Peer Teaching

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1.1. Background of the Study

Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves

producing and receiving and processing information (Brown, 1994; Burns &

Joyce, 1997). And speaking is an essential tool for communicating. It is one of

form to get information toward oral communication in the world. It becomes more

useful to every person who wants to learn English.

In most conversation, the word flows, with the least mental argue. People

think about what to say, whom they are talking to, where they are talking to and

also they need to know how many times they talk, focusing on their accuracy and

fluency are the main learning process to get better for the students especially in

their speaking performance.

There are several students who want to have a good skill especially in

speaking. According to rubric that proposed by Madsen (1983: 3), the highest

level of speaking ability is when students can speak clearly, have fluent

communication and there is no errors of grammar. It makes the students to

compile a sentence or speech which is not only good but also right and easy to


According to Ur (1996), there are many factors that cause difficulty in

speaking, and they are as follow: 1) Inhibition. Students are worried about making

mistakes, fearful of criticism of simply shy. 2) Nothing to say. Students have no

motive to express themselves. 3) Low or uneven participation. Only one

participant can talk a time because of large classes and the tendency on some

learners to dominate, while others speak very little or not at all. 4) Mother-tongue

use. Learners who share the same mother tongue tend to use it because it is easier

and because learners feel less exposed if they are speaking their mother tongue.

In improving of teaching methodology discipliner of knowledge has given

lots of contributions to teachers in their duties of teaching around the world. One

of them is peer teaching Method, it is a method which allows the learners to

create, motive and regulate themselves. Peer teaching is a method of self-

regulated learning which allows the learners to exercise control over the

acquisition of skills and knowledge (Smith, 2001). According to Boud, at al

(2001) Peer teaching involves students learning from and with each other in ways

which are mutually beneficial and involve sharing knowledge, ideas and

experience between participants. The emphasis is on the learning process,

including the emotional support that learners offer each other, as much as the

learning itself.

Base on the explanation above, this method is very suitable to be used to

overcome the problems that faced in the students. The center of the knowledge is

not in the teacher anymore because the center of the knowledge is in some of

students. It happened because in peer teaching method, a student involves student

learning each other. This method also directly will force student to be an active

participants in the learning process and help to build interpersonal and

communicative skills in among students. Because of this, peer teaching or peer

tutoring method is very suitable to be applied to the students.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

Base on the backgrounds discussed above, this research is focused on the

analysis of using peer teaching method in improving speaking ability of the

students, the writer formulated the research question as follow:

1. How is the response of the students taught to Peer Teaching Method used

to improve their speaking ability at MA Persis 112 Bogor?

2. What is the effect of Peer Teaching Method toward speaking ability of


1.3. Objective of the Research

Based on the statement of the problem above, there are two objectives of

this research. They are:

1. To know the students’ response to Peer Teaching Method used to

improve their speaking ability.

2. To know the effect of Peer teaching Method toward speaking ability of

students after being taught using Peer teaching Method.

1.4. The Scope and Limitation of Study

This topic is very large and because of the limitation, in this study the

researcher just focuses on improving the students’ speaking skill at students of

eleventh grade MA PERSIS 112 BOGOR by using Peer Teaching Method in the

classroom action research.

1.5. Significant of the Study

The result of this research is expected to be useful to know that the Peer

Teaching Method improves students’ speaking ability. It is expected to be useful

for teacher, students and other researchers.

First, teachers are able to use this method as an interesting method in other

that the students can understand more easily. In learning speaking because this

method is a versatile and simple method to improve student’s speaking skill. This

method helps students become active participants in learning English especially in


Second, students can increase the mental of students to speak in front of

their friends and can improve the students’ ability in speaking. The students are

able to have more confident when reporting ideas to whole class. In addition the

“peer teaching method” step of strategy ensures that students teach other students.

Finally, while this method may appear to be time consuming, it makes the

classroom more productive, as students have already had an opportunity to teach

another student before plugging into whole-class convers. This is great way to

motivate students and promote higher-level thinking. Even though the activity is

called Peer Teaching, this is the term many instructors use for pairs and small

groups (four or five students). Often this group discussion “sharing” is followed

up with a larger classroom discussion to solve the problem that the teachers give.

Third, it is useful for further researcher who are interested in doing

researches on teaching speaking using Peer Teaching Method at senior high

school level because this study gives basic information to do the further

researchers, and also for researcher who wants to make Peer Teaching Method as

one of variables that can be used to their researcher to improve the students’

speaking ability.
1.6. The Definition of Key Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation in this paper, the

definition of technical terms are given, the writer defines them as follows:

1. Speaking is a language skill to communicate with other orally

(Sugiman, 1995; 326).

2. Speaking is a communicate threat express the idea, feeling. Massage by

using the voice to people (Oxford dictionary).

3. Speaking ability is a part of language capability that consists of

linguistic competence (William little Wood; 1996: P6).

4. Improving (derived from improve) means become getter an effect to

make something getter, the similar meaning with increase (Hornby,


5. Peer teaching is a method of self-regulated learning which allows the

learner to exercise control over the acquisition of skill or knowledge

(Smith, 2001).


In this chapter consists of some theories related to the research. They are:

(1) Theory of Speaking, (2) Strategies of Teaching Speaking, (3) The theory of

Peer Teaching Method, (4) Previous Study, and (5) Theoretical Conclusion.

2.1. The Theory of Speaking

In this paragraph the researcher will describe about the theory of speaking.

Speaking is the active and productive skill. It is very important in other to enable

students to communicate effectively through oral language because the disability

of the students to speak may lead them to be unable to express their ideas even in

the small form of conversation.

In addition Cameron (2001:40) states that speaking is the active of use

language to express meaning so that other people can make sense of them.

Moreover, it is recognized as an interactive, social and contextualized

communicative event. It is supported by Brown (2001:267), says that speaking is

an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving,

and processing information. It means that through speaking, people can get any

information what they want and they need and also people can communicate and

interact with other people.

Based on the explanation about the theory of speaking above the writer can

conclude that speaking is the important skill of language which is about

expressing his/her ideas interactively, opinion or feelings to others by using words

and sounds of articulations in order to inform, to persuade and to entertain which

supported by opportunity and ability.

In teaching process, the teacher should use the strategy of teaching to make

students active in the class especially in speaking class. There are some strategies

which can be used in teaching speaking and it can improve students’ speaking

ability especially in SMAN 1 DUKUPUNTANG CIREBON.

2.1. Strategies of Teaching Speaking

A various number of speaking teaching strategies are utilized and used in

the classrooms for many circumstances. Among others, the strategies of teaching

speaking are cooperative activities, role-play, creative tasks, and drilling.

First, Cooperative activities can encourage negotiation of language item

(Newton and Nation, 2009). It means that cooperative activities can encourage

students to be an active participant in the class.

Second, Role plays are activities where students are asked to pretend to be

in various social contexts and various social roles (Harmer, 2001; Thornbury,

2005; Solcova, 2011). It means that role play activities can make students creative

to share about their idea and experiences.

Third, Creative tasks resemble real-life tasks as Solcova (2011) asserts that

students develop their fluency best, if engaged in tasks where all their

concentration focuses on producing something, rather than on the language itself.

Fourth, Drilling, as Thornbury (2005) argues, is a strategy to improve

pronunciation by imitating and repeating words, phrases, and even whole

utterances. It functions to make students pay attention to the new materials and

emphasize words, phrases, or utterances on students’ mind, move new items from

working memory to long term memory, provide means of gaining articulatory

control over language (Thornbury, 2005).

In addition, designing activities for teaching speaking requires some

principles to consider. Firstly, speaking activities need to maximize the production

of language to provide the best conditions for autonomous language use (Brown,

2001; Thornbury, 2005). Secondly, the activities should be performed in

situations where students can show interest, understanding, and ask questions or

make comments, called interactivity, and include competitive element where

students work together to achieve certain purpose (Thornbury, 2005). Thirdly,

teachers bear in mind what student needs, from language-based focus on accuracy

to message-based focus on interaction, meaning, and fluency to encourage the use

of authentic language in meaningful contexts (Brown, 2001).

Besides, meaningful contexts for each activity is important to relate new

material with what has been learned and experienced by students so that it can be

stored in the long-term memory of students (Brown, 2001; Richards and Rodgers,

2002) Meanwhile, the functions of speaking including talk as transaction aims to

exchange information or goods, and talk as interaction aims to maintain social

relationship (Brown and Yule, 1999; Brown, 2001; Bailey, 2005; Thornbury,

2005; Richards, 2008).

Base on the explanation above the researcher will teach speaking through

one of strategies in learning English to improve students’ speaking ability by

using Peer Teaching Method.

2.2. The Theory of Peer Teaching Method

In this paragraph the researcher will talk about peer teaching. Peer Teaching

is one of ranges learning strategies. It can be formal and informal activity.

Learning models that are considered to have high effectiveness is Peer Teaching

Method, according to Boud, et al. (2001) is Peer Teaching or called Peer Learning

that: Peer teaching involves students learning from and with each other in

knowledge in ideas between participant. The emphasis is one the learning process

including in emotional support that learners offer each other, as much as learning


The term Peer Tutoring contains the same meaning Peer Tutor and Peer

Teaching. Silberman (2006) in Iva (2009) explains that Peer teaching is one of

approach teaching to get requires learner to be able to teach other students. By

Peer teaching approach students are required to discuss actively with their peers or

do group tasks given by the teacher, weather tasks is done at home or at school.

In addition Peer Teaching is a learning strategy suitable for adult learning

(andragogy) and self-direction. According to Jarvis (2001) Peer Teaching is a

learner centered activity because the members of the educational and facilitate

learning opportunities for each other.

Base on the explanation about the definition of peer teaching method above.

The writer can conclude that peer teaching is a method of learning process that

students teach other students because through peer teaching approach students feel

comfortable and easy to get any information from other students.

2.3. Teaching Speaking Through Peer Teaching Method

Peer teaching learning method is an interactive learning strategy with peer

tutor teaching system that will help underprivileged learners or less quickly

receive lessons from their teachers. Peer tutor activities for learners are activities

that are rich in actual experience and are the needs of the learners themselves.

Tutor or Tutee equally benefit, for tutor will get experience, being tutee will be

more creative in receiving lesson.

It seems easier for learners to express opinions or thoughts and difficulties

to their own friends than to teachers, learners more embarrassed. This is possible

because among learners has formed their own language, behavior, and also

feelings that can be accepted by all students

According to A Martz and Timothy E. Heron (1994). They present Peer

Teaching lessons in the following stages:

a. Make preparations

In the first step, the teacher has to make preparation before learning with

Peer Teaching learning method, they are:

1) Guidance format

Teachers should consider the characteristics of students, available

resources, and objectives of learning to maximize the achievement of learning


2) Select a partner

Participants can be paired by teachers, either randomly, based on skill

level, or with special consideration for learners with behavior or achievement,

participants present, each spent 5 to 10 minutes as a tutor.

3) Train tutors

Training the tutor is done to avoid mistakes in presenting the results of

group discussion.

4) Set the learning atmosphere

Setting the learning atmosphere requires the teacher's role in scheduling.

Guidance can be implemented as little as once a week or as often as every

day. However, at least 2-3 days a week it is recommended that tutors and

tutees be able to use trained behavior. The guidance usually lasts 30 minutes,

with 20 minutes provided for learning and 10 minutes for tests, reviews and


b. Run the program

In this stage the teacher should prepare the program before teaching in the

class, they are:

1) Pre-test

2) Exercise

3) Test

c. Enrichment and extension

Additional Practice provides enrichment and expansion of activities related to

the topic of learning. For example, if learners practice speaking, they may use

groups of discussion and many other skills can be included in the extension

program. Teachers are reminded to direct where facts, applications, or concepts

can be entered or extended. This procedure serves as a good review and facilitates

generalization with new situations.

2.4. Previous Study

Previous study is the review of relevant research that has been conducted in

which it reviews the previous research that is relevant to the present research. In

conducting this study, the researcher wants to improve students’ speaking ability

using Peer Teaching Method. The researcher used the following previous studies

as the basic consideration to conduct this present study.

The researcher has found relevant previous studies which are relevant to this

research. There are two previous studies that the researcher chose. The first study

was conducted by Risnawati (2014) from English Department of FKIP UMMY

Solok, entitledThe Effect of Using Think Pair Share TechniqueIn Increasing

Students Ability On Descriptive Text (an Experimental Research At The Eight

Grade Students of SMPN 5 Kubung at 2013/2014 Academic Year). This research

was conducted in two classes. The first class (VIII-2) was as experimental class

and the second class (VIII-3) was as the control class. The students of both classes

were given pre-test to know their ability in speaking skill, after that the students

were given a post test. The result of the test was analyzed by using t-test. From the

test, it was found that tcalculatedwas higher than ttablewhere Tcalculated= 2,25 and

Ttable(0,975:42) = 2,00, thus Ho hypothesis was rejected and H1 hypothesis was

accepted. In conclusion, there was significant improvement of Think Pair Share

technique applied toward the speaking ability of descriptive text of the eight grade

students of SMP N 5 Kubung in the academic year 2013/2014.

The second is from Sindy Diaz & Juan Carlos Laguado (2013) who

conducted a research on “Improving Reading Skills Trough Skimming and

Scanning Techniques”. Maxwell (1969) defines skimming as getting the main

idea or gist of a selection quickly in a written text. While scanning, which is

defined as the ability to locate specific facts and details quickly, is regarded as a

desirable reading skill and is taught in most developmental reading courses. This

research adopted an action research design by Burn (1999), action research carries

out a rationalized six-steps procedure, which consist of: identifying problems,

analysis of problems, formulating ideas or hypothesis, gathering and interpreting

data, implementation-action and evaluating the result of action. They found four

main categories emerged after the research. One of the categories is motivation

increases the effectiveness of skimming and scanning techniques. The motivation

was essential since it helped to change the students’ perceptions toward reading in

English. For example before the implementation of the project, it was noticed that

participant had a negative attitude when facing texts that required comprehension,

however, after working with the two techniques their attitude changed, since the

participants worked more actively and with interest on the different texts making

their reading process more effective.

Overall, this research is different from the studies above. The different is that

those researchers above used experimental and class action research.

In the experimental research, she used verification of the theory to know if the

method was successful for improving students’ speaking skill or not. In the class

action research they used teaching reading comprehension toward skimming and

scanning techniques. They used one of the main categories to increase the

effectiveness of skimming and scanning techniques that is motivation. But in this

research, the researcher used teaching using peer teaching method to improve
students speaking ability, and the sample will be taken at first grade of SMAN 1

Dukupuntang Cirebon.

2.5. TheoreticalConclusion

The writer used some theories in conducting this research. The first is the

theory of speaking. Theory of speaking is the main part of speaking.

Brown (2001:267) said that speaking is interactive process of constructing

meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing information. Strategy

of teaching is really needed in teaching speaking because it can improve students’

speaking ability. There are four strategies, they are: cooperative activities, role

play, creative tasks, and drilling.

Then the researcher used peer teaching method to improve students’

speaking ability. According to Boud, et al. (2001) is Peer Teaching or called Peer

Learning that: Peer teaching involves students learning from and with each other

in knowledge in ideas between participants. The emphasis is one the learning

process including in emotional support that learners offer each other, as much as

learning itself. According to A Martz and Timothy E Heron (1994). They present

Peer Teaching lessons in the following stages: those are making preparation, run

the program, and enrichment and extension.



Research method is an important component of the important in the study.

This chapter consists of six parts the type of research, they are: (1) The research

design, (2) The subject of study, (3) Data source, (4) Data gathering, (5) Data

analysis, and (6) The criterion of the action success.

3.1. The Research Design

Nowadays, in teaching English, a teacher usually makes and needs

development and empowerment into his class. One way to improve the quality of

teaching English process is to do Classroom Action Research (CAR). The term

“Class Action Research” is very familiar with English teacher, particularly

professional or certified teacher, in doing this research, the teacher also functions

as the researcher because it involves the teacher inside the classroom rather than

being carried out solely by specialist from outside the classroom (Philliphs& Carr,

2010). The researcher decided to conduct an action research by implementing the

model proposed by Kemmis&Mc Taggart model as cited in Burn (2010:7-9).

There are four phases in a cycle of research using Kemmis&Mc Taggart model,

they are: Planning, Action, Observation, and Reflection in the Class Action

Research (CAR).

3.2. The Subject of Study

This classroom action research will be focused on topic of improving

students’ speaking ability through peer teaching method. The subject of this study

is the students in the first grade of SMAN 1 Dukupuntang Cirebon.

3.3. Data Source

Data is very importantsource of information. To complete the data in this

research, the writer commits the steps to take the data from the following data

source. They are: interview, observation and tests.

3.3.1. Interview

The writer will conduct interview of SMAN 1 Dukupuntang Cirebon.

The writer will interview the English teacher and then will interview students

of first grade SMAN 1 Dukupuntang Cirebon. First the writer will ask about,

the weakness of students in speaking English, the ability of the students in

memorizing vocabulary, the activeness of the students in learning English

especially in speaking, and the difficulties of the students get in pronunciation.

Then the writer will ask the students about the difficulties in speaking and in

memorizing vocabulary, the weakness in mastering speaking and about the

pronunciation. The writer will know the students’ difficulties and deficiency in

English speaking and the writer will make some notes about the information.

3.3.2. Observation

The writer will do observation in the first grade of SMAN 1

Dukupuntang the preliminary study while he will teach in the class and also the

writer will observe the students’ response, the class situation and the class

activities then the writer will write any information that the writer has got from

this observation in his notebook and then the writer tries to analyze the

problems have found in the class.

3.3.3. Tests

The researcher will give the test after implementing the teaching strategy

that the researcher chooses, and hewill compare the result of the students’ test

score. Then the researcher will ask for the students’ score before implementing

the strategy to the English teacher. When the test has shown the success will

stop in cycle one. But when the students still do not get the success, the

researcher will continue to cycle two.

3.4. Data Gathering

In this research the researcher will act in the classroom action research not

only as the researcher but also as the teacher, the planner, and also he will make

the test in each final cycle, collect the data, analyze and report the result of the


The model of action research will use in this study is the model developed

by Kemmis and Mc Taggart (1992). The model consists of four steps: (1)

planning of the action, (2) implementing of the action, (3) observing of the

actionand (4) making analysis and reflection. Here is the explanation about four

Picture 3.4

Cyclical Action Research Model Based on Kemmis and Mc Taggart.


Observe the situation in
order to identify the problem






3.4.1. Reconnaissance Phase

In this part, the researcher will identify the problem that will be faced by

the teacher and the students in teaching and learning process. The problem will be

identifiedas follows: The interview

Before applying Class Action Research and strategy of learning that the

researcher chooses, the researcher will give the questionnaire to the teacher and

also to the students. It will be an unstructured interview. It will be done on

Saturday, 25th November 2017 to the teacher and Monday, 27th November

2017 to the students. After that the researcher will ask to the teacher and

students some questions in different place and time. The plans of the interview

are as follows: The Interview to the English Teacher

In this part the researcher will give some questions to the teacher.

They are:

(1) howare the response of students and attitude of students to the

lesson of English in the class?

(2) What is the value of KKM that school gives to the students in

English lesson especially in speaking?

(3) Is there a student who can reach the standard of score KKM?

(4) What makes students felling difficult to speak or say in English?

(5) What skill method has been used in teaching speaking?

(6) What problems are often experienced when teaching speaking?

(7) Is there any other method to overcome the problem of students

in learning English especially in speaking? The Interview to The Students

In this part, the researcher will ask the students several questions.

They are:

(1) How is the response of student to speaking lesson?

(2) What makes speaking difficult for the students?

(3) Is the method given by the teacher make them interested to learn

English especially in speaking? The Class of Observation

In this part, the researcher will conduct observation at first grade of

SMAN 1 Dukupuntang Cirebon in academic year of 2017/2018. The

observation will be done on Tuesday, November 28th 2017. It will start at 08.00

a.m and will finish at 09.30 a.m. the researcher will observe how the teacher

will give the lesson and teach the students. And also the researcher will join to

the class and analyze the problems during learning English in the class.

Table 3.1 Reconnaissance Schedule

No. Date Activity

1. Sat, November 25th 2017 Interviewing the English teacher

2. Mon, November 27th 2017 Interviewing the students in the class

1. joining the class and observing the


3. Tue, November 28th 2017 2. analyzing the result of the observation.

3. drawing the conclusion and choosing the

next step/action.

3.4.2. Cycle one

The classroom action research consists of four step phase: planning,

acting, observingreflection within two cycles. In the first cycle the researcher will

find the result and the problems in this research. Planning Phase

In this step, the researcherwill make a plan about the process in the

class. The researcher will identify the problems and will choose strategy. After

that the researcher will prepare the teaching material.

Table 3.2 Planning Schedule in the First Cycle

No. Date Activity

Wed, November 29th

1. choosing the strategies

1. Preparing the material ( the topic and

Thu, November 30
2. strategies ) collecting the data
2. Preparing the lesson plan Acting Phase

In this step, the researcher will conduct the action which has been

planned in the previous phase such as what method will be used, what material

will be chosen and taught and others. After that, the researcher will use Peer

Teaching Method to teach speaking. While teaching the students, the

researcher also will observe the students’ response to get qualitative data. And

also the researcher will give the students test in the last meeting to support the

Table 3.3 Acting Schedule in the First Cycle

No Date Activity

First meeting : ( duration : 40 min)

1. Pre - teaching

a. The teacher will introduce the topic to the

students and will ask students questions related

to the topic.

b. The teacher will give short explanation about the

material, the material is discussion.

“ our beloved family”

2. While - teaching

a. The teacher will explain the students about the

Fri, October 1st
1. topic that will be discussed
b. The teacher will select students to choose a


c. Students gave response such as comments,

question, and criticism

d. Asking students to work pair in every group.

e. Controlling students when they work pair in

every group.

f. Checking by asking students to present result of

work in pairs.

g. The teacher will give enrichment and

extensionprogram for tutor who will teach in

every group.

3. Post - teaching

a. Giving feedback for making the students more


b. Making evaluation.

c. Giving motivation

Second Meeting : ( duration : 40 min )

1. Pre - teaching

a. The teacher will introduce the topic to the

students and will ask students questions related to

the topic.

b. The teacher will give short explanation about the

material, the material is discussion.

“the condition of the house“

Sat, October 2
2. 2. While – teaching
a. The teacher will explain the students about the

topic that will be discussed

b. The teacher will select students to choose a


c. Students gave response such as comments,

question, and criticism

d. Asking students to work pair in every group.

e. Controlling students when they work pair in every


f. Checking by asking students to present result of

work in pairs.

g. The teacher will give enrichment and extension

program for tutor who will teach in every group.

3. Post – teaching

4. Giving feedback for making the students more


5. Making evaluation.

6. Giving motivation.

Third meeting : ( duration : 40 min )

1. Pre – teaching

a. The teacher will introduce the topic to the

students and will ask students questions related

to the topic.

b. The teacher will give short explanation about the

Mon, October material, the material is discussion.

4th 2017 “the condition of the market”

2. While – teaching

a. The teacher will explain the students about the

topic that will be discussed

b. The teacher will select students to choose a


c. Students gave response such as comments,

question, and criticism

d. Asking students to work pair in every group.

e. Controlling students when they work pair in

every group.

f. Checking by asking students to present result of

work in pairs.

g. The teacher will give enrichment and extension

program for tutor who will teach in every group.

3. Post – teaching

a. Giving feedback for making the students more


b. Making evaluation.

c. Giving motivation.

Fourth meeting : ( duration : 40 min )

1. Pre – teaching

b. The teacher will introduce the topic to the

students and will ask students questions related

to the topic.
Tue, 5th
4. c. The teacher will give short explanation about the
October 2017
material, the material is discussion.

“the condition of the hospital”

4) While – teaching

a. The teacher will explain the students about the

topic that will be discussed

b. The teacher will select students to choose a


c. Students gave response such as comments,

question, and criticism

d. Asking students to work pair in every group.

e. Controlling students when they work pair in

every group.

f. Checking by asking students to present result of

work in pairs.

g. The teacher will give enrichment and extension

program for tutor who will teach in every group.

5) Post – teaching

a. Giving feedback for making the students more


b. Making evaluation.

c. Giving motivation.

Wed, October
5. First test
6th 2017 Observing Phase

According to Kemmis’ model, the observation step will be done after

doing acting step, but in the practice it will be done in the same time. After

doing the activity, then doing the observation is done. In the observation, the

writer will note the activities and notice everything in the classroom, then the
writer will write all which happen in the classroom, will carry out observation

sheet, to write the information about the students’ response, the students’

activities, and situation in the classroom, etc. Reflecting Phase

The Reflectingphase is to make evaluation from three previous steps.It

will be done based on the data that will have been collected to hold evaluation

for completing the observation and action result. After implementing the

action, the researcher will obtain the students’ test result.

Table 3.4 Reflecting Schedule in the First Cycle

No. Date Activity

1. Thu, October 7th 2017 1. Correction Students’ test

2. Sorting and analyzing the data

3. Drawing conclusion

4. Decide to the next step (cycle 2)

5.1. Data Analysis

To collect the data, the researcher is going to collect them using some steps.

The first is categorizing the data that will get from planning, acting, and observing

process from general to specific data and he also will collect the important data.

After that the researcher will analyze the data that he has got from interview

process. The last the researcher will conclude the result of the data of this

In analyzing the data relates to the students’ test of speaking ability, the

researcher will use analytical scoring rubric proposed by Madsen (1983:167). The

content of the test will require the students to improve and develop their English

especially in speaking ability through four points in the oral English rating scale.

According to Madsen (1983:167), the four points are: fluency, vocabulary,

grammar, and pronunciation.

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