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UDGAM Accelerator Status: Finalized

Global Tongue Pvt. Ltd.


In which country are you based?



West Bengal



How did you hear about the program?

Online Search

In case of referral/Media/Other, please provide here:

General Information

Full Name

Priyam Dawn

Your phone number


Are you a EduTech/ E-learning/Skilltech startup?


What are your focus areas in the Education / Corporate Training / Skill Training Sector?

- Training / Skill Development

- Language Learning

- Online Courses

- K12

In case of Other, please provide here:

Describe your solution in one sentence

There is extreme dearth of quality linguist,especially in English and other foreign language ,and we upskill
students in languages in India.

Link to your website/Demo/Product:

Are you already incorporated as a company? *


If yes, where? (City, State, Country)

The Founding Team

When did you start this project?

We started this concept of foreign language training to upskill students , two months earlier.

How many people are in the founding team?

Do you have a CTO?

As of now one of our co-founder is handling the technical aspect . However we are looking for proficient
Technical person to join us as CTO.

How many full-time employees do you have (excluding founders and interns)?

LinkedIn profiles of Co-founders:

Priyam Dawn Saptarshi Ray

If you have co-founders, how did you meet?

Saptarshi and I are friends since our B-school days. Saptarshi is a technical guy with strong acumen in data
science. Both of us share a strong bonding and share common motto in life i.e " Bring about a socio-
economic change through up-skilling India".

Is the entire team working exclusively on this project?


If no, please explain why

As of now we have been working on a part time basis . Our idea is bootstrapped as of now. We are looking
for mentor-ship support and incubation and we are ready to work whole time exclusively on this project.

What is your current Equity breakdown?

As of now , our current equity breakdown is into two equal halves i.e 50:50 ;
Your Motivations

What motivates you in building this startup?

My primary motivation to create Global Tongue arose from my failure to crack a job interview of an Exim
Organization for their China division, due to my lack of Mandarin skills. Thus a deep rooted desire took birth
to train students in various foreign languages to bag international opportunities, whether in the field of
education or jobs. After an in depth research, we found out that the scope of foreign language skills in
today's era is enormous. Recently India and Japan has tied up for the Indo-Japan "Technical Intern Training
Program(TITP) ", under which India propose to send over 3 lakhs Indian technical interns to Japan. Apart
from technical knowledge, Japanese language skill is mandatory to participate in TITP. There are many
German Universities which are offering free education to Indian students. German language proficiency is a
must for such an aspirant. There is a huge requirement of Indians with foreign language skills in BPO/KPO
sector. Indian youths need English language skills for jobs in corporate as well as in Govt. Sector. Medical
aspirants going abroad need foreign language proficiency. Moreover, opening up of the Indian economy and
exports has led to a growing demand of linguistic experts. On the other hand India is empowered with the
largest youth population is the world, ready to take up any challenges to prove their worth in the world.
Hence, we zeroed in the idea of providing linguistic and technical skills to these highly motivated but
unpolished youth force to create a world class online skill imparting institution -" Global Tongue ".

What makes your team the best to solve this problem? Do you have a domain expertise in this

Global Tongue is the brain child of me and my co-founder Saptarshi Ray. While I am a MBA by qualification
with rich industry experience in marketing in FMCD and in Education sector, my co-founder Saptarshi ( B.
Tech, PGDM, MSc Data Science, UK) is a technical person and is an expert in Data Science. We are friends
since our business school days and have deep rooted trust and respect for each other. We share a
common belief that empowering the Indian youths with the right skill sets can unleash tremendous growth
potential in the society and economy. Through Global Tongue, our vision is to create and make India the
linguistic skill capital of the world. With the kind of domain expertise we possess, the right team members
associated with us and the accelerator program and mentorship support from Udgam, we firmly believe that
we can make Global Tongue unparalleled and contribute meaningfully to the society at large.

Why do you think UDGAM Accelerator powered by NUMA is the perfect program to accelerate
your startup? What convinced you to apply?

We deem it more effective and befitting to attend a specialized accelerator/incubation program than
attending any generic incubation program. Udgam accelerator program is an ed-tech focused program,
where we believe we would get to rub shoulders with like minded incubatees, learn from the industry experts
and get to unlearn, relearn, dissect our plan, design, test and implement our business plan and strategies to
finally emerge and create a globally competitive edu-tech company with societal focus. Moreover we also
intend to network, seek advice and look forward to create a strong board for our company with experts
who understand our business model and the industry and can guide us through our journey for the next
five to ten years. We finally aspire to raise fund to grow our business and to stay ahead of competition and
we believe that approaching VCs who understand ed-tech business will only be the suitable investors to seek
fund and include them as board members. Udgam accelerator program powered by NUMA is the only
program and the only organization in India that can provide us with an all encompassing comprehensive

Your Product

Pain point: Which problem are you solving?

India is plagued with burgeoning population with lack of proper skill set,especially lack of quality linguists in
foreign language.Only 10%of the total workforce in India receives some kind of skill training.Moreover,over
75%of the technically trained manpower lacks soft skills like linguistic skill

Solution: How are you solving it?

For soft skill upgradation and bridging the gap of demand and supply of skilled manpower our prime idea is
to train students panIndia in foreign languages online.We also propose to provide students with hard skills
through online training in DataAnalytics and other self employment generating courses

Why addressing (and solving) this problem will make a scalable business?

Acquiring English&foreign language skills is of prime importance for students&job aspirants across
sector.With over15lakh Schools,13000ITIs,23000polytechnics,10000B.TechColleges&rapidly increasing
number of students&job aspirants aspiring to go abroad every year,the TargetMarket is vast&evergrowing

Which development stage do you identify the most with?

Idea Stage

Which option describes you the best?

- B2C

- B2B

- B2G

- B2B2C

What is your main revenue model?

- Direct Sales

- Subscription

How does it work?

We propose to skill up students in foreign languages&other employment generating skills through online live
classes.We intend to tie up with private&govt schools,ITIs&Polytechnics to scale up our market &also
propose to train&appoint micro entrepreneurs in rural areas to distribute our courses.

Are you making revenue? If yes, how much?

We were making revenue of around Rs 5000/- per month till October '18. As of now we are no more making
any revenue, since due to lack of funds we had to stop our operation. As of now we are focusing on
product development.

Are you Bootstrapping?


If yes, for how long and how many months can you sustain?

We urgently need incubation and some sort of funding support to start generating revenues. With our
current cash in hand, we can sustain for another 2 months.

Have you raised funds?


If yes, from who, when and how much?


Proof of concept: What customer validation did you conduct to prove this business idea, and
what milestones have you achieved from that?

We started in May 2018, by providing offline training to students in English and other Foreign languages. We
tied up with a private ITI in Burdwan to train its students in English language.The outcome was really
motivating as these students outshined the students of other ITI colleges in the vicinity in pool campus
interviews and secured decent placement due to their better communication skills. We also started training a
few students in German language, and were receiving good response. We had also spoken to a few
BPO/KPO s and Tourism Companies for placing our students at the end of the program, but we could not
continue with our endeavor due to paucity of funds. Alongside we conducted a small survey in 25 schools in
Burdwan and Durgapur region. Out of 2500 respondents, 2300 students said that given an opportunity they
will surely take up a course in foreign language and believed that such a course will enhance their career
prospects. Thus we realized that offering online course in linguistic skills can prove to be a huge business
opportunity and eliminate the bottlenecks of high learning cost, rigid timing and low market reach and

Roadmap: Which product & business hypotheses do you plan to work on during your
acceleration at UDGAM?

During our acceleration program at Udgam, we would primarily like to work on product development and
designing and cost reduction. We would also like to test our courses on linguistic skills on rural school
students and on school dropouts and assess their acceptability and learning curve. Further would also need
mentorship and guidance on marketing and scalability aspect.


Reference (Name, Email, Linkedin profile)


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