Liberty Newspaper - Case Study Explained: ST ND

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Liberty Newspaper – case study explained

Organizational variables

- Division
- Coordination
- Differentiation
- Liaison
- Dominant actors
- Centralization/decentralization decision making
- Mission/system goals
- Prevailing goals
- Dominant configuration
- Organizational life cycle

How many periods do we consider?

2 possibilities
moving from one stage to another (A -> B -> C) or superposition (something from A and B
you have different units, A,B,C and you characterize them (juxtaposition)

3 periods:

1. Family-owned company
- Conflicts between the shareholders
2. Control and one shareholder
- Redefining the way of working
3. Coming back to family-owned company
- Peaceful, disappearing conflicts

1st phase: family-owned 2nd phase: shareholder control

Work division Work division

- Vertically low: Autonomy, they can choose their - Horizontally low: they are asked to write
subjects (experts) on multiple articles without their decision;
- Horizontally high: very specialized, they work on they are not specialists anymore
specific topics; everyday their work is writing - Vertically high: they don’t have autonomy
articles anymore; they are told what to do

Coordination Coordination

Standardization of skills; experts with large Growing standardization of work processes

autonomy (length, hour of delivery, time sheets,
forms to fill in) – formalized procedures
Input based: CEO; Editor (Operations); Finance;
Marketing; (functions) Input based: CEO; Editor (Operations);
Finance; Marketing; Printing; IT (functions)
They create the IT and Printing department
-> technical constraints based on internal

Liaison mechanisms
Liaison mechanisms Crisis committee – project team (temporary
Informal relationships group); when they found the solution, the
group is dissolved

Management core; shareholders, alliances
Actors with the Marketing Director; people don’t
The journalists -> operational core like the IT department (high level of
digitalization) – standardizing the work of
the printers => constrains

High: more and more rules, less possibilities
for the journalists to take part in the
Centralization decisions
Low ; autonomy of journalists in operational tasks
and involved the strategic decisions (mergers,
editions etc)
Mission/system goals
Mission/system goals System goals: efficiency, changing the
Mission goals: specialized information for mission; they are not a newspaper
decision makers, politicians, intellectuals, focus anymore, they print everything
on quality Journalists move from operational to
logistic support

Configuration Machine – influence of the shareholders
Professional (instrument)

Organizational life cycle

Organizational life cycle Redefinition of the organization
Maturity -> Decline

3rd phase: family owned again -> come back at the professional stage with shareholders being a
little bit more in charge

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