within the
company. It may also help the employee to build relationship to the company.

Identify and Define the Problem

“Culture is about performance and making people good about how they contribute
to the whole. (Tracy Streckenback)” As it was stated, the companies culture must be
interrelated to what they wanted employee do their jobs. In the case of Suspender’s plc
company, the environment and culture they have are not practical in which they treated
their employees just like a simple person who is unworthy. Because of these, some of the
employee were pushed to do sabotage against the company for their revenge. In the other
hand, because of the culture that grows within the company and employees, the profit
became affected. If this Situation goes on, Susan might adapt it and became one of those
employee who are fighting the company backwards.

Determine the criteria that will be used to evaluate alternative solution

In accordance to the problem of Suspender’s plc, I came up with the criterion in

listing alternative solutions in which includes the reputation of the company, this we were
thinking of a best way to solve the problem without stepping on the company’s reputation.
Another is the job opportunities whereas focused on the employee if the alternative will be
driven, is it really helpful or not, next is the willingness in terms of adaptation which
centered on the board of the company if they will be accepting the said alternatives or not.
It will include the approval of the director to the presented alternatives.

Determine the set of Alternative Solutions

An employee are the backbone of your operation, and if they are unsatisfied, other
areas of your business will suffer too. Just like what happened in Suspender’s plc wherein

The employees are doing something that makes the company suffer. In this case, there
are alternative solution to be used which are:

1. Determining the employees that their involvement to the company is critical.

2. Make actions that is not harsh to the values of a specific employee.
3. Change the culture of the company which the employee are being uncomfortable
and unsatisfied.

Through this, the employee and company will have mutual understanding every time
they are having some conflicts on the company

Evaluate the Alternatives

In the give alternatives, I must say that it would be useful in the company, not only
on the terms of condition but also on the behavior of the employee. Like the one that
focuses on the importance of the employee in a company, because through this,
employees will be enlightened that they are not just a simple person because they were
the one who completes a company. In this case, they may enjoy whatever they are doing
and making it great for the company’s progress.

Choose an Alternatives

I choose the alternatives which is changing the culture of the company, because I
believed that this will help the company build a great relationship with the employees. Like
for an instance if the culture was changed, the employee will now enjoy their stay in the
company without worrying that they might be fired the other day.

Conclusion and Recommendation

The problem occurs between the employees and company’s premises which
results to a difference perspective of everyone. As Susan enters the company she might
adapt the environment of the company. In this case the alternatives was listed which is
believed that could help the problem of the company.

As a recommendation, changing the culture and company’s premises could be

used as an alternative solution to the problem that the Suspender’s plc are facing against
its employees. In this alternatives, the employee and the employers might built a strong
relationship between different parties. It could also bring motivation to the employees to
do their works better for fast progression opf their company where they are working for.

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