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The ALS Choir is a family of law students with a passion for

service and with hearts set on God. It aims to provide, through the gift of music, an inclusive space
for individuals who seek sanctuary from the daily rigors of law school life.

Purpose and Policy

Section 1. Purpose. - The Ateneo Law School Choir is a student organization of the Ateneo Law
School with the primary purpose of providing the Ateneo Professional Schools St. Thomas More
Chapel with liturgical music during designated Eucharistic celebrations, as well as during other
special Mass celebrations. It also aims to serve as a channel for musical and artistic recreation
and development for law students.


Section 1. Qualifications for eligibility. – Membership to the Ateneo Law School Choir is open
to any current or former Ateneo Law students.

Section 2. Duties and responsibilities.

a) All members are enjoined to participate in the practices and activities of the Ateneo Law
School Choir.
b) In addition, all members are expected to comply with the Ateneo Law School Community
Standards (e.g. those in the Ateneo Law School Student Handbook).
c) Each member has the duty to uphold the culture of inclusivity and charity in his or her
interactions with other choir members.

Section 3. Termination. – Membership in the Ateneo Law School Choir may be terminated upon
voluntary dissociation by the member, upon due notification to the President.

Section 1. Description. – The governing board of the Ateneo Law School Choir shall be
composed of a President, two Vice Presidents to oversee Music and Creativity, a Treasurer, a
Secretary-General, Voice Heads for each vocal group, and two recruitment officers.


Vice President
for Music and

Voice Heads

Secretary- Recruitment
General Heads

Section 2. Duties of the Officers. – The duties of the officers include, but are not limited to, the

a) The President – It is the duty of the President to represent the Ateneo Law School Choir
in all matters, and perform tasks relating to accreditation. He or She is also responsible
for final musical and/or creative and administrative decision-making.
b) The Vice Presidents for Music and Creativity (2) – It shall be the duty of the VPMC or the
Musical Directors to preside over practices, decide on the technical aspect of
performances, formulate repertoires for Masses and other performances, direct
accompaniment, craft arrangements of songs, and act as conductor. The Musical
Directors shall also be responsible for keeping and maintaining copies of the choir’s sheet
music. They shall also assist the President and fulfill the duties of the President in the
latter’s absence.
c) Treasurer – the Treasurer is entrusted with financial accounting and safekeeping of choir
funds, formulating projects for fundraising, and creating statements of accounts and
periodic report of the Ateneo Law School Choir spending.
d) Secretary-General – the Secretary-General shall keep the minutes of all organizational
meetings, act as administrator of online groups and accounts of the Ateneo Law School,
maintain a database of members, and take note of member attendance. He or she will
also oversee administrative operations.
e) Voice Heads – Each voice group—Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass—shall have a voice head
who is tasked with dissemination of information from the officers to their respective
members, learn songs prior to practices and take charge of initial instruction to their
members, and take note of and ensure attendance of their members in choir activities.
f) Recruitment Officers (2) – The recruitment officers shall take charge of OrSem
performance and coordination with OrSem team, come up with ideas for successful
recruitment of new members, monitor and follow-up on inactive members,

Section 3. Elections. – The officers shall be elected by a majority vote of all current members in
a meeting held before the final examinations of the second semester.

Section 4. Term of Office. – The term of every officer shall commence immediately upon
proclamation and shall cease upon proclamation into office of the succeeding officer, or upon
termination of office subject to the succeeding provisions.

Section 5. Removal from Office. – Any officer may be removed from his or her position by
voluntary desistance.

Amendatory Provisions

Section 1. Amendatory Provisions. – No amendment or revision to this constitution may be

made within two (2) years from the effectivity of the last amendment except when necessary to
comply with Ateneo Law School policies.

Section 2. Ratification. – This constitution shall be ratified upon a majority vote of all current

Section 3. Effectivity. – This Constitution shall take effect immediately upon ratification.

28 July 2017

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