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Malunggay (Moringa) Leaves Extract as an Alternative Herbal Tea

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

in Research 1,
2nd Quarter

Talamban National High School

Almaeh Claret Auxilio

Scarllett Arnaiz
Marian Angelie Ardita

October 18,2019
Malunggay (Moringa) Leaves Extract as an Alternative Herbal Tea

Talamban National High School

Almaeh Claret Auxilio

Scarllett Arnaiz
Marian Angelie Ardita

October 18,2019
Chapter 1


Rationale of the Study

”Adopt the pace of the nature:her secret is patience” by Ralph Wardo Emerson.

Humans can not live without foods,air,and othermore.Humans are

expected to drink water,to eat 3 times a day or more (if we include snacks).

In fact,some people (especially in the Philippines) made food

products,drinking products and othermore products that is from the nature or

natural resources.When it talks about natural resources,it refers to something

that is originally from the nature without any chemicals or anything that is not

considered as a natural resources.

In addition to that,our planet is filled by the natural resources such

as streams,river,beaches,falls,springs,forests,farms.

There is a plant that is called Malunggay that can be considered as

a very special plant for it has a lot of uses.Sadly,a lot of it is uses is

unknown.Because of it,it is the first thing that motivates others to discover the

truth or it’s hidden uses.

Malunngay is an easy grow plant,in other words it can easily grow,by

just taking good care of it and having the knowledge about the correct way of

taking care of plants and making them grow healthy.In the Philippines,almost all

of the houses it may be poor or rich,they have the Horse Raddish Tree in their

backyard.They simply cook it and make it as their healthy vian and even an

alternative herbal tea.For they actually believe that it has a lot of vitamins.In

short,it has a lot of benefits that you could get when using them.

This Malunggay plant is very helpful to us.Especially to the society

nowadays.Nowadays,a lot of people are suffering from diseases,sickness that

they got from the food that they eat,water that they drink,etc..
This plant proves that there is no need to put any chemicals in order

to create a high-quality product especially when it talks about foods,water,and

others.Specifically when it comes to tea’s. Originally, it only contains malunggay

leaf extract that would really help humans for a healthy living.

People did not know the other benefits of the plant,but through this

research and researcher’s who are motivated to discover the true and hidden

uses of Malunggay Tree.People do not need to buy malunggay supplies in the

market.Simply,they just have to plant a malunggay tree in their back

yard.Also,when planting instead of buying stocks in the market,people can save

their money but the most important reasin is that,thay can help,save,preserve,the

earth.Better choose just to plant it and take good care of it.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Malunggay Leafs Extract

as an Alternative Herbal
Alternative Herbal

Health Benefits:
-It has many vitamins
-It can boosts energy level
-It improves your digestive function
-It improves blood circulation
Statement of the Problem

This study aims the possibility of malunggay extract used as an

alternative herbal tea.Many people are seeking for a healthy and healthier

lifestyle.In their minds,they always have tha thought that once you eat,drink or

take in healthy foods it will help you become healthy and healthier even more.

This study also aims that people will be convinced in using healthy

foods and natural foods just like the malunggay tree.Also,to help our country,to

decrease the ratings of diseases.

Statement of the Hypothesis

Knowing that malunggay tree plant is not that familiar to everyone

especially to the other countries,expect that not all people would really believe
and will not trust this malunggay discovery.

Especially in Alternative herbal tea (Malunggay).But despite of these

small reasons,there are big reasons for us to look, to use and trust this new
Significance of the Study

As what I have mentioned,it has a lot of benefits that everyone could

get.People will become healthy and start their healthy living with this simple
Malunggay Extract as an Alternative Herbal Tea.

Speceficallly,it has a lot of vitamins than other.Even in fruits,it has time

3 vitamins in fruits.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Only knowing the benefits,how it would be like,and what would be the

reactions of people when the time they will hear rumors about this herbal tea.

Also,what is the background of it and benefits.

Definition of Terms

+ Horse Raddish Tree - is an American term for malunggay.

+ Alternative - one of two or more possibility.

+ Extract - a concentrated preparation of a drug.


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