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Level: Advanced

Textbook: CAE Gold, Pearson-Longman

Unit 11: A Perfect Match
Topic: Friends
Vocabulary: be on the same wavelength, be as different as chalk and cheese, get on
like a house on fire, kindred spirits, hit it off straightaway, get along famously, (not)
have a lot in common
1. to practise speaking Part 4 from the CAE exam
2. to practise multiple-choice cloze
3. to present and practise similes
Objectives: By the end of the class, students will be able to:
1. give and exchange views on
2. find the right collocations to solve a multiple-choice cloze
3. match similes and produce new ones
Time: 50 minutes
Skills: speaking, grammar, vocabulary
Didactic Strategies:
1. Procedural resources: elicitation, conversation, explanation
2. Material resource: coursebook, photo, questions cards, chopped
Anticipated problems: Ss might find it hard to produce their own similes. Solution: T
provides examples first.

Activity 1 – Warmer: Memory Game

Aim: to introduce Ss to the topic of friends
Timing: 3’
Materials: photo
Interaction: T-S, S-T
Focus: speaking
Evaluation: Ss’ answers
Procedure: T shows Ss a photo and they have 15” to look at it. Then, T turns over the
photo and Ss have to describe it from memory.
Activity 2 – Speaking Discussion
Aim: to practise Speaking Part 4 of the CAE exam
Timing: 10’
Materials: cards with questions
Focus: speaking
Evaluation: Systematic observation
Procedure: T asks Ss these questions and makes brief notes on the board.

 Is compatibility the most important thing for you in a friendship?

 Some people prefer to make friends exclusively through being introduced to
them by others. Why do you think this is?
Then, T tells Ss that she would like them to talk together about similar issues. T
organizes Ss in pairs and gives each pair a card with questions to discuss. T sets a time
limit of 3’. T goes round the class and provides support where needed. Then, T asks
some groups to report back to class.
Activity 3 – Seeking my perfect match
Aim: to practise multiple-choice cloze
Timing: 15’
Materials: Coursebook
Interaction: S
Focus: grammar and vocabulary
Evaluation: Ss’answers
Procedure: T ask Ss to discuss the following question in pairs: What do you think is the
best way for people to meet a partner? Elicit some ideas.
T tells Ss to skim the article It’s a set up and tell her what it is. Then, Ss have 10’ to do
the multiple-choice cloze individually. T checks answers with the whole class and
writes collocations and important phrases on the board. Ss copy them in their jotters.
Activity 4 –
Aim: to present and practise similes
Timing: 19’
Focus: vocabulary
Evaluation: systematic observation
Procedure: T gives Ss chopped similes and sentences that they have to match working
in pairs. When Ss have finished matching, T checks answers with Ss and discusses
meaning. Ss have to use certain similes in sentences. T ask Ss to think of their own
similes and first provides an example of her own. Then, Ss have to describe themselves
in writing using at least four similes. T collect papers, reads out a description and Ss
have to guess who it is.

Activity 5 – Ending the lesson

Aim: to allow Ss the opportunity to provide feedback on the lesson
Timing: 3’
Focus: Speaking
T asks Ss what activities they did today and lists them on the board. T asks Ss which
activities they enjoyed best and places stickers accordingly. T praises Ss for their hard
work and ends the lessons.

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