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Chapter 5.

Making Conventional Measurements

5.17.1 Recording the JISDAC Curve (cont.)

Note: When the first JISDAC reference point is stored, two measurement result boxes will be automatically set (if not
already configured) to display SA and A%A values.
4. Continue to record additional Curve points, following steps 2 and 3, up to a maximum of 15 points (note that at
least two JISDAC Curve points are required).

5. When complete, press next to FINISH.

5.17.2 Working with DAC
In JISDAC mode the instrument uses the user-input reference points to create a curve representing the amplitudes of
echoes representing same-size reflectors at varying material depth (Figure 60 below). To turn JISDAC evaluation mode
ON or OFF:

1. With the JISDAC Menu accessed, select the SETUP submenu.

2. Press next to the JISDAC function to select ON or OFF. The JISDAC Curve will appear whenever turned ON.

Interpreting JISDAC Lines and Classes

The JISDAC display contains a recorded reference line and five fixed offset lines. Three of the lines are labeled as

H Line – Connects the recorded reference points

M Line – Fixed offset positioned 6 dB below the H line
L Line – Fixed offset positioned 12 dB below the H line

Figure 60: Storing at least two JISDAC points allows you to generate a recorded reference line (identified as H)
and corresponding offset lines. Line H, M, or L can be chosen as the reference line from which measurements
are based.

134 Phasor XS User’s Manual

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