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Name: Cristine Joy Papa Date Submitted: October 7, 2019

Section: 11-Maturity Speech Project: Entertainment

Title: Perks of Being Small
Specific Speech Purpose: To entertain the audience that there are also advantages of
being a small person.

Thesis Statement: Nowadays, being a small person tend to a disadvantage; well, in reality, it
has so many perks where you can do than the tall person cannot.

I. Introduction

A. Attention Step: Are you familiar with “The Snow White and the 7 DWARFS?” How about
“SMURFS,” “Dexter’s Laboratory,” “Plankton in the Spongebob Squarepants”? These are just
some of the cartoon characters and movies children usually watch.

B. Clarification Step: What did you notice? All of them are small, right? They might be small,
but surely they have a high impact on the story.

II. Body
A. How can you say a person is small or short?
1. A small person is usually called “dwarf,” “midget,” “nanus,” and etc., is believed to
be below the average size.
2. Being a small or short person will somehow hard to carry loads, always in the first
line, and used as an armrest by tall people.

B. I am also part of small or short group.

1. My experience as a short person which affect my whole being.
2. The things I do to handle this problem.

C. A short person can also be a blessing on disguise.

1. The advantages of being small on a daily basis.
2. There are health benefits of being short or small person.

III. Conclusion
Hopefully, all of the small or short people will appreciate their height at this point since not
everything that comes big is eventually big at all. Height is nothing when it comes to courage
and mind. Whether you are tall, average or even a small person, each of us can contribute
differently. Be proud and be thankful for what you have. You know what? We, short people,
maintain a great perspective because we are always looking up. Keep calm and love short
girls like me.

Name: Cristine Joy Papa Date Submitted: October 7, 2019

Section: 11-Maturity Speech Project: Informative
Title: Importance of Having a Family in a Child’s Life
Specific Speech Purpose: To enlighten the audience about whatever happens, family will
always be their comfort zone.

Thesis Statement: Family has a significant influence in shaping a child’s growth and

I. Introduction

A. Attention Step: “Cristine Joy Papa!,” “Kung makapagkalat ka akala mo may katulong
ka,” Isa! Dalawa! Tatlo! “Papunta ka pa lang pabalik na ko,” “Hindi ako nagtatae ng
pera,” “Aha! Sumasagot ka na ha, baket sumasagot ka!?”, “Ayan kakacellphone mo
yan” these are some of the dialogues that we hear from our parents when they are
disciplining us.

B. Clarification Step: Today, let me tell you the essence of our families like our parents –
fathers and mothers; in helping us achieve the right and successful path in life.

II. Body
A. How to be a parent?
1. As a parents, it is their role to provide the basic needs of their childlike foods, shelter,
clothes, and care.
2. Parents are also considered as the “role model.” It is also their role to guide their children
on the right path.

B. Everything starts to explore and developed at home.

1. Parents are also the ones who develop the different skills of their children, such as
language skills, cognitive skills, and emotional skills.
2. The home is the foundation of a child’s interpersonal development.

C. The discipline techniques which parents should introduce to their children.

1. Giving them responsibilities, such as doing the household chores.
2. Setting a limit time when using technology and gadgets.

D. Effects of lack of a well-structured family unit or broken homes.

1. It will be a significant impact on the child’s emotional and mental health.
2. Can lead to the destruction of a child’s life, such as taking illegal drugs and early

E. In a family, you will found a friend.

1. A person you can share your happy and sad moments.
2. If you are broken with your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend. They can be your shoulder to
cry on.

III. Conclusion
A family has a significant contribution and a foundation in our life. Everything we do
revolves with our family. Without our parents, we are not, we are today, so we must
appreciate them because at the end of the day, “blood is thicker than water” whatever

happens with us, the family will be our home. We may grow in different branches like a tree,
but like a root, our family will remain.

Name: Cristine Joy Papa Date Submitted: October 7, 2019

Section: 11-Maturity Speech Project: Persuasive
Title: You should take the HUMSS Strand in SHS
Specific Speech Purpose: To share with the audience that being a HUMSS student is also a
great feeling and experience.

Thesis Statement: HUMSS is not HUMSS only. Being an HUMSS student is not easy, but it has
many advantages that you can learn and apply in your life.

I. Introduction

A. Attention Step: “Hope” is the thing with feathers— That perches in the soul— And sings
the tune without the words— And never stops—at all— by Emily Dickinson entitled “Hoping
is the Thing with Feather,” which is considered to be his most significant and famous poem.

B. Clarification Step: As a HUMSS student, a poem is part of our world. Let me introduce
and brought you to the world of HUMSS.

II. Body
A. What are the weapons of a HUMSS student?
1. A brain that is always ready to fight a battle with many ideas in his/her mind.
2. 101% self-confidence since it deals mostly with performances.

B. As a HUMSS student, it will train you with developing your physical, emotional, and even
mental skills.
1. You are able to think and consider all the sides of a situation.
2. As a human, be able to share your thoughts and ideas about different things.
3. If you are a shy person, it would be your time to shine and speak up.

C. The things that the HUMSS strand revolves around.

1. Improving one’s reading and writing skills.
2. Struggling with public speaking? Technically, this will develop you.

D. Future works if you end up in the HUMSS strand.

1. If you are a person more of writing stories and poems, curious about news, and are fond
of reading books, you can be a writer.
2. Do you love to speak around a lot of people? Do you love public speaking? Then be one
of the news reporters, teachers, or lawyers.

III. Conclusion
HUMSS is all about passion and heart. For those people who are saying HUMSS is easy,
you are wrong. It is not easy, but it is fun to discover and explore the real world. Let us stop
strand discrimination because all of the strands have their own uniqueness. After all,
remember that do whatever the fire in your heart burns for, and your story will write itself.

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