Assignment MAT101 Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations. Instructions

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MAT101 Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations.

1. You can answer for any number of questions and correct solutions to Five
problems carry full marks.
2. Use A4 sheets.
3. Submit your Assignment on or before November 2, 2012.
1. Write the applications of Taylor’s expansion for two variables and

Explain with an example.

2. Write any one of the application of Lagrange’s multiplier method.

3. Explain with an example of evaluation of double integrals – change of

order of integration

4. Explain change of variables between Cartesian and polar co-ordinates

5. Explain evaluation of triple integrals – different techniques

6. Explain Change of variables between Cartesian and cylindrical and

spherical polar co-ordinates

7. Write an application of beta and gamma functions - evaluation of

multiple integrals using gamma and beta functions

8. Write an application of Green’s Theorem

9. Write an application of Stoke’s Theorem

10. Write an applications of Gauss divergence theorem

11. Explain any one of the Solving Method of Linear higher order

ordinary differential equation with constant coefficients

12. Explain with an example of application of Laplace transform Techniques.


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