6.1.1 Creating Data Set Files

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Chapter 6.

Storing Data Sets and Generating Reports

6.1 Data Set Files (cont.)

Figure 61: The Files Menu allows access to all data set and output functions.

6.1.1 Creating Data Set Files

To store instrument settings in a new data-set file, follow this procedure

1. Activate the FILES MENU.

2. Press next to ACTION until STORE DATASET appears.

3. Press twice next to FILENAME. Use the two knobs and the instrument’s text-entry feature to input the data
set’s name (as shown in Figure 62 on page 139). Note that an “underscore” character is not available and can
therefore not be included in data set file names.
Note: Press and hold for three seconds to clear filename. Press one more time to get the edit cursor.

4. Press next to SOURCE/DEST until the desired file-saving destination appears. Choices include:
INT MEMORY – A limited number of data sets can be stored in the instrument; however, these data sets will
not include a stored image or related A-Scans.

SD CARD – Primary destination for data sets, which will include a frozen display image and related A-Scans.

DIALOG PROBE (Phased Array only) – Abbreviated data sets can be stored in connected phased-array dialog

5. With the desired data set name input, press next to ENTER to complete the data set creation process. The
instrument’s settings have been saved in the data set.

138 Phasor XS User’s Manual

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