Science Lessonplan

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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able:
A. To enumerate the different sense organs of the body.
B. To appreciate the importance of the sense organs of the body.
C. To give the functions of each of the sense organs.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Chapter III – The Human Body: Sense Organs
Materials: Television, Laptop, Pictures, Charts, Powerpoint Presentation
Reference: Science for Active Minds III (pp. 83) – Julieta P. Valenzuela
Science Curriculum Guide (page 24)
Science Teacher’s Guide (page 43-45)
Science Learner’s Materials (page 18-19)
Values: Thank God for our healthy body every day!
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Opening prayer

Kathlyn, would you like to lead the prayer? Yes teacher.

2. Greetings

Good morning class! How are you today? Good morning teacher! Good morning
classmates! It’s nice to see you today!
3. Checking of Attendance

Okay class, be seated please and keep quiet. (students sits on their respective places)
I’ll just check your attendance.

B. Lesson Development
1. Checking of Assignment

Class, bring out your assignment and put it on

my desk. I’ll check it later.

Give some examples of solid, liquid and gas.
Draw or cut out pictures. Put it on your
assignment notebook.

2. Review/Drill

Okay, let’s proceed to our review on our past

lesson about Phases of Matter. Do you still
remember it? Yes teacher!
Tell me if the object is Solid, Liquid or Gas,
okay class? Yes teacher!

(Shows the pictures in class)

Yes, Mark? The object is rock so its solid.

Very good Mark!

Dianne, can you tell me what Phase of Matter The object is a balloon and it is gas.
is this?

Okay, very good Dianne!

And last, what is in the picture? Anyone? Yes, It’s a milk teacher and its liquid.

Excellent class! You are all correct.

Are you ready for our next lesson? I’m sure Yes teacher!
you all know what these are.

But before that, let’s all stand up to sing our (all stands)
wonderful song about our sense organs.
3. Motivation

(sings the Five Senses song)

C. Presentation of Lesson/Discussion

Our lesson for today is about our sense organs The sense organs of our body are eyes, ears,
of the body. Can you tell me what they are? nose, skin and tongue.
(presents a chart about the five sense organs)

These senses are the five main tools that

humans use. Those senses are sight, smell,
hearing, taste, and touch. We see with our eyes,
we smell with our noses, we listen with our
ears, we taste with our tongue, and we touch
with our skin. Our brain receives signals from
each of these organs, and interprets them to
give us a sense of what's happening around us.

If we don’t have the five senses, can we No, teacher.

Now, I’ll present some pictures and tell me
what they do for you.

What does the tongue do for you, Jeremy? The tongue helps me to taste my food.
What does the ear do for you, Isabelle? The ear helps me to hear sounds and voices.
What does the skin helps you, JR? The skin helps me to feel something.
What do eyes do for you, Janine? The eyes give me sight to see everything.
What do nose do for you, Angel? The nose helps me to smell.

Okay, very good class!

I’ll group you into two groups. I have here Avoid taking very hot soup.
puzzles of the different sense organs that you’ll Blow your nose gently.
arrange and present it to the class the ways on Clean your ear with cotton buds.
how to take care of them. Apply sun-blocking lotion unto your skin
before swimming.
Do not put pointed objects near your eyes.
Avoid reading in moving vehicles.
Rest your eyes when you are tired.
Brush also your tongue when you brush your
Use a pot holder when touching hot pans or
Take a bath regularly.

Well done, class!

Remember class that these senses are vitally

important to how our bodies operate. Without
our senses, we wouldn't have any idea what
was going on around us and the human body
would be functionally useless.

D. Generalization
Again class, what are the five senses and their functions?
The eyes, nose, ear, skin and tongue. The eyes obviously allow us to see. Noses are used to smell
scents. The ears allow us to hear sounds. The tongue allows us to sense hot and cold in food and
liquids. The skin protects us and gives us a feeling of touch.

IV. Evaluation
A. I’ll paste a picture in the blackboard and
identify the different sense organs of the body.
Write the answers on your notebook.

B. Draw the different sense organs and give

each of their functions.
C. Write the things that helps take care of the
sense organs.

V. Assignment
Please bring out your Assignment notebook
and copy your assignment on the board. I’ll
check it next week. I expect that all of you will
do the assignment. We’ll have a short quiz or Yes teacher, we will do it.
review about the five senses.

* Assignment:
Bring a picture of yourself and explain in front
of the class your different sense organs.

Okay, class dismiss! Have a nice day! Good bye teacher. Have a nice day too!

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