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COMSATS University Islamabad,

Park Road, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad Pakistan

Project Proposal

Wedding Planner
Version 1.0

Muhammad Arsalan CU/SP18-BCS-099/ISB
Muhammad Arsalan CU/SP18-BCS-100/ISB

Tehseen Raza Abbasi

Submission Date: (31-Oct-2019)

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (2018-2022)

Scope Document for Marriage Planner Management System Page 1


No. Comment Action

Supervisor Signature

Scope Document for Marriage Planner Management System Page 2

Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... 3
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 4
2. Problem Statement .................................................................................................................. 4
3. Problem Solution for Proposed System ................................................................................. 4
4. Related System Analysis/Literature Review ......................................................................... 4
5. Advantages/Benefits of Proposed System ............................................................................. 4
6. Scope ......................................................................................................................................... 4
7. Modules .................................................................................................................................... 5
7.1 Module 1: Wedding Management Module ................................................................................5
7.2 Module 2: Blog Module ..............................................................................................................5
7.3 Module 3: Quotation Module ......................................................................................................5
7.4 Module 4: Latest Posts Management Module .............................................................................5
7.5 Module 5: Event Module ............................................................................................................5
7.6 Module 6: Package Module ........................................................................................................5
7.7 Module 7: Login Module ............................................................................................................5

8. System Limitations/Constraints ............................................................................................. 5

9. Software Process Methodology .............................................................................................. 6
10. Design Methodology ................................................................................................................ 6
11. Tools and Technologies ........................................................................................................... 6
12. Project Stakeholders and Roles ............................................................................................. 6
13. Team Members Individual Tasks/Work Division ................................................................ 6
14. Data Gathering Approach ...................................................................................................... 7
15. Concepts ................................................................................................................................... 7
16. Gantt chart ............................................................................................................................... 7
17. Mockups ................................................................................................................................... 7
18. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 8
19. References ................................................................................................................................ 8
20. Plagiarism Report ................................................................................................................... 9
Scope Document for Marriage Planner Management System Page 3
Project Category: (Select all the major domains of proposed project)
A-Desktop Application/Information System B- Web Application/Web Application based Information System E-
Smartphone Application

The purpose of wedding planner is to automate the existing manual system by the help of
computerized equipment and computer software, fulfilling their requirements so that their valuable
data can to store for a longer period with easy accessing and manipulation of same. The required
software and hardware are easily available and easy to work with.

Wedding planner, can lead to error free, secure, reliable and fast management system. It can
assist the user to concentrate on their other activities rather to concentrate on the record keeping. Thus
it will help organization in better utilization of resources. The organization can maintain computerized
records without redundant entries. The means that one need not be distracted by information that is
not relevant, while being able to reach the information.
Scope Document for Marriage Planner Management System Page 4

1. Introduction
The wedding planner will develop to override the problems in practicing manual system. This
software is supported to eliminate are in some cases reduce to hardships faced by this existing
system. (Moreover this system is designed for the particular need of the company to carry out
operations in a smooth and effective manner.)

The wedding planner will reduce as much as possible to avoid errors while entering the data.
It will also provide error message while entering invalid data. It will allow us to manages the
information of latest posts, Wedding Plans, packages, quotation and blog. No formal knowledge
is needed for the user to use this system. It will also lead to error free, secure, reliable and fast
management system.

2. Problem Statement
Physical effort and wastage of time in finding best marquee. Record of everything including money
,food etc is not maintained properly. People at marqee are not provide proper information about
food ,money and proper arrangement of seating. Loss of time in searching of different places for
hall. Advanced booking effort. Did not discuss the quality of food they provide .Sometimes most of
food is waste due to lack of communication in between is expensive because most of food is
waste.postponding or delaying of marriage due to unavailability of marriage hall.

3. Related System Analysis/Literature Review

Table 1: Related System Analysis with proposed project solution
Application Name Weakness Proposed Project Solution
  It does not provide a  WPMS will provide a
 feature for chatting. feature for chatting.
 It does not provide a  It will also provide a
feature for Quotation feature for Quotation
 It does not provide a  This system will
feature for packages. provide a feature for

4. Advantages/Benefits of Proposed System

 Time is save
 No physical effort
 Plan wedding according to your money
 Save the money that extra spend on wedding
 Keep the record of everything
 Everything is done on time

5. Scope
Write down the scope of your project in a paragraph. Briefly define the main functionalities of
the proposed project. Scope defines the boundaries and range of the proposed solution, that what
would be the part of your project and what will be not. Write down in logical flow with
Scope Document for Marriage Planner Management System Page 5
(Usually in 14-18sentences)

6. Modules
6.1 Module 1: Wedding Management
Used for managing the wedding details, e.g food, seating, wedding area etc.

6.2 Module 2: Blog

Used for managing the details of blog.

6.3 Module 3: Quotation

Used for managing the details of Quotation. User will provide the detail about food, guest,
Seating etc and system feedback the amount range of cost.

6.4 Module 4: Latest Posts Management

Used for managing the information and details of Latest Posts, about the events of

6.5 Module 5: Event Management

Used for managing the event details e.g customer detail, Event date, Area, Status (Approve
or Not)

6.6 Module 6: Package

Used for managing the Packages information e.g User provide the cost amount range to
system and system will automatically provide the wedding packages in that amount range.

6.7 Module 7: Login

Used for managing the login details.

6.8 Module 8: Chat Form

The members will able to post the issue for the discussion the other members will able to
give feedback on the post in the form of comment, like and share.

7. System Limitations/Constraints
 This system is only made for a specific society. So this system is only used by the peoples
living in the society.
 As this is client project so we are restricted by the requirements given by the client.
Scope Document for Marriage Planner Management System Page 6

8. Software Process Methodology

We will used incremental process model.

9. Design Methodology
We will use object oriented approach.
This approach will make design reliable and flexible and code well become reusable.

10. Tools and Technologies

Table 2: Tools and Technologies for Proposed Project

Tools Version Rationale
MS Visual Studio 2015 IDE
MS SQL Server 2015 DBMS
Tools Adobe Photoshop CSC 6 Design Work
And MS Word 2015 Documentation
Technologies MS Power Point 2015 Presentation
Pencil 2.0.5 Mockups Creation
Technology Version Rationale
C++ 6.0 Programming language
SQL 2013 Query Language
CSS 4 Web Development
Html 5 Web Development
11. Project Stakeholders and Roles
Table 3: Project Stakeholders for Proposed Project
Project COMSATS University, Islamabad
Stakeholder  Muhammad Arsalan, Muhammad Arsalan
 Project Supervisor Name: Mr. Tehseen Raza Abbasi.

 Final Year Project Committee: Evaluation of project

12. Team Members Individual Tasks/Work Division

Table 4: Team Member Work Division for Proposed Project
Student Name Student Registration Responsibility/ Modules
Muhammad Arsalan Sp18-Bcs-099 Describe the work division of each
student along with modules
Mr. Ali (Module1-Module3)
Scope Document for Marriage Planner Management System Page 7
Augmented reality and Databases tasks.

Muhammad Arsalan Sp19-Bcs-100

13. Data Gathering Approach

We have gather information related to the software for interviewing from the project related
people. We also conduct questionnaire for the project related prople.

14. Concepts
Mention the concepts that you will learn while doing the proposed project.
For example: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Algorithms, API’’s Code injection,
Closures, VI technique etc.
Not more than 4 sentences for one concept.
(Usually 3-5 concepts are briefly mentioned)
15.1. Concept-1: Concept Name E.g. Augmented Reality (Briefly give the overview of concept
with respect to your project)
15.2. Concept-2: Concept Name E.g.

15. Gantt chart

Create the Grant Chart and provide estimated start and end dates of all proposed modules/tasks
for each team member. Also identify the dependencies (which tasks cannot be
started/completed, until the dependent task is completed). Gantt chart can be created using MS

Figure 1: Sample Gantt chart

16. Mockups
Insert minimum mockups (Usually 4-6 mockups) which show the major modules mentioned in
the scope section of the document. Do not include mockups for Login, Signup, Forgot Password,
Contact Us, About Us etc. If the project is a Web or a Smartphone Application, then include at-
least three mockups from each part of the project. You can design mockup in any design tool
for example pencil tool ( or Balsamiq (
Scope Document for Marriage Planner Management System Page 8

Mockup1: About Us Page

Mockup2: Account Setting Page

17. Conclusion
Conclude this document.
(Usually 4-5 sentences)

18. References
Mention the books, research papers, web links etc.
Scope Document for Marriage Planner Management System Page 9

19. Plagiarism Report

Attach the Plagiarism report of your project scope document from library staff of turnitin tool

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