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First Grade Math

111.14. Mathematics
Within a well-balanced mathematics curriculum, the primary focal points at Grade 2 are developing an
understanding of the base-ten place value system, comparing and ordering whole numbers, applying
addition and subtraction, and using measurement processes.

The student will learn addition and subtraction with place values using trading and manipulatives
(flats-100, longs-10, units-1). The student will learn the three stages, concrete (using manipulatives),
bridging (using both manipulatives and symbols) and symbolic (written/numerical) form, of how to solve
addition and subtraction problems.

Materials needed:
•flats, longs and units.
•multi-faceted die numbered 0-6
•Dry erase marker and eraser (paper towel)
•Poster with sections for flats, longs and units
•Teams of two (banker and a customer)

1. Concrete stage-
Introduce what flats, longs and units are. A flat is single piece divided into 100 parts. A long is a single
piece divided into 10 parts and a unit is a single part. It takes 10 units to make one long and 10 longs to
make one flat.
a. Students will be divided into teams of two. One student will be the banker and hold the flat, long
and unit pieces. The other student will be the customer and hold the poster and the die. The
customer will roll the die and whatever number the die falls on the banker will give the customer
the appropriate pieces. Each roll of the die will add onto the previous pieces. When the customers
reaches ten units, he/she must trade for long. The objective is collect enough longs to trade for a
2. Bridging stage-
Each team will have the materials previous used minus the die, as well as a dry erase marker and eraser
(paper towel).
a. To begin the teacher write a subtraction problem on the board. Each team will write or assemble
the problem at their desk. The student with the marker will write problem on their desk and other
student will assemble the problem using the manipualtives, units for the 1ʼs place, longs for the
10ʼs place, etc.
b. As the teacher works the problem on the board each team will work the problem using their
materials. The teams will work at the same pace, one not working faster than the other. The
problem will require a borrow/trade. The students with the manipulatives will use their pieces to
trade, i.e units for 1ʼs, longs for 10ʼs and continue to work the problem. The objective is to have
the teams finish solving the problem at the same time.
3. Symoblic stage-
For this stage students will no longer need the manipulatives. All students will need a marker and eraser.
a. The teacher will write a problem on the board. Each student will copy the problem on their
desk. The students will them convert the symbolic form of the problem to flats, longs, and
units, but using only their marker and their desk. The teacher will go around and assist, if/
where needed. The first to solve the problem correctly, wins the game. Students are then
encourage to come up with their own problems and solve them.
Worksheets are handed out with addition and subtraction problems. Some problems will be in symbolic
(numerical) form and some will be in concrete (manipulative) form. Students will convert the problem to
their opposing form and solve.

Math Song for Teaching Columns: Ones, Tens, Hundreds
Arnold Rosenthal

Ones', tens', and hundreds' columns

Ones', tens', and hundreds' columns
Ones', tens, and hundreds' columns
This Is what they do: (clap clap)

The ones' column counts the single digits.....


The tens' column counts the double digits.....


"All right! Let's count in the columns!"

Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,

And nine.

Tens, twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, sixties,

Seventies, eighties, and nineties.

One hundreds, two hundreds, three hundreds,

Four hundreds, five hundreds, six hundreds,
Seven hundreds, eight hundreds, and nine hundreds!


Mr. Alan Cazares TCC Mathematics NW Campus

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