Applied Mechanics

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Level: Bachelor Semester – Fall Year : 2003

Programme: BE Full Marks: 100
Course: Applied Mechanics Time : 3hrs.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far
as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt all the questions.

1. Compute the moment of force F of magnitude 130 N, which goes through 15

P(2,6,0) m and Q(5,2,12) m, about a line going through point 1 and 2
having the respective position vectors.
   
r1  (6 i  10 j  3 k )m
   
r2  ( 3 i  12 j  6 k ) m
2. a) Evaluate by direct integration the second moment of area an isosceles 8
triangle of height h and base b with respect to centroidal axis parallel
to its base.

b) Determine the minimum value of a horizontal force P required to just 7

slide the 50 –kg block up a 30 0
incline. Given  s  0.3,  k  0.25 .

3. (a) The acceleration of a particle is a = 8 m/s 2 . Knowing that when 8

t = 4s, x=20 m, and that x =4 m, when v =16 m/s, determine (i) the
time when time when velocity is zero (ii) total distance travelled when
(b) An automobile is originally at rest at s =0. If it then starts to increase 7
it's speed at the rate of 0.05t 2 m/s 2 , where t is in seconds, knowing
that the radius of curvature of path is 240 m, determine the magnitude
of it's velocity and acceleration at s = 550 m.
4. Two packages are placed on an incline as shown in the figure. The 15
coefficient of friction is 0.25 between the incline and package A, and 0.15
between the incline and package B. Knowing that the packages are in
contact when released, determine the acceleration of each package and
force exerted by package A on package B.

A 240 kg space vehicle travelling with the velocity vo=500k m/s passes
through the origin at t = 0. Explosive charges then separate the vehicle
into three parts, A,B, and C, of mass 40kg, 80kg, 120kg, respectively.
Knowing that at t =3s the positions of three parts are A(150,150,1350),
B(375,825,2025) ,C(-300,-600,1200), respectively, where the coordinates
are expressed in meters, that the velocity of C is vc=-100i-200j+400k m/s,
and that the y component of velocity of B is 350 m/s, determine the
velocity of part A.
5. Two blocks and pulley are connected by an inextensible cord as shown in 15
the given figure. The pulley has an initial angular velocity of 0.8 rad/s
counter clockwise and a constant angular acceleration of 1.8 rad/s 2
clockwise. After 5 s of motion, determine the velocity and position of
each block.

6. A cord is wrapped around the inner of a wheel as shown in the figure and 15
pulled horizontally with a force of 200N. The wheel has mass of 50 kg
and radius of gyration of 70 mm. Knowing that  s =0.2 and  k =0.15,
determine whether the wheel will roll without slipping? Also, determine
the acceleration of mass centre G and angular acceleration of wheel.
A 1.5 kg block B is attached to an unreformed spring of constant K = 80
N/m and is resting on a horizontal friction less surface when it is struck by
an identical block A moving at a speed of m/s as shown in the figure.
Considering the impact to be perfect elastic determine the maximum
deflection of spring.

7. Write short notes (Any Two).

a) Equations of static equilibrium
b) Polar moment of inertia
c) Angular momentum of a particle
d) General plane motion

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